223 research outputs found

    Predictive biomarkers of bacillus calmette-guérin immunotherapy response in bladder cancer : where are we now?

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    The most effective therapeutic option for managing nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), over the last 30 years, consists of intravesical instillations with the attenuated strain Bacillus Calmette-Gu´erin (the BCG vaccine). This has been performed as an adjuvant therapeutic to transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) and mostly directed towards patients with highgrade tumours, T1 tumours, and in situ carcinomas. However, from 20% to 40% of the patients do not respond and frequently present tumour progression. Since BCG effectiveness is unpredictable, it is important to find consistent biomarkers that can aid either in the prediction of the outcome and/or side effects development. Accordingly, we conducted a systematic critical review to identify themost preeminent predictive molecular markers associated with BCG response. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review exclusively focusing on predictive biomarkers for BCG treatment outcome. Using a specific query, 1324 abstracts were gathered, then inclusion/exclusion criteria were applied, and finally 87 manuscripts were included. Several molecules, including CD68 and genetic polymorphisms, have been identified as promising surrogate biomarkers. Combinatory analysis of the candidate predictive markers is a crucial step to create a predictive profile of treatment responseThe first author has a PhD grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia /FCT (SFRH/BD/43399/2008), cofinanced by European Social Fund (ESF) underHuman Potential Operation Programme (POPH) from National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)

    Estudo Aeromagnetométrico e Morfotectônico da Sub-Bacia Olinda, Bacia Paraíba, e do Embasamento Adjacente

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    A prospecção de óleo e gás no Brasil teve vários pulsos de investimento e estudos. A primeira bacia a ser vastamente estudada foi a Bacia do Recôncavo, tratando-se de uma bacia onshore. Com isso as bacias onshore foram estudadas com grande entusiasmo. Porém, a Bacia Pernambuco (BPE) e a Bacia Paraíba (BPB) não tiveram o mesmo investimento em estudos, tendo nas décadas de 80 apenas um poço em cada. Com os rounds do petróleo a BPE teve a prospecção aumentada, com linhas sísmicas onshore e offshore, poços e trabalhos diversos. Enquanto a BPB ficou esquecida. Como parte final da quebra entre os continentes Sul Americano e Africano, a BPB precisa de novos estudos e investimentos para a compreensão da evolução tectônica e estratigráfica do norte da margem leste brasileira. O presente trabalho tem como intuito as análises superficiais e subsuperficiais da Sub-bacia Olinda-BPB, fazendo a comparação dos dados de sensor remoto e aeromagnetometria. Com intuito de subdividir a Sub-bacia Olinda e compreender a relação das principais estruturas do embasamento e sua interferência na baci

    Dente de um picnodontiforme (Actinopterygii, Neopterygii) da Formação Estiva, Cenomaniano-Turoniano da Bacia de Pernambuco, NE do Brasil

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    Ray-finned fishes (Actinopterigii) pycnodontiformes compounds a specialized group, small to medium-sized, with laterally compressed body and a batteries of flattened, peg-like teeth on the vomer, adapted for feeding on hard-shelled prey and by its life in near shore environments and/or characterized by reefs. Here is presented their first record to the carbonate deposits included in Estiva Formation, Maracaípe region, in the south of coastal Pernambuco Basin, considered Cenomanian-Turonian in age, where is also the first evidence of vertebrate rests. The record of fish remains open new perspective to this stratigraphic unit and to the basin in general, until the moment poorly known. Key words: pycnodontiformes, Cretaceous, Pernambuco Basin, Estiva Formation.Os actinopterígeos picnodontiformes são formas especializadas de peixes, por sua dentição adaptada à durofagia, o corpo alto e estreito e por se adaptarem a ambientes marinhos rasos e/ou recifais. O achado inédito de restos deste tipo de peixe na região de Maracaípe, porção sul da faixa costeira da Bacia de Pernambuco, bem como a primeira evidência da presença de vertebrados, é comunicado para os depósitos carbonáticos da Formação Estiva, de provável idade Cenomaniano-Turoniano. Com isto, se ampliam os estudos sobre o conteúdo fossilífero da bacia, cujo conhecimento ainda foi pouco explorado. Palavras-chave: dentes picnodontiformes, Cretáceo, Bacia de Pernambuco, Formação Estiva


