9 research outputs found

    Recommendations for defining preventable HIV-related mortality for public health monitoring in the era of Getting to Zero: an expert consensus

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    Getting to Zero is a commonly cited strategic aim to reduce mortality due to both HIV and avoidable deaths among people with HIV. However, no clear definitions are attached to these aims with regard to what constitutes HIV-related or preventable mortality, and their ambition is limited. This Position Paper presents consensus recommendations to define preventable HIV-related mortality for a pragmatic approach to public health monitoring by use of national HIV surveillance data. These recommendations were informed by a comprehensive literature review and agreed by 42 international experts, including clinicians, public health professionals, researchers, commissioners, and community representatives. By applying the recommendations to 2019 national HIV surveillance data from the UK, we show that 30% of deaths among people with HIV were HIV-related or possibly HIV-related, and at least 63% of these deaths were preventable or potentially preventable. The application of these recommendations by health authorities will ensure consistent monitoring of HIV elimination targets and allow for the identification of inequalities and areas for intervention

    SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 disease severity are associated with genetic variants affecting gene expression in a variety of tissues

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    Variability in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 disease severity between individuals is partly due to genetic factors. Here, we identify 4 genomic loci with suggestive associations for SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and 19 for COVID-19 disease severity. Four of these 23 loci likely have an ethnicity-specific component. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) signals in 11 loci colocalize with expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) associated with the expression of 20 genes in 62 tissues/cell types (range: 1:43 tissues/gene), including lung, brain, heart, muscle, and skin as well as the digestive system and immune system. We perform genetic fine mapping to compute 99% credible SNP sets, which identify 10 GWAS loci that have eight or fewer SNPs in the credible set, including three loci with one single likely causal SNP. Our study suggests that the diverse symptoms and disease severity of COVID-19 observed between individuals is associated with variants across the genome, affecting gene expression levels in a wide variety of tissue types

    A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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    Situación epidemiológica de cáncer cervical en el departamento de León Nicaragua en el período comprendido del 1° de enero 2012 a 31 de diciembre de 2014

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    Tesis (Dr. Médico y Cirujano)RESUMEN El Cáncer cervical a nivel mundial constituye un problema de salud pública, ocupa el primer lugar dentro de los tumores malignos más comunes, y constituye la principal causa de muerte entre las mujeres de los países en subdesarrollo como los de América Latina donde se estima que 190.000 mujeres mueren cada año a causa de este mal. Los programas de detección temprana han contribuído de manera significativa a la reducción de la morbi-mortalidad del 75% en los últimos 50 años. La mayor parte de esta disminución es atribuida a la efectiva institucionalización de los programas de detección precoz en los países desarrollados, sin embargo en América Latina y el Caribe las tasas de mortalidad siguen siendo elevadas. El comportamiento de la incidencia del Cáncer Cervicouterino según estudios realizados en León en los últimos años revela que el Cáncer In situ es el más frecuente con tendencia a la disminución e intervención más temprana. En este estudio fueron incluidas 128 mujeres con diagnóstico histopatológico de Cáncer Cervicouterino, en el período de 2012-2014 con edad promedio de 47 años, los factores de riesgo encontrados fueron bajo nivel socioeconómico, paridad elevada, IVSA a temprana edad, 2 o más parejas sexuales. El Carcinoma Invasor fue el más frecuente en el municipio de León, el estadio clínico IIIB fue el de mayor incidencia con 51.6%, con tasa de incidencia de 82/100000 mujeres. El municipio de León presentaba la mayor tasa de incidencia de Cáncer Cervicouterino con 96 casos por cada 100,000 mujeresUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Leó

    COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative. A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a major public health threat, especially in countries with low vaccination rates. To better understand the biological underpinnings of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 severity, we formed the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative1. Here we present a genome-wide association study meta-analysis of up to 125,584 cases and over 2.5 million control individuals across 60 studies from 25 countries, adding 11 genome-wide significant loci compared with those previously identified2. Genes at new loci, including SFTPD, MUC5B and ACE2, reveal compelling insights regarding disease susceptibility and severity.</p

    A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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