51 research outputs found


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    Postural control in young soccer players: differences between the cognitive approach and ecological-dynamic one

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    Previous research had evaluated the training football effect in adolescence on postural control through the use of a platform of strength for the detection of the COP; however This research showed just how football compared to other sports or compared to sedentary individuals would improve postural stability in adolescence before the normal maturation of man. However the significance of this potential can be given by the skills developed through this sport or its exercises / situations that facilitate the learning. This further research on the influence of football training on postural control will have to show the specific factors that lead to a greater postural control; Therefore, the project deals with two different methodologies in experiencing different workout on two groups of children aged between 6-7 years, which will be offered its training program for five years, and the beginning and end of each year / cycle training will be conducted surveys through a platform of strength of the COP to assess postural stability of children. Teaching applications will be either prescriptive or ecological - dynamic and the final goal of this study is to highlight precisely what kind of methodological approach in football will lead to a greater postural control in adolescence, in order to get additional data that can contribute looking for the Peterson search done in 2006 on the variables that influence the postural control in adolescence


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    Tactical Games Model as curriculum approach at elementary school: Effects on in-game volleyball technical improvements

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    Objective: To assess the effects of a tactical games model (TGM) instructional plan on technical volleyball performances of elementary school students by taking into account for sex. Method: Thirty-nine fourth-grade students participated in a 15-week unit developed according to TGM. Their improvements in technical in-game skills were assessed by means of Team Sport Assessment Procedure indexes: volume of play, efficiency index, and performance score. A 2(sex) x 3(time) ANOVA with repeated measure was used to verify the students’ improvements. Effect size measures were used to interpret main effects and post-hoc analysis. Results: An overall large improvement resulted at the end of the instructional period, and this improvement seems to remain at least until the end of summer vacation. In pre-post training comparison, the improvements had similar moderate to large effect for both groups, while outcomes ‘differences were negative between post-training and the end of summer vacation. Girls seem to achieve greater and well-established improvements throughout the instructional plan. Implications: Teachers have to take into account sex when designed their lessons because these factors can enhance student’s learning processes. Furthermore, the results suggested the need to design developmentally adequate learning experiences during summer vacation for avoiding detrimental effect on students’ learning scores

    Validity Analysis of Wii Balance Board Versus Baropodometer Platform Using an Open Custom Integrated Application

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    Abstract Standing balance tests represent the most common way to assess person's functional ability and they were realized by means of specialized and expensive platforms, especially in clinicians' environments. Wii Balance Board (WBB) is video-game based device that measures center of pressure (CoP) oscillations and it showed promising performance compared with 'gold standard' force platforms. In this paper we propose an open integrated custom application to define balance outcomes using WBB. These outcomes were used to execute a validity analysis of WBB performance compared with baropodometer platform (BP). Ten subjects performed two standing balance tests with open and closed eyes respectively on WBB and BP in separate occasion. Validity analysis was carried out using r-Pearson correlation coefficient, ICC analysis, paired-sample t-Test and Bland-Altman plots. Results confirmed that the WBB, although has a fraction of cost of other platforms, represents a tool suitable for some clinician analysi

    The effects of match-playing aspects and situational variables on achieving score-box possessions in Euro 2012 Football Championship

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    The aim of this study was to examine the independent and interactive effects of several match-playing aspects and situational variables on the probability of achieving score-box possessions in the 2012 European Championship. The non-clinical magnitude-based inferences method was used to interpret the true effect of the performance indicators on the response variable. The logistic regression analysis in univariate perspective showed that the probability of achieving score-box possessions was greater in the second half than in the first (OR: 1.23, P<0.05, very likely positive effect), but it was lower when a team performed a direct attack rather than a possession play (OR: 0.49, P< 0.001, most likely negative effect), when the possession started in the right path of the field than in the left (OR: 0.69, P < 0.01, most likely negative effect), and when a team played against highest ranked team (from very to most likely negative effect). In multivariate perspective, the negative effect of the direct attack to the probability of achieving score-box possessions was confirmed, and an interactive effect showed that this outcome was greater in the knockout phase of the tournament than in the relative group-stage (OR: 0.62, P< 0.05, very likely negative effect)

