19 research outputs found

    Fourfold higher tundra volatile emissions due to arctic summer warming

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    Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), which are mainly emitted by vegetation, may create either positive or negative climate forcing feedbacks. In the Subarctic, BVOC emissions are highly responsive to temperature, but the effects of climatic warming on BVOC emissions have not been assessed in more extreme arctic ecosystems. The Arctic undergoes rapid climate change, with air temperatures increasing at twice the rate of the global mean. Also, the amount of winter precipitation is projected to increase in large areas of the Arctic, and it is unknown how winter snow depth affects BVOC emissions during summer. Here we examine the responses of BVOC emissions to experimental summer warming and winter snow addition - each treatment alone and in combination - in an arctic heath during two growing seasons. We observed a 280% increase relative to ambient in BVOC emissions in response to a 4°C summer warming. Snow addition had minor effects on growing season BVOC emissions after one winter but decreased BVOC emissions after the second winter. We also examined differences between canopy and air temperatures and found that the tundra canopy surface was on average 7.7°C and maximum 21.6°C warmer than air. This large difference suggests that the tundra surface temperature is an important driver for emissions of BVOCs, which are temperature dependent. Our results demonstrate a strong response of BVOC emissions to increasing temperatures in the Arctic, suggesting that emission rates will increase with climate warming and thereby feed back to regional climate change

    Emission of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Arctic:The Effect of Climate Change

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    Är det nĂ„gon som ser min smĂ€rta? : En journalgranskningsstudie om smĂ€rtskattning och dokumentation av patienter med behov av smĂ€rtkonsultation

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    Bakgrund: Patienter med svÄr smÀrtproblematik utsÀtts för ett stort lidande och risken för psykiska- och fysiska komplikationer ökar. För att behandla dessa patienter pÄ bÀsta sÀtt krÀvs adekvat smÀrtbehandling. För att kunna följa upp och utvÀrdera bÄde smÀrtan och smÀrtbehandlingen Àr det viktigt med en god smÀrtdokumentation. Syfte: Att studera smÀrtdokumentationen hos tidigare inneliggande patienter med smÀrtproblematik som under denna tid blivit konsulterade av SmÀrtcentrum pÄ Akademiska sjukhuset, samt jÀmföra dokumentationen mellan de avdelningar som studerats. Metod: Studiens forskningsdesign Àr en kvantitativ retrospektiv empirisk studie dÀr journaler för patienter vars vÄrd SmÀrtcentrum har varit delaktiga i under 2015 utgjorde datan för studien. Det var 30 ortopedjournaler och 28 onkologjournaler som granskades. Resultat: Resultatet visade att patienterna fick sin smÀrta dokumenterad tvÄ gÄnger eller fÀrre under en period pÄ tretton dagar. SmÀrtskattning dokumenterades mest frekvent. NÄgot signifikant samband mellan lÀngden pÄ patienternas vÄrdtid och frekvens i smÀrtdokumentation kunde inte konstateras. Det fanns en skillnad i frekvensen av smÀrtdokumentationen mellan onkologavdelningarna och ortopedavdelningarna. Slutsats: Frekvensen av smÀrtdokumentationen pÄ de granskade avdelningarna visade sig vara undermÄlig och följer dÀrmed inte de riktlinjer som finns. Detta försvÄrar arbetet för bÄde konsultverksamheten samt personal pÄ berörda avdelningar att fÄ en helhetsbild kring patienternas smÀrtproblematik.  Risken ökar för bÄde komplikationer och lidande hos patienterna. Ytterligare forskning krÀvs för att undersöka vad anledningen till den bristande dokumentationen Àr.Background: Patients with severe pain are subjected to great suffering and the risk of psychological- and physical complications increases. To treat these patients optimally it requires adequate pain management. In order to monitor and evaluate both the pain and the pain treatment it is important with pain documentation. Objective: To study the documentation of pain on previously hospitalized patients with pain problems who during that time were consulted by the Pain Centre at Akademiska hospital, as well as compare the documentation between the included wards. Method: The design is a quantitative retrospective empirical study of medical records of patients consulted by Pain Centre at Akademiska hospital during 2015. The final sample consisted of 30 records from the orthopedic clinic and 28 from oncology clinic. Results: The results showed that the hospitalized patients had their pain documented less than twice during a period of thirteen days. Pain Measurment was documented most frequently. No significant correlation between the length of care and frequency of pain documentation could be found. There was a difference in the frequency of pain documentation between the included wards. Conclusion: The frequency of pain documentation for the consulted patients in the included wards at Akademiska hospital proved to be deficient and does not follow the guidelines. This complicates the work of the health care staff, and the monitoring and evaluation of the treatment. This also increases the risk of complications and suffering of the patients. Further research is required to investigate the reason of the lack of documentation

