4,278 research outputs found

    Gendered Paths to Formal and Informal Resources in Post-Disaster Development in the Ecuadorian Andes

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    The devastating eruptions of Mount Tungurahua in the Ecuadorian highlands in 1999 and 2006 left many communities struggling to rebuild their homes and others permanently displaced to settlements built by state and nongovernmental organizations. For several years afterward, households diversified their economic strategies to compensate for losses, communities organized to promote local development, and the state and nongovernmental organizations sponsored many economic recovery programs in the affected communities. Our study examined the ways in which gender and gender roles were associated with different levels and paths of access to scarce resources in these communities. Specifically, this article contrasts the experiences of men and women in accessing household necessities and project assistance through formal institutions and informal networks. We found that women and men used different types of informal social support networks, with men receiving significantly more material, emotional, and informational support than women. We also found that men and women experienced different challenges and advantages when pursuing support through local and extralocal institutions and that these institutions often coordinated in ways that reified their biases. We present a methodology that is replicable in a wide variety of disaster, resettlement, and development settings, and we advocate an inductive, evidence-based approach to policy, built upon an understanding of local gender, class, and ethnic dynamics affecting access to formal and informal resources. This evidence should be used to build more robust local institutions that can resist wider social and cultural pressures for male dominance and gendered exclusion

    The Origin and In Situ Identification of Uncultured Gut Bacteria in Fourth-Instar Larvae of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    This study corroborated the findings of Lee et al. (2008) and relied on culture-independent techniques, particularly 16S rDNA sequencing. Results from the study demonstrated that ants in captivity completely change their gut bacterial diversity strongly supports the conclusion that fire ant gut bacteria are environmental in origin. Bacteria in the fourth-instar larvae were present because they were consumed with food sources. From molecular data, a differing list of bacteria from each colony with different branching and clustering among bacterial clades in the phylogenetic trees were found. Different bacterial diversity and evenness was found in all colonies, which provided evidence against the idea of the presence of obligate bactrial endosymbionts in Solenopis invicta guts. Obligate endosymbiont elimination through the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics did not significant affect ant mortality when compared to the untreated controls. This study did not find bacteriocytes in the midgut epithelium of fire ants. Microscopic observations did not locate any bacteriocytes in fourth-instar S. invicta larvae. All identified bacteria appeared to have been derived from the food or the environment. Though coadapted bacteria and specialized bacteriocytes were not found in the guts of fourth-instar larvae, such specialized organisms may be present elsewhere in the ant. Coadapted symbionts may exist in other parts of the larvae’s body or in other stages of development

    Historical Perspectives on the Care and Treatment of the Mentally Ill

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    An examination of the history of mental illness and its treatment over the centuries reveals that the mentally ill have few advocates except each other and that their treatment has consisted of confinement and neglect. Reformers have pioneered for change, experienced brief success, but ultimately conditions for the mentally ill regress. Society continues to abhor mental illness as though its collective consciousness still believes in possession by evil spirits. Discussion of the early history moves from banishment to ships of fools, to European asylums, and to institutions run by the states in America. More recent history focuses on the National Committee for Mental Hygiene and its campaign for child guidance clinics, the Community Mental Health Centers legislation and community support projects. Meanwhile new research provides evidence of the genetic and biological roots of mental illness and advocacy organizations composed of patients and their families pressure for continued reform, public education and research

    A Statistical Model for Risk Stratification on the Basis of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction and Heart-Rate Turbulence

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    The MPIP data set was used to obtain a model for mortality risk stratification of acute myocardial infarction patients. The predictors heart rate turbulence (HRT) and left-ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) were employed. HRT was a categorical variable of three levels; LVEF was continuous and its influence on the relative risk was explained by the natural logarithm function (found using fractional polynomials). Cox - PH model with HRT and lnLVEF was constructed and used for risk stratification. The model can be used to divide the patients into two or more groups according to mortality risk. It also describes the relationship between risk and predictors by a (continuous) function, which allows the calculation of individual mortality risk

    Pharmacovigilance data as a trigger to identify antimicrobial resistance and inappropriate use of antibiotics : A study using reports from the netherlands pharmacovigilance centre

