38 research outputs found

    Načini ostvarivanja drugoga argumenta s imenicama izvedenima od glagola u makedonskom: primjer gramatičke varijabilnosti

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    This paper discusses the variability of realization of the direct argument of nominalized predications in Macedonian constructions. As it is common in other languages, the possessive na-construction is utilized for accommodation of both subjective and objective case in the noun phrase built by the verbal noun in -nje. There is a possibility, however, to add the objective NP directly to the verbal noun if it is not marked for definiteness. The constructions with and without the preposition are seemingly freely interchangeable and there is no consensus among native speakers regarding the choice between the two patterns. This non-categorical or probabilistic variation is the focus of the present paper. On the basis of attested examples from written sources and a questionnaire survey we examine the factors of referentiality and structural complexity of the objective NP, which may be responsible for the preference of one or the other pattern. The usage reveals that the choice is not optional, but may be governed by some probabilistic rules that need to be further examined by application of more rigorous statistical methods.U ovome se radu raspravlja o različitosti načina ostvarivanja direktnih argumenata poimeničenih predikacija u konstrukcijama u makedonskome jeziku. Kao što je uobičajeno u drugim jezicima, posvojna konstrukcija s na upotrebljava se za smještanje kako subjektivnog, tako i objektivnog padeža u imenskoj frazi koju se tvori glagolskom imenicom na nje. Međutim, postoji mogućnost da se imensku frazu u ulozi objekta doda direktno na glagolsku imenicu, ako ista nije označena glede određenosti. Konstrukcije s ili bez prijedloga čine se slobodno međusobno zamjenjivi i ne postoji slaganje u izvornih govornika glede izbora jednoga ili drugoga obrasca. Na tu se nekategoričnu ili probabilističku varijaciju koncentrira ovaj rad. Na temelju ovjerenih primjera iz pisanih izvora i ankete u obliku upitnika promatra se čimbenike referencijalnosti i strukturne složenosti imenske fraze u ulozi objekta, koje bi se moglo smatrati odgovornima za preferenciju prema jednom ili drugom obrascu. Uporabe otkrivaju da izbor nije slučajan, nego njime upravljaju određena probabilistička pravila koja se treba daljnje istražiti primjenom rigoroznijih statističkih metoda

    Типы модальности рефлексивно-дативных конструкций состояния в южнославянских языках

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    This paper analyses the constructions with a reflexive marker on the verb and a dative argument experiencing a state, such as necessity or craving/desire for something. They occur in all Slavic languages, with varied scope of distribution, but this research focuses on their use in South Slavic languages: Macedonian, Bulgarian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS), in which such constructions have a wide distribution. Although these types of clauses have been studied a lot, there are still contentious issues regarding their nature. Assuming that this particular combination of the reflexive marker with a dative argument represents a steady construction with specific formal properties we argue that its semantics cannot be computed from the meanings of the structures involved. The construction contains as part of its meaning a covert modal component of necessity, which cannot be explained as an inherited feature, neither from the reflexive, nor from the dative marker. Moreover, this component is of a more complex nature, ranging from a strong urge to inclination and craving. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the nature and the origin of this modality. Adopting a Construction Grammar approach we assume that the specific semantic-pragmatic features of the construction are a result of particular constraints operating on the morpho-syntactic and semantic features of the constituent components.  DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.2.10В статье рассматриваются конструкции с глагольным рефлексивным показателем и дативным аргументом, который обозначает лицо, испытывающее состояние потребности или желания чего-то. Эти конструкции встречаются во всех славянских языках с различной степенью распространенности, но в южнославянских языках они отличаются широким набором функций. В настоящей работе исследуется специфика данных конструкций в македонском, болгарском и сербском/хорватском/боснийском языках. Хотя рефлексивно-дативные структуры со значением состояния достаточно хорошо изучены  в литературе, все еще существуют теоретические разногласия, связанные с их сущностью. Полагая, что особая комбинация рефлексивного маркера с дативным аргументом образует устойчивую конструкцию с определенными формальными свойствами, автор статьи доказывает, что значение конструкции не представляет сумму значений ее составляющих. Семантическая структура конструкции содержит скрытый модальный компонент, который нельзя рассматривать  как унаследованный от рефлексивного или дативного маркера. Значения этого семантически сложного компонента движутся от физиологической потребности до склоности и желания. Главная цель статьи заключается в выявлении природы этой модальности и причин ее возникновения. Применяя теоретические принципы Грамматики конструкций, автор выдвигает предположение, что характерные семантико-прагматические свойства конструкции представляют собой результат воздействия определенных ограничений на морфосинтаксические и семантические свойства составляющих данной конструкции. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.2.1

