8,584 research outputs found

    US Current Account Deficit and Exchange Rate Tax

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    We examine the relationship between the US current account deficit, the international value of the dollar, and the dollar reserves of foreign central banks. We find that the international value of the dollar impacts the US current account and also that dollar depreciations are accompanied by reductions in the inflow of foreign reserves. The inflow reductions are indicative that the US levies an exchange rate tax on foreigners because the foreign stock of reserves loses value.US current account; exchange rate tax

    Performance: operador teórico no campo da Educação a partir da Teoria Ator-Rede

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    This essay conceptualizes performance from the interlocution between Actor-Network Theory (ANT) references and discusses this construct as a theoretical operator in the field of Education. In addition, the essay synthesizes five researches in Education, which cover in their questions of interest different performances as unfolding of situated pedagogical interventions. The ideas built in this work suggest that the (inter)actions established in sociomaterial networks make it possible to assume performance as affectations that reverberate in states in the world in a procedural, multiple and coexisting way.Este ensayo conceptualiza la performance a partir de la interlocución entre los referentes de la Teoría Actor-Red (TAR) y discute este constructo como operador teórico en el campo de la Educación. Además, el texto sintetiza cinco investigaciones en Educación que abordan en sus temáticas diferentes performances como producciones de intervenciones pedagógicas situadas. Las ideas construidas en este trabajo sugieren que las (inter)acciones que se establecen en las redes sociomateriales posibilitan asumir la performance como afectaciones que reverberan en los estados del mundo de manera procedimental, múltiple y coexistente.Este ensaio conceitua performance a partir da interlocução entre referenciais da Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR) e discute esse constructo como um operador teórico no campo da Educação. Complementarmente, o ensaio sintetiza cinco pesquisas em Educação, as quais abarcam em suas questões de interesse diferentes performances como desdobramentos de intervenções pedagógicas situadas. As ideias construídas neste trabalho sugerem que as (inter)ações estabelecidas em redes sociomateriais possibilitam assumir performance como afetações que reverberam em estados no mundo de maneira processual, múltipla e coexistente.não se aplica &nbsp

    Reactivation history of the Carajas and Cinzento strike-slip systems, Amazon, Brazil.

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    The Carajás-Cinzento fault system is centred within the Itacaiunas Shear Zone, the northern tectonic margin of the Archaean Sul do Pará Granite Greenstone Terrain of the Amazonian Craton, Brazil. The regional tectonostratigraphy can be subdivided based on the geological relationship of units to the main phase of ductile movements along the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone. A Basement Assemblage includes an older group of orthogneisses, migmatites, and granitic to dioritic plutons (Xingu Complex) and a later volcano-sedimentary sequence of ironstones, quartzites. amphibolites and schists (Igarapé Salobo Group). Intense ductile shearing and high grade metamorphism along the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone has led to widespread tectonic interleaving of the gneisses and volcano-sedimentary rocks and has obliterated all traces of the original unconformity between these units. A Cover Assemblage is represented by very low-grade volcanic and sedimentary rocks that are inferred to rest unconformably on the Basement Assemblage rocks deformed within the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone. Older clastic, volcanic and ironstone sequences (Igarapé Pojuca & Grao Pará Groups; ca.2.7 Ga) are overlain by a sequence of shallow-water marine to fluvial clastic deposits (Águas Claras Formation). Both Cover and Basement assemblages are intruded by ca.1.8 Ga A-type granitic plutons and basic dykes. All units are unconformably overlain by a thin, localised sequence of polymictic conglomerates (? Gorotire Formation).During the formation of the upper amphibolite facies within the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone, sub-vertical mylonitic fabrics, generally E-W-trending, were variably developed in the Basement Assemblage rocks. They preserve widespread sinistrally transpressional kinematic indicators. Radiometric dating suggests that the metamorphism and deformation in the shear zones occurred toward the end of the Archaean (ca.2.8 Ga). At least three cycles of brittle-ductile strike-slip reactivation at low metamorphic grades appear to post-date the development of the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone, leading to the formation of the Carajás and Cinzento faults. There is no stratigraphic, structural or sedimentological evidence to suggest that these faults were active during the deposition of the Cover Assemblage sequences. However, as most outcrops of Cover Assemblage rocks are presently localised within bends, branches and offsets of these fault systems it appears that, following their deposition, they were faulted down into dilational jogs formed during an initial phase of brittle dextral movements. The effects of a later episode of brittle-ductile sinistral transpression are widely preserved in both Basement and Cover assemblages, with intense deformation localised in the region of the major fault strands. The 1.8 Ga granites and dykes appear to relate to a regional extensional or dextral transtensional episode recognised in the Middle Proterozoic throughout the Amazon region. There is some circumstantial evidence for further minor fault reactivation during the Phanerozoic, and the region appears to be tectonically active in the present day, as illustrated by the occurrence of recent small-scale earthquakes and hot springs centred along the major fault traces. The influence of the basement architecture and the intensity of later reactivations appears to wane after a time of ca.1.0 Ga following the existence of a weakening effect on a lithospheric-scale with a finite life span, possibly originating in the underlying lower crust and mantle. There is widespread evidence that the mylonitic fabrics of the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone have controlled the orientation of later structures, including the Carajás and Cinzento fault systems. Long-term fault zone weakening mechanisms are recognised in the region. Brittle fracturing processes have caused increases in fault zone permeabilties allowing extensive ingress of fluids, some of which have caused e.g. gold and copper mineralisation

