1,350 research outputs found


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    Este artigo apresenta reflexões pertinentes à leitura e seu ensino. A abordagem tem como foco a leitura do texto científico, ressaltando estratégias de leitura aplicáveis a variadas disciplinas. Para a pesquisa, foram analisadas referências dos seguintes autores: Kleiman (1989), Goodman (1967), Solé (2008) e Orlandi (1996), como suporte teórico para leitura, com enfoque no ensino; em relação ao gênero textual científico, tomou-se como base escritos de Kleiman (2000), Halliday & Hassan (1985) e Silva (2007); quanto às estratégias de leitura, referenciou-se em Solé (2008) e Oliveira (2010); sobre as estratégias de leitura do texto científico, foram analisados estudos de Marcushi (2008) e Oliveira (2010). O objetivo é averiguar questões sobre a leitura e ensino, visando à proposição de estratégias de leitura do texto científico no ensino. A abordagem metodológica, do ponto de vista dos procedimentos técnicos, parte-se de um enfoque argumentativo de caráter bibliográfico e aplica-se a estratégia a um texto científico como exemplificação. O estudo apresentado compõe parte do resultado de discussões do Grupo de Pesquisa “Linguagem, Ensino e Cognição”, vinculado ao Programa de Mestrado de Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia, da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campus de Ponta Grossa - PR

    Percepção e respostas gerenciais ao risco: um estudo sobre os produtores de leite do Programa de Desenvolvimento da Pecuária Leiteira da Região de Viçosa - MG

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    The agriculture sector has particular characteristics, general and unfavorable, which make its participants exposed to risks, and increase the complexity of making decisions. However, little is known about how farmers perceive risk in their activity. Based on a research done in the Zona da Mata region in the State of Minas Gerais, this work shows the view of a group of milk producers about the risks which they are exposed to, and also, describes the tools used by them as managing responses to these risks. Firstly, the farmers answered about the importance of the different kinds of risks in their business, and next, pointed out the methods they use to manage them. The results show the lack of a formal risk managing strategy, which has been substituted up to the moment, by the farmers’ experience and, consequently, their familiarity with the marketing.Agricultural risk management, Information, Risk and Uncertainty,

    First report of Laternea dringii, Phallales (Agaricomycetes) in the Central-West, State of Goiás, Brazil

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    Laternea dringii, a species of the phylum Basidiomycota, is notable for its distribution in tropical and neotropical regions. This study, conducted in the Cerrado area of Central-West Brazil, State of Goiás, reports the first record of L. dringii in this region. The study site, a farm with over 90 years of agricultural production, features moist soils rich in organic matter. In January 2024, specimens of L. dringii were collected, photographed, and identified using microscopic data and a key for the genus Laternea. This finding represents a significant expansion in the known distribution of L. dringii, previously documented only in Mexico and some Brazilian states. The discovery underscores the mycological diversity of the Brazilian Cerrado and contributes to a better understanding of the geographical distribution of fungi from the phylum Basidiomycota in Brazil

    Bone Radiographic Changes in Slaughter Buffalos with Low Body Condition Index

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    Background: The largest buffalo herd in Brazil is located on the Island of Marajó, in the State of Pará, northern Brazil. The pastures of the Island of Marajó consist of low quality graminaceous plants, which are generally poor in protein and mineral content. Unbalanced diets associated with low quality pastures are responsible for latent, sub-clinical diseases and metabolic disorders in bovines which affect bone health, especially in periods such as pregnancy and lactation. The purpose of this study was to point out and to describe the radiographic bone changes of buffalos with low body index bred in extensive system and intended for slaughter on the Island of Marajó, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: Radiographic examinations of anatomical pieces were obtained from 34 animals of buffalo species, with no distinction of gender, age, or breed. The animals were selected among those that were in the stockyard waiting for slaughtering for the obtainment of the anatomical pieces. For this selection, low physical condition was considered, which mainly included individuals with body condition indexes (ICC) of 1 and 2, on a scale of 1 to 5. From this selection, 98 anatomical pieces were obtained, which included: 28 sets of ribs, 20 femurs, 26 metacarpus, 7 mandibles, 3 radius and ulnas, 4 sets of vertebrae, 4 sets of metacarpus and phalanges, 1 tarsus and 1 set of tarsus and metatarsus. All the pieces were separated, identified, packed in plastic bag and forwarded to the radiographic study. At least one radiographic projection was obtained of each anatomical piece. These were identified, manually processed and stored for subsequent assessment. A single observer, in order to identify and to describe the bone radiographic changes, subjectively performed the radiographic assessment.Discussion: Bone changes were remarkable and in animals of this study, reinforcing the nutritional aspect as being of great importance for the perfect mineral homeostasis and for the osteoarticular system maintenance. Consistent radiographic findings with osteopenia are most often related to nutritional disorders that affect bone metabolism, mainly involving the homeostasis of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P). The nutritional hyperparathyroidism, more commonly reported in dogs, cats and exotic animals is a common example of these affections, in which the bone radiopacity reduction is the most evident radiographic aspect. Copper (Cu) deficiency has been correlated with osteochondrosis, epiphyseal fracture of the femoral head and degenerative arthropathy of the hip joint, and erosion of the articular cartilage in a deer (Cervu selaphus). Degenerative arthropathy through radiographs was also found in this study. From the bone radiographic analysis, it is concluded that the osteodystrophic diseases of buffalos raised in pasture system on the Island of Marajó, Pará, Brazil, present a variety of pathological conditions and the most commonly found were: osteoporosis characterized at the radiographic examination for the bone decreased radiopacity, change in bone trabeculae (medullary expansion) and cortical thinning, followed by pathological fractures with high incidence in the ribs. The low body condition, the underdevelopment and cachexia states of the animals in this study indicate the lack of an appropriate prophylactic conduct and a proper feed management. Therefore, the low reserves of P and Cu in the organism may have contributed to the osteoporotic process and, possibly, also to the protein-energy deficit, leading to secondary bone changes and causing a lack of productivity in the herd