    Načini ostvarivanja drugoga argumenta s imenicama izvedenima od glagola u makedonskom: primjer gramatičke varijabilnosti

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    This paper discusses the variability of realization of the direct argument of nominalized predications in Macedonian constructions. As it is common in other languages, the possessive na-construction is utilized for accommodation of both subjective and objective case in the noun phrase built by the verbal noun in -nje. There is a possibility, however, to add the objective NP directly to the verbal noun if it is not marked for definiteness. The constructions with and without the preposition are seemingly freely interchangeable and there is no consensus among native speakers regarding the choice between the two patterns. This non-categorical or probabilistic variation is the focus of the present paper. On the basis of attested examples from written sources and a questionnaire survey we examine the factors of referentiality and structural complexity of the objective NP, which may be responsible for the preference of one or the other pattern. The usage reveals that the choice is not optional, but may be governed by some probabilistic rules that need to be further examined by application of more rigorous statistical methods.U ovome se radu raspravlja o različitosti načina ostvarivanja direktnih argumenata poimeničenih predikacija u konstrukcijama u makedonskome jeziku. Kao što je uobičajeno u drugim jezicima, posvojna konstrukcija s na upotrebljava se za smještanje kako subjektivnog, tako i objektivnog padeža u imenskoj frazi koju se tvori glagolskom imenicom na nje. Međutim, postoji mogućnost da se imensku frazu u ulozi objekta doda direktno na glagolsku imenicu, ako ista nije označena glede određenosti. Konstrukcije s ili bez prijedloga čine se slobodno međusobno zamjenjivi i ne postoji slaganje u izvornih govornika glede izbora jednoga ili drugoga obrasca. Na tu se nekategoričnu ili probabilističku varijaciju koncentrira ovaj rad. Na temelju ovjerenih primjera iz pisanih izvora i ankete u obliku upitnika promatra se čimbenike referencijalnosti i strukturne složenosti imenske fraze u ulozi objekta, koje bi se moglo smatrati odgovornima za preferenciju prema jednom ili drugom obrascu. Uporabe otkrivaju da izbor nije slučajan, nego njime upravljaju određena probabilistička pravila koja se treba daljnje istražiti primjenom rigoroznijih statističkih metoda

    Типы модальности рефлексивно-дативных конструкций состояния в южнославянских языках

