372 research outputs found

    Награждение крымских партизан

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    Целью настоящего исследования является восстановление динамики всех процессов связанных с награждением крымских партизан правительственными наградами и выявление факторов, оказавших субъективное влияние на этот процесс

    Розробка та дослідження бази даних для систем обробки статистичної інформації

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    Дана стаття присвячена проблемам розробки та оптимізації специфічних баз даних. Проведено аналіз існуючих загальних підходів та методів оптимізації баз даних, обґрунтовано необхідність якісно іншого підходу в рамках специфічної проблематики оптимізації баз даних статистичної інформації. Запропоновано та проілюстровано реалізацію методу рішення поставленої задачі.Данная статья посвящена проблемам разработки и оптимизации специфических баз данных. Проведён анализ существующих общих методов и подходов к оптимизации баз данных, обоснована необходимость качественно иного подхода в рамках специфики проблематики оптимизации баз данных статистической информации. Предложена и проиллюстрирована реализация метода решения поставленной задачи.This article is devoted to problems of development and optimization of specific databases. The analysis of the existing general methods and approaches of database optimization has been given and the need for a qualitatively different approach within the specifics of optimizing statistical information databases has been justified. The implementation of the method of the problem solution has been proposed and illustrated

    Infants are sensitive to cultural differences in emotions at 11 months

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    A myriad of emotion perception studies has shown infants’ ability to discriminate different emotional categories, yet there has been little investigation of infants’ perception of cultural differences in emotions. Hence little is known about the extent to which culture-specific emotion information is recognised in the beginning of life. Caucasian Australian infants of 10–12 months participated in a visual-paired comparison task where their preferential looking pat terns to three types of infant-directed emotions (anger, happiness, surprise) from two different cultures (Australian, Japanese) were examined. Differences in racial appearances were controlled. Infants exhibited preferential looking to Japanese over Caucasian Australian mothers’ angry and surprised expressions, whereas no difference was observed in trials involving East-Asian Australian mothers. In addition, infants preferred Caucasian Australian mothers’ happy expressions. These findings suggest that 11-month-olds are sensitive to cultural differences in spontaneous infant-directed emotional expressions when they are combined with a difference in racial appearance

    How tone, intonation and emotion shape the development of infants' fundamental frequency perception

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    Fundamental frequency (ƒ0), perceived as pitch, is the first and arguably most salient auditory component humans are exposed to since the beginning of life. It carries multiple linguistic (e.g., word meaning) and paralinguistic (e.g., speakers’ emotion) functions in speech and communication. The mappings between these functions and ƒ0 features vary within a language and differ cross-linguistically. For instance, a rising pitch can be perceived as a question in English but a lexical tone in Mandarin. Such variations mean that infants must learn the specific mappings based on their respective linguistic and social environments. To date, canonical theoretical frameworks and most empirical studies do not view or consider the multi-functionality of ƒ0, but typically focus on individual functions. More importantly, despite the eventual mastery of ƒ0 in communication, it is unclear how infants learn to decompose and recognize these overlapping functions carried by ƒ0. In this paper, we review the symbioses and synergies of the lexical, intonational, and emotional functions that can be carried by ƒ0 and are being acquired throughout infancy. On the basis of our review, we put forward the Learnability Hypothesis that infants decompose and acquire multiple ƒ0 functions through native/environmental experiences. Under this hypothesis, we propose representative cases such as the synergy scenario, where infants use visual cues to disambiguate and decompose the different ƒ0 functions. Further, viable ways to test the scenarios derived from this hypothesis are suggested across auditory and visual modalities. Discovering how infants learn to master the diverse functions carried by ƒ0 can increase our understanding of linguistic systems, auditory processing and communication functions

    Simultaneous bilinguals who do not speak a tone language show enhancement in pitch sensitivity but not in executive function

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    Previous studies have reported perceptual advantages, such as when discriminating non-native linguistic or musical pitch differences, among first year infants growing up in bilingual over monolingual environments. It is unclear whether such effects should be attributed to bilinguals’ enhanced perceptual sensitivity and/or cognitive abilities, and whether such effects would extend to adulthood. Twenty-four Dutch, 24 Dutch simultaneous bilingual (DSB), and 24 Chinese Mandarin speakers were examined by three sets of tasks assessing their linguistic pitch and music perception, executive function, as well as interactions across these modalities. Results showed degrees of advantages for DSB and Chinese participants’ over their Dutch peers in lexical tone discrimination and pitch-related music tasks. In tasks related to executive function, no difference was observed between DSB and Dutch participants, while Chinese participants’ performances were modulated by cognitive interference of language processing. Findings suggest that listeners’ enhanced sensitivity to linguistic and musical pitch may stem from acoustic (DSB) and experience (Chinese) rather than cognitive factors. Moreover, Dutch participants showed robust correlations between their linguistic and musical pitch perception, followed by limited correlations in DSB, and virtually no correlation among Chinese participants, illustrating how distinct language experiences can lead to specific pitch perception patterns between language and music

    Learning Agility and Adaptive Legged Locomotion via Curricular Hindsight Reinforcement Learning

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    Agile and adaptive maneuvers such as fall recovery, high-speed turning, and sprinting in the wild are challenging for legged systems. We propose a Curricular Hindsight Reinforcement Learning (CHRL) that learns an end-to-end tracking controller that achieves powerful agility and adaptation for the legged robot. The two key components are (I) a novel automatic curriculum strategy on task difficulty and (ii) a Hindsight Experience Replay strategy adapted to legged locomotion tasks. We demonstrated successful agile and adaptive locomotion on a real quadruped robot that performed fall recovery autonomously, coherent trotting, sustained outdoor speeds up to 3.45 m/s, and tuning speeds up to 3.2 rad/s. This system produces adaptive behaviours responding to changing situations and unexpected disturbances on natural terrains like grass and dirt

    Learning to perceive non-native tones via distributional training : effects of task and acoustic cue weighting

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    As many distributional learning (DL) studies have shown, adult listeners can achieve discrimination of a difficult non-native contrast after a short repetitive exposure to tokens falling at the extremes of that contrast. Such studies have shown using behavioural methods that a short distributional training can induce perceptual learning of vowel and consonant contrasts. However, much less is known about the neurological correlates of DL, and few studies have examined nonnative lexical tone contrasts. Here, Australian-English speakers underwent DL training on a Mandarin tone contrast using behavioural (discrimination, identification) and neural (oddball-EEG) tasks, with listeners hearing either a bimodal or a unimodal distribution. Behavioural results show that listeners learned to discriminate tones after both unimodal and bimodal training; while EEG responses revealed more learning for listeners exposed to the bimodal distribution. Thus, perceptual learning through exposure to brief sound distributions (a) extends to non-native tonal contrasts, and (b) is sensitive to task, phonetic distance, and acoustic cue-weighting. Our findings have implications for models of how auditory and phonetic constraints influence speech learning