    Riflessioni sulle criticità connesse alla doppia afferenza dei settori scientifico-disciplinari M-EDF ai settori concorsuali 11/D2 e 06/N2

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    For too long, Exercise and sports sciences have been looking for a definitive framework in the in the body university. The recent academic recognition, dating back to 2000 with the establishment of the 2 academic field and disci-pline list (SSD), M-EDF / 01 – Physical training sciences and methodology, and M-EDF / 02 - Sport sciences and methodology, requires yet another last step that sees their allocation in an unique Academic recruitment field (SC), over-coming their current double framing in the medical and pedagogical areas. The aim of the study is to hypothesize a solution to go beyond this spurious and isolated framing, unique in the university body. The method is historical documentary chronological research to trace the evolutionary itinerary in-herent in the formalization of a precise scientific identity in the exercise and sports field, in line with the scientific evidence gained in the M-EDF SSDs. Arguing with the deductive method a solution that guarantees the scientific traditions of the human resources employed over the years, with the related acquired rights, in view of the current legal framework. The results method-ologically highlight a convergence towards the solution suggested by the National University Council (CUN) for the organizational revision of scien-tific knowledge. It overcomes the aforementioned double framing, also elim-inating the connected problems on research and teaching, as well as those inherent to the different profiles of researchers. Ultimately, a placement in the 11 CUN scientific area of an unique academic recruitment field, inserted in the bibliometric area of National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR), appears respectful of the rights acquired both by researchers from the scientific pedagogical context, and for those from the medical one. Also, for the latter, it is very appropriate to consider also the possible maintenance after the provision of medical assistance is exhausted.Le Scienze Motorie e sportive da troppo tempo sono alla ricerca di un definitivo inquadramento nell’organizzazione del sapere scientifico nel contesto universitario. Il recente riconoscimento accademico, risalente al 2000 con l’istituzione dei 2 settori scientifico-disciplinari (SSD), M-EDF/01 – Metodi e didattiche delle attività motorie, e M-EDF/02 – Metodi e didattiche delle attività sportive, ne-cessita ancora di un ultimo passaggio che veda la loro allocazione in un uni-voco settore concorsuale, superandone l’attuale doppia afferenza all’area medica e a quella pedagogica. L’obiettivo dello studio è ipotizzare una solu-zione per andare oltre tale situazione, spuria e isolata, unica nel panorama scientifico nazionale. Il metodo è la ricerca storica documentale cronologica per tracciare l’itinerario evolutivo inerente alla ufficializzazione di una pre-cisa identità scientifica dell’ambito motorio e sportivo, coerentemente con le evidenze scientifiche maturate nei SSD M-EDF. Argomentare con il metodo deduttivo una soluzione che garantisca le tradizioni scientifiche delle risorse umane impiegate negli anni, con i relativi diritti acquisiti, nell’ottica del quadro ordinamentale vigente. I risultati evidenziano metodologicamente una convergenza verso la soluzione suggerita dal Consiglio Universitario Nazio-nale (CUN) per la revisione organizzativa del sapere scientifico. La stessa su-pera la citata doppia afferenza, eliminando anche i connessi problemi sulla ricerca e sulla didattica, oltre che quelli inerenti ai diversi profili dei ricercatori. In definitiva, una collocazione nell’area scientifica 11 CUN di uno specifico settore concorsuale autonomo, inserito nell’area bibliometrica, appare rispettosa dei diritti acquisiti sia dai ricercatori provenienti dal contesto scientifico pedagogico, che per quelli provenienti da quello medico. Altresì, per questi ultimi, molto opportuno considerare anche l’eventuale mantenimento ad esaurimento della previsione assistenziale medica.&nbsp

    Analysis of learning a basketball shot

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    This paper tries to clarify from various points of view, physical and athletic, technical, tactical and especially from that biomechanical, those that are the fundamental elements of the shot to basket, in order to optimize the setting and specific preparation. The shot is a fundamental attack in basketball, offers many points to be analyzed from technical point of view that the biomechanical point of view, this article will try to do it on both aspect, trying to provide some elements technical and scientific to whom refer and the description of the biomechanical elements characterizing the execution of the shot at basket, to improve the whole process of teaching and learning
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