13 research outputs found

    Studium indywidualnego przypadku osoby z fobią społeczną

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    Tekst z konferencji: ХI Международнaя студенческaя научно-практическaя конференцaя «ПСИХОЛОГИЯ СЕГОДНЯ: ВЗГЛЯД СОВРЕМЕННОГО СТУДЕНТА» 13 МАЯ 2016 г. Organizator: Брестский государственный университет имени А.С. Пушкина. Artykuł studentki Izabeli Lipińskiej, członkini Studenckiego Koła Naukowego Pedagogów Kreatywnych pod opieką Agnieszki Roguskiej, napisany pod kierunkiem naukowym Alicji Antas-Jaszczuk. W chwili składania artykułu I. Lipińska była studentką pedagogiki zs. edukacja wieku dziecięcego II roku I0, st. stacjonarnych Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach, na Wydziale Humanistycznym.Artykuł powstał na podstawie studium indywidualnego przypadku osoby z fobią społeczną. Celem badań było poznanie czynników, które mogły mieć wpływ na powstanie i rozwój fobii społecznej, oraz określenie skuteczności oddziaływań psychoterapeutycznych na badaną osobę. Do badań wykorzystano studium indywidualnego przypadku z wykorzystaniem takich technik, jak: obserwacja, analiza dokumentów oraz wywiad pogłębiony. W wyniku badań ujawniono, że problemy rodzinne, szkolne i rówieśnicze miały istotny wpływ na rozwój fobii społecznej u badanej. Poza tym kobieta jest obciążona genetycznie (nerwica, depresja ze strony matki). Wysiłki podjęte przez terapeutów, mimo dość późnej interwencji, znacząco zmniejszyły symptomy lęku społecznego

    Zabezpieczenie zabytków odkrytych w podziemiach klasztoru służące zachowaniu dziedzictwa lokalnego

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    Autorzy i tytuły poszczególnych plansz: Plansza nr 1: Alicja Drozd-Lipińska, Natalia Mucha, Badania ratownicze w krypcie pod ołtarzem Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy w Kościele Franciszkańskim p.w. Znalezienia Krzyża Świętego w Radziejowie; Plansze nr 2 - 3: Alicja Drozd-Lipińska, Natalia Mucha, Dawni mieszkańcy Radziejowa w świetle wyników badan antropologicznych ludzkich szczątków kostnych z krypty Kościoła Znalezienia Krzyża Świętego w Radziejowie; Plansza nr 4: Magdalena Majorek, Marcin Nowak, Konserwacja i digitalizacja zabytków pochodzących z krypty; Plansza nr 5: Magdalena Majorek, Marcin Nowak, Pochowani w krypcie – trumny; Plansza nr 6: Magdalena Majorek, Marcin Nowak, Dewocjonalia – ważny element nowożytnej obrzędowości pogrzebowej; Plansza nr 7: Magdalena Majorek, W świecie barw – wyroby włókiennicze odnalezione w krypcie; Plansza nr 8: Magdalena Majorek, Przed i po konserwacji - pończochy i fular; Plansza nr 9: Magdalena Majorek, Przed i po konserwacji - nakrycia głowy i pasamony; Plansza nr 10: Magdalena Majorek, Ornat, stuły, manipularze – po konserwacji


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    Mortality crises are periods of unusually high mortality resulted from a combination of epidemic episodes, climatic phenomena, historical events and sociopolitical factors. The most pronounced setback in the methodology applied to analyse mortality rates of historical populations is the inability to establish their size.Reference publications do not provide unambiguous measures of the intensity and scale of mortality crisis periods. This problem was approached with the use of the Standardised Demographic Dynamics Rate (SDDR) whose value provides information about the condition of a population, disregarding the size of the group. Demographic crises were indicated and identified among the population living in the 19th century in central Poland in the rural parish. The analysis was based on data obtained from parish registers, made use of the measure expressing the ratio of the number of births to the number of deaths, without using the size of the group.Results obtained from the analysis of data were set against the information about events causing a sudden growth in mortality derived from the widely-accessible literature. Value of the Standardised Demographic Dynamics Rate (SDDR) provides information aboutthe condition of a population, disregarding the size of the group. Nevertheless, only by combining the statistically obtained data with the information derived from written records it is possible to attempt to answer the question of the possible root cause of a demographic crisis