    Efeito fungicida agrícola dos extratos florais de Bauhinia variegata, B. forficata e B. purpurea

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    Bauhinia is a botanical genus widely distributed in parts of Asia and South America. The plant bears beautiful and aromatic flowers that add ornamental beauty to parks and gardens, in addition to being used in medicine and ayurverda. This study aimed to evaluate the floral ethanolic extract of B. variegata, B. forficata and B. purpurea in fungal inhibition against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum acutatum. Flowers were harvested in 2021 and 2022. The floral ethanolic extract was produced by the static maceration method. The antifungal activity was performed by the agar diffusion method at different extract s;concentrations. Bauhinia floral extracts showed a potential fungicidal effect on fungal species evaluated in particular for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, followed by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum acutatum.Bauhinia es un género botánico ampliamente distribuido en Asia y América del Sur. Presenta hermosas y aromáticas flores que se utilizan en la forestación de parques y jardines, además de ser utilizadas en medicina y ayurverda. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el extracto etanólico floral de B. variegata, B. forficata y B. purpurea en términos de capacidad de inhibición fúngica sobre Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides y Colletotrichum acutatum. Las flores se cosecharon en 2021 y 2022. El extracto etanólico floral se produjo por el método de maceración estática. La actividad antifúngica se realizó por el método de difusión en agar a diferentes concentraciones de extracto. Los extractos florales de Bauhinia mostraron un efecto fungicida sobre las especies fúngicas evaluadas en particular para Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, seguida de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides y Colletotrichum acutatum.Bauhinia é um gênero botânico amplamente distribuído na Ásia e na América do Sul. Apresenta belas e aromáticas flores sendo utilizadas na arborização de parques e jardins, além de serem empregadas na medicina e ayurverda. Este estudo teve por objetivo, avaliar o extrato etanólico floral de B. variegata, B. forficata e B. purpurea quanto a capacidade de inibição fúngica sobre Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Colletotrichum acutatum. Flores foram colhidas em 2021 e 2022. O extrato etanólico floral foi produzido pelo método de maceração estática. A atividade antifúngica foi realizada pelo método de difusão em ágar em diferentes cocnentrações de extrato. Os extratos florais de Bauhinia demonstraram efeito fungicida sobre as espécies fúngicas avaliadas em especial para Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, seguido de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Colletotrichum acutatum

    Viticulture under climate change: A case study on a water scarcity model

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    Changes in climatic patterns hinder the prediction of water availability, being imperative to develop new strategies to optimise water management in the agricultural sector. A multi-sensor network is being developed by ADVID/CoLAB VINES&WINES and University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), aiming to determine water stress in vineyards, as a Decision Support System (DSS) for winegrowers. Remote wireless data transmission through LoRaWAN technology, will allow the development of a Machine Learning based model for water stress mapping. Measured parameters include soil, plant, and atmosphere data, given the importance of soil-plant-atmosphere continnum when evaluating water status. The pilot is installed in a commercial vineyard in the Douro Demarcated Region (DDR), and different sensor’s modules were distributed spatially in the parcel. Lower cost and higher range than WiFi or Bluetooth, LoRaWAN are especially important for applications in remote areas, where mobile networks have little coverage, allowing to benefit a larger number of producers. While overcoming the constraints of the current monitoring method (Scholander pressure bomb), this system will allow remote and continuous water monitoring, assisting the producer in decision making. Altogether, this solution will contribute to better management of water resources, as well to the sustainability and competitiveness of farms