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    This paper analyses the constructions with a reflexive marker on the verb and a dative argument experiencing a state, such as necessity or craving/desire for something. They occur in all Slavic languages, with varied scope of distribution, but this research focuses on their use in South Slavic languages: Macedonian, Bulgarian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS), in which such constructions have a wide distribution. Although these types of clauses have been studied a lot, there are still contentious issues regarding their nature. Assuming that this particular combination of the reflexive marker with a dative argument represents a steady construction with specific formal properties we argue that its semantics cannot be computed from the meanings of the structures involved. The construction contains as part of its meaning a covert modal component of necessity, which cannot be explained as an inherited feature, neither from the reflexive, nor from the dative marker. Moreover, this component is of a more complex nature, ranging from a strong urge to inclination and craving. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the nature and the origin of this modality. Adopting a Construction Grammar approach we assume that the specific semantic- pragmatic features of the construction are a result of particular constraints operating on the morpho-syntactic and semantic features of the constituent components. В статье рассматриваются конструкции с глагольным рефлексивным пока- зателем и дативным аргументом, который обозначает лицо, испытывающее состояние потребности или желания чего-то. Эти конструкции встречают- ся во всех славянских языках с различной степенью распространенности, но в южнославянских языках они отличаются широким набором функций. В настоящей работе исследуется специфика данных конструкций в маке- донском, болгарском и сербском/хорватском/боснийском языках. Хотя реф- лексивно-дативные структуры со значением состояния достаточно хорошо изучены в литературе, все еще существуют теоретические разногласия, свя- занные с их сущностью. Полагая, что особая комбинация рефлексивного маркера с дативным аргументом образует устойчивую конструкцию с определенными формальными свойствами, автор статьи доказывает, что значе- ние конструкции не представляет сумму значений ее составляющих. Се- мантическая структура конструкции содержит скрытый модальный компо- нент, который нельзя рассматривать как унаследованный от рефлексивного или дативного маркера. Значения этого семантически сложного компонен- та движутся от физиологической потребности до склоности и желания. Главная цель статьи заключается в выявлении природы этой модальности и причин ее возникновения. Применяя теоретические принципы Граммати- ки конструкций, автор выдвигает предположение, что характерные семан- тико-прагматические свойства конструкции представляют собой результат воздействия определенных ограничений на морфосинтаксические и семан- тические свойства составляющих данной конструкции

    Usporedba fenomena na dodirnoj točki između sintakse i diskursa: inverzija subjekta i glagola u engleskom i makedonskom jeziku

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    This paper discusses the results of a contrastive analysis of subject-verb inversion (SVI) in English and Macedonian, a South Slavic language. We look at sentences, typically encoding thetic statements, in which the subject follows the verb. Both English and Macedonian belong to SVO languages, but unlike English, Macedonian word-order is considerably more flexible due to its rich inflectional morphology. Our main goal is to determine the scope of distribution of SVI in the two languages which will enable to discover the reasons for the distributional differences in the two languages. To achieve this, we compared the semantic, syntactic and discourse-pragmatic properties of the inverted structures in the examples collected from parallel fiction and academic texts. The sharp differences in the use of SVI between the two languages indicate that lexical and grammatical constraints severely restrict SVI in English, in contrast to Macedonian where it is governed by discourse principles.U ovom se radu raspravlja o rezultatima kontrastivne analize inverzije između subjekta i glagola u engleskom i makedonskom, južnoslavenskom jeziku. Promatraju se rečenice kojima se tipično kodira tetičke izjave, u kojima subjekt dolazi nakon glagola. I engleski i makedonski jezik pripadaju jezicima s redom riječi SVO, no za razliku od engleskog, red riječi u makedonskom umnogome je fleksibilniji zbog svoje bogate flektivne morfologije. Glavni je cilj utvrditi opseg distribucije inverzije subjekta i glagola u tim dvama jezicima, što će pomoći u otkrivanju razloga razlika u distribuciji između njih. U tu svrhu usporedili smo semantičke, sintaktičke i diskursnopragmatičke odlike struktura koje uključuju inverziju u primjerima prikupljenima iz paralelnih beletrističkih i znanstvenih tekstova. Izražene razlike u uporabi inverzije subjekta i glagola ukazuju na to da leksička i gramatička ograničenja oštro ograničavaju inverziju subjekta i glagola u engleskom, za razliku od makedonskog, u kojem njome upravljaju diskursna načela

    From dialectal to standard feature: the case of the Macedonian habere-perfect

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    The  paper  deals  with  a  sweeping  language  change  that  is  underway  in  the  standard Macedonian  verbal  system:  functional  redistribution  of  the  two  perfect  constructions.  The contact-induced  and  dialectal  habere-perfect  is  spreading  into  the  functional  zone  of  the inherited  resultative  Slavic  esse-perfect,  freeing  the  latter  to  specialize  for  its  inferential, reportative, admirative and other non-factual meanings. Originally a marginal dialectal form, the habere-perfect has become the main exponent of resultative meanings in Macedonian. The authors find regular patterning behind the continuing expansion of the habere-perfect into the standard registers and examine the factors influencing this process. The comparison of the results  of  the  two  investigations  conducted  demonstrates  that  the  habere-perfect  is  gaining ground in the standard language along the established grammaticalization path