    Effect of fertilizer and cultivation systems and herbicide application on soil biological activity under spring barley cultivation and its yield

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    The results of the research devoted to the change of the biological composition of the soil under the conditions of activation of microbiological vital activity and increase in the number of earthworms in the technology of spring barley cultivation are presented. It was found that the organic system of growing crops against the background of manure, cereal straw and green manure in comparison with the organo-mineral system obtained a positive dynamics of decomposition of linen tissue and the development of earthworms in the soil. The highest grain yield was formed by agrocenosis of spring barley with the introduction of Lancelot 450 WG – 0.033 kg·ha–1 + Axial 50 EC – 1 dm3·ha–1 (tube exit phase) – 4900 kg·ha–1 and 4700 kg·ha–1 for organo-mineral and organic fertilizer systems in accordance

    Dieta elit państwa wczesnopiastowskiego w świetle badań izotopowych

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    This study presents and discusses the results of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes analysis of individuals belonging to the social elites buried in chamber graves from the area of the first Piast state (the 2nd half of the 10th and the 1st half of the 11th c.)

    Impetigo asacause of sepsis ininfants

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    Impetigo is a fairly common disease of the childhood. This infection exists in two distinct forms: bullous and non-bullous impetigo. In non-bullous impetigo, a tiny vesicle or pustule shows initially and after 4–6 days develops into a honey-coloured crusted plaque. Bullous impetigo is always caused by Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that produces exfoliative toxins (ETA and ETB). Infection is limited to the superficial layers of the skin, and skin changes typically occur on the face and limbs. The disease is most prevalent in children aged 2 to 5, but it can occur at any age. The treatment involves topical or systemic antibiotics depending on the severity of symptoms and the patient’s condition. The differential diagnosis of impetigo includes: staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome, Herpes simplex infection, eosinophilic pustular folliculitis, epidermolysis bullosa, pemphigus and pemphigoid. The differentiation between impetigo and staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome can be challenging. Both diseases are caused by the same strain of Staphylococcus aureus that produces exfoliative toxins. However, in impetigo toxins are produced only within skin lesions whereas in staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome, toxins are produced in organs colonised by Staphylococcus aureus and then released systemically. In the course of staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome severe tenderness of the skin and a positive Nikolsky’s sign are observed. The paper presents two cases of impetigo in infants. In both cases, the correct diagnosis was not established immediately, which delayed appropriate treatment. In one of the cases, due to the imprecise initial diagnosis and the lack of the holistic approach to the patient, a correct diagnosis was established so late, that a systemic infection developed

    Differences in the pro/ntioxidative status and cellular stress response in elderly women after 6 weeks of exercise training supported by 1000 mg of vitamin C supplementation

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    Vitamin C supplementation and exercise influence pro/antioxidative status and the cellular stress response. We tested the effects of exercise training for 6 weeks, supported by 1000 mg of vitamin C supplementation in elderly women. Thirty-six women were divided into two groups: a control group (CON) (n = 18, age 69.4 ± 6.4 years, 70.4 ±10.4 kg body mass) and a supplemented group (SUPP) (n = 18, aged 67.7 ± 5.6 years, body mass 71.46 ± 5.39 kg). Blood samples were taken twice (at baseline and 24 h after the whole period of training), in order to determine vitamin C concentration, the total oxidative status/capacity (TOS/TOC), total antioxidant status/capacity (TAS/TAC), and gene expression associated with cellular stress response: encoding heat shock factor (HSF1), heat shock protein 70 (HSPA1A), heat shock protein 27 (HSPB1), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). We observed a significant increase in TOS/TOC, TAS/TAC, and prooxidant/antioxidant balance in the SUPP group. There was a significant decrease inHSPA1Ain the CON group and a different tendency in the expression ofHSF1andTNF-αbetween groups. In conclusion, vitamin C supplementation enhanced the pro-oxidation in elderly women with a normal plasma vitamin C concentration and influenced minor changes in training adaptation gene expression