    Individual And Contextual Factors Related To Dental Caries In Underprivileged Brazilian Adolescents

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Background: Investigate the individual and contextual variables related to caries in underprivileged adolescents, and the disparity in distribution of the disease. Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study, conducted in the city of Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, in 2012. The probabilistic sample was composed of 1,179 adolescents from 15-19 years of age, randomly selected from 21 state schools and 34 Primary Health Units - Family Health (PHU-FH). The dependent variables studied were number of decayed teeth and caries experience (DMFT). The independent variables were classified into individual (clinical, sociodemographic, psychosocial, self-perception, impact on oral health, access to services, and quality of life) and contextual (social exclusion index, total number of residents in suburb, literacy rate, and the following variables given in percentages: residences in the home ownership category, provision of domestic sewerage, trash collection, families with income of over 1 minimum wage per month, and families without monthly income) variables. The multilevel regression model was estimated by the PROC GLIMMIX (Generalized Linear Models-Mixed) procedure, considering the individual variables as Level 1 and the contextual variables of the suburbs as Level 2. Adjustment of the model was evaluated by -2 Res Log Likelihood with alpha = 0.05. Results: As regards the individual variables, adolescents who declared having a prison inmate in the Family and resided in homes with a larger number of persons, showed a higher number of decayed teeth. There were a larger number of decayed teeth, a higher DMFT value, and worse self-perception as regards the health of their teeth and mouth. Other variables, such as being of the female gender, age and time since last visit to the dentist were related to the DMFT index. As regards the contextual variables, the DMFT was lower in suburbs with greater access to domestic sewage, and the number of decayed teeth was higher in suburbs with the worst social exclusion indices. Conclusion: Individual and contextual variables were associated with the presence of caries and DMFT index in underprivileged adolescents, indicating that they must be taken into consideration in the formulation of policies directed towards oral health promotion and prevention activities in this group.15Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP [2011/03657-5, 2011/01768-4


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    Com o crescimento acentuado da construção civil, o comércio de rochas ornamentais sofreu um forte aumento nos últimos anos, dentre estas está inserido o Quartzito. Rocha com suas particularidades características e de variadas aplicabilidades, é encontrada em diversas cores e em abundância no município de Junco do Seridó na Mesorregião do estado da Paraíba. Com o aumento do beneficiamento do Quartzito, consequentemente, tem acrescido a quantidade de resíduos gerados e a problemática de sua destinação correta. A busca da reutilização desses resíduos no processo produtivo das fabricas que beneficiam essas rochas vem aumentado, tanto pelo incremento econômico quanto pela preservação ambiental. Desta forma, neste trabalho objetiva-se caracterizar os resíduos gerados no beneficiamento do Quartzito e propor soluções de tratamento e alternativas de aplicabilidade para estes

    Lesões do cabo longo do bíceps: tenotomia versus tenodese

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    ResumoAs lesões da cabeça longa do tendão bicipital (CLB) são comuns na prática clínica e podem ter causas degenerativas, inflamatórias, instabilidades (subluxação ou luxação) ou traumáticas. Geralmente, elas estão associadas a outras doenças do ombro, principalmente a lesões do manguito rotador. Atualmente, existem controvérsias quanto às indicações dos tratamentos cirúrgicos e à escolha da melhor técnica para cada caso, devido à possibilidade de deformidade estética, perda da força muscular e dor residual.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as indicações do tratamento cirúrgico, a melhor técnica cirúrgica e as vantagens e desvantagens de cada técnica descritas na literatura médica ortopédica no tratamento das lesões da CLB.Foi realizada revisão da literatura médica ortopédica disponível na base de dados da Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME), Medline, PubMed, Cochrane Library e Google Scholar, incluindo artigos publicados no período de 1991 a 2015.AbstractDisorders of the long head of biceps tendon are common in clinical practice. Their causes could be degenerative, inflammatory, instability (subluxation or luxation) or traumatic. They are generally associated to other diseases of the shoulder, mainly rotator cuff injuries. Currently, there is controversy in the literature regarding the indications for surgical treatment and the choice of the best technique for each case, due to the possibility of esthetic deformity, loss of muscle strength, and residual pain.The objective of this study was to identify the indications for surgical treatment, the best surgical technique, and the advantages and disadvantages of each technique described in the orthopedic literature for the treatment of long head of biceps tendon injuries.A revision of the orthopedic medical literature on the following databases: Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME), Medline, PubMed, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar, comprising articles published in the period from 1991 to 2015