17 research outputs found

    Masculinity and Virility : Representations of Male Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century Sweden

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    What should historians do with contrasting and contradictory accounts of male sexual practices and how should these be connected to notions of masculinity? Although the analysis of masculinity has developed sophisticated models of hierarchic and multiple masculinities, the history of sexuality has long been dominated by a phallocentric model. In this model, before the emergence of modern concepts of sexual identity in the nineteenth century, male sexual behaviour and desire were really about domination and the demonstration of social power, primarily symbolized by the active performance of penetration and the passive submission of the penetrated partner whether in hetero- or same-sex relations. The first sections of this essay deal with the relevance of this model for eighteenth-century Sweden, with reference to male self-apprehension and descriptions of male sexual practices in two secret diaries and autobiographies which, taken together, provide very different images of male sexuality. It will be argued here that the concept of virility in the sense of culturally constructed notions of bodily and sexual comportment as ultimate symbols of masculine strength and vigour could play a crucial role in connecting male sexual practices and meanings of masculinity. The essay closes with a brief suggestion of where the basis for hegemonic ideas of masculinity may be found.Volume 2, The Trouble with Ribs: Women, Men and Gender in Early Modern Europe, ISBN: 978-952-10-4073-3</p


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    I fokus stĂ„r berĂ€ttelsen om hur den danska drottning Margareta under sin regenttid i Sverige (1389–1412) lĂ€t prĂ€gla ett mynt med en bild av sitt eget könsorgan pĂ„ för att skĂ€mma ut svenskarna. BerĂ€ttelsen har sitt ursprung i Ericus Olais krönika om de götiska kungarna Chronica regni Gothorum, skriven pĂ„ 1470-talet i en tid av stĂ€ndiga konflikter mellan danska unionskungar och den svenska rĂ„dsaristokratin. Historien kommenterades och Ă„tergavs pĂ„ nytt under 1500- och 1600-talen dĂ„ danskarna framstĂ€lldes som Sveriges arvfiender. Artikelns syfte Ă€r att analysera de krĂ€nkande innebörderna i berĂ€ttelsen utifrĂ„n ett kĂ€nslohistoriskt perspektiv och dĂ„ nĂ€rmare bestĂ€mt hur negativa kĂ€nslor som förakt, hĂ„n och avsky har mobiliserats och kommunicerats i anslutning till historien. Analysen tar sin utgĂ„ngspunkt i en nĂ€rlĂ€sning av de ordval och reaktioner som kan urskiljas hos krönikörer och kommentatorer. Dessa har i sin tur förankrats i en bredare propaganda- och samhĂ€llskontext. Ytterligare ett syfte har varit att ge ett kritiskt bidrag till diskussionen om vilken roll genitalierna och det biologiska könet spelade i förmoderna genusförestĂ€llningar

    "Visa aktning för din far och din mor": Ett historiskt perspektiv pÄ vuxna barns vÄld mot sina förÀldrar

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    Today, violent abuse of parents by their grown-up children is veiled in silence; hut this has not always been the case. In 17th and 18th century Sweden, violent and verbal abuse of parents constituted a capital crime, and in the 19th