    A coisa julgada no direito canônico e suas possíveis contribuições ao direito processual civil

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    Trata da coisa julgada no direito canônico e suas possíveis influências no direito processual civil. Esclarece questões acerca do direito canônico, seu trânsito, a imutabilidade e os meios de impugnação das sentenças. Apresenta um quadro comparativo entre direito canônico e o direito processual civil brasileiro

    Structure-property relationships in high barrier multilayer film/foam systems

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    Thermoplastic foams nowadays are widely used in a variety of applications, such as packaging, construction, and the automotive industry because of their wide range of properties such as lightweight, excellent strength/weight ratio, insulation properties, energy absorption performance, and material cost. However, there are still issues on the gas barrier and mechanical properties in use because of the cellular structure. This work targeted to unveil the processing-structure-property relationships of three film/foam multilayer polymeric systems with diverse transport properties. The first part of the thesis (Chapter 2) focuses on the understanding of the effect of the number of layers and composition on mechanical properties and barrier properties of multilayer film/foam material with alternating ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) film layers and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) foam layers. Tensile properties of the film/foams at elevated temperatures were used to optimize thermoforming conditions. Uniaxial orientation was discovered as an efficient approach to evaluate the potential for thermoforming. Oxygen transmission showed a strong correlation with the thickness reduction which could be used as an indicator for barrier properties of the packaging materials. Film/foam materials with 32 layers demonstrated optimum performance with low oxygen transmission along with high drawing capability. In the third chapter, the previous system (Chapter 2) was innovated with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) skin layer. High oxygen and water vapor barrier film/foam system had been developed using multilayer co-extrusion technology. The film/foams contained alternating low-density polyethylene (LDPE) foam layers and ethylene–vinyl alcohol (EVOH) copolymer film layers with HDPE skin layer. The lightweight film/foams showed oxygen and water vapor transmission rate are correlated with the EVOH film layer and HDPE skin layer composition. The layered film/foam was successfully thermoformed at 80 °C with low oxygen transmission along with high drawing capability. The fourth chapter introduces a novel approach, to produce PLA/PLA multilayer film/foams structures having 16, 32, and 64 alternating layers. The lightweight multilayered PLA/PLA film/foam has a unique solid/porous alternating horizontal architecture, in which the film layers can effectively control the growth of the cells and suppress the premature rupture of cells during coextrusion process. Tensile properties at elevated temperatures of the PLA film were used to optimize thermoforming conditions. The effects of annealing temperature and time on the crystallinity and oxygen permeability of PLA/PLA multilayer film/foams were investigated. Oxygen transmission showed a strong correlation with the crystallinity of PLA/PLA multilayer film/foam. The material demonstrated high performance with low oxygen transmission which could be used as high barrier material

    Behavioral modeling of GaN-based power amplifiers: impact of electrothermal feedback on the model accuracy and identification

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    In this article, we discuss the accuracy of behavioral models in simulating the intermodulation distortion (IMD) of microwave GaN-based high-power amplifiers in the presence of strong electrothermal (ET) feedback. Exploiting an accurate self-consistent ET model derived from measurements and thermal finite-element method simulations, we show that behavioral models are able to yield accurate results, provided that the model identification is carried out with signals with wide bandwidth and large dynamics

    Exchange-coupling in thermal annealed bimagnetic core/shell nanoparticles

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    In this study we demonstrate that the effective coupling of the magnetic phases in core/shell nanoparticles can be promoted by an appropriate thermal annealing. In this way, the magnetization thermal stability of the hard ferrimagnetic CoFe2O4 oxide can be increased up to room temperature when coupled to a CoO antiferromagnetic core in an inverse core/shell structure. In addition, the results show that, being encapsulated in a ∼2 nm thick CoFe2O4 shell, the CoO core is successfully protected against oxidation which is crucial for the effectiveness of the magnetic coupling at the interface.Fil: Lavorato, Gabriel Carlos. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lima, Enio Junior. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Troiani, Horacio Esteban. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Zysler, Roberto Daniel. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Winkler, Elin Lilian. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Judicial activism and non-legal factor in tax law

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    The aim of this paper is to propose legal bases for the influence of non-legal elements that are taken into account in a complex judicial decision. The first part will be expositive in order to demonstrate the incompatibility of legal theory and jurisprudence to guide the judicial reasoning as a whole. On the second part, eminently critical, the activism versus self-constraint doctrine shall be pointed out as an invalid approach to encompass all elements that involve judicial reasoning and constraint judicial discretion. On the third part, various approaches for a decision making will be disclosed – political, sociological, psychological, economical, legal and others – based on the studies of Richard Posner. After a quick brief on the non-legal elements that come to judicial reasoning, some few propositions will be presented for the Academy in order to engage the problem, as well as to the Judiciary.