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    This work describes the tectonic and sedimentary events involved in the genesis and evolution of the Pernambuco and of Paraíba marginal basins, Northeast of Brazil. The opening of Atlantic Ocean at this point started with the development of the Cupe Rift (Aptian), a feature of the Pernambuco Basin, advanced in direction of the Paraíba Basin platform, and was responsible for the deposition of Albian-Aptian deposits. The Cupe Rift evolved as a consequence of the extensional event, which occurred in the basal portion of the Atlantic Rift at the oriental margin of the Northeast of Brazil. The sedimentary filling of these basins and the style of the crust rupture mechanism allow to invoke a scenario where the separation of this part of the South American and African continents was completed in the post-Turonian, as part of the distension detachment, between the two plates (Turonian unconformity). Correlating these basins with the Rio Muni Basin of the West Africa, a very strong similarity is evidenced regarding its sedimentary deposits and tectonic events. Almost inexpressive until the last decades, the Rio Muni Basin produces at the moment ca. 12.000 barrels of petroleum per dayEste trabalho descreve os eventos tectônicos e sedimentares envolvidos na gênese e evolução das bacias marginais de Pernambuco e da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. A abertura do Atlântico neste ponto teve início no desenvolvimento do Rifte do Cupê (Aptiano), parte integrante da Bacia de Pernambuco, e avançou em direção à Bacia da Paraíba, depositando sedimentos albiano/aptianos, como conseqüência do evento de distensão da base da seção rifte ocorrido na margem oriental do Nordeste. Seu preenchimento sedimentar, aliado ao mecanismo de ruptura da crosta, remete a um cenário onde a separação completa desta parte do continente sul-americano e do continente africano se deu por completa no pós-Turoniano, como parte do detachment extensional entre as duas placas (Discordância do Turoniano). Correlacionando estas bacias com a Bacia do Rio Muni, no oeste da África, nota-se uma forte correlação dos seus depósitos sedimentares e eventos tectônicos. Sem maior expressão até meados da década passada, a Bacia do Rio Muni atualmente produz aproximadamente 12.000 barris/dia de petróle

    Implantação da segurança na gestão da informação na administração pública: um estudo de caso no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Amazonas

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    A partir de uma visão moderna da gestão contemporânea, os órgãos da administração pública têm assumido uma nova postura na busca pela prestação de serviços de excelência à sociedade. Nesse contexto, a informação passou a exercer um papel preponderante e estratégico na tomada de decisões. Isso promoveu a necessidade de protegê-la de forma estruturada e adequada. Considerando a aplicação prática da pesquisa científica, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a implantação da segurança na gestão da informação no âmbito da administração pública e divulgar como o conhecimento pode ser aplicado em benefício do setor. A pesquisa apresenta um estudo de caso sobre a implantação da segurança da informação no âmbito do TCE-AM. Dentre os resultados alcançados, destaca-se a elevação do nível de proteção dos ativos, aumento da resiliência dos serviços e processos de trabalho e o fortalecimento dos controles internos e da imagem organizacional.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, v. 67, n.1, p. 109-130Gestão da InformaçãoGestão PúblicaISSN eletrônico: 2357-8017ISSN impresso: 0034-924

