28 research outputs found

    “Men här sitter jag och är neutral.” En kvalitativ studie av värderingars betydelse inom en ideell organisation.

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    Syfte: Vi undersöker frågeställningen i syfte att problematisera värderingars betydelse i organisationer. Speciellt intressant är det att skapa förståelse för hur identifikation sker när individens värderingar skiljer sig från de officiella organisationsvärderingarna. Metod: Arbetet är gjort med kvalitativ metod och ett induktivt arbetssätt. Vi har utgått från enkonstruktionistisk syn på världen och har anlagt en tolkningsinriktad ansats. Vi har gjort semi-strukturerade intervjuer som sedan har analyserats utifrån olika teoretiska begrepp. Teori: Vi har undersökt fältet kring kultur, värderingar och Mintzbergs missionerande organisation, och det är i det fältet vi gör vårt bidrag. Vi har presenterat teorier om ideella sektorn för att få en kontextuell förståelse. Vi har använt diskurs- och identitetsteori som analysverktyg för att förstå det empiriska materialet. Empiri: Vårt empiriska material är transkriberingar semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personer verksamma inom Röda Korset, såväl anställda som ideellt arbetande. Resultat: Vi har sett att de officiella värderingarna inom organisationen används för att skapa en känsla av godhet och gemenskap, samt att de fungerar som en arena för diskussion och ledning. Det finns ibland glapp mellan de individuella värderingarna och organisationsvärderingarna. Dessa glapp hanteras genom egentolkning, motarbetning och övertäckning. Detta är sätt att ta bort det som för informanterna förfular organisationen. Hanteringen gör att personerna kan bibehålla känslan av att vara med om något fint och därmed kan de behålla sin identitet som goda

    Trading Justice for Peace? Reframing reconciliation in TRC processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic countries

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    Conflict in its various manifestations continues to be a defining feature in many places throughout the world. In an attempt to address such conflict, various forms of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) have been introduced to facilitate the transition from social conflict to a new dispensation. The introduction and subsequent proceedings of TRCs in South Africa, Canada and Norway are widely regarded as good examples of this approach. Against this background, a number of researchers from VID Specialized University and the University of the Western Cape had an exploratory meeting in Oslo in 2018 where the possibility for a joint research project under the broad theme of ‘discourses on reconciliation’ was first discussed. This led to two further research symposia in Cape Town and Tromsø in 2019. With the inclusion of specialists working on the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation process, these meetings demonstrated common ground and a shared understanding of the issues at stake. Moreover, it pointed to the differences between the South African, Canadian and Norwegian Commissions. In comparing the South African, Canadian and Norwegian experiences, researchers identified that these countries were, in fact, at different stages of their respective truth and reconciliation processes. This has prompted scholars to revisit and problematise these processes in relation to ongoing societal challenges. In all cases, it is quite apparent that reconciliation between individuals and groups remains a significant challenge

    Trading Justice for Peace? Reframing reconciliation in TRC processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic countries

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    Conflict in its various manifestations continues to be a defining feature in many places throughout the world. In an attempt to address such conflict, various forms of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) have been introduced to facilitate the transition from social conflict to a new dispensation. The introduction and subsequent proceedings of TRCs in South Africa, Canada and Norway are widely regarded as good examples of this approach. Against this background, a number of researchers from VID Specialized University and the University of the Western Cape had an exploratory meeting in Oslo in 2018 where the possibility for a joint research project under the broad theme of ‘discourses on reconciliation’ was first discussed. This led to two further research symposia in Cape Town and Tromsø in 2019. With the inclusion of specialists working on the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation process, these meetings demonstrated common ground and a shared understanding of the issues at stake. Moreover, it pointed to the differences between the South African, Canadian and Norwegian Commissions. In comparing the South African, Canadian and Norwegian experiences, researchers identified that these countries were, in fact, at different stages of their respective truth and reconciliation processes. This has prompted scholars to revisit and problematise these processes in relation to ongoing societal challenges. In all cases, it is quite apparent that reconciliation between individuals and groups remains a significant challenge

    Design Considerations of Dedicated and Aerial 5G Networks for Enhanced Positioning Services

