2,097 research outputs found

    Kinetical Foundations of Non Conventional Statistics

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    After considering the kinetical interaction principle (KIP) introduced in ref. Physica A {\bf296}, 405 (2001), we study in the Boltzmann picture, the evolution equation and the H-theorem for non extensive systems. The qq-kinetics and the κ\kappa-kinetics are studied in detail starting from the most general non linear Boltzmann equation compatible with the KIP.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Contribution paper to the proseedings of the International School and Workshop on Nonextensive Thermodynamics and Physical Applications, NEXT 2001, 23-30 May 2001, Cagliari Sardinia, Italy (Physica A

    Rede de cooperação no êxito de iniciativas voltadas para a utilização de composto orgânico na produção de hortaliças por pequenos agricultores em Camaçari-Ba.

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    Este trabalho apresenta resultados da interação da pesquisa e da extensão na avaliação do efeito de composto orgânico no beneficiamento de solos agrícolas, instrumentalização de agricultores a pratica da agricultura orgânica e a valorização de produtos orgânicos. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em sistema de rede de cooperação com participação de instituições publicas, privadas, desenvolvimento de pesquisa de mestrado, alunos de graduação e pequenos agricultores. A rede busca a preservação do patrimônio ambiental através do reaproveitamento de lixo orgânico e o beneficiamento de solos com composto orgânico. A pesquisa de mestrado avaliou efeitos do composto na produção de hortaliças empregando-se indicadores de sustentabilidade. A disciplina da graduação desenvolve atividades praticas com cunho socioambiental. O experimento cientifico foi realizado na propriedade dos agricultores que acompanharam o efeito do composto proveniente de resíduos orgânicos no incremento da produção de hortaliças. Os resultados alcançados com este trabalho mostram a importância do sistema de rede de cooperação na integração da pesquisa e da extensão

    Wild Trypanosoma cruzi I genetic diversity in Brazil suggests admixture and disturbance in parasite populations from the Atlantic Forest region

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    Background Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastida, Trypanosomatidae) infection is an ancient and widespread zoonosis distributed throughout the Americas. Ecologically, Brazil comprises several distinct biomes: Amazonia, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal and the Atlantic Forest. Sylvatic T. cruzi transmission is known to occur throughout these biomes, with multiple hosts and vectors involved. Parasite species-level genetic diversity can be a useful marker for ecosystem health. Our aims were to: investigate sylvatic T. cruzi genetic diversity across different biomes, detect instances of genetic exchange, and explore the possible impact of ecological disturbance on parasite diversity at an intra-species level. Methods We characterised 107 isolates of T. cruzi I (TcI; discrete typing unit, DTU I) from different major Brazilian biomes with twenty-seven nuclear microsatellite loci. A representative subset of biologically cloned isolates was further characterised using ten mitochondrial gene loci. We compared these data generated from Brazilian TcI isolates from around America. Results Genetic diversity was remarkably high, including one divergent cluster that branched outside the known genetic diversity of TcI in the Americas. We detected evidence for mitochondrial introgression and genetic exchange between the eastern Amazon and Caatinga. Finally, we found strong signatures of admixture among isolates from the Atlantic Forest region by comparison to parasites from other study sites. Conclusions Atlantic Forest sylvatic TcI populations are highly fragmented and admixed by comparison to others around Brazil. We speculate on: the possible causes of Atlantic Forest admixture; the role of T. cruzi as a sentinel for ecosystem health, and the impact disrupted sylvatic transmission cycles might have on accurate source attribution in oral outbreaks

    Perigos e riscos bacteriologicos associados ao consumo de pescado no Brasil

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    SUMMARY The present study is a review of data available in Brazil on bacterial diseases transmitted through the consumption of seafood and related products. Data are presented regarding outbreaks and cases of disease and laboratory findings associated with pathogens in seafood and related products, and methods for prevention and control are described.RESUMO Esta revisão apresenta dados qualitativos e quantitativos sobre doenças bacterianas e achados laboratoriais associados ao consumo de pescado e derivados no Brasil de 1983 a 2011. Os resultados mostram uma séria lacuna de dados epidemiológicos relacionados a surtos causados por pescado. Os poucos dados disponíveis indicam que em contraste com outros surtos alimentares transmitidos por carne, aves, laticínios e vegetais, as bactérias patogênicas teriam um menor destaque na transmissão destas doenças pelo consumo de pescado e derivados. Vibrio parahaemolyticus parece ser a causa mais frequente das doenças causadas pelo consumo de pescado e derivados, bem como a bactéria patogênica mais comumente presente nesses produtos nas investigações laboratoriais

    Production and characterization of biodiesel obtained by transesterification catalyzed by the ionic liquid Choline Hydroxide

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    UNIFACSBiodiesel is a mixture of alkyl esters derived from vegetable oils or animal fat, formed by triglycerides that can be converted into biofuels by different forms, being transesterification the most common used method. In the transesterification process, the most used alcohol is methanol and the byproduct of this reaction is glycerol.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Direct and Inverse Magnetocaloric effects in A-site ordered PrBaMn2O6 manganite in low magnetic fields

