18 research outputs found

    Levilimab clinical efficacy for interleukin-6 receptor inhibition in COVID-19 and its potential for treating cytokine release syndrome of other aetiologies

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    The COVID-19 mortality is associated with an increase in interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels. Levilimab is an anti–IL-6 receptor antibody with proven clinical efficacy in patients with severe COVID-19.The aim of the study was to assess the association of COVID-19 severity and levilimab effectiveness with IL-6 levels and to explore the potential for using levilimab in other conditions accompanied by cytokine release syndrome.Materials and methods: the subgroup analysis was based on the data of COVID patients with known baseline IL-6 levels from the CORONA clinical study. Subgroups were formed according to baseline IL-6 levels: ≤5 pg/mL (normal) and >5 pg/mL (elevated). The subgroup analysis included descriptive statistics of the patients and time courses of their clinical and laboratory findings (at screening, on the day of investigational product administration, and further until day 14). In order to compare the percentages of patients who had required rescue therapy, the authors used Fisher's exact test.Results: the subgroup analysis included 91 patients (47 from the levilimab group and 44 from the placebo group). At baseline, the authors observed elevated levels of IL-6 in 31/47 (66%) subjects in the levilimab group and 29/44 (48.4%) subjects in the placebo group. The subjects with elevated IL-6 demonstrated more pronounced clinical signs of pneumonia and abnormalities in inflammatory markers. Elevated baseline IL-6 levels were associated with the need for rescue therapy (OR=3.714; 95% CI: 1.317–9.747; p=0.0183); this association was stronger in the placebo group (OR=8.889; 95% CI: 2.098–33.31; p=0.0036). Also, the placebo group showed long-term abnormalities in the clinical and laboratory findings.Conclusions: IL-6 is one of the key elements in the pathogenesis of cytokine release syndrome related to COVID-19 and other conditions. Elevated IL-6 levels are associated with the severity of COVID-19. Inhibition of IL-6 receptors by levilimab leads to clinical improvement in patients with severe COVID-19, suggesting the effectiveness of levilimab in pathogenesis-oriented therapy for cytokine release syndrome of other aetiologies

    Клиническая эффективность ингибирования рецептора интерлейкина-6 при COVID-19 левилимабом и перспективы его применения при синдроме высвобождения цитокинов другой этиологии

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    The COVID-19 mortality is associated with an increase in interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels. Levilimab is an anti–IL-6 receptor antibody with proven clinical efficacy in patients with severe COVID-19.The aim of the study was to assess the association of COVID-19 severity and levilimab effectiveness with IL-6 levels and to explore the potential for using levilimab in other conditions accompanied by cytokine release syndrome.Materials and methods: the subgroup analysis was based on the data of COVID patients with known baseline IL-6 levels from the CORONA clinical study. Subgroups were formed according to baseline IL-6 levels: ≤5 pg/mL (normal) and >5 pg/mL (elevated). The subgroup analysis included descriptive statistics of the patients and time courses of their clinical and laboratory findings (at screening, on the day of investigational product administration, and further until day 14). In order to compare the percentages of patients who had required rescue therapy, the authors used Fisher's exact test.Results: the subgroup analysis included 91 patients (47 from the levilimab group and 44 from the placebo group). At baseline, the authors observed elevated levels of IL-6 in 31/47 (66%) subjects in the levilimab group and 29/44 (48.4%) subjects in the placebo group. The subjects with elevated IL-6 demonstrated more pronounced clinical signs of pneumonia and abnormalities in inflammatory markers. Elevated baseline IL-6 levels were associated with the need for rescue therapy (OR=3.714; 95% CI: 1.317–9.747; p=0.0183); this association was stronger in the placebo group (OR=8.889; 95% CI: 2.098–33.31; p=0.0036). Also, the placebo group showed long-term abnormalities in the clinical and laboratory findings.Conclusions: IL-6 is one of the key elements in the pathogenesis of cytokine release syndrome related to COVID-19 and other conditions. Elevated IL-6 levels are associated with the severity of COVID-19. Inhibition of IL-6 receptors by levilimab leads to clinical improvement in patients with severe COVID-19, suggesting the effectiveness of levilimab in pathogenesis-oriented therapy for cytokine release syndrome of other aetiologies.Смертность при COVID-19 ассоциирована с повышением уровня интерлейкина-6 (ИЛ-6). Левилимаб – моноклональное антитело к рецептору ИЛ-6 с доказанной клинической эффективностью у пациентов с тяжелым течением COVID-19.Цель работы: уточнить ассоциацию тяжести клинических проявлений COVID-19 и эффективности левилимаба с уровнем ИЛ-6 и определить возможность применения левилимаба при других состояниях, сопровождающихся синдромом высвобождения цитокинов.Материалы и методы: для подгруппового анализа использованы данные пациентов с COVID-19, участников клинического исследования CORONA, у которых был определен исходный уровень ИЛ-6. Подгруппы были сформированы на основании исходных значений уровня ИЛ-6: ≤5 пг/мл (нормальный уровень) и >5 пг/мл (повышенный уровень). Подгрупповой анализ включал описательную статистику и динамику клинико-лабораторных параметров пациентов изучаемых подгрупп на этапе скрининга, в день введения исследуемого препарата и далее до 14 суток. Сравнение долей пациентов, которым потребовалось назначения терапии спасения, было выполнено точным тестом Фишера.Результаты: в анализ включили 91 пациента (47 из группы пациентов, получивших левилимаб, и 44 из группы пациентов, получивших плацебо). Исходно повышенный уровень ИЛ-6 наблюдался у 31 (66%) из 47 в группе пациентов, получивших левилимаб, и 29 (48,4%) из 44 в группе пациентов, получивших плацебо. У пациентов с высоким уровнем ИЛ-6 наблюдались более выраженные клинические проявления пневмонии и отклонения показателей маркеров воспаления. Высокий уровень ИЛ-6 был ассоциирован с необходимостью назначения терапии спасения (ОШ=3,714; 95% ДИ 1,317–9,747; p=0,0183), в большей степени в группе пациентов, получивших плацебо (ОШ=8,889; 95% ДИ 2,098–33,31; p=0,0036), в которой также наблюдались длительно сохраняющиеся отклонения клинико-лабораторных параметров.Выводы: ИЛ-6 является одним из важнейших элементов патогенеза синдрома высвобождения цитокинов при COVID-19 и других состояниях. Повышенный уровень ИЛ-6 ассоциирован с более тяжелым течением COVID-19. Ингибирование рецепторов ИЛ-6 левилимабом приводит к клиническому улучшению у пациентов с тяжелым течением COVID-19, что позволяет предположить эффективность левилимаба в качестве патогенетической терапии синдрома высвобождения цитокинов различной этиологии


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    Subject and Purpose. The development of radar methods for measuring liquid-drop precipitation characteristics is of great importance for studying physical processes in the atmosphere and for lots of applied problems to be solved. At the same time, an expe­rimental research of these methods in situ is essential to determine their frames and scope and estimate retrieval errors of the rain parameters. The purpose of the work is to evaluate effectiveness of the previously proposed method that is based on the parametrization of the distribution function of drops by size, uses averaged touch-probing data of the three-parameter gamma distribution of the parameters versus the rain intensity, and employs the double-frequency method of precipitation remote sensing. For its validation, the rain intensity results obtained by the radar sensing are compared with the data taken from the ground raingauge. Methods and Methodology. The measurement results gained by the proposed method are compared with the measurement results obtained by the standard technique. Results. An experimental study using the previously developed algorithm and with a refined double-frequency weather radar MRL-1 has been given to the double-frequency sensing of liquid-drop precipitation. The obtained results show that the proposed data processing algorithm for double-frequency sensing of liquid-drop precipitation is good at the rain intensity retrieval and makes it possible to estimate liquid precipitation amounts over long periods of time. Conclusion. The rain intensity measured with the use of meteo radar almost completely coincides, both qualitatively and quantitatively, with the data from the ground raingauge. The algorithm proposed by the authors for processing double-frequency radar sensing data on liquid-drop precipitation retrieves the rain intensity and, also, evaluates liquid-drop precipitation amounts

    Recommendations on the Implementation of the ERA communication

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    The current report presents an analysis of the 2012 ERA Communication five priorities and provides recommendations on a set of key actions that are needed from the European Commission (EC), Member and Associated States, and stakeholder organisations in order to make rapid progress. The Expert Group helped the Commission in identifying a clear taxonomy on the actions addressed to the Member States in the ERA Communication, and identified good practices at national level in all five ERA priorities

    Bipolar anodal septal pacing with direct LBB capture preserves physiological ventricular activation better than unipolar left bundle branch pacing

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    BackgroundLeft bundle branch pacing (LBBP) produces delayed, unphysiological activation of the right ventricle. Using ultra-high-frequency electrocardiography (UHF-ECG), we explored how bipolar anodal septal pacing with direct LBB capture (aLBBP) affects the resultant ventricular depolarization pattern.MethodsIn patients with bradycardia, His bundle pacing (HBP), unipolar nonselective LBBP (nsLBBP), aLBBP, and right ventricular septal pacing (RVSP) were performed. Timing of local ventricular activation, in leads V1–V8, was displayed using UHF-ECG, and electrical dyssynchrony (e-DYS) was calculated as the difference between the first and last activation. Durations of local depolarizations were determined as the width of the UHF-QRS complex at 50% of its amplitude.ResultsaLBBP was feasible in 63 of 75 consecutive patients with successful nsLBBP. aLBBP significantly improved ventricular dyssynchrony (mean −9 ms; 95% CI (−12;−6) vs. −24 ms (−27;−21), ), p ConclusionAlthough aLBBP improved ventricular synchrony and depolarization duration of the septum and RV compared to unipolar nsLBBP, the resultant ventricular depolarization was still less physiological than during HBP.</p