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    Dedicated and aerial fifth generation (5G) networks, here called 5G overlay networks, are envisaged to enhance existing positioning services, when combined with global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and other sensors. There is a need for accurate and timely positioning in safety-critical automotive and aerial applications, such as advanced warning systems or in urban air mobility (UAM). Today, these high-accuracy demands can partially be satisfied by GNSS, though not in dense urban conditions or under GNSS threats (e.g. interference, jamming or spoofing). Temporary and on-demand 5G network deployments using ground and flying base stations (BSs) are indeed a novel solution to exploit hybrid GNSS, 5G and sensor algorithms for the provision of accurate three-dimensional (3D) position and motion information, especially for challenging urban and suburban scenarios. Thus, this paper first analyzes the positioning technologies available, including signals, positioning methods, algorithms and architectures. Then, design considerations of 5G overlay networks are discussed, by including simulation results on the 5G signal bandwidth, antenna array and network deployment.Peer reviewe

    "Det är som natt och dag!" - En kvalitativ studie av hur executive seach-konsulter framställer sitt arbete

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    Syftet med studien är att få en inblick i hur executive search-konsulter arbetar med att porträttera och legitimera sitt arbete och sin image. Detta med förhoppningen om att vidare kunna bidra till teori om kunskapsintensivt arbete och hur kunskapsintensiva organisationer legitimerar sig i en miljö som präglas av mångtydighet

    Child health care nurses’ experiences and management of postpartum depression in new parents.

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    Bakgrund: Mer än en av tio nyblivna mammor visar tecken på depression efter en förlossning och detta kan ha negativ inverkan på barnets utveckling och föräldraparets relation. I Sverige screenas alla nyblivna mammor för förlossningsdepression då barnet är 6-8 veckor. Nyblivna pappor kan också drabbas av förlossningsdepression men det finns ingen rutin för att screena dem. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och hantering av förlossningsdepression hos nyblivna föräldrar på BVC. Metod: Studien är baserad på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med BVC-sjuksköterskor. Datan analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Av analysen framkom fem kategorier vilka är; svårigheter att identifiera förlossningsdepression, känsla av otillräcklighet, att stödja föräldrarna, användning av screeninginstrument och att observera samt med 13 underkategorier. Konklusion: BVC-sjuksköterskor upplevde att det inte var vanligt med förlossningsdepression hos nyblivna föräldrar. Det var ibland svårt att skilja på förlossningsdepression och depressiva symtom av andra orsaker. Det var viktigt att stötta föräldrarna och förmedla trygghet. BVC- sjuksköterskorna såg EPDS screeningen som positiv och önskade ett screeninginstrument för nyblivna pappor.Background: Depression after childbirth affects more than one out of ten new mothers and could have a negative impact on the baby’s development and the parents relationship. In Sweden every new mother is screened for postpartum depression when the baby is six to eight weeks. Postpartum depression can also affect new fathers but there is no routine for screening them. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine child health care nurses’ experiences and management of postpartum depression in new parents at child care center. Method: The study was based on eight semi-structured interviews with child health care nurses. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. Results: Five categories appeared from the analysis; difficulties identifying postpartum depression, sense of inadequacy, supporting the parents, using screening instrument and to observe as well as 13 subcategories. Conclusion: Child health care nurses experience postpartum depression as unusual in new parents. It could be difficult to separate postpartum depression from depressive symptoms caused by other factors. They found it important to support the parents and provide comfort. Child health care nurses had positive experiences in using the EPDS screening for mothers and wished for a screening instrument for new fathers

    Konceptidé för granatkarbin. : Concept idea for grenade carbine

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    Saab is a leading defence- and security company serving the purpose of helping nations protect their population and contributes to the safety of the people and communities. Saab is a defence group with products aiming to target four different areas of use - aero, ground, sea and community. The concern is made up of security companies within each area.The purpose of this study is to develop and find different concept ideas to a product which will cover the gap between the hand grenades range and a grenade weapons range all while taking into account the demands and wishes of the customer.There are for instance three different grenade weapons in use today; the hand grenade, grenade launcher and Carl Gustaf - system, all of them tailored to specific targets and distances. This study covers the production of a new grenade weapon with the purpose of good effect, accuracy and precision. A grenade launcher on an assault rifle was tested and the recoil on it became the starting point for the forthcoming grenade weapon. This work has resulted in two concepts that show the design of the weapon and how the recoil can be reduced in order for the weapon to be useful in the desired distances without it being harmful for the one using it.Saab är ett ledande försvars- och säkerhetsföretag med uppdrag att hjälpa nationer att skydda sin befolkning och bidra till trygghet för människor och samhällen. Saab är en försvarskoncern som inriktar sina produkter på fyra användningsområden - luft, mark, sjö och samhälle. Koncernen utgörs av säkerhetsföretag inom vardera område.Syftet är att ta fram konceptidéer på en produkt som löser glappet mellan en handgranats räckvidd och ett granatvapens räckvidd samt tar hänsyn till de krav och önskemål som kunden ställt.I dagens läge används bland annat dessa tre typer av granatvapen: handgranat, granattillsats och granatgeväret Carl Gustaf, som är anpassade efter både särskilda mål och avstånd. Arbetet omfattar en framtagning av ett nytt granatvapen som ska täcka avståndet för dem tre samt ge god verkan, träffsäkerhet och precision. En granattillsats på en automatkarbin prövades och dess rekyl blev utgångspunkten för det kommande granatvapnet. Arbetet har resulterat i två koncept som visar vapnets utformning samt hur rekylen ska dämpas, så att vapnet ska kunna verka på de önskade avstånden utan att bli skadlig för skytten

