6 research outputs found

    "The leisure time centre should not be in a classroom, period." : -Leisure time centre teachers' experiences of integrated rooms with the school based on the spatial dimensions

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    Läroplanen för grundskolan, förskoleklass och fritidshemmet uttrycker att fritidshemmet ska erbjuda eleverna lärmiljöer som bygger på både omsorg men även lärande (Skolverket, 2019. s.19). Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur fritidshemslärare upplever möjligheter respektive begränsningar avseende lokalintegration med skolan. En kvalitativ studie, där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med fritidshemslärare som är yrkesverksamma runt om i Sverige. Empirin transkriberades för att sedan kodas, tematiseras och analyseras utifrån kulturgeografins tre främsta teoretiker: Lefebvres (1991), Massey (2005) och Harvey (2006). Resultatet av genomförd studie visade att respondenterna gav många uttryck, som var samstämmiga med varandra, om lokalintegrationen med skolan. Ett resultat som framkom av arbetet var att fritidshemslärarna upplevde att det fanns stora begränsningar med att genomföra fritidshemmets verksamhet i lokalerna. Anledning till denna begränsning ansågs bero på att rummen inte var utformade efter fritidshemmets behov i grunden, vilket försvårade att möjliggöra delar ur fritidshemmets uppdrag. Detta eftersom fritidshemslärarna upplevde att de inte hade reellt inflytande och makt att påverka utformning, samt antal rum de hade att tillgå

    "The leisure time centre should not be in a classroom, period." : -Leisure time centre teachers' experiences of integrated rooms with the school based on the spatial dimensions

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    Läroplanen för grundskolan, förskoleklass och fritidshemmet uttrycker att fritidshemmet ska erbjuda eleverna lärmiljöer som bygger på både omsorg men även lärande (Skolverket, 2019. s.19). Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur fritidshemslärare upplever möjligheter respektive begränsningar avseende lokalintegration med skolan. En kvalitativ studie, där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med fritidshemslärare som är yrkesverksamma runt om i Sverige. Empirin transkriberades för att sedan kodas, tematiseras och analyseras utifrån kulturgeografins tre främsta teoretiker: Lefebvres (1991), Massey (2005) och Harvey (2006). Resultatet av genomförd studie visade att respondenterna gav många uttryck, som var samstämmiga med varandra, om lokalintegrationen med skolan. Ett resultat som framkom av arbetet var att fritidshemslärarna upplevde att det fanns stora begränsningar med att genomföra fritidshemmets verksamhet i lokalerna. Anledning till denna begränsning ansågs bero på att rummen inte var utformade efter fritidshemmets behov i grunden, vilket försvårade att möjliggöra delar ur fritidshemmets uppdrag. Detta eftersom fritidshemslärarna upplevde att de inte hade reellt inflytande och makt att påverka utformning, samt antal rum de hade att tillgå

    Poor adherence to neonatal resuscitation guidelines exposed; an observational study using camera surveillance at a tertiary hospital in Nepal

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    Background: Each year an estimated 10 million newborns require assistance to initiate breathing, and about 900 000 die due to intrapartum-related complications. Further research is required in several areas concerning neonatal resuscitation, particularly in settings with limited resources where the highest proportion of intrapartum-related deaths occur. The aim of this study is to use CCD-camera recordings to evaluate resuscitation routines at a tertiary hospital in Nepal. Methods: CCD-cameras recorded the resuscitations taking place and CCD-observational record forms were completed for each case. The resuscitation routines were then assessed and compared with existing guidelines. To evaluate the reliability of the observational form, 50 films were randomly selected and two independent observers completed two sets of forms for each case. The results were then cross-compared. Results: During the study period 1827 newborns were taken to the resuscitation table, and more than half of them (53.3%) were noted as not crying prior to resuscitation. Suction was used in almost 90% of newborns brought to the resuscitation table, whereas bag-and-mask ventilation was only used in less than 10%. The chance to receive ventilation with bag-and-mask for a newborn not crying when brought to the resuscitation table was higher for boys (AdjOR 1.44), low birth weight babies (AdjOR 1.68) and babies that were delivered by caesarean section (AdjOR 1.64). The reliability of the observational form varied considerably amongst the different variables analyzed, but was high for all variables concerning the use of bag-and-mask ventilation and the variable whether suction was used or not, all matching in over 91% of the forms. Conclusions: CCD camera technique was a feasible method to assess resuscitation practices in this low resource hospital setting. In most aspects, the staff did not adhere to guidelines regarding neonatal resuscitation. The use of bag-and-mask ventilation was inadequate, and suction was given excessively in terms of protocol. Further studies exploring the underlying causes behind the lack of adherence to the neonatal resuscitation guidelines should be conducted

    Poor adherence to neonatal resuscitation guidelines exposed; an observational study using camera surveillance at a tertiary hospital in Nepal

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    Background: Each year an estimated 10 million newborns require assistance to initiate breathing, and about 900 000 die due to intrapartum-related complications. Further research is required in several areas concerning neonatal resuscitation, particularly in settings with limited resources where the highest proportion of intrapartum-related deaths occur. The aim of this study is to use CCD-camera recordings to evaluate resuscitation routines at a tertiary hospital in Nepal. Methods: CCD-cameras recorded the resuscitations taking place and CCD-observational record forms were completed for each case. The resuscitation routines were then assessed and compared with existing guidelines. To evaluate the reliability of the observational form, 50 films were randomly selected and two independent observers completed two sets of forms for each case. The results were then cross-compared. Results: During the study period 1827 newborns were taken to the resuscitation table, and more than half of them (53.3%) were noted as not crying prior to resuscitation. Suction was used in almost 90% of newborns brought to the resuscitation table, whereas bag-and-mask ventilation was only used in less than 10%. The chance to receive ventilation with bag-and-mask for a newborn not crying when brought to the resuscitation table was higher for boys (AdjOR 1.44), low birth weight babies (AdjOR 1.68) and babies that were delivered by caesarean section (AdjOR 1.64). The reliability of the observational form varied considerably amongst the different variables analyzed, but was high for all variables concerning the use of bag-and-mask ventilation and the variable whether suction was used or not, all matching in over 91% of the forms. Conclusions: CCD camera technique was a feasible method to assess resuscitation practices in this low resource hospital setting. In most aspects, the staff did not adhere to guidelines regarding neonatal resuscitation. The use of bag-and-mask ventilation was inadequate, and suction was given excessively in terms of protocol. Further studies exploring the underlying causes behind the lack of adherence to the neonatal resuscitation guidelines should be conducted

    Investigation of the enantioselectivity of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase upon inhibition by tacrine-iminosugar heterodimers

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    The copper-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition was applied to prepare three enantiomeric pairs of heterodimers containing a tacrine residue and a 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-arabinitol (DAB) or 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-L-arabinitol (LAB) moiety held together via linkers of variable lengths containing a 1,2,3-triazole ring and 3, 4, or 7 CH2 groups. The heterodimers were tested as inhibitors of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The enantiomeric heterodimers with the longest linkers exhibited the highest inhibition potencies for AChE (IC50 = 9.7 nM and 11 nM) and BuChE (IC50 = 8.1 nM and 9.1 nM). AChE exhibited the highest enantioselectivity (ca. 4-fold). The enantiomeric pairs of the heterodimers were found to be inactive (GI50 > 100 µM), or to have weak antiproliferative properties (GI50 = 84–97 µM) against a panel of human cancer cells.</p