9 research outputs found

    Cultural Literacy Based Critical Reading Teaching Material with Active Readerstrategy for Junior High School

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    This article describes the findings of a study aimed at producing a set of cultural literacy-oriented critical reading teaching material. This material is developed as a countermeasure to the increasingly thin sensitivity of society, especially the students toward noble values of religion, custom, and culture. With this material student get a significant critical understanding of the discourse with the content of noble value of Indonesian culture. The understanding is attained by students through active reader strategy. There are four important principles developed in understanding the text through this strategy, namely 1) building basic understanding of the text, 2) conducting reading activities in chronological order of the text, 3) identifying the style and language of the text, and 4) critically deepening the understanding of the text. The emphasis on cultural critical understanding became the focus of this research. Thus, critical reading question technique 501 is required. With this technique student can predict causation, establish logical and emotive understanding, and predict the implications of ideas. The implementation of development of this teaching material is based on the stages of Design Based Research. Data is obtained through expert scales and trials to junior high school students in Bandung. The result of this research is a critical reading textbook based on cultural literacy with active reader strategy that is effective to be used for junior high school students. The implication of this research is the acquisition of students' sensitivity toward noble values of religion, custom, and culture that can be internalized in their lives

    Relationship between the perception of classroom learning environment and student academic emotions

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    Perception of classroom environment and academic emotions have an important role in the educational context. Both have a relationship that can not be separated from each other. This study aims to examine the correlation between perception of classroom learning environment and academic emotions in junior high school students in the city of Bandung. Using the quasy experimental method with a quantitative approach with a correlational design with a sample of 81 respondents aged 12-14 years who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The instruments in this study consisted of academic emotions questionnaire (AEQ) and my class inventory (MCI) that had been translated into Indonesian. Data analysis was performed using the Pearson product moment. The results showed a positive correlation between the dimensions of competitiveness with negative academic emotions and a negative correlation between the dimensions of satisfaction with negative academic emotions in junior high school students in the city of Bandung

    Stres akademik sebagai mediator kontribusi konsep diri akademik terhadap keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan daring

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    Abstract Academic stress is something that is often experienced by students, especially with the change in the online learning system which is felt to put more academic pressure on students. This study aims to examine the contribution of academic self-concept to student engagement in online learning mediated by academic stress. Respondents (N = 356) students in Indonesia University of Education batch 2016 to 2019 completed questionnaire of The Academic Self-concept Scale (? = 0,74), The Online Student Engagement Scale (? = 0,90), and The Perception of Academic Stress Scale (? = 0,80). The sampling technique used is incidental sampling. The analyses technique using linear regression and multiple regression then continued with causal steps to find out whether academic stress can be a mediator in the contribution of academic self-concept to student engagement in online learning. The results of this study indicate that academic stress is not function as a mediator in contribution of academic self-concept to student engagement, because one of the requirements is not fulfilled. However, academic stress can be a predictor of academic self-concept and student engagement variables.Keywords: Online learning; Academic Self-concept; Student Engagement; Academic Stress. AbstrakStres akademik merupakan suatu hal yang sering dialami oleh mahasiswa, terlebih dengan adanya perubahan sistem perkuliahan menjadi daring yang dirasa lebih memberikan tekanan akademik kepada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kontribusi konsep diri akademik terhadap keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan daring yang dimediasi oleh stres akademik. Responden (N = 356) mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia dari angkatan 2016-2019 mengisi kuesioner Konsep Diri Akademik (? = 0,74), Keterlibatan Mahasiswa dalam Perkuliahan Daring (? = 0,90), dan Stres Akademik (? = 0,80). Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik incidental sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu regresi sederhana dan regresi berganda kemudian dilanjut dengan analisis jalur atau causal steps untuk mengetahui apakah stres akademik dapat menjadi mediator pada kontribusi konsep diri akademik terhadap keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan daring. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa stres akademik tidak berperan sebagai mediator pada kontribusi konsep diri akademik terhadap keterlibatan mahasiswa, karena salah satu syarat uji mediasi tidak terpenuhi. Namun, stres akademik dapat menjadi prediktor pada masing-masing variabel yaitu variabel konsep diri akademik dan variabel keterlibatan mahasiswa.   Kata kunci: Perkuliahan Daring; Konsep Diri Akademik; Keterlibatan Mahasiswa; Stres Akademik

    Sexting terhadap kelekatan romantis pada dewasa awal di Kota Bandung

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    Kelekatan romantis merupakan kelekatan antara individu dengan pasangannya dalam suatu hubungan romantis yang terbentuk dari refleksi pola kelekatan yag dimiliki. Untuk sebagian orang, sexting merupakan bentuk lain dari komunikasi yang memikat dalam sebuah hubungan, terutama untuk sebagian orang yang memiliki anxious attachments. Dalam hal ini sexting diidentifikasi sebagai salah satu cara komunikasi antar pasangan yang dilakukan sebagai upaya agar hubungan tetap berjalan dan dapat mengurangi kecemasan yang dialami. Namun demikian, penelitian sejenis ini masih sangat jarang ditemui di Indonesia, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara sexting terhadap kelekatan romantis dewasa awal di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain korelasional.Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan quota sampling dengan 767 sampel dewasa awal laki-laki dan perempuan dengan rentang usia 20-27 tahun, belum menikah dan berdomisili di Kota Bandung. Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil analisis menunjukan koefisien regresi R=0,168 dan taraf signifikansi sebesar p=0,000 (p<0,05). Berdasarkan perolehan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara sexting terhadap kelekatan romantis. Sumbangan efektif dari sexting terhadap kelekatan romatis adalah sebesar 2,8%

