50 research outputs found

    Analise da cadeia produtiva de peles e couros no Brasil.

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    A Cadeia Produtiva de Peles e Couros, em conjunto com o Sistema Agroindustrial das Carnes, encontra-se entre os segmentos de grande potencial competitivo e insercao internacional. Essa afirmativa ganha ainda mais destaque quando se considera que as pesquisas em peles e couros vem assumindo um carater mais abrangente, extrapolando as acoes usuais de aplicação do produto em manufaturados e artefatos em peles e couros, entre outros.bitstream/item/105020/1/COT68.pdfCNPGC

    Genome wide association study of Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm)

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    Background: Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm) is defined as FEV1 &lt;80% predicted, FEV1/FVC ≥0.70. PRISm is associated with respiratory symptoms and co-morbidities. Our objective was to discover novel genetic signals for PRISm and see if they provide insight into the pathogenesis of PRISm and associated co-morbidities.Methods: We undertook a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of PRISm in UK Biobank participants (Stage 1), and selected SNPs reaching genome-wide significance for replication in 13 cohorts (Stage 2). A combined meta-analysis of Stage 1 and Stage 2 was done to determine top SNPs. We used cross-trait Linkage Disequilibrium score regression to estimate genome-wide genetic correlation between PRISM and pulmonary and extra-pulmonary traits. Phenome-wide association studies of top SNPs was performed. Results: 22 signals reached significance in the joint meta-analysis, including four signals novel for lung function. A strong genome-wide genetic correlation (rg) between PRISm and spirometric COPD (rg = 0.62, p-value &lt;0.001) was observed, and genetic correlation with type II diabetes (rg = 0.12, p-value 0.007). PheWAS showed that 18 of 22 signals were associated with diabetic traits and 7 with blood pressure traits.Discussion: This is the first GWAS to successfully identify SNPs associated with PRISm. Four of the signals; rs7652391 (nearest gene MECOM), rs9431040 (HLX), rs62018863 (TMEM114) and rs185937162 (HLA-B) have not been described in association with lung function before, demonstrating the utility of using different lung function phenotypes in GWAS. Genetic factors associated with PRISm are strongly correlated with risk of both other lung diseases and extra-pulmonary co-morbidity.<br/

    Impactos dos subsídios agrícolas dos Estados Unidos na expansão do agronegócio brasileiro

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    Nos fóruns de negociações multilaterais da Organização Mundial de Comércio subsiste veemente debate com intuito de eliminar as subvenções agrícolas nos países desenvolvidos. Contudo, os Estados Unidos têm aumentado o volume desses subsídios, causando distorções no comércio agrícola mundial. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os impactos desses subsídios norte-americanos (Loan Deficiency Payments), concedidos no período de 2002 a 2007, sobre o crescimento do agronegócio brasileiro. Os resultados permitem inferir que a redução dos subsídios nos EUA propiciaria o crescimento da produção agroindustrial brasileira e ampliaria o superávit na balança comercial desse setor, com crescimento conjunto das exportações e importações. Portanto, cortes nesses subsídios contribuiriam para maior competitividade das exportações brasileiras e gerariam oportunidades para o crescimento do agronegócio.In the forums of multilateral negotiations of the World Trade Organization (WTO) there has been a strong debate which tries to eliminate the agricultural subventions in the developed countries. However, the United States has increased the amount of these subsidies causing distortions in the world agricultural trade. Therefore, the purpose of this research has been to evaluate these American subsidies impacts (Loan Deficiency Payments) given between 2002 and 2007 upon the Brazilian agribusiness growth. The findings allow to deduce that the reduction of the subsidies in the United States might promote the growth of the Brazilian agribusiness production and might produce trade surplus in the trade balance in this sector as well as the growth of both exports and imports. Hence the cuts in these subsidies would contribute to a bigger competitiveness of the Brazilian exports and would generate opportunities to the agribusiness growth

    State of the world’s plants and fungi 2020

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    Kew’s State of the World’s Plants and Fungi project provides assessments of our current knowledge of the diversity of plants and fungi on Earth, the global threats that they face, and the policies to safeguard them. Produced in conjunction with an international scientific symposium, Kew’s State of the World’s Plants and Fungi sets an important international standard from which we can annually track trends in the global status of plant and fungal diversity

    A high-resolution palaeoclimate record for the last 4800 years from lake la Brava, SE pampas plains, Argentina

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    19 Pags.- 1 Tabl.- 6 Figs. Geofísica Internacional by Instituto de Geofísica is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.[ES] Los cambios climáticos son reflejados en las variaciones de diferentes parámetros. Las secuencias sedimentarias de lagos son buena fuente de esta información debido a que proveen grabaciones continuas y detalladas de cambios paleoclimáticos. Para determinar los cambios en el clima al SE de la llanura Pampeana, se presentan estudios de magnetismo de rocas realizados en un testigo colectado del fondo de la Laguna La Brava (Argentina). También se midieron contenidos totales de sulfuro, carbón orgánico e inorgánico (TS, TOC y TIC), elementos alcalinos, metales pesados y livianos, y cambios en las comunidades de vegetación. Se realizaron cinco determinaciones de edades radiocarbónicas y se calcularon las edades calibradas. La tasa promedio de acumulación de sedimento es 1.3 mm/año y la secuencia representa los últimos 4800 años en edades calibradas (cal. BP). El objetivo principal fue reconstruir el balance hidrológico de la laguna, cambios erosionales y de contribución de sedimento dentro del área de aporte, y explorar la medida en que pueden estar relacionados con cambios climáticos y/o actividades humanas. Los resultados de este trabajo y estudios previos sugieren cambios periódicos de condiciones frías a cálidas y húmedas. La relación entre plantas sumergidas y emergentes es consistente con el comportamiento de susceptibilidad magnética κ . Los cambios en TOC sugieren un ambiente húmedo durante períodos de mejoramiento magnético. Se identificaron eventos de desbordes y bajos niveles de la laguna. Para los últimos 50 cal. BP, cambios en la contribución de sedimento y procesos deposicionales fueron causados por impacto humano, en particular por el uso de recursos naturales.[EN] Climatic changes are reflected in variations of different parameters. Sequences of lake sediments are good sources of this information because they provide continuous and detailed records of palaeoclimatic changes. In order to determine the changes in climate in SE Pampas plain,in this paper we present a series of rock magnetic studies performed on a bottom core collected from Lake La Brava (Argentina). In order to establish lake level variations, we also measure total sulphur, organic and inorganic carbon (TS, TOC and TIC) content,alkaline elements, light and heavy metals and changes in vegetation communities. Five radiocarbon age determinations were made from samples of organic-rich clay and calibrated ages were calculated. The averaged sediment accumulation rate is 1.3 mm/yr and the sequence represents a temporal extent of about 4800 calibrated years before the present (cal. BP). The main aim was to reconstruct the hydrological balance of the lake, the changes in erosional strength and sediment supply within the catchment area since the Middle Holocene, and to explore the extent to which these may be linked to changes in climate and/or human activities. The results of this work and previous studies suggest periodic changes from cooler to warmer and humid conditions. Relationships between submerged and emergent plants are consistent with the behaviour of magnetic susceptibility. TOC changes suggest wet environment during magnetic enhancement. Floods and lower lake level events were identified in detail. Changes in sediment contribution and depositional processes for the last 50 cal. BP are caused by human impact, particularly by the use of natural resources.The authors wish to thank UNCPBA, IAA and CONICET. They are also grateful for funds provided by the CICYT project MEDEROCAR (CGL2008-0831), PIP-CONICET 1265/08 and the project PICT-O nº 13-11502.Peer reviewe