    Eligibility of Dapagliflozin and Empagliflozin in a Real-World Heart Failure Population

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    Aims: This study is aimed at investigating the eligibility in a real-world heart failure population for the DAPA-HF (testing dapagliflozin) and EMPEROR-reduced (testing empagliflozin) trials, comparing the eligible real-world patients to trial participants and to characterize the noneligible patients. Methods: Medical records of all heart failure patients who had a diagnosis of heart failure from the Heart Centre or Department of Internal Medicine at Umea University Hospital were reviewed. Results: 2433 of the hospital's uptake population of 150 000 had a diagnosis of heart failure. 681 patients had left ventricle ejection fraction <= 40%, and of these 352 (52%) and 268 (39%) patients met eligibility criteria for DAPA-HF and EMPEROR-reduced, respectively. Comparing eligible patients in our population with the DAPA-HF- and EMPEROR-reduced trial populations, we found that eligible real-world patients were older (79.0 vs. 66.2 years and 80.3 vs. 67.2 years, respectively), had worse renal function (eGFR 54.4 vs. 66.0 ml/min/1.73m(2) and 49.5 vs. 61.8 ml/min/1.73m(2), respectively), higher prevalence of atrial fibrillation (56.0% vs. 36.1% and 53.0% vs. 35.6%, respectively), and lower prevalence of diabetes mellitus (21.0% vs. 41.8% and 26.1% vs. 49.8%, respectively). The main reasons for ineligibility were low NT-proBNP or low eGFR. Noneligible patients differed according to reason for ineligibility, where patients with low NT-proBNP were generally younger and healthier, and patients with low eGFR were older and had more comorbidities. Conclusions: 39-52% of patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction in this real-world heart failure population were eligible for SGLT2-inhibitor treatment, corresponding to 11-14% of all heart failure patients. Compared to trial participants, eligible real-world patients were significantly older with worse renal function, more atrial fibrillation, and less diabetes mellitus. Trial entry criteria exclude comparatively young and healthy patients, as well as comparatively old patients with more comorbid conditions

    Prevalence and treatment of diabetes and pre-diabetes in a real-world heart failure population : a single-centre cross-sectional study

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate a real-world heart failure (HF) cohort regarding (1) prevalence of known diabetes mellitus (DM), undiagnosed DM and pre-diabetes, (2) if hf treatment differs depending on glycaemic status and (3) if treatment of DM differs depending on HF phenotype. Methods: All patients who had received a diagnosis of HF at Umeå University Hospital between 2010 and 2019 were identified and data were extracted from patient files according to a prespecified protocol containing parameters for clinical characteristics, including echocardiogram results, comorbidities, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values. Patients’ HF phenotype was determined using the latest available echocardiogram. The number of patients with previous DM diagnosis was assessed. Patients without a previous diagnosis of DM were classified as non-DM, pre-diabetes or probable DM according to FPG and HbA1c levels using WHO criteria. Results: In total, 2326 patients (59% male, mean age 76±13 years) with HF and at least one echocardiogram were assessed. Of these, 617 (27%) patients had a previous diagnosis of DM. Of the 1709 patients without a previous diagnosis of DM, 1092 (67%) patients had either an FPG or HbA1c recorded, of which 441 (41%) met criteria for pre-diabetes and 97 (9%) met criteria for probable diabetes, corresponding to 19% and 4% of the entire cohort, respectively. Patients with HF and diabetes were more often treated with diuretics and beta blockers compared with non-DM patients (64% vs 42%, p<0.001 and 88% vs 83%, p<0.001, respectively). There was no difference in DM treatment between HF phenotypes. Conclusions: DM and pre-diabetes are common in this HF population with 50% of patients having either known DM, probable DM or pre-diabetes. Patients with HF and DM are more often treated with common HF medications. HF phenotype did not affect choice of DM therapy