    Developing Students’ Scientific Literacy through Wikipedia Digital Library

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    This study investigates the impact of utilizing the digital library Wikipedia on high school students’ scientific literacy skills in biology. This research used a quasi-experiment design with a one-group pre-test and post-test method, conducted in a high school in Bandung, Indonesia. The participants consisted of 60 tenth-grade students. The research instrument consisted of 24 multiple-choice questions designed to assess nine scientific literacy indicators, including the ability to describe phenomena scientifically, design and evaluate scientific investigations, and interpret data and evidence scientifically. Each question was scored dichotomously, with the correct answer receiving a score of 1 and incorrect answers assigned a score of 0. Pre-test and post-test scores were analyzed using the Rasch model through Winsteps Version 3.73. Based on data analysis, the items fit with the Rasch model because the infit and outfit MNSQ is 1.0 and the residual item of unexplained variance is 2.3% to 9.8%. The reliability of the items shows an item value of 0.97, which is classified as excellent. The indicators considered the most difficult before being treated were identifying accurate scientific ideas, distinguishing between types of sources, and evaluating literature source validity after the treatment. There was a significant improvement in students’ scientific literacy skills after utilizing the digital library, Wikipedia. The findings provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of integrating digital media into biology courses, highlighting the potential of Wikipedia as a digital reference source for enhancing students’ scientific literacy in high school settings

    A Literature Review of Gratitude and Subjective Well Being in School

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    Construction social relationships and accomplishing a perception of personality are the two major tasks in teenagers that appear as opposed to a related to many changes. Gratitude has been displayed to main towards many positive results that are very significant for children and teenagers - psychological well-being, gratification through school and other fields, prosocial relationships, and the opportunity of cumulative emphasis on significances and assembly meaningful objectives. Consequently, expanding gratitude functions for students and schools might assist in catalyze achievement and enhance school links. Educators can promote enthusiastic reactions to students through viewing and strengthening generous activities in class, and educators and team can be an example of mutuality and gratitude in organized events or performing with students, all things parents can accomplish at home too

    Development of student mental health scale

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    Mental health among high school (SMA) students is an important issue that needs attention. This research aims to develop a mental health scale for high school students, which is expected to be able to detect whether students have mental problems or not, so that students with problems can get fast and appropriate help. Apart from that, this scale is also expected to be able to see the extent to which students' mental development is good. This scale was developed based on three dimensions of mental health, namely peace with oneself, social interaction function, and basic and advanced psychological needs. The research method employed in this study is the quantitative method. Meanwhile the participants involved in this research were 1045 high school students consisting of students in grades 10-12. The analysis technique uses item-total correlation and exploratory factor analysis. The result was that 25 items had satisfactory item-total correlations with values ranging from 0.307 to 0.677. The results of the exploratory factor analysis that has been carried out are the formation of three dimensions with a different distribution of items from the initial design. Apart from that, this measuring tool also has a cumulative proportion of variance explained by factors of 0.434 and a model fit of CFI (0.910) and TLI (0.900). In the future, in-depth research is needed regarding the external validity of this mental health scale, which is correlated with other variables using convergent and discriminant validity methods.   Abstrak Kesehatan mental pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) merupakan salah satu permasalahan penting yang perlu menjadi perhatian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur kesehatan mental bagi siswa SMA, yang diharapkan dapat mendeteksi apakah siswa memiliki permasalahan mental atau tidak, sehingga siswa yang bermasalah bisa mendapatkan pertolongan yang cepat dan tepat. Selain itu, alat ukur ini juga diharapkan dapat melihat sejauh mana mental siswa berkembang dengan baik. Skala ini dikembangkan berdasarkan tiga dimensi kesehatan mental yaitu berdamai dengan diri sendiri, fungsi interaksi sosial, serta kebutuhan psikologis dasar dan lanjut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitaif, sedangkan partisipan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 1045 siswa SMA terdiri dari siswa kelas 10-12. Teknis analisis menggunakan korelasi item-total dan analisis faktor eksploratori. Hasilnya 25 item memiliki korelasi item-total yang memuaskan dengan nilai antara 0.307 sampai 0.677. Hasil dari analisis faktor eksploratori yaitu terbentuknya tiga dimensi dengan sebaran item yang berbeda dari rancangan awal, selain itu alat ukur ini juga memiliki proporsi kumulatif varian yang dijelaskan oleh faktor sebesar 0.434 dan model fit CFI (0.910) dan TLI (0.900). Untuk selanjutnya, perlu penelitian mendalam mengenai validitas eksternal skala kesehatan mental ini yang dikorelasikan dengan variabel-variabel lain menggunakan metode validitas konvergen dan diskriminan. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi; kesehatan mental; siswa SMA; pengembangan alat uku