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    Funding: J.M.V.H. was partially funded by the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) for this research; grant number: not applicable.(1) Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) requires urgent multidisciplinary so-lutions, and pharmacovigilance has the potential to strengthen current antimicrobial stewardship strategies. This study aimed to characterize AMR-relevant adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports submitted to The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre; (2) Methods: We carried out a descriptive analysis of ADR reports submitted to Lareb, coded with AMR-relevant MedDRA Preferred Terms (PTs); (3) Results: Between 1998 and January 2019, 252 AMR-relevant ADR reports were submitted to Lareb. The most frequent antibiotics were tobramycin (n = 89; 35%), colistin (n = 30; 11.9%), cipro-floxacin (n = 16; 6.3%), doxycycline (n = 14; 5.5%), and aztreonam (n = 12; 4.8%). The PTs used included off label use (n = 91; 36.1%), drug ineffective (n = 71; 28.2%), product use in unapproved indication (n = 28; 11.1%), pathogen resistance (n = 14; 5.6%), and drug resistance (n = 13; 5.2%). 54% of the reports were on Watch antibiotics and 19% were involved in the Reserve group. In the Watch group, "off label use" and "product use in unapproved indication" were the most frequent PTs and the majority of reports on Reserve antibiotics were coded as "Off label". A sharp increase in the number of reports was observed in the three consecutive years with 21 in 2013, 54 in 2014, and 83 in 2015; (4) Conclusions: In addition to existing AMR monitoring strategies, pharmacovigilance databases can serve as a source of data on suspected resistance and inappropriate use. Future research should explore how these AMR-relevant MedDRA Terms are used in resource-limited settings with less capacity to generate laboratory-confirmed resistance data


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    Abstract Hokkiman is a company which is excel at embroidery based production. Current issues faced by company are unknown standard time for the whole production processes, including machining time for various embroidery’s motives, which result in difficulties of calculating final completion time for an order, and necessity to improve current production scheduling system. The purposes of the research are to determine standard time for every production process, improving production scheduling performance by designing an appropriate production scheduling system that allow the company to accept order with due date requirement. Standard time are obtained by collecting primary datas on the production floor using continuous timing method, followed by the calculation for every production process. Standard time calculation for machining are achieved by using simple linear regression analysis. The new production scheduling system is designed by analyzing current system’s weaknesses. Proposed production scheduling system are made based on the Shortest Processing Time (SPT) method. Results of the research are as following, the improvement of production scheduling performances which are shortened response time (21,61%), makespan can be reduced by 19,17%, faster mean flowtime (21,47%), within the condition of 14 days due date is applied, the amount of job tardiness and lateness are decreased by 5,88% and 21,32% sequentially. Keywords: Standard time, Production Scheduling, Embroidery, Shortest Processing Time, Flowtime Abstrak Hokkiman merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa bordir. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah tidak diketahuinya waktu baku dalam masingmasing proses produksi dan waktu pemesinan setiap motif, sehingga waktu penyelesaian order sulit dikalkulasi menyebabkan perusahaan tidak dapat menerima order yang memiliki tenggat waktu, serta sistem penjadwalan produksi saat ini yang kurang tepat. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menentukan waktu baku untuk masing-masing proses produksi dan motif bordir sehingga waktu penyelesaian suatu order dapat dikalkulasi, serta meningkatkan kinerja penjadwalan produksi perusahaan dengan merancang sistem penjadwalan produksi sesuai dengan kondisi perusahaan, sehingga perusahaan dapat menerima order yang memiliki tenggat waktu. Waktu baku didapatkan dengan mengumpulkan data primer di lantai produksi melalui metode continuous timing, dilanjutkan menghitung waktu standar untuk setiap proses produksi, perhitungan waktu standar untuk pemesinan suatu motif dilakukan dengan menggunakan model regresi linier. Perancangan penjadwalan produksi dilakukan dengan menganalisis metode penjadwalan awal. Penjadwalan dengan metode usulan dilakukan dengan metode Shortest Processing Time (SPT). Hasil yang didapatkan adalah adanya peningkatan kinerja sebesar 21,61% pada response time, makespan dipersingkat 19,17%, mean flowtime juga turun sebesar 8,84 hari per order (21,47%). Jika ditetapkan tenggat waktu 14 hari pada setiap order, lama keterlambatan dapat dipangkas 21,32%, dan jumlah order yang terlambat berkurang 5,88%. Kata kunci: Waktu Standar, Penjadwalan Produksi, Bordir, Shortest Processing Time, Flowtim


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    Abstract Hokkiman is a company which is excel at embroidery based production. Current issues faced by company are unknown standard time for the whole production processes, including machining time for various embroidery’s motives, which result in difficulties of calculating final completion time for an order, and necessity to improve current production scheduling system. The purposes of the research are to determine standard time for every production process, improving production scheduling performance by designing an appropriate production scheduling system that allow the company to accept order with due date requirement. Standard time are obtained by collecting primary datas on the production floor using continuous timing method, followed by the calculation for every production process. Standard time calculation for machining are achieved by using simple linear regression analysis. The new production scheduling system is designed by analyzing current system’s weaknesses. Proposed production scheduling system are made based on the Shortest Processing Time (SPT) method. Results of the research are as following, the improvement of production scheduling performances which are shortened response time (21,61%), makespan can be reduced by 19,17%, faster mean flowtime (21,47%), within the condition of 14 days due date is applied, the amount of job tardiness and lateness are decreased by 5,88% and 21,32% sequentially. Keywords: Standard time, Production Scheduling, Embroidery, Shortest Processing Time, Flowtime Abstrak Hokkiman merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa bordir. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah tidak diketahuinya waktu baku dalam masingmasing proses produksi dan waktu pemesinan setiap motif, sehingga waktu penyelesaian order sulit dikalkulasi menyebabkan perusahaan tidak dapat menerima order yang memiliki tenggat waktu, serta sistem penjadwalan produksi saat ini yang kurang tepat. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menentukan waktu baku untuk masing-masing proses produksi dan motif bordir sehingga waktu penyelesaian suatu order dapat dikalkulasi, serta meningkatkan kinerja penjadwalan produksi perusahaan dengan merancang sistem penjadwalan produksi sesuai dengan kondisi perusahaan, sehingga perusahaan dapat menerima order yang memiliki tenggat waktu. Waktu baku didapatkan dengan mengumpulkan data primer di lantai produksi melalui metode continuous timing, dilanjutkan menghitung waktu standar untuk setiap proses produksi, perhitungan waktu standar untuk pemesinan suatu motif dilakukan dengan menggunakan model regresi linier. Perancangan penjadwalan produksi dilakukan dengan menganalisis metode penjadwalan awal. Penjadwalan dengan metode usulan dilakukan dengan metode Shortest Processing Time (SPT). Hasil yang didapatkan adalah adanya peningkatan kinerja sebesar 21,61% pada response time, makespan dipersingkat 19,17%, mean flowtime juga turun sebesar 8,84 hari per order (21,47%). Jika ditetapkan tenggat waktu 14 hari pada setiap order, lama keterlambatan dapat dipangkas 21,32%, dan jumlah order yang terlambat berkurang 5,88%. Kata kunci: Waktu Standar, Penjadwalan Produksi, Bordir, Shortest Processing Time, Flowtim

    Charge-remote fragmentation in a hybrid (BEqQ) mass spectrometer to determine isotopic purity in selectively polydeuterated surfactants

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    AbstractThe combination of fast atom bombardment with charge-remote fragmentation using a hybrid (BEqQ) mass spectrometer was used successfully to assess and localize the extent of selective deuterium isotope labeling of tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromdes. Spectral details reveal a new reaction that can give rise to ions isobaric with those formed by charge-remote fragmentation

    The contribution of OCTN1/2 variants within the IBD5 locus to disease susceptibility and severity in Crohn's disease

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    Background and Aims: Recent data suggest that polymorphisms in the organic cation transporter (OCTN) genes OCTN1 (SLC22A4) and OCTN2 (SLC22A5) represent disease-causing mutations within the IBD5 locus (chromosome 5q31). We investigated associations with disease susceptibility, phenotype, and evidence for epistasis with CARD15 in 679 patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC). Methods: A total of 374 patients with CD, 305 patients with UC, and 294 healthy controls (HCs) were studied. Genotyping for single nucleotide polymorphisms IGR2096, IGR2198, and IGR2230, OCTN1 variant (SLC22A4 1672C→T), and OCTN2 variant (SLC22A5 −207G→C) was performed using the TaqMan system. Results: The IBD5 OCTN1 and OCTN2 polymorphisms were in strong linkage disequilibrium (D′, >0.959). IGR2198 variant allele frequency (49.1% vs 40.8%; P = .0046) and homozygosity (21% vs 14.8%; P = .044) were associated with CD versus HCs. Variant allelic frequency of OCTN1 (53.6% vs 43%; P = .0008) and OCTN2 (56.1% vs 48.4%; P = .0092) polymorphisms and homozygosity for the OCTN1/2-TC haplotype (28.4% vs 16%; P = .0042) were associated with CD versus HCs. IGR2198 homozygosity and TC homozygosity were associated with stricturing/penetrating disease at follow-up (P = .011 and P = .011, respectively) and disease progression (P = .038 and P = .049, respectively) on univariate analysis and with need for surgery on multivariate analysis (P = .016 and P = .004, respectively). In the absence of the IBD5 risk haplotype, no association of OCTN1/2 variants with CD was detected. No associations were seen with UC. Conclusions: The IBD5 locus influences susceptibility, progression, and need for surgery in CD. However, the contribution of OCTN1/2 variants is not independent of the IBD5 haplotype; a causative role for these genes remains plausible but is not yet proven. Further genetic, functional, and expression data are now required. </p