    Types of Modality in South Slavic Stative Reflexive-Dative Constructions

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    This paper analyses the constructions with a reflexive marker on the verb and a dative argument experiencing a state, such as necessity or craving/desire for something. They occur in all Slavic languages, with varied scope of distribution, but this research focuses on their use in South Slavic languages: Macedonian, Bulgarian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS), in which such constructions have a wide distribution. Although these types of clauses have been studied a lot, there are still contentious issues regarding their nature. Assuming that this particular combination of the reflexive marker with a dative argument represents a steady construction with specific formal properties we argue that its semantics cannot be computed from the meanings of the structures involved. The construction contains as part of its meaning a covert modal component of necessity, which cannot be explained as an inherited feature, neither from the reflexive, nor from the dative marker. Moreover, this component is of a more complex nature, ranging from a strong urge to inclination and craving. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the nature and the origin of this modality. Adopting a Construction Grammar approach we assume that the specific semantic-pragmatic features of the construction are a result of particular constraints operating on the morpho-syntactic and semantic features of the constituent components

    Апрехенсивно-эпистемические да-конструкции в балканославянских языках

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    The research in this paper is focused on the apprehensive function of the particles da ne in Macedonian and da ne bi in Bulgarian as part of South Slavic subjunctive da-constructions. These clusters of particles are considered to be markers of a wider apprehensive-epistemic category. They are assumed to have undergone grammaticalization due to their morphosyntactic and prosodic unity. Even though there may be some contextual differences, these particles in both Balkan Slavic languages share a common semantic component: an undesirable “fear-causing” possibility of some potential situation. In terms of distribution, they may occur in both dependent and main clauses expressing related, gradient apprehensive-epistemic meanings. The goal of the paper is to categorize the apprehensive-epistemic types, determine their specific structural and functional properties, and establish the conceptual links between them. The paper takes a functional approach to the analysis of the apprehensive-epistemic semantic category, thus the categorization of its subtypes is determined on the basis of their functions in context. The analysis of the collected examples instantiating these functions testifies to an existing gradience within this category in both dependent and independent use. The conclusions of the paper have typological relevance in view of the fact that they may contribute to a better understanding of this crosslinguistic category from both semantic and grammatical perspective.Статья посвящена апрехенсивным употреблениям частиц да не в македонском и да не би в болгарском языках как одной из реализаций южнославянских субъюнктивных да-конструкций. Данные частицы рассматриваются как маркеры более широкой категории апрехенсивно-эпистемической модальности. Несмотря на некоторые контекстуальные различия, в обоих балканославянских языках они имеют общее семантическое толкование: опасение от возможности наступления нежелательной ситуации. Эти частицы могут употребляться как в зависимых, так и в независимых клаузах, выражая различные варианты градуированного апрехенсивно-эпистемического значения. Целью статьи является классификация апрехенсивно-эпистемических типов конструкций с данными частицами, определяемых на основе их характерных структурных и функциональных свойств, и установление концептуальных связей между ними. В статье применен функциональный подход к анализу апрехенсивно-эпистемической семантической категории, таким образом, категоризация подтипов учитывает функции данных единиц в контексте. Анализ собранных примеров, иллюстрирующих эти функции, свидетельствует о наличии градуированности в данной категории как в зависимом, так и в независимом употреблении. Выводы статьи имеют типологическую значимость, внося вклад в понимание статуса этой кросслингвистической категории как с точки зрения семантики, так и грамматики

    Prijedlog i prefiks nad u južnoslavenskim jezicima s naglaskom na makedonskom jeziku

