9 research outputs found

    Likutinio jūrinio kuro, gauto termolizės būdu iš polipropileno atliekų, savybės

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    Thermal degradation of waste plastics with the aim of producing liquid fuel is one of the alternative solutions to landfill disposal or incineration. The paper describes thermal conversion of polypropylene waste and analysis of produced liquid fuel that would satisfy ISO 8217-2012 requirements for a residual marine fuel. Single pass batch thermolysis processes were conducted at different own vapour pressures (20 – 80 bar) that determined process temperature, residence time of intermediates what resulted in different yields of the liquid product. The obtained products were stabilized by rectification to achieve required standard flash point. Gas chromatography and 1H NMR spectrometry show aliphatic nature of the liquid product where majority of the compounds are isoalkanes and isoalkenes. Only lightest fractions boiling up to a temperature of 72 °C have significant amount of n-pentane. Distribution of aromatic hydrocarbons is not even along the boiling range. The fractions boiling at a temperature of 128 °C and 160 °C have the highest content of monocyclic arenes – 3.16 % and 4.09 % respectively. The obtained final liquid residual product meets all but one requirements of ISO 8217-2012 for residual marine fuels

    Mechanical, Thermal Properties and Stability of Rigid Polyurethane Foams Produced with Crude-Glycerol Derived Biomass Biopolyols

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    Rigid polyurethane foams of significant renewable content (up to 50%) were produced using biomass biopolyols obtained previously via crude-glycerol mediated solvothermal liquefaction of three industrial biomass residue feedstocks: digested sewage sludge, hemp stalk hurds and sugar beet pulp (DSS, HSH and SBP), and commercial diphenylmethane diisocyanate. The produced foams exhibited higher apparent densities 43–160 kg/m3 and compressive strengths 34–254 kPa compared to tested commercial analogues. Varying foam formulation isocyanate-to-hydroxyl group ratios and blending biomass biopolyols with blank crude glycerol biopolyols led to lighter and less strong products. Blank crude glycerol and DSS biopolyol foams exhibited slowest water absorption rates. Biopolyol foams exhibited higher thermal stability and the non-flame retarded foams showed lower potential for fire spread due to lower pyrolysis gas combustion heat release rates and total released amounts of heat. In terms of fire toxicity, biopolyol foams are suspected to be slightly less toxic than typical commercial PU rigid foams (CO and HCN yields of 172.2 and 6.19 mg/g, respectively), still generating significant amounts of irritant smoke in under-ventilated flaming fire scenarios. The products were stable dimensionally (below 1% elongation) and moderately biodegradable (specific rates of 0.25–0.53%/month). Overall, the foams produced show promise as sustainable alternatives in applications such as domestic construction filler foams, where low density is not crucial but fire safety is of utmost importance

    Mechanical, thermal properties and stability of high renewable content liquefied residual biomass derived bio-polyurethane wood adhesives

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    Bio-polyurethane adhesives bio-PU of high renewable content up to 87 % were produced using biomass biopolyols obtained previously via crude-glycerol mediated solvothermal liquefaction of three industrial biomass residue feedstocks: digested sewage sludge, hemp stalk hurds and sugar beet pulp, and commercial pentamethylene diisocyanate. The produced adhesives were capable of exhibiting tensile strength values within the threshold of two commercially available polyurethane PU wood adhesives 5.77-11.03 MPa. Varying biomass feedstock particle size and dry matter content, adhesive formulation isocyanate to hydroxyl group ratios and biomass biopolyol blending with blank crude glycerol biopolyol showed varying effects on the adhesives produced. Although bio-PU adhesives exhibited lower thermal stability, the non-flame retarded adhesives showed lower potential for fire spread and nearly identical flammability with lower heat release rates in the cone calorimeter. In terms of fire toxicity, biopolyol adhesives were found to be less toxic in well-ventilated flaming fire scenarios, with significantly lower smoke and CO production than the commercial formulation. However, both commercial and biopolyol adhesives yielded significant quantities of CO and HCN toxicants when tested in under-ventilated and post-flashover fire scenarios. Here, the tested bio-PU bound wood system exhibited 25-30 % higher fractional effective doses compared to the commercial PU adhesive analogue. The biopolyol adhesives were much more hydrophilic water uptake of up to 119 %, less stable dimensionally max. elongation of 3 %, contained significantly more water soluble components up to 43 %, and biodegraded at higher rates up to 0.89 %/month, compared to commercial PU. They were, nonetheless, hydrolytically stable as their tensile strengths did not decrease below levels after water soaking and drying. Overall, the adhesives produced show promise as sustainable alternatives in applications where high thermal stability and low water uptake are not crucial parameters

    Mechanical, thermal properties and stability of high renewable content liquefied residual biomass derived bio-polyurethane wood adhesives

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    Bio-polyurethane adhesives bio-PU of high renewable content up to 87 % were produced using biomass biopolyols obtained previously via crude-glycerol mediated solvothermal liquefaction of three industrial biomass residue feedstocks: digested sewage sludge, hemp stalk hurds and sugar beet pulp, and commercial pentamethylene diisocyanate. The produced adhesives were capable of exhibiting tensile strength values within the threshold of two commercially available polyurethane PU wood adhesives 5.77-11.03 MPa. Varying biomass feedstock particle size and dry matter content, adhesive formulation isocyanate to hydroxyl group ratios and biomass biopolyol blending with blank crude glycerol biopolyol showed varying effects on the adhesives produced. Although bio-PU adhesives exhibited lower thermal stability, the non-flame retarded adhesives showed lower potential for fire spread and nearly identical flammability with lower heat release rates in the cone calorimeter. In terms of fire toxicity, biopolyol adhesives were found to be less toxic in well-ventilated flaming fire scenarios, with significantly lower smoke and CO production than the commercial formulation. However, both commercial and biopolyol adhesives yielded significant quantities of CO and HCN toxicants when tested in under-ventilated and post-flashover fire scenarios. Here, the tested bio-PU bound wood system exhibited 25-30 % higher fractional effective doses compared to the commercial PU adhesive analogue. The biopolyol adhesives were much more hydrophilic water uptake of up to 119 %, less stable dimensionally max. elongation of 3 %, contained significantly more water soluble components up to 43 %, and biodegraded at higher rates up to 0.89 %/month, compared to commercial PU. They were, nonetheless, hydrolytically stable as their tensile strengths did not decrease below levels after water soaking and drying. Overall, the adhesives produced show promise as sustainable alternatives in applications where high thermal stability and low water uptake are not crucial parameters

    Investigation of lube cuts oil properties dependence upun solvent extraction conditions

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    Tirta N-metil-2-pirolidono ir Vėžaičių telkinio naftos tepalinių frakcijų, verdančių 350–400, 400–450 ir 450–500 oC temperatūroje, tarpusavio tirpumo temperatūros priklausomybė nuo tirpiklio ir žaliavos santykio. Atrankinio valymo bandymai vykdyti esant įvairiam tirpiklio ir žaliavos santykiui bei ekstrakcijos temperatūros gradientui. Palygintos skirtingomis valymo sąlygomis gautų rafinatų išeigos, kinematinės klampos ir klampos indeksai. Rafinatų deparafinavimo tyrimais nustatyta, kad iš Vėžaičių telkinio naftos galima gauti 15,4 % distiliacinės bazinės alyvos, kurios klampos indeksas didesnis kaip 93Kauno technologijos universiteta

    Pelenų nesudarančiais priedais modifikuoto metilo esterio ir rapsų aliejaus dilimo slopinimo savybių tyrimas

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    Tepamųjų medžiagų priedai, naudojami mineraliniams ir biologiniams tepalams modifikuoti, yra nevienodai efektyvūs. Tyrėme mažai eruko rūgšties turintį rapsų aliejų (RA) ir kiaulių riebalų rūgščių metilo esterį (KME), modifikuotus bepeleniais komerciniais priedais. Modifikavimui naudotų priedų sudėtyje buvo S, P, N ir kitų funkcinių elementų bei stambiamolekulių esterių. Tyrimai atlikti keturių rutulių bandymo mašina. Nusidėvėję paviršiai vertinti optiniu mikroskopu ir SEM. Tyrimais nustatėme, kad tepimas nemodifikuotu RA ir KME yra neefektyvus. Esant 150 N apkrovai priedais modifikuoti RA ir KME pagal dilimo slopinimą prilygo komercinei bioalyvai. Esant 300 N apkrovai, priedais modifikuotas RA buvo gerokai efektyvesnis ne tik už KME, bet ir už komercinę alyvą. Tai patvirtina tiek dilimo pėdsako skersmuo, tiek trinties momentas bei tiriamos tepamosios medžiagos temperatūros pokytis. Tirtų priedų kompozicijos pagal tepimo savybes yra kur kas efektyvesnės už naudojamus tirtoje komercinėje alyvoje. Taigi šiuo metu taikoma biotepalų gaminimo technologiją galima gerokai pagerintiEffectiveness of lubricity additives in base oils from renewable resources is often different than that in mineral oils. Low erucic Rapeseed Oil (RO) and Lard oil Methyl Esters (LME) were fortified with commercial ashless additives. A fully formulated additive package with S, P and N containing lubricity enhancers and other functional ingredients was evaluated along with two commercial high molecular weight esters in Four Ball tribotester. Without additives, both oils showed poor antiwear properties. However, after selecting the most appropriate additives, performance of LME and RO under 150 N load was similar to that of a more viscous commercial lubricant. Under 300N load the lubricity of RO with these additives was significantly better than that of LME or the commercial lubricant. This is confirmed by wear scar diameters, torque and temperature increase. Antiwear properties of the selected additive formulations were clearly better than those of a commercially widespread vegetable oil based chain saw lubricant, suggesting that current formulation technology of biolubricants can be significanly improvedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij