104 research outputs found

    Mixed Logit Estimation of the Value of Travel Time

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    In this paper we use mixed logit specifications to allow parameters to vary in the population when estimating the value of time for long-distance car travel. Our main conclusion is that the estimated value of time is very sensitive to how the model is specified: we find that it is significantly lower when the coefficients are assumed to be normally distributed in the population, as compared to the traditional case when they are treated as fixed. In our most richly parameterised model, we find a median value of time of 57 SEK per hour, with the major part of the mass of the value of time distribution closely centred around the median value. The corresponding figure when the parameters are treated as fixed is 89 SEK per hour. Furthermore, our finding that the ratio of coefficients in a mixed logit specification differ significantly from the ones in a traditional logit specification is contrary to the results obtained by Brownstone & Train (1996) and Train (1997). Whether the ratios will differ or not depends on the model and the data generating process at hand.Mixed Logit; Simulation Estimation; Value of Time

    VÀgverkets avfallshantering ur juridisk synvinkel sÀrskilt med avseende pÄ hantering av jordmassor och tjÀrasfalt

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    En av Sveriges största aktörer inom anlÀggningssektorn Àr VÀgverket, vars verksamhet leder till en omfattande ''produktion'' av olika slags potentiella avfall. Avfall som uppstÄr vid VÀgverkets verksamhet Àr bland annat överskottsmassor vid vÀgbyggnation, massor vid dikesrensning, bygg- och rivningsavfall samt blÀstringsavfall. Avfallsdefinitionen innebÀr att material, som innehavaren gör sig av med, har för avsikt att göra sig av med eller har en skyldighet att göra sig av med, Àr avfall. Detta leder till att det för samtliga material, som Àr potentiella avfall inom VÀgverkets verksamhet, kan bli grÀnsdragningsproblem för nÀr ett avfall skall anses ha uppstÄtt. Vad som Àr avfall eller inte tolkas i sista hand av EG-domstolen, eftersom den svenska avfallslagstiftningen bygger pÄ ett antal EG-direktiv. EG-domstolens praxis understryker bland annat att avfallsbegreppet inte fÄr tolkas restriktivt. Detta bidrar till att det Àr komplicerat att avgöra vilka material som Àr att anse som avfall i VÀgverkets verksamhet. I princip kan överskottsmassor i form av jord- eller asfaltsmassor omhÀndertas genom anvÀndning eller deponering. Rör det sig om inert material kan det anvÀndas i bullervallar, vÀgbyggnationer, markbyggnad eller till andra anlÀggningsÀndamÄl. Massorna kan ocksÄ anvÀndas vid framstÀllningen av nya produkter samt vid Ätervinning av exempelvis asfalt. Det krÀvs tillstÄnd, anmÀlningar eller samrÄd för dessa ÄtgÀrder. Vid avgörandet om vilken prövningsnivÄ det skall bli frÄgan om, kan en del grÀnsdragningsproblem uppstÄ. Detta leder till att tillsynsmyndigheterna inte har nÄgon samstÀmmig praxis

    Superbusskonceptet i Östra Göinge kommun - betydelsen av regionala transportinfrastrukturinvesteringar i perifera landsbygdskommuner