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    The magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of A-site ordered PrBaMn2O6 manganite has been studied by direct methods and by the specific heat measurements. Direct measurements of the MCE in low magnetic fields were performed using recently proposed modulation technique and by classic direct method in high fields. Direct and inverse MCE are observed at Curie and Neel points correspondingly. A value of the inverse MCE in the heating run is less than in the cooling regime. This effect can be attributing to competition between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions. Indirectly estimated and direct MCE values considerably differ in around first order AF transition.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Cryopreservation of collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) semen using different freezing curves, straw sizes, and thawing rates

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    AbstractThe objective of this study was to verify the effect of different freezing curves, straw sizes, and thawing rates on the cryopreservation of collared peccary semen. Twelve ejaculates were obtained from captive adult males by electroejaculation, and evaluated for sperm motility, kinetic rating, viability, morphology, and functional membrane integrity. The ejaculates were diluted in a coconut water extender (ACP-116c) with egg yolk and glycerol, packaged into 0.25mL or 0.50mL plastic straws and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen following a slow (−10°C/min) or a fast (−40°C/min) freezing curve. After one week, samples were thawed at 37°C/1min or 70°C/8s and evaluated as reported for fresh semen, and also for kinematic parameters (computerized analysis). A significant decrease in sperm motility and kinetic rating was observed after glycerol addition at 5°C and also after thawing for all the treatments (P<0.05). Regarding post-thaw semen variables, no differences were verified between freezing curves when the same straw size and thawing rate were taken as reference (P>0.05). In general, values for sperm characteristics found after thawing at 37°C were better preserved than at 70°C (P<0.05), both in the use of 0.25mL or 0.50mL straws, which were similar for semen packaging (P>0.05). The evaluation of the kinematic parameters of sperm motility confirmed these results at values varying from 20% to 30% motile sperm for the samples thawed at 37°C, and values fewer than 12% motile sperm for samples thawed at 70°C (P<0.05). In conclusion, we recommend the use of a fast freezing curve that reduces the time spent on the cryopreservation of collared peccary semen, which could be packaged both in 0.25mL or 0.50mL straws, but the thawing should be conducted at 37°C/1min

    What we need to know about exercise, neurodegenerative disease and ageing? A Systematic Review.

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    As doenças neurode-generativas são caracterizadas por um conjunto de patologias crónicas e irreversíveis do sistema nervoso. Até ao momento não foram realizadas revisões de literatura que relacionem o exercício, as doença neurodegenerativas e o envelhecimento. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi analisar a literatura actual sobre os efeitos e associações entre o exercício físico em quatro doenças neurodegenerativas: Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington e Demência Vascular.Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by a set of chronic and irreversible pathologies of the nervous system. As well as know, no literature reviews have been conducted to link exercise, neurodegenerative disease and ageing. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to analyse the current literature about the effects and associations amongst exercise on four neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington and Vascular Dementia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Applications Residual Control Charts Based on Variable Limits

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    The main purpose of this paper is to verify the stability of a productive process in the presence of the effects of autocorrelation and volatility, in order to capture these characteristics by a joint forecast model which produces residuals that are evaluated by a control chart based on variable control limits. The methodology employed will be the joint estimation of the residuals by ARIMA – ARCH models and the conditional standard deviation from residuals to establish the chart control limits. The joint AR (1)-ARCH (1) model shows that an appropriate forecasting model brings a great contribution to the performance of residual control charts in monitoring the stability of industrial variables using just one chart to monitor mean and variance together.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of glutamine alone or in combination with zinc and vitamin A on growth, intestinal barrier function, stress and satiety-related hormones in Brazilian shantytown children

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of supplemental zinc, vitamin A, and glutamine alone or in combination on growth, intestinal barrier function, stress and satiety-related hormones among Brazilian shantytown children with low median height-for-age z-scores. METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in children aged two months to nine years from the urban shanty compound community of Fortaleza, Brazil. Demographic and anthropometric information was assessed. The random treatment groups available for testing (a total of 120 children) were as follows: (1) glutamine alone, n = 38; (2) glutamine plus vitamin A plus zinc, n = 37; and a placebo (zinc plus vitamin A vehicle) plus glycine (isonitrogenous to glutamine) control treatment, n = 38. Leptin, adiponectin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), and plasma levels of cortisol were measured with immune-enzymatic assays; urinary lactulose/mannitol and serum amino acids were measured with high-performance liquid chromatography. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00133406. RESULTS: Glutamine treatment significantly improved weight-for-height z-scores compared to the placebo-glycine control treatment. Either glutamine alone or all nutrients combined prevented disruption of the intestinal barrier function, as measured by the percentage of lactulose urinary excretion and the lactulose:mannitol absorption ratio. Plasma leptin was negatively correlated with plasma glutamine (p = 0.002) and arginine (p = 0.001) levels at baseline. After glutamine treatment, leptin was correlated with weight-for-age (WAZ) and weight-for-height z-scores (WHZ) (p≤0.002) at a 4-month follow-up. In addition, glutamine and all combined nutrients (glutamine, vitamin A, and zinc) improved the intestinal barrier function in these children. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these findings reveal the benefits of glutamine alone or in combination with other gut-trophic nutrients in growing children via interactions with leptin