1,093 research outputs found

    In vitro evaluation of neutral oximes as reactivators of parathion-inhibited electric eel acetylcholinesterase

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    Organophosphorus (OP) compounds are irreversible inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) commonly used as pesticides and, unfortunately, as nerve agents in terrorist attacks. These compounds are highly soluble easily crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Clinically, oximes such as pralidoxime and obidoxime are used for the reactivation of AChE. These oximes are not sufficiently effective to reactivate AChE inhibited by different OPs besides the fact that they are permanently charged and do not readily cross the BBB. This work evaluated the ability of ten neutral oximes to reactivate parathion-inhibited eel AChE. Because oximes can bind to AChE as reversible inhibitors, this property was also evaluated, with pralidoxime (2-PAM) used as a reference compound. Unlike 2-PAM, which inhibited AChE in a concentration-dependent manner, neutral oximes were not good inhibitors of AChE. Neutral ligands can present affinity for the PAS site. Neutral oximes 1 and 2 (200 mM) reactivated parathion-inhibited eel AChE by 9% and 11%, respectively; but neither of them surpassed the reactivation efficacy of 2-PAM (25%). Neutral oximes 1 and 2 reactivated AChE at a safe concentration for humans. Both neutral oximes 1 and 2 are good non-quaternary moieties for the synthesis of conjugates with enhanced reactivation potency and BBB penetration

    O impacto da revascularização carotídea sobre a função cognitiva

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    The concept that carotid disease may compromise cognitive function was initially proposed by Fisher in 1951, based on an autopsy case. However, some topics involving cognitive function remain controversial, such as its correlation with carotid obstructive disease. So, the authors of this review evaluate the impact of carotid revascularization on cognitive function and the repercussions of the revascularization technique (carotid stenting vs. endarterectomy) chosen. It was clear from the literature reviewed that carotid stenosis is related to a decline in cognitive function over time. However, controversy still remains over the impact of carotid revascularization on cognitive function. With elation to the technique employed (carotid stenting vs. endarterectomy), the majority of studies found no difference between the two techniques in terms of overall cognitive outcome.The concept that carotid disease may compromise cognitive function was initially proposed by Fisher in 1951, based on an autopsy case. However, some topics involving cognitive function remain controversial, such as its correlation with carotid obstructive132116122sem informaçãosem informaçãoLal, B.K., Cognitive function after carotid artery revascularization (2007) Vasc Endovasc Surg, 41 (1), pp. 5-13. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1538574406297253, PMid:17277237Fisher, C., Senile dementia - A new explanation of its causation (1951) Arch Neurol, 65, pp. 1-7Carrea, R., Molins, M., Murphy, G., Surgery of spontaneous thrombosis of internal carotid in the neckcarotid-carotid anastomosiscase report and analysis of the literature on surgical cases (1955) Medicina (B. 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Porém, alguns tópicos envolvendo a função cognitiva permanecem controversos, tais como sua correlação

    Modelagem tridimensional do edifício Acaiaca: avaliação bioclimática de uma obra modernista brasileira

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: Delfim Amorim, arquiteto modernista do edifício Acaica, utilizou arranjos bioclimáticos construtivos (peitoril ventilado, generosas aberturas, brises verticais fixos e cobogós), a fim de otimizar o aproveitamento dos recursos naturais (ventilação natural e iluminação natural) dentro do edifício e promover o conforto ambiental aos usuários. O objetivo do artigo é através da modelagem tridimensional do edifício Acaiaca (utilizando o software Blender), avaliar os arranjos construtivos, que possam promover a qualidade bioclimática do edifício. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi realizado o percurso metodológico: Coleta documental e pesquisa bibliográfica do Acaiaca; Visita ao edifício; Aprofundamento teórico sobre qualidade ambiental e arquitetura bioclimática; Análise da qualidade ambiental do Acaiaca. Constatou-se que o edifício possui uma série de dispositivos bioclimários, o que contribuiria no controle do desperdício de energia e na qualidade ambiental do edifício, no entanto alguns moradores interviram nesses arranjos obstruindo as aberturas (peitoril ventilado e brises verticais), modificando o desempenho do edifício.ABSTRACT: Delfim Amorim, modernist architect of the Acaica building, used constructive bioclimatic arrangements (ventilated sill, generous openings, fixed vertical windshields and cobogós), in order to optimize the use of natural resources (natural ventilation and natural lighting) within the building and promote comfort to users. The objective of the article is through the three-dimensional modeling of the Acaiaca building (using the Blender software), to evaluate the construction arrangements, which can promote the building's bioclimatic quality. For the development of the research, the methodological path was carried out: Documentary collection and bibliographic research of Acaiaca; Visit to the building; Theoretical deepening on environmental quality and bioclimatic architecture; Analysis of the environmental quality of Acaiaca. It was found that the building has a series of bioclimatic devices, which would contribute to the control of energy waste and the environmental quality of the building, however some residents intervened in these arrangements by blocking the openings (ventilated sill and vertical breezes), modifying the performance of the building.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uma Análise Comparativa De Parâmetros Do Doppler Transcraniano Adquiridos Durante A Colocação De Stent Carotídeo E Endarterectomia Carotídea Por Semieversão

