363 research outputs found

    Linear filtering for a class of jump processes arising in navigation systems

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    In this paper, the filtering problem for a class of jump processes with discrete observations is considered. Using a minimum variance approach, a linear recursive unbiased filter is obtained with the help of which the required estimate and the corresponding covariance can be determined. The proposed filter allows multiple jumps for the state process, thereby making the theory applicable to modern navigation problems (Omega and Loran-C receivers), where multiple jumps have been reported to be a common occurrence. Further, utilizing the filter equations, the question of continuous dependence of the filter on system parameters is studied. Finally, a numerical example based on a navigation system model is presented, to illustrate some of the results of this paper. © 1990 Oxford University Press

    Possible Supersymmetric Effects on Angular Distributions in BK(Kπ)+B \to K^* (\to K \pi) \ell^+ \ell^- Decays

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    We investigate the angular distributions of the rare B decay, BK(Kπ)+B \to K^* (\to K \pi) \ell^+ \ell^-, in general supersymmetric extensions of the standard model. We consider the new physics contributions from the operators O7,8,9,10O_{7,8,9,10} in small invariant mass region of lepton pair. We show that the azimuthal angle distribution of the decay can tell us the new physics effects clearly from the behavior of the distribution, even if new physics does not change the decay rate substantially from the standard model prediction

    Radiative and Semileptonic B Decays Involving Higher K-Resonances in the Final States

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    We study the radiative and semileptonic B decays involving a spin-JJ resonant KJ()K_J^{(*)} with parity (1)J(-1)^J for KJK_J^* and (1)J+1(-1)^{J+1} for KJK_J in the final state. Using the large energy effective theory (LEET) techniques, we formulate BKJ()B \to K_J^{(*)} transition form factors in the large recoil region in terms of two independent LEET functions ζKJ()\zeta_\perp^{K_J^{(*)}} and ζKJ()\zeta_\parallel^{K_J^{(*)}}, the values of which at zero momentum transfer are estimated in the BSW model. According to the QCD counting rules, ζ,KJ()\zeta_{\perp,\parallel}^{K_J^{(*)}} exhibit a dipole dependence in q2q^2. We predict the decay rates for BKJ()γB \to K_J^{(*)} \gamma, BKJ()+B \to K_J^{(*)} \ell^+ \ell^- and BKJ()ννˉB \to K_J^{(*)}\nu \bar{\nu}. The branching fractions for these decays with higher KK-resonances in the final state are suppressed due to the smaller phase spaces and the smaller values of ζ,KJ()\zeta^{K_J^{(*)}}_{\perp,\parallel}. Furthermore, if the spin of KJ()K_J^{(*)} becomes larger, the branching fractions will be further suppressed due to the smaller Clebsch-Gordan coefficients defined by the polarization tensors of the KJ()K_J^{(*)}. We also calculate the forward backward asymmetry of the BKJ()+B \to K_J^{(*)} \ell^+ \ell^- decay, for which the zero is highly insensitive to the KK-resonances in the LEET parametrization.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables;contents and figures corrected, title and references revise

    Calculation of two-loop virtual corrections to b --> s l+ l- in the standard model

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    We present in detail the calculation of the virtual O(alpha_s) corrections to the inclusive semi-leptonic rare decay b --> s l+ l-. We also include those O(alpha_s) bremsstrahlung contributions which cancel the infrared and mass singularities showing up in the virtual corrections. In order to avoid large resonant contributions, we restrict the invariant mass squared s of the lepton pair to the range 0.05 < s/mb^2 < 0.25. The analytic results are represented as expansions in the small parameters s/mb^2, z = mc^2/mb^2 and s/(4 mc^2). The new contributions drastically reduce the renormalization scale dependence of the decay spectrum. For the corresponding branching ratio (restricted to the above s-range) the renormalization scale uncertainty gets reduced from +/-13% to +/-6.5%.Comment: 41 pages including 9 postscript figures; in version 2 some typos and inconsistent notation correcte

    Lepton polarization correlations in BKττ+B \to K^* \tau^- \tau^+

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    In this work we will study the polarizations of both leptons (τ\tau) in the decay channel BKττ+B\to K^* \tau^- \tau^+. In the case of the dileptonic inclusive decay BK+B\to K^* \ell^- \ell^+, where apart from the polarization asymmetries of single lepton \ell, one can also observe the polarization asymmetries of both leptons simultaneously. If this sort of measurement is possible then we can have, apart from decay rate, FB asymmetry and the six single lepton polarization asymmetries (three each for \ell^- and +\ell^+), nine more double polarization asymmetries. This will give us a very useful tool in more strict testing of SM and the physics beyond. We discuss the double polarization asymmetries of τ\tau leptons in the decay mode BKττ+B\to K^* \tau^- \tau^+ within the SM and the Minimal Supersymmetric extensions of it.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures; version to match paper to appear in PR

    Heavy Quarks and Heavy Quarkonia as Tests of Thermalization

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    We present here a brief summary of new results on heavy quarks and heavy quarkonia from the PHENIX experiment as presented at the "Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization" Workshop in Vienna, Austria in August 2005, directly following the International Quark Matter Conference in Hungary.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization Workshop (Vienna August 2005) Proceeding

    Proximity effect at superconducting Sn-Bi2Se3 interface

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    We have investigated the conductance spectra of Sn-Bi2Se3 interface junctions down to 250 mK and in different magnetic fields. A number of conductance anomalies were observed below the superconducting transition temperature of Sn, including a small gap different from that of Sn, and a zero-bias conductance peak growing up at lower temperatures. We discussed the possible origins of the smaller gap and the zero-bias conductance peak. These phenomena support that a proximity-effect-induced chiral superconducting phase is formed at the interface between the superconducting Sn and the strong spin-orbit coupling material Bi2Se3.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Centrality Dependence of the High p_T Charged Hadron Suppression in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 130 GeV

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    PHENIX has measured the centrality dependence of charged hadron p_T spectra from central Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=130 GeV. The truncated mean p_T decreases with centrality for p_T > 2 GeV/c, indicating an apparent reduction of the contribution from hard scattering to high p_T hadron production. For central collisions the yield at high p_T is shown to be suppressed compared to binary nucleon-nucleon collision scaling of p+p data. This suppression is monotonically increasing with centrality, but most of the change occurs below 30% centrality, i.e. for collisions with less than about 140 participating nucleons. The observed p_T and centrality dependence is consistent with the particle production predicted by models including hard scattering and subsequent energy loss of the scattered partons in the dense matter created in the collisions.Comment: 7 pages text, LaTeX, 6 figures, 2 tables, 307 authors, resubmitted to Phys. Lett. B. Revised to address referee concerns. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/run/phenix/papers.htm

    Single Electrons from Heavy Flavor Decays in p+p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV

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    The invariant differential cross section for inclusive electron production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV has been measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider over the transverse momentum range $0.4 <= p_T <= 5.0 GeV/c at midrapidity (eta <= 0.35). The contribution to the inclusive electron spectrum from semileptonic decays of hadrons carrying heavy flavor, i.e. charm quarks or, at high p_T, bottom quarks, is determined via three independent methods. The resulting electron spectrum from heavy flavor decays is compared to recent leading and next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The total cross section of charm quark-antiquark pair production is determined as sigma_(c c^bar) = 0.92 +/- 0.15 (stat.) +- 0.54 (sys.) mb.Comment: 329 authors, 6 pages text, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm