119 research outputs found

    The extinct Sicilian wolf shows a complex history of isolation and admixture with ancient dogs

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    The Sicilian wolf remained isolated in Sicily from the end of the Pleistocene until its extermination in the 1930s–1960s. Given its long-term isolation on the island and distinctive morphology, the genetic origin of the Sicilian wolf remains debated. We sequenced four nuclear genomes and five mitogenomes from the seven existing museum specimens to investigate the Sicilian wolf ancestry, relationships with extant and extinct wolves and dogs, and diversity. Our results show that the Sicilian wolf is most closely related to the Italian wolf but carries ancestry from a lineage related to European Eneolithic and Bronze Age dogs. The average nucleotide diversity of the Sicilian wolf was half of the Italian wolf, with 37–50% of its genome contained in runs of homozygosity. Overall, we show that, by the time it went extinct, the Sicilian wolf had high inbreeding and low-genetic diversity, consistent with a population in an insular environmen

    Diversity and Diet Differences of Small Mammals in Commensal Habitats

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    The stability of diversity of syntopic (inhabiting the same habitat in the same time) small mammals in commensal habitats, such as farmsteads and kitchen gardens, and, as a proxy of their diet, their isotopic niches, was investigated in Lithuania in 2019–2020. We tested whether the separation of species corresponds to the trophic guilds, whether their diets are related to possibilities of getting additional food from humans, and whether their diets are subject to seasonal trends. We analyzed diversity, dominance and distribution of hair δ13C and δ15N values. Diversity and dominance was not stable and differed according to human influence. The highest small mammal species richness occurred in commensal habitats that provided additional food. The degree of separation of species was higher in homestead habitats than in kitchen gardens, where a 1.27% to 35.97% overlap of isotopic niches was observed between pairs of species. Temporal changes in δ13C and δ15N values in the hair of the mammals were not equally expressed in different species. The isotopic overlap may depend on dietary plasticity, minimizing interspecific competition and allowing co-existence of syntopic species. Thus, small mammal trophic ecology is likely related to intensity of agricultural activities in the limited space of commensal habitats

    Citizen Scientists Showed a Four-Fold Increase of Lynx Numbers in Lithuania

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    By the early 2000s, Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) were nearly extirpated in Lithuania. To determine their status, we used snow-track counts in 2006–2012 and volunteer monitoring in 1999–2005 and 2015–2018. Using simple questionnaires, we collected incidental observations from hunters, foresters, and other interested citizens to estimate lynx distribution, abundance and extent of breeding. Citizen scientists provided 206 reports of 278 individual lynx that suggested expanding lynx distributions in central, western, southwestern, and southern parts of Lithuania. A decrease in range fragmentation has also been observed since 2015. Nationwide, the lynx population quadrupled from 2010 to 162 individuals in 2018. The number of breeding individuals reported was just seven in both 2007 and 2008, limited to two forests in the very north and central part of the country. This increased to 46 in 2015–2018. Our results indicate that the lynx population in Lithuania has increased and its conservation status should be reconsidered

    Isotopic Niche of Syntopic Granivores in Commercial Orchards and Meadows

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    In agricultural habitats, diets and trophic positions of syntopic granivorous small mammals are not known sufficiently. Agroecosystems may be quite complex isotopically and the most complex situation concerns the nitrogen-15 isotope as δ15N values are influenced by many internal and external fluxes. We analysed the isotopic niches of striped field (Apodemus agrarius), yellow-necked (Apodemus flavicollis), and harvest (Micromys minutus) mice living sympatrically and syntopically in apple and plum orchards, raspberry and currant plantations, and nearby meadows that were used as control habitats. Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope ratios from hair samples were used as a proxy for their diet. As the main hypothesis, we expected differences in the isotopic niches of these three species, minimising interspecific competition. All species were fully separated according to δ15N values, presuming different amounts of food of animal origin in their diet. The separation of species according to δ13C was not expressed in all habitats. The core dietary niches of these species were fully separated in the apple orchards and raspberry plantations. Intraspecific differences of the isotopic niche were not present in any of the three species: that is, resources were equally used by males and females, adults, subadults, and juveniles