    Growth of Pinus taeda at early age as function of the growing space

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    Avaliou-se o desempenho de Pinus taeda L. aos quatro anos de idade, plantado em diferentes espaçamentos, simulando espaços vitais entre 1 m² e 16 m². O experimento foi implantado em 2002, com mudas de Pinus taeda L. produzidas com sementes de pomar clonal. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições e nove tratamentos (espaçamentos 1,0 x 1,0; 2,0 x 1,0; 2,0 x 2,0; 3,0 x 2,5; 3,0 x 3,0; 3,0 x 3,5; 4,0 x 3,0; 4,0 x 3,5; 4,0 x 4,0 m), constituídos por 25 mudas e uma linha de bordadura. Não foram significantes as correlações entre espaço vital e altura, nem entre espaço vital e DAP. O diâmetro dos ramos, entretanto, está correlacionado com o espaço vital. Existe correlação entre altura e DAP e entre DAP e diâmetro de ramos. A altura das árvores variou entre 4,08 m e 4,60 m, e o DAP entre 5,65 cm e 7,69 cm. Não se detectou diferenças significantes no crescimento da altura e do DAP. O espaço vital afetou o crescimento dos ramos, cujos diâmetros variaram entre 11,45 mm e 19,01 mm. Quanto maior o espaço vital, maiores os diâmetros dos ramos.Palavras-chave: Espaçamento; diâmetro de ramos; desrama. AbstractGrowth of Pinus taeda at early age as function of the growing space. It was evaluated the growth of four years old Pinus taeda L. planted at nine different spacings (1.0 x 1.0; 2.0 x 1.0; 2.0 x 2.0; 3.0 x 2.5; 3.0 x 3.0; 3.0 x 3.5; 4.0 x 3.0; 4.0 x 3.5; 4.0 x 4.0 m), simulating vital spaces ranging from 1 m² to 16 m². The trial was established in 2002 with seedlings of Pinus taeda L. originated from a clonal seed orchard. It was used randomized blocks with five replications, each plot with 25 seedlings, excluding a border line. There were no significant correlation between growing space and height or between growing space and DBH. The diameter of branches was correlated with growing space. Positive correlations were obtained between height and DBH and between branch diameter and DBH. Tree height ranged from 4.08 m to 4.60 m and the DBH from 5.65 cm e 7.69 cm and there were no significant differences for both variables. The growing space affected branch growth. Larger growing spaces resulted in larger branch diameter. Branch diameters ranged from 11.45 mm to 19.01 mm.Keywords: Spacing; diameter of branches; pruning.It was evaluated the growth of four years old Pinus taeda L. planted at nine different spacings (1.0 x 1.0; 2.0 x 1.0; 2.0 x 2.0; 3.0 x 2.5; 3.0 x 3.0; 3.0 x 3.5; 4.0 x 3.0; 4.0 x 3.5; 4.0 x 4.0 m), simulating vital spaces ranging from 1 m² to 16 m². The trial was established in 2002 with seedlings of Pinus taeda L. originated from a clonal seed orchard. It was used randomized blocks with five replications, each plot with 25 seedlings, excluding a border line. There were no significant correlation between growing space and height or between growing space and DBH. The diameter of branches was correlated with growing space. Positive correlations were obtained between height and DBH and between branch diameter and DBH. Tree height ranged from 4.08 m to 4.60 m and the DBH from 5.65 cm e 7.69 cm and there were no significant differences for both variables. The growing space affected branch growth. Larger growing spaces resulted in larger branch diameter. Branch diameters ranged from 11.45 mm to 19.01 mm

    Assessment of a fruit extract (Sechium edule) on the labeling of blood elements with technetium-99m

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    Natural products have been widely used by human beings. However, sometimes the biological effects of these products are not fully known. Chayotte (Sechium edule) is a vegetable used in the folk medicine. Red blood cells (RBC) labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) have several clinical applications. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of an extract of chayotte on the labeling of blood elements with 99mTc using stannous chloride (SnCl2) in the concentrations like to 1.2, 0.006, 0.0005 and 0.0006 μg/ml. The extract of chayote was incubated in various concentrations for 1hour with blood which was withdrawn from Wistar rats. After that SnCl2 was added and the incubation continued for more 1 h. Elapsed this time 99mTc as sodium pertechnetate (NaTcO4) was toted. The blood was centrifuged and plasma (P) and RBC were isolated, also precipitated with trichloroacetic acid (TCA, 5%) and soluble (S) and insoluble (I) fractions (F) of plasma and cells (C) were determined. The radioactivity (ATI%) was rated in RBC, IF-P and IF-C. The results have showed that extract was able to reduce the radiolabeling using SnCl2 (0.006, 0.0005 and 0.0006μg/ml). We can speculate that this effect may be on account of the products with oxidant proprieties. Key Words: chayote, red blood cells, plasma proteins, technetium-99m, radiopharmacy. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(9) 2004: 484-48

    Rare Diseases and COVID-19: How are the Patients?

