688 research outputs found

    Idade Precoce De Início Da Atividade Sexual Está Associada A Elevada Prevalência De Lesão Intraepitelial Escamosa De Alto Grau

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    To evaluate the association of age at first sexual intercourse with the results of the cervicovaginal cytology. Study Design Observational analytical study about the prevalence of altered cervicovaginal cytology results in women aged between 18 and 34 years from a densely populated area in Brazil, during 10 years. The patients were stratified into 2 categories according to their age at first sexual intercourse (13–16 years and 17–24 years). Results From the total of 2,505,154 exams, 898,921 tests were in accordance with the inclusion criteria. Considering women with 4 years or less from the first sexual intercourse as a reference, those with 5 to 9 years and 10 years or more showed a higher prevalence of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs). Women with an earlier onset of sexual intercourse (13–16 years) showed higher prevalence ratios for atypical squamous cells (ASC), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) and HSIL. The prevalence ratio for HSIL adjusted by age at diagnosis and by age at first sexual intercourse was higher only for women with an earlier onset of sexual intercourse. Conclusions The age of first sexual intercourse could be a variable that might qualify the selection among young women who are really at a higher risk for HSIL. © 2017 by Thieme-Revinter Publicações Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.3928085UNICAMP, Universidade Estadual de Campina

    Comunidades E Ocorrência De Répteis Squamata Em Diferentes Tipos De Vegetação Da Serra De São José, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The objective of the present study was to learn which species of Squamata reptiles occur in Protected Area São José, in Tiradentes, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Between November 2009 and December 2010 reptiles were captured. In total 157 specimens were recorded of 29 species, 16 snakes, 12 lizards and one amphisbaena. Among the snakes, Dipsadidae showed the greatest richness, with a total of nine species. The group of snakes had the highest number of species present in the community, but 79% of sampled specimens were lizards, Enyalius bilineatus being the most abundant species, with 21% of occurrence. The area with the highest richness was the Cerradão. The lower abundance was found in the Gallery Forest area (n=14), but it was the vegetation type with the highest equitability. Areas of Cerradão and Cerrado sensu strictu showed the most similarity. In these areas five species were recorded in common, Bothrops neuwiedi (n=3) being the only species of snake, and the two species of lizards most abundant in both environments were Enyalius bilineatus (n=32) and Ameivula ocellifera (n=19). Ophiodes striatus and Xenodon merremii were common to Cerradão and Dirty Field areas. There was no species recorded that were common to the environments of Cerrado and Dirty Field but two species not sympatric were found of the same genus, Tropidurus torquatus, which was found only in the Cerrado sensu strictu and Tropidurus itambere exclusively in Dirty Field. Since none of the rarefaction curves reached full asymptote, this highlights the need for further study due to the high probability of new species being recorded for the studied area. © 2017, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.171CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorCNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoAPQ-01992-09, FAPEMIG, Fundação de Amparo á Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisIBAMA, Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais RenováveisCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Cirurgia Com Tela Para Correção De Prolapso De Parede Anterior: Metanálise

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    Purpose Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a major health issue worldwide, affecting 6–8% of women. The most affected site is the anterior vaginal wall. Multiple procedures and surgical techniques have been used, with or without the use of vaginal meshes, due to common treatment failure, reoperations, and complication rates in some studies. Methods Systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis regarding the use of vaginal mesh in anterior vaginal wall prolapse was performed. A total of 115 papers were retrieved after using the medical subject headings (MESH) terms: ‘anterior pelvic organ prolapse OR cystocele AND surgery AND (mesh or colporrhaphy)’ in the PubMed database. Exclusion criteria were: follow-up shorter than 1 year, use of biological or absorbable meshes, and inclusion of other vaginal wall prolapses. Studies were put in a data chart by two independent editors; results found in at least two studies were grouped for analysis. Results After the review of the titles by two independent editors, 70 studies were discarded, and after abstract assessment, 18 trials were eligible for full text screening. For final screening and meta-analysis, after applying the Jadad score ( > 2), 12 studies were included. Objective cure was greater in the mesh surgery group (odds ratio [OR] = 1,28 [1,07–1,53]), which also had greater blood loss (mean deviation [MD] = 45,98 [9,72–82,25]), longer surgery time (MD = 15,08 [0,48–29,67]), but less prolapse recurrence (OR = 0,22 [01,3–0,38]). Dyspareunia, symptom resolution and reoperation rates were not statistically different between groups. Quality of life (QOL) assessment through the pelvic organ prolapse/urinary incontinence sexual questionnaire (PISQ-12), the pelvic floor distress inventory (PFDI-20), the pelvic floor impact questionnaire (PFIQ-7), and the perceived quality of life scale (PQOL) was not significantly different. Conclusions Anterior vaginal prolapse mesh surgery has greater anatomic cure rates and less recurrence, although there were no differences regarding subjective cure, reoperation rates and quality of life. Furthermore, mesh surgery was associated with longer surgical time and greater blood loss. Mesh use should be individualized, considering prior history and risk factors for recurrence. © 2016 by Thieme Publicações Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.38735636

    Cirurgia com tela para correção de prolapso de parede anterior: metanálise

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    Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a major health issue worldwide, affecting 6–8% of women. The most affected site is the anterior vaginal wall. Multiple procedures and surgical techniques have been used, with or without the use of vaginal meshes, due to common treatment failure, reoperations, and complication rates in some studies. Methods Systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis regarding the use of vaginal mesh in anterior vaginal wall prolapse was performed. A total of 115 papers were retrieved after using the medical subject headings (MESH) terms: ‘anterior pelvic organ prolapse OR cystocele AND surgery AND (mesh or colporrhaphy)’ in the PubMed database. Exclusion criteria were: follow-up shorter than 1 year, use of biological or absorbable meshes, and inclusion of other vaginal wall prolapses. Studies were put in a data chart by two independent editors; results found in at least two studies were grouped for analysis. Results After the review of the titles by two independent editors, 70 studies were discarded, and after abstract assessment, 18 trials were eligible for full text screening. For final screening and meta-analysis, after applying the Jadad score ( > 2), 12 studies were included. Objective cure was greater in the mesh surgery group (odds ratio [OR] = 1,28 [1,07–1,53]), which also had greater blood loss (mean deviation [MD] = 45,98 [9,72–82,25]), longer surgery time (MD = 15,08 [0,48–29,67]), but less prolapse recurrence (OR = 0,22 [01,3–0,38]). Dyspareunia, symptom resolution and reoperation rates were not statistically different between groups. Quality of life (QOL) assessment through the pelvic organ prolapse/urinary incontinence sexual questionnaire (PISQ-12), the pelvic floor distress inventory (PFDI-20), the pelvic floor impact questionnaire (PFIQ-7), and the perceived quality of life scale (PQOL) was not significantly different. Conclusions Anterior vaginal prolapse mesh surgery has greater anatomic cure rates and less recurrence, although there were no differences regarding subjective cure, reoperation rates and quality of life. Furthermore, mesh surgery was associated with longer surgical time and greater blood loss. Mesh use should be individualized, considering prior history and risk factors for recurrence.387356364Prolapso de órgãos pélvicos é problema de saúde públicas, sendo o mais comum o anterior. Para tratamento são utilizadas cirurgias, com ou sem telas. O uso de telas é para diminuir recidivas, mas não h á consenso. Métodos: Foi realizada revisão da literatura e metanálise, sobre uso de telas na correção do prolapso anterior. Base de dados foi PUBMED , com termos (MESH): “Anterior Pelvic Organ OR Cystocele AND Surgery AND (Mesh or Colporrhaphy)”. Critérios de exclusão foram: seguimento menor que 1 ano, telas biológicas ou absorvíveis. Resultados: foram avaliados 115 artigos. Após revisão dos títulos, 70 estudos foram descartados e 18 após leitura de resumos. Após critérios de Jadad (>2), 12 estudos foram incluídos. Análise estatística foi razão de risco ou diferença entre médias dos grupos, e as análises com grande heterogeneidade foram avaliadas através de análise de efeito aleatório. Resultados: Cura objetiva foi superior no grupo com tela - OR 1,28 (1,07-1,53, p ≤ 0,00001), maior perda sanguínea - diferença média (MD) 45,98 (9,72-82,25, p = 0,01), tempo cirúrgico mais longo - MD 15,08 (0,48-29,67, p = 0,04), porém menor recorrência - OR 0,22 (0,13-0,38, p = 0,00001), não apresentando maior resolução dos sintomas - OR 1,93 (0,83-4,51, p = 0,15). Dispareunia e taxa de reoperação também não foram diferentes entre grupos. Qualidade de vida não apresentou diferença. Conclusões: Cirurgia com tela para prolapso vaginal anterior apresenta melhor taxa de cura anatômica e menor recorrência, sem diferenças cura subjetiva, reoperação e qualidade de vida. Há maior tempo cirúrgico e perda sanguínea. Uso de telas deve ser individualizado