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att Ă„skĂ„dliggöra vilken betydelse regionala infrastrukturinvesteringar har för perifera landsbygdskommuner. Som en avgrĂ€nsning har superbusskonceptet studerats, vilket berör landsbygdskommunen Östra Göinge i förhĂ„llande till den skĂ„nska regionen. Studien ska försöka ge svar pĂ„ om en god tillgĂ€nglighet överhuvudtaget Ă€r möjlig att uppnĂ„ för att i slutĂ€ndan ge svar pĂ„ vilka förvĂ€ntade effekter det kan tĂ€nkas ha pĂ„ befolkningstillvĂ€xten och sysselsĂ€ttningsgraden i kommunen. Flertalet regioner efterstrĂ€var regionförstoring i hopp om att uppnĂ„ tillvĂ€xt sĂ„vĂ€l regionalt som lokalt. Regionförstoring kan förklaras som att ett flertal funktionella arbetsmarknader integreras. För att nĂ„ dit krĂ€vs effektiva investeringar i den regionala transportinfrastrukturen vilket medför en förbĂ€ttrad tillgĂ€nglighet och sĂ„ledes kan möjliggöra förĂ€ndringar i pendlingsströmmarnas styrka och riktning. Polycentrism sĂ€gs vara ett bra medel för att uppnĂ„ regionförstoring och det postindustriella samhĂ€llet stödjer i större utstrĂ€ckning den komplementĂ€ra polycentriska utvecklingen. Dock krĂ€vs det en förhĂ„llandevis bra tillgĂ€nglighet för att dagspendling ska bli ett lĂ€mpligt alternativ. Begreppet tillgĂ€nglighet kommer sĂ„ledes in i bilden och Ă€r avgörande i utvecklingsprocessen. Genom effektiva transportinfrastrukturinvesteringar kan den tekniska rĂ€ckvidden överbygga det relativa avstĂ„ndet. För att uppnĂ„ förĂ€ndringar i den funktionella arbetsmarknaden krĂ€vs det dessutom att restriktionerna i det geografiska rummet begrĂ€nsas liksom att folkets kognitiva förestĂ€llningar pĂ„verkas positivt. LikasĂ„ sĂ€gs de morfologiska förhĂ„llandena och en specialisering i nĂ€ringslivet vara avgörande för den utveckling som sker. Efter en kvalitativ undersökning bestĂ„ende av intervjuer och granskningar av rapporter och planer sĂ„ kan det konstateras att Region SkĂ„ne efterstrĂ€var regional balans och för att nĂ„ dit föresprĂ„kas regionförstoring, regionförtĂ€tning och regionförstĂ€rkning. Som ett medel för att nĂ„ dit efterstrĂ€var de en komplementĂ€r polycentrisk struktur. Superbussen i Östra Göinge kommun Ă€r sĂ„ledes ett led i denna riktning och har som mĂ„l att förbĂ€ttra den regionala tillgĂ€ngligheten för invĂ„narna, vilket förvĂ€ntas möjliggöra för dem att ta del av en större funktionell arbetsmarknad. DĂ€rmed förvĂ€ntas kommunen uppnĂ„ en positiv sysselsĂ€ttningstillvĂ€xt liksom en mer balanserad befolkningstillvĂ€xt. UtifrĂ„n den analys som gjorts har det konstaterats att ovan förvĂ€ntningar har stöd i de teorier som presenterats, dĂ€rmed kan superbussen ha en viss betydelse för Östra Göinge kommuns tillvĂ€xt. Dock Ă€r det oklart huruvida superbussen medför en tillrĂ€ckligt god tillgĂ€nglighet. LikasĂ„ kan HĂ€ssleholm-Kristianstads svaga lokala arbetsmarknad utgöra ett hinder i den önskvĂ€rda utvecklingen. Superbussen kan dock tillföra en del av den kritiska massan som behövs för att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla en starkare lokal arbetsmarknad i nordöstra SkĂ„ne. Eftersom det i dag tydliggörs ett mer hierarkiskt polycentrisk förhĂ„llande till HĂ€ssleholm, Kristianstad och Älmhult, sĂ„ Ă€r kommunens utveckling dock till stor del beroende av att dessa centra kan erbjuda ett tillrĂ€ckligt starkt och diversifierat nĂ€ringsliv, som möjliggör för Östra Göinge kommun att försörja sin befolkning med arbetstillfĂ€llen. Det krĂ€vs dock ytterligare studier vad gĂ€ller behovet av specialisering liksom de morfologiska förhĂ„llandena som rĂ„der i den nordöstra delen av regionen för att med större sĂ€kerhet besvara vilken betydelse superbusskonceptet kan fĂ„ för Östra Göinges kommun

    Isolated Orbital Fractures Are Severe Among Geriatric Patients

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    Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to clarify the reasons for, types of, and degree of involvement of the orbital wall and the severity of orbital fractures in geriatric patients and to compare the differences between geriatric and younger adult patients. Materials and Methods: A retrospective case-control study of geriatric patients aged at least 65 years (n = 72) and younger controls aged 20 to 50 years (n = 58) with a diagnosis of a unilateral isolated orbital fracture was designed and implemented. The main exposure was age, the primary outcome was the isolated orbital fracture type, and the secondary outcomes were the associated orbital zones, fracture area (cm(2)), degree of dislocation (mm), involvement of anatomic landmarks, diplopia, altered ocular position, restricted eyemovement, and ocular injuries. The confounding variables were gender, trauma mechanism, and alcohol abuse. The statistical methods included chi(2) tests and logistic regression analyses. Results: Among the geriatric patients, the great majority of isolated orbital fractures had been caused by falls (66.7%; P Conclusions: Falling is the most common mechanism of elderly orbital fractures. Isolated orbital fractures are extensive and mainly affect the globe supporting the middle and posterior parts of the orbital floor among geriatric patients. (C) 2017 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsPeer reviewe

    Associated Injuries Are Frequent and Severe Among Geriatric Patients With Zygomatico-Orbital Fractures

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    Purpose: Associated injuries (AIs) are hypothesized to be frequent in geriatric zygomatico-orbital (ZMO) fractures. The study aim was to determine the relation between ZMO fractures and AIs in geriatric patients compared with younger adult patients. Patients and Methods: A retrospective case-and-control study was carried out on geriatric patients at least 65 years of age (n = 93) and younger adult patients 20 to 30 years of age (n = 68) diagnosed with pure unilateral ZMO fractures. The main exposure was age, the primary outcome was AI outside the face, and the secondary outcomes were type and severity of AI, ocular injuries, restriction of mandibular movement, and ZMO buttress asymmetry. The confounding variables were gender, trauma mechanism, type of ZMO fracture, and dislocation. Statistical analyses included chi(2) tests, risk evaluation with 2 x 2 tables, and logistic regression analysis. Results: AIs outside the face, and particularly brain injuries, were significantly more frequent in the geriatric group than in the control group (P <.001). The significant predictors of AIs outside the face were fall from a height (66.7%), motor vehicle accidents (66.7%), and absence of ZMO dislocation (59.5%; P <.001). The adjusted risk of brain injury was 2.5-fold in the absence of dislocation. The geriatric group had a more than 5-fold higher risk of brain injuries compared with the younger control group (P = .003). Conclusions: AIs in general, and particularly brain injuries, are frequent in geriatric ZMO fractures. Intra- cranial injuries should be ruled out, particularly in geriatric patients diagnosed with a non-dislocated ZMO fracture. (C) 2018 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsPeer reviewe