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    Background: Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and carotid artery stenting (CAS) have both been proposed for treatment of critical atherosclerotic stenosis located at the carotid bifurcation. Monitoring of hyperintense microembolic signals (MES) by transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) is considered a method of quality control, both in CEA and in CAS. Objective: To analyze temporal distribution of MES throughout both semi-eversion CEA and CAS procedures and to evaluate changes in mean velocity of blood flow through the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA). Method: Thirty-three procedures (17 CEA and 16 CAS) were prospectively monitored using TCD and the data were related to three different stages of surgery (pre-cerebral protection, during cerebral protection and post-cerebral protection). Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, ANOVA and contrast tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: The MES were uniformly distributed in the CEA group, but not in the CAS group (p = 0.208). The number of MES was higher in the CAS group in all stages. The average flow in the MCA was similarly lower in both groups during the protection stage. Conclusion: CEA provoked a lower incidence of MES per procedure than CAS in all stages. The behavior of the averages of the mean of blood flow through the MCA was similar in both groups. © 2016, Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular. All rights reserved.15319720

    O uso do lúdico no ensino de química para deficientes visuais ou baixa visão: utilização da tabela FD14

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014A tabela Periódica organizada e elaborada com características puramente visuais como formato, distribuição, cor, símbolos, informações numéricas e propriedades com seguimentos distintos, acaba por excluir de uma vez o deficiente visual. A tabela FD14 ® apresenta uma proposta onde o aluno, poderá coletar todas as informações contidas em uma tabela periódica em formato de jogo, sendo a mesma, o principal instrumento na aprendizagem da química. O modelo de ferramenta proposto foi utilizado por um aluno do 1o ano do Ensino Médio de 15 anos, deficiente visual desde seu nascimento e inserido no Ensino Médio regular no Col. Est. Eurídes Brandão. Para êxito da proposta, “João” conseguiu identificar sem qualquer tipo de auxílio todas as informações que um aluno visual teria acesso, num processo realmente inclusiv

    Efeitos da atividade física sobre densidade mineral óssea de mulheres saudáveis na pré-menopausa

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    Study Design: Sistematic review of literature.Aims: Physical activity is an important stimulus to increase bone mineral density (BMD). Whereby the resistance of the bone is associated with BMD, microstructure and material properties, improvements in bone mass are important to prevent osteoporosis in old ages. Despite many studies on the subject, there is no consensus on what is the best type of exercise, intensity and frequency for improvements in osteogenesis and promotion of BMD gain. This study aimed to investigate the types of physical activities that results in better osteogenic effects on increasing BMD in healthy premenopausal women.Methodology: We searched scientific articles in Pubmed and Science Direct databases published in the last ten years. We selected controlled studies which used high-impact activities or resistance training. We used systematic analysis of the selected articles.Results: Fifteen articles were included in this review, which were separated into two groups according to the type of exercise. We performed a comparative analysis of the methods used and the results achieved. There were more efficient protocols using high impact exercise even if it was a short-term program resulting in increased BMD in the proximal femur (femoral neck and intertrochanteric region).Conclusion: There were fewer studies observing increases in BMD at the lumbar spine when resistance exercise with load or high impact loads were used. Most experimental protocols performed in relatively short-term programs (6 months) demonstrated that exercise programs that were simple, easy to perform, and not using special devices are sufficient to promote bone remodeling at specific sites resulting in increased BMD.in increased BMD.Modelo de estudo: Revisão sistemática da literatura.Objetivo: A atividade física representa um importante estímulo ao aumento da densidade mineral óssea (DMO). Como a resistência dos ossos está associada tanto a DMO, quanto a microestrutura e propriedades do material, melhorias na massa óssea são importantes na prevenção de osteoporose na idade mais avançada. Apesar de muitos estudos sobre o tema, não existe consenso sobre qual seria o melhor tipo de atividade física, intensidade e frequência para melhorias na osteogênese e promoção do ganho de DMO. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os tipos de atividades físicas com melhor efeito osteogênico de aumento da DMO em mulheres saudáveis na pré-menopausa.Metodologia: Realizou-se levantamento bibliográfico de artigos científicos nas bases de dados Pubmed e Direct Science publicados nos últimos dez anos. Foram selecionados estudos controlados com exercícios de alto impacto e resistido. Utilizou-se análise sistematizada dos artigos selecionados.Resultados: Foram incluídos 15 artigos nesta revisão, os quais foram separados em dois grupos, conforme o tipo de exercício. Foi realizada análise comparativa de metodologias utilizadas e resultados alcançados. Constatou-se maior eficiência do protocolo de exercício de alto impacto, mesmo em curtoperíodo de execução para aumento da DMO do fêmur proximal (colo femoral e região intertrocantérica). Em menor frequência, foi observado aumento da DMO na coluna lombar quando exercícios resistidos ou de impactos maiores foram usados.Conclusões: A maioria dos artigos executou protocolo experimental em período relativamente curto (6 meses), demonstrando que programas de exercícios simples, de fácil execução, curto período de aplicação e sem uso de aparelhos específicos são suficientes para promover remodelação óssea emsítios específicos com aumento da DMO