    Är det nĂ„gon som ser min smĂ€rta? : En journalgranskningsstudie om smĂ€rtskattning och dokumentation av patienter med behov av smĂ€rtkonsultation

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    Bakgrund: Patienter med svÄr smÀrtproblematik utsÀtts för ett stort lidande och risken för psykiska- och fysiska komplikationer ökar. För att behandla dessa patienter pÄ bÀsta sÀtt krÀvs adekvat smÀrtbehandling. För att kunna följa upp och utvÀrdera bÄde smÀrtan och smÀrtbehandlingen Àr det viktigt med en god smÀrtdokumentation. Syfte: Att studera smÀrtdokumentationen hos tidigare inneliggande patienter med smÀrtproblematik som under denna tid blivit konsulterade av SmÀrtcentrum pÄ Akademiska sjukhuset, samt jÀmföra dokumentationen mellan de avdelningar som studerats. Metod: Studiens forskningsdesign Àr en kvantitativ retrospektiv empirisk studie dÀr journaler för patienter vars vÄrd SmÀrtcentrum har varit delaktiga i under 2015 utgjorde datan för studien. Det var 30 ortopedjournaler och 28 onkologjournaler som granskades. Resultat: Resultatet visade att patienterna fick sin smÀrta dokumenterad tvÄ gÄnger eller fÀrre under en period pÄ tretton dagar. SmÀrtskattning dokumenterades mest frekvent. NÄgot signifikant samband mellan lÀngden pÄ patienternas vÄrdtid och frekvens i smÀrtdokumentation kunde inte konstateras. Det fanns en skillnad i frekvensen av smÀrtdokumentationen mellan onkologavdelningarna och ortopedavdelningarna. Slutsats: Frekvensen av smÀrtdokumentationen pÄ de granskade avdelningarna visade sig vara undermÄlig och följer dÀrmed inte de riktlinjer som finns. Detta försvÄrar arbetet för bÄde konsultverksamheten samt personal pÄ berörda avdelningar att fÄ en helhetsbild kring patienternas smÀrtproblematik.  Risken ökar för bÄde komplikationer och lidande hos patienterna. Ytterligare forskning krÀvs för att undersöka vad anledningen till den bristande dokumentationen Àr.Background: Patients with severe pain are subjected to great suffering and the risk of psychological- and physical complications increases. To treat these patients optimally it requires adequate pain management. In order to monitor and evaluate both the pain and the pain treatment it is important with pain documentation. Objective: To study the documentation of pain on previously hospitalized patients with pain problems who during that time were consulted by the Pain Centre at Akademiska hospital, as well as compare the documentation between the included wards. Method: The design is a quantitative retrospective empirical study of medical records of patients consulted by Pain Centre at Akademiska hospital during 2015. The final sample consisted of 30 records from the orthopedic clinic and 28 from oncology clinic. Results: The results showed that the hospitalized patients had their pain documented less than twice during a period of thirteen days. Pain Measurment was documented most frequently. No significant correlation between the length of care and frequency of pain documentation could be found. There was a difference in the frequency of pain documentation between the included wards. Conclusion: The frequency of pain documentation for the consulted patients in the included wards at Akademiska hospital proved to be deficient and does not follow the guidelines. This complicates the work of the health care staff, and the monitoring and evaluation of the treatment. This also increases the risk of complications and suffering of the patients. Further research is required to investigate the reason of the lack of documentation

    Är det nĂ„gon som ser min smĂ€rta? : En journalgranskningsstudie om smĂ€rtskattning och dokumentation av patienter med behov av smĂ€rtkonsultation