    Vertical Distribution of Arctic Methane in 2009–2018 Using Ground-Based Remote Sensing

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    We analyzed the vertical distribution of atmospheric methane (CH4) retrieved from measurements by ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) instrument in Sodankyla, Northern Finland. The retrieved dataset covers 2009-2018. We used a dimension reduction retrieval method to extract the profile information, since each measurement contains around three pieces of information about the profile shape between 0 and 40 km. We compared the retrieved profiles against Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) satellite measurements and AirCore balloon-borne profile measurements. Additional comparison at the lowest tropospheric layer was done against in-situ measurements from a 50-m-high mast. In general, the ground-based FTS and ACE-FTS profiles agreed within 10% below 20 km and within 30% in the stratosphere between 20 and 40 km. Our method was able to accurately capture reduced methane concentrations inside the polar vortex in the Arctic stratosphere. The method produced similar trend characteristics as the reference instruments even when a static prior profile was used. Finally, we analyzed the time series of the CH4 profile datasets and estimated the trend using the dynamic linear model (DLM)

    Comparative effectiveness of drugs used to constrict the patent ductus arteriosus: a secondary analysis of the PDA-TOLERATE trial (NCT01958320).

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of drugs used to constrict patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in newborns &lt; 28 weeks.MethodsWe performed a secondary analysis of the multi-center PDA-TOLERATE trial (NCT01958320). Infants with moderate-to-large PDAs were randomized 1:1 at 8.1 ± 2.1 days to either Drug treatment (n = 104) or Conservative management (n = 98). Drug treatments were assigned by center rather than within center (acetaminophen: 5 centers, 27 infants; ibuprofen: 7 centers, 38 infants; indomethacin: 7 centers, 39 infants).ResultsIndomethacin produced the greatest constriction (compared with spontaneous constriction during Conservative management): RR (95% CI) = 3.21 (2.05-5.01)), followed by ibuprofen = 2.03 (1.05-3.91), and acetaminophen = 1.33 (0.55-3.24). The initial rate of acetaminophen-induced constriction was 27%. Infants with persistent moderate-to-large PDA after acetaminophen were treated with indomethacin. The final rate of constriction after acetaminophen ± indomethacin was 60% (similar to the rate in infants receiving indomethacin-alone (62%)).ConclusionIndomethacin was more effective than acetaminophen in producing ductus constriction

    CH4_4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4_4 in CarbonTracker Europe-CH4_4: Evaluation of Seasonality and Spatial Distribution in the Northern High Latitudes

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    Recent advances in satellite observations of methane provide increased opportunities for inverse modeling. However, challenges exist in the satellite observation optimization and retrievals for high latitudes. In this study, we examine possibilities and challenges in the use of the total column averaged dry-air mole fractions of methane (XCH4_4) data over land from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the Sentinel 5 Precursor satellite in the estimation of CH4 fluxes using the CarbonTracker Europe-CH4_4 (CTE-CH4_4) atmospheric inverse model. We carry out simulations assimilating two retrieval products: Netherlands Institute for Space Research’s (SRON) operational and University of Bremen’s Weighting Function Modified Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (WFM-DOAS). For comparison, we also carry out a simulation assimilating the ground-based surface data. Our results show smaller regional emissions in the TROPOMI inversions compared to the prior and surface inversion, although they are roughly within the range of the previous studies. The wetland emissions in summer and anthropogenic emissions in spring are lesser. The inversion results based on the two satellite datasets show many similarities in terms of spatial distribution and time series but also clear differences, especially in Canada, where CH4_4 emission maximum is later, when the SRON’s operational data are assimilated. The TROPOMI inversions show higher CH4_4 emissions from oil and gas production and coal mining from Russia and Kazakhstan. The location of hotspots in the TROPOMI inversions did not change compared to the prior, but all inversions indicated spatially more homogeneous high wetland emissions in northern Fennoscandia. In addition, we find that the regional monthly wetland emissions in the TROPOMI inversions do not correlate with the anthropogenic emissions as strongly as those in the surface inversion. The uncertainty estimates in the TROPOMI inversions are more homogeneous in space, and the regional uncertainties are comparable to the surface inversion. This indicates the potential of the TROPOMI data to better separately estimate wetland and anthropogenic emissions, as well as constrain spatial distributions. This study emphasizes the importance of quantifying and taking into account the model and retrieval uncertainties in regional levels in order to improve and derive more robust emission estimates