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    O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a utilização da haste intramedular de polipropileno, combinada ou não a biomateriais de origem bovina, no tratamento de fraturas transversas induzidas no terço médio do úmero direito de pombos-domésticos. No grupo I (n=7), a fratura foi estabilizada por meio de haste intramedular de polipropileno aplicada em ambos os fragmentos da fratura, sem ultrapassar as articulações. No grupo II (n=7) utilizou-se a mesma fixação, porém foi aplicado junto ao foco de fratura uma mistura de biomateriais, constituída de proteínas morfogenéticas do osso e aglutinante de colágeno liofilizado. Em ambos os grupos, a asa foi imobilizada junto ao corpo com bandagem em forma de 8 por um período de 30 dias. Com seis semanas de pós-operatório, cinco fraturas do grupo I e quatro do grupo II estavam totalmente consolidadas. Foram observadas uma não consolidação hipertrófica (grupo I) e duas não consolidações com deslocamento do eixo ósseo (grupo II). Exceto as três aves que apresentaram complicações nas fraturas, as demais recuperaram a capacidade de vôo. Foi possível concluir que a haste intramedular de polipropileno foi um método de imobilização de eficácia limitada e os biomateriais utilizados não estimularam a consolidação das fraturas. Use of polypropylene intramedullary rod alone or combined with biomaterials for treatment of induced humeral transverse fractures in pigeons Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate a polypropylene intramedullary rod alone or combined with biomaterials from bovine origin for the treatment of transverse fractures induced in the midshaft of right humerus in pigeons. In group I (n=7) the fracture was immobilized using a polypropylene intramedullary rod inserted into both fractured extremities without entering the joints. The same device was used in group II (n=7). Additionally, the fractured site in group II animals received a mixture of biomaterials composed by bone morphogenetic proteins and lyophilized collagen. In both groups a cast was applied to the affected wing, which was immobilized with a figure-of-8 bandage applied to the body and wing during 30 days. Complete healing was observed after six weeks of surgery in five and four animals from groups I and II, respectively. Observed complications included one hypertrophic nonunion (group I) and two nonunion with bone shaft dislocation (group II). Except for the three pigeons that showed postoperative complications, the remaining animals recovered the ability of flight. It was possible to conclude that the polypropylene intramedullary rod is a limited method of immobilization and the biomaterials used in this study did not stimulate fracture healing

    Age Constraints on Brane Models of Dark Energy

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    Inspired by recent developments in particle physics, the so-called brane world cosmology seems to provide an alternative explanation for the present dark energy problem. In this paper, we use the estimated age of high-zz objects to constrain the value of the cosmological parameters in some particular scenarios based on this large scale modification of gravity. We show that such models are compatible with these observations for values of the crossover distance between the 4 and 5 dimensions of the order of rc1.67Ho1r_c \leq 1.67H_o^{-1}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Does The Pain Disturb The Respiratory Function After Heart Surgeries? [a Dor Interfere Na Função Respiratória Após Cirurgias Cardíacas?]

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    Objective: The postoperative pain after heart surgeries had been often reported. Meager reports about respiratory function and pain correlation had been reported. The aim of this study is to assess the pain intensity and location during hospital stay and its effect on respiratory function in patients undergone elective heart surgery. Methods: Respiratory function (lung volumes, respiratory muscle strength and peak expiratory flow) was assessed at the preoperative and postoperative times (1, 3 and 5 days) by ventilometer, manovacuometer and peak flow meter measurements. The assessment of pain intensity was performed with a visual analogue scale for pain. Results: The majority of pain site was on sternotomy incision (50% of patients) and the intensity was higher at the first postoperative day (8.32 by visual scale measurement). All respiratory variables remained lower than to preoperative period at fifth postoperative time (P >0.05), with exception for respiratory rate. 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