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    This paper examines the senses of the preposition and prefix nad in Macedonian and the rela-tion to its equivalents in other South Slavic languages: Croatian, Serbian, and Bulgarian. The main goal of the paper is to establish the network of spatial and non-spatial senses of the preposition nad and explain how each sense is linked to the meanings of the prefix nad-. By discovering the semantic components distinguishing one sense from another, the authors pro-pose a conceptual network of senses based on the analysis of Macedonian nad, a preposition that subsumes the senses of Croatian and Serbian iznad and nad. The analysis is based on the classification of corpus examples collected from various texts that reflect contemporary lan-guage usage. Traditional treatments of the preposition nad fail to provide a unitary account for all its in-stances and to explain the relation to the prefix nad-. In cognitive-based studies, Slavic prepo-sitions and prefixes are treated within the same conceptual network, and so the semantic deri-vation of prefixes does not seem to be explained in a systematic way. We apply an alternative approach by positing the same cognitive network, but at two different levels of abstraction. The network of the prefix nad- shows that each meaning of a prefix represents an extension from a particular corresponding spatial or non-spatial sense of the preposition nad. The pro-posed network could be applied to the isofunctional prepositions in the languages considered because it determines common derivational pathways of the prefix nad- in the South Slavic languages.U članku se razmatraju značenja prijedloga i prefiksa nad u makedonskom jeziku i istražuje njihov odnos prema istoznačnim prijedlozima i prefiksima u drugim južnoslavenskim jezicima: hrvatskom, srpskom i bugarskom. Glavni je cilj rada utvrditi mrežu prostornih i neprostornih značenja prijedloga nad i objasniti kako su ta značenja povezana sa značenjima prefiksa nad-. Otkrivajući značenjske komponente odgovorne za razliku među prijedložnim značenjima, autori predlažu konceptualnu mrežu značenja koja se temelji na analizi makedon-skog nad, prijedloga koji obuhvaća značenja hrvatskog i srpskog iznad i nad. Analiza se te-melji na klasifikaciji primjera iz korpusa različitih vrsta tekstova koji ilustriraju suvremenu upotrebu jezika. Tradicionalni pristupi prijedlogu nad ne sadrže jedinstven opis svih pojavnica prijedloga niti objašnjavaju njegov odnos prema prefiksu nad-. Istraživanja koja se temelje na kognitivnom pristupu smještaju slavenske prijedloge i prefikse u istu konceptualnu mrežu te stoga prefik-salna značenja ne objašnjavaju sistematično. U ovom se radu primjenjuje alternativan pristup: koristi se ista kognitivna mreža, ali s dvije različite razine apstrakcije. Značenjska mreža pre-fiksa nad- pokazuje da je svako prefiksalno značenje proširenje odgovarajućeg prostornog ili neprostornog značenja prijedloga nad. Predložena značenjska mreža može se primijeniti na istoznačne prijedloge u drugim promatranim jezicima s obzirom da utvrđuje zajedničke deri-vacijske puteve prefiksa nad- u južnoslavenskim jezicima


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    This paper undertakes a pragmatic analysis of da/ne (yes/no)-questions in Macedonian in order to determine their communicative functions in various contexts: offer, encouragement, empathy, disapproval, irony, etc. In comparison to polar dali-questions, which require a positive or negative response, da/ne-questions are biased because they require confirmation of the speaker’s presupposition about the polarity of the answer. This function can be achieved only if the addressee shares common ground and correctly interprets the presupposition of the speaker. The semantic feature of bias makes these questions suitable for signaling positive politeness and small horizontal distance between interlocutors.Во овој труд се спроведува прагматичка анализа на да не-прашањата во македонскиот јазик (Да не сакаш да се напиеш нешто?) за да се определат нивните комуникациски функции во различни контексти: понуда, поттикнување, емпатија, неодобрување, иронија, и сл. За разлика од поларитетните дали-прашања, кои изискуваат потврден или одречен одговор, да не-прашањата се пристрасни бидејќи бараат потврда на претпоставката на говорителот. Таа функција може успешно да се реализира само ако соговорникот го познава ситуацискиот контекст и правилно ја толкува претпоставката на говорителот. Семантичката одлика на „пристрасност“ ги прави да не-прашањата погодни за сигнализирање позитивна учтивост и помал степен на хоризонтално растојание меѓу соговорниците