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    Dear Editor, When searching the scientific literature COVID-19-associated syndromes in addition to syndromes middle eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), some cardiovascular syndromes and post intensive care syndrome [1,2], we found the syndromes of Guillain-Barré, Miller Fisher, polyneuritis cranialis, Kawasaki, Inflammatory multisystem syndrome, and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion [3-29]. Of these, only Guillain-Barré syndrome and Miller Fisher syndrome, Kawasaki diseases and Inflammatory multisystem syndrome have currently present cranio-facial manifestation (Table 1), but possibly others will become know when the damage of COVID-19 becomes known.Although there is no standardized definition of rare diseases, the classification of rare diseases is closely related to a definition according to point prevalence in the current political and legislative context, and such definitions are based on a prevalence threshold directly or implied. According to the World Health Organization (WOS) and adopted by the Ministry of Health of Brazil, a rare disease affects up to 65 per 100,000 individuals [30]. Each rare disease, taken separately, affects a limited number of people. Considering, however, that there are up to 8,000 types of rare diseases worldwide, when grouped under a single category, their epidemiological impact may become quite significant. About 80% of those are caused by genetic factors, and the rest by other factors, such as environmental, infectious and immunologicalones [31]. Thus, rare diseases are a global challenge that must be overcome. A multi-professional and interdisciplinary team, including pediatric dentistry, oral medicine and pathology, is essential for success throughout the process

    CARACTERIZAÇÃO DO ALVO FOSFÁTICO DE BOCAINA, PORÇÃO LESTE DA BACIA DO PARNAÍBA: SISTEMÁTICA INTEGRADA DE FÁCIES SEDIMENTARES, MINERALOGIA, GEOQUÍMICA E ESPECTROSCOPIA DE REFLECTÂNCIA: Characterization of the Bocaina phosphatic target, Eastern of Parnaíba Basin: an integrated systematic of sedimentary facies, mineralogy, geochemistry and reflectance spectroscopy

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    Sedimentary phosphate ores in northeastern Parnaíba Basin are known since the 1970s due to researches conducted by CPRM and DNPM. Phosphatic ores are found mainly in the Devonian sequence associated with Pimenteira Formation rocks. Because there is a need for the detailing and discovery of new targets in the Bocaina and also a necessity to evaluate prospecting methods, this research aims to characterize sedimentological and spectral of phosphatic rocks in Pimenteira Formation using X-ray diffraction (XRD), portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and reflectance spectroscopy (ER). The rocks were individualized into four sedimentary facies: Sm (massive sandstone), Sp (planar sandstone), Fm (massive mudstone and siltstone) and Fl (laminated mudstone and siltstone). The depositional environment appears to be evolving from a distal deltaic environment for a shallow-platform in a transgressive system. P anomalies (> 450 ppm) are associated with recognized phosphate levels between units. By XRD analysis, carbonate hydroxyapatite is the main phosphate phase found in the study area and kaolinite, illite, smectite, and the main phyllosilicates used. Reflectance spectroscopy analysis made it possible to individualize four sedimentary facies and suggests that kaolinite, illite, and goethite can be used as endmembers in spectral mapping in the region.Ocorrências de fosfato sedimentar na porção leste da Bacia do Parnaíba são conhecidas desde a década de 70 por pesquisas realizadas pela CPRM e DNPM.  Os alvos fosfáticos estão concentrados na sequência devoniana, mais especificamente em rochas da Formação Pimenteiras.   Devido a demanda pelo detalhamento e descoberta de novos alvos na região de Bocaina, este trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização sedimentológica, e espectral das rochas associadas a anomalias fosfáticas da Formação Pimenteiras utilizando técnicas de difratometria de raios-X, fluorescência de de raios-X portátil e espectroscopia de reflectância.  As rochas foram individualizadas em quatro fácies sedimentares: Sm (arenito maciço), Sp (arenito plano-paralelo), Fm (finos maciços) e Fl (finos laminados) que indicam um ambiente deltaico distal evoluindo para uma plataforma em um trato de sistema transgressivo.  Anomalias de fósforo (>450ppm) estão associados a níveis fosfáticos reconhecidos entre as unidades.  Por análises de DRX, carbonato-hidroxapatita é a principal fase fosfática encontrada na área de estudo e caolinita, ilita, esmectita são os principais filossilicatos identificados. As análises por espectroscopia de reflectância possibilitaram a individualizaçãos das quatro fácies e sugerem que caolinita, ilita e goetita podem ser utilizados como endmembers em futuros mapeamentos espectrais na região.   Palavras-chave: Bacia do Parnaíba, Fosfato, Formação Pimenteira, Fácies Sedimentares