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    Bakgrund: Patienter med svÄr smÀrtproblematik utsÀtts för ett stort lidande och risken för psykiska- och fysiska komplikationer ökar. För att behandla dessa patienter pÄ bÀsta sÀtt krÀvs adekvat smÀrtbehandling. För att kunna följa upp och utvÀrdera bÄde smÀrtan och smÀrtbehandlingen Àr det viktigt med en god smÀrtdokumentation. Syfte: Att studera smÀrtdokumentationen hos tidigare inneliggande patienter med smÀrtproblematik som under denna tid blivit konsulterade av SmÀrtcentrum pÄ Akademiska sjukhuset, samt jÀmföra dokumentationen mellan de avdelningar som studerats. Metod: Studiens forskningsdesign Àr en kvantitativ retrospektiv empirisk studie dÀr journaler för patienter vars vÄrd SmÀrtcentrum har varit delaktiga i under 2015 utgjorde datan för studien. Det var 30 ortopedjournaler och 28 onkologjournaler som granskades. Resultat: Resultatet visade att patienterna fick sin smÀrta dokumenterad tvÄ gÄnger eller fÀrre under en period pÄ tretton dagar. SmÀrtskattning dokumenterades mest frekvent. NÄgot signifikant samband mellan lÀngden pÄ patienternas vÄrdtid och frekvens i smÀrtdokumentation kunde inte konstateras. Det fanns en skillnad i frekvensen av smÀrtdokumentationen mellan onkologavdelningarna och ortopedavdelningarna. Slutsats: Frekvensen av smÀrtdokumentationen pÄ de granskade avdelningarna visade sig vara undermÄlig och följer dÀrmed inte de riktlinjer som finns. Detta försvÄrar arbetet för bÄde konsultverksamheten samt personal pÄ berörda avdelningar att fÄ en helhetsbild kring patienternas smÀrtproblematik.  Risken ökar för bÄde komplikationer och lidande hos patienterna. Ytterligare forskning krÀvs för att undersöka vad anledningen till den bristande dokumentationen Àr.Background: Patients with severe pain are subjected to great suffering and the risk of psychological- and physical complications increases. To treat these patients optimally it requires adequate pain management. In order to monitor and evaluate both the pain and the pain treatment it is important with pain documentation. Objective: To study the documentation of pain on previously hospitalized patients with pain problems who during that time were consulted by the Pain Centre at Akademiska hospital, as well as compare the documentation between the included wards. Method: The design is a quantitative retrospective empirical study of medical records of patients consulted by Pain Centre at Akademiska hospital during 2015. The final sample consisted of 30 records from the orthopedic clinic and 28 from oncology clinic. Results: The results showed that the hospitalized patients had their pain documented less than twice during a period of thirteen days. Pain Measurment was documented most frequently. No significant correlation between the length of care and frequency of pain documentation could be found. There was a difference in the frequency of pain documentation between the included wards. Conclusion: The frequency of pain documentation for the consulted patients in the included wards at Akademiska hospital proved to be deficient and does not follow the guidelines. This complicates the work of the health care staff, and the monitoring and evaluation of the treatment. This also increases the risk of complications and suffering of the patients. Further research is required to investigate the reason of the lack of documentation

    Diel Variation of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions- A field Study in the Sub, Low and High Arctic on the Effect of Temperature and Light

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    <div><p>Many hours of sunlight in the midnight sun period suggest that significant amounts of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) may be released from arctic ecosystems during night-time. However, the emissions from these ecosystems are rarely studied and limited to point measurements during daytime. We measured BVOC emissions during 24-hour periods in the field using a push-pull chamber technique and collection of volatiles in adsorbent cartridges followed by analysis with gas chromatography- mass spectrometry. Five different arctic vegetation communities were examined: high arctic heaths dominated by <i>Salix arctica</i> and <i>Cassiope tetragona</i>, low arctic heaths dominated by <i>Salix glauca</i> and <i>Betula nana</i> and a subarctic peatland dominated by the moss <i>Warnstorfia exannulata</i> and the sedge <i>Eriophorum russeolum</i>. We also addressed how climate warming affects the 24-hour emission and how the daytime emissions respond to sudden darkness. The emissions from the high arctic sites were lowest and had a strong diel variation with almost no emissions during night-time. The low arctic sites as well as the subarctic site had a more stable release of BVOCs during the 24-hour period with night-time emissions in the same range as those during the day. These results warn against overlooking the night period when considering arctic emissions. During the day, the quantity of BVOCs and the number of different compounds emitted was higher under ambient light than in darkness. The monoterpenes α-fenchene, α -phellandrene, 3-carene and α-terpinene as well as isoprene were absent in dark measurements during the day. Warming by open top chambers increased the emission rates both in the high and low arctic sites, forewarning higher emissions in a future warmer climate in the Arctic.</p></div

    Diel emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) in the Subarctic, Northern Finland in July and August.

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    <p>The dominant plants in this site were the moss <i>Warnstorfia exannulata</i> and the sedge <i>Eriophorum russeolum</i>. The stacked bars show mean emission rates (n = 4) of BVOCs during two 24-hour periods. Abbreviations for the BVOC groups as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0123610#pone.0123610.g002" target="_blank">Fig 2</a>. The error bars represent standard error for total emissions. The incoming photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and chamber temperature (Ch.Temp) during the measurements are shown.</p

    Map showing the three study sites in the Arctic area: the high arctic Zackenberg valley (NE Greenland; 74°30’N / 21°00’W), the low arctic Disko Island (W Greenland; 69°14’N / 53°32’W) and the subarctic SodankylĂ€ (N Finland 67°22’N / 26°38’E).

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    <p>Map showing the three study sites in the Arctic area: the high arctic Zackenberg valley (NE Greenland; 74°30’N / 21°00’W), the low arctic Disko Island (W Greenland; 69°14’N / 53°32’W) and the subarctic SodankylĂ€ (N Finland 67°22’N / 26°38’E).</p