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a concentração de glicerol e tempo de equilíbrio para congelação de espermatozóides caninos diluídos em Tris-Gema. Vinte cães serviram como doadores sendo estimulados por massagem peniana. Semanalmente colheu-se a fração rica sêmen até a obtenção de 20 pools (3 ejaculados/pool). Após a avaliação macro e microscópica, o pool foi dividido em 4 partes iguais e diluído em amostras de Tris-gema adicionado de 4, 6, 8 e 10% de glicerol respectivamente, pelo método one step, à temperatura de 37ºC. As amostras foram envasadas em palhetas de 0,5 ml permanecendo em equilíbrio a 4ºC por 1, 2, 3 e 4 horas, sendo então colocadas em vapor de nitrogênio líquido (N2) por 15 minutos e posteriormente mergulhadas e, então, raqueadas e armazenadas em botijão criobiológico. A descongelação foi feita a 37 ºC por 30 segundos retirando-se uma alíquota para avaliação da motilidade, vigor e retenção acrossomal; o restante do sêmen foi incubado em banho Maria a 39 °C por até 4 horas para teste de termoresistência (TTR). Os melhores resultados pós-descongelação de motilidade (

    Control tunning approach and digital filter application for competitive line follower robot

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    This research describes the development of a control strategy to optimize a competitive line follower robot for standard races. The innovative approach stems from the WolfBotz team at CEFET/RJ, presenting a thorough exploration of mathematical foundations, hardware design, control analysis, and how to implement this system in a microcontroller. This research complements a previous work that shows all the regulations used in Brazilian competitions and describes the controllers used in the system, such as angular and linear control. This research emphasizes all the changes between the two versions of Line Follower robots. The emphasis on mathematical foundations and integrating digital signal processing techniques like digital filters set the stage for robust sensor data interpretation. The tuning and optimization of dual controllers for track stability and linear velocity regulation represent a significant innovation, augmenting the robot’s overall performance.The authors would like to thank CEFET/RJ and the Brazilian research agencies CAPES, CNPq, and FAPERJ for supporting this work. Besides, the authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Byrsonima Crassa Niedenzu (ik): Antimicrobial Activity And Chemical Study

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    The methanolic extract of leaves from Byrsonima crassa, a Brazilian medicinal plant, was analyzed by CC and HPLC. Four constituents were isolated and identified as quercetin, methyl gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate and quercetin-3-O-(2″-galloyl)-α-L-arabinopyranoside. The methanolic and hydromethanolic extract, as well as fractions, were evaluated regarding their possible antimicrobial activity using in vitro methods. Results showed that both extracts and fractions exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against all tested strains.2617175Agrawal, P.K., (1989) Carbon 13NMR of Flavonoids, , Amsterdam:ElsevierAlzoreky, N.S., Nakahara, K., Antibacterial activity of extracts from some edible plants commonly consumed in Asia (2003) Int J Food Microbiol, 80, pp. 223-230Amarqiuise, A., Che, C.T., Bejar, E., Malone, M.H., Fong, H.H.S., A New Glycolipid from Byrsonima crassifolia (1994) Planta Med, 60, pp. 85-86Basile, A., Sorbo, S., Giordano, S., Ricciardi, L., Ferrara, S., Montesano, D., Cobianchi, R.C., Ferrara, L., Antibacterial and allelopathic activity of extract from Castanea sativa leaves (2000) Fitoterapia, 71, pp. S110-S116Bauer, A.W., Kirby, M.D.K., Sherries, J.C., Truck, M., Antibiotic susceptibilities testing by standard single disc diffusion method (1966) Am J Clin Pathol, 45, pp. 493-496Bejar, E., Amarquaye, A., Che, C.T., Malone, M.H., Fong, H.H.S., Constituents of Byrsonima crassifolia and their spasmogenic activity (1995) Int J Pharmacog, 33, pp. 25-32Binutu, O.A., Cordell, G.A., Gallic acid derivatives from Mezoneuron benthamianum leaves (2000) Pharm Biol, 38, pp. 284-286Djipa, C.D., Delmee, M., Quetin-Leclercq, J., Antimicrobial activity of bark extracts of Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston (Myrtaceae) (2000) J Ethnopharmacol, 71, pp. 307-313Geiss, F., Heinrich, M., Hunkler, D., Rimpler, H., Heinrich, M., Proanthocyanidins with (+)-epicatechin units from Byrsonima crassifolia bark (1995) Phytochemistry, 39, pp. 635-643Gottlieb, O.R., Henriques Mendes, P., Taveira Magalhães, M., Triterpenoids from Byrsonima verbascifolia (1975) Phytochemistry, 14, pp. 1456-1456Harborne, J.B., (1996) The Flavonoids: Advances in Research since 1986, , New York:Chapman & HallLopez, A., Hudson, J.B., Towers, G.H.N., Antiviral and antimicrobial activities of Colombian medicinal plants (2001) J Ethnopharmacol, 77, pp. 189-196Martínez-Vasquéz, M., González-Esquinca, A.R., Cazares Luna, L., Moreno Gutiérrez, M.N., García-Argáez, A.N., Antimicrobial activity of Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) H.B.K (1999) J Ethnopharmacol, 66, pp. 79-82Mendes, C.C., Cruz, F.G., David, J.M., Nascimento, I.P., David, J.P., Triterpenes esterified with fatty acid and triterpene acids isolated from Byrsonima microphylla (1999) Quím Nova, 22, pp. 185-188Nascimento, G.G.F., Locatelli, J., Freitas, P.C., Silva, G.L., Antibacterial activity of plants extracts and phytochemicals on antibiotic-resistant bacteria (2000) Braz J Microbiol, 31, pp. 247-256(2003) Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disc Susceptibility Tests, , Approved Standard M2-A7, Pennsylvania:WaynePenna, C., Marino, S., Vivot, E., Cruanes, M.C., Munoz, J.D., Cruanes, J., Ferraro, G., Martino, V., Antimicrobial activity of Argentine plants used in the treatment of infectious diseases. Isolation of active compounds from Sebastiania brasiliensis (2001) J Ethnopharmacol, 77, pp. 37-40Pretorius, J.C., Magama, S., Zietsman, P.C., Purification and identification of antibacterial compounds from Euclea crispa subsp crispa (Ebenaceae) leaves (2003) S Afr J Bot, 69, pp. 579-586Rastrelli, L., De Tommasi, N., Berger, I., Caceres, A., Saravia, A., De Simone, F., Glycolipids from Byrsonima crassifolia (1997) Phytochemistry, 45, pp. 647-650Sannomiya, M., Rodrigues, C.M., Coelho, R.G., Santos, L.C., Hiruma-Lima, C.A., Souza Brito, A.R.M., Vilegas, W., Application of preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography for the separation of flavonoids from the leaves of Byrsonima crassa Niedenzu (IK) (2004) J Chromatogr A, 1035, pp. 47-51Sannomiya, M., Fonseca, V.B., Da Silva, M.A., Rocha, L.R.M., Dos Santos, L.C., Souza, H.C.A., Brito, A.R.M., Vilegas, W., Flavonoids and antiulcerogenic activity from Byrsonima crassa leaves extracts (2005) J Ethnopharmacol, 97, pp. 1-6Silva, S.R., Silva, A.P., Munhoz, C.B., Silva Jr., M.C., Medeiros, M.B., (2001) Guia de Plantas Do Cerrado Utilizadas Na Chapada Dos Veadeiros, , Brasília:WWF58pSrinivasan, D., Nathan, S., Suresh, T., Perumalsamy, P.L., Antimicrobial activity of certain Indian medicinal plants used in folkloric medicine (2001) J Ethnopharmacol, 74, pp. 217-220Wagner, H., Bladt, H., Zgainski, E.M., (1984) Plant Drug Analysis, , Berlin:Springer320

    The chemical generation of NO for the determination of nitrite by high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry

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    AbstractIn the present work, we propose a method for the determination of nitrite based on the chemical generation of nitric oxide (NO) and its detection by high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry. NO is generated by the reduction of nitrite in acidic media with ascorbic acid as the reducing agent and then transferred into a quartz cell by a stream of argon carrier gas. The conditions under which the NO is generated are as follows: 0.4molL−1 hydrochloric acid, 1.5%(w/v) ascorbic acid, an argon gas pressure of 0.03MPa and an injection time of the reducing agent of 4s. All measurements of molecular absorption were performed using the NO line at 215.360nm, and the signal was measured by peak height. Under these conditions, the method described has limits of detection and quantification of 0.045 and 0.150μgmL−1 of nitrite, respectively. The calibration curve is linear for nitrite concentrations in the range 0.15–15μgmL−1. The precision, estimated as the relative standard deviation (RSD), was 3.5% and 4.4% for solutions with nitrite concentrations of 0.5 and 5.0μgmL−1, respectively. This method was applied to the analysis of different water samples (well water, drinking water and river water) collected in Cachoeira City, Bahia State, Brazil. The results were in agreement with those obtained by a spectrophotometric method using the Griess reaction. Addition/recovery tests were also performed to check the validity of the proposed method. Recoveries of 93–106% were achieved


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    A serra do Tepequém foi palco de intensa atividade garimpeira diamantífera que ao longo das últimas décadas tem contribuído com o processo erosivo revelado através de feições lineares. Além da influência antrópica, a vulnerabilidade física, química e mineralógica dos solos foi determinante na formação e evolução das voçorocas. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar e descrever os principais fatores de vulnerabilidade física, química e mineralógica do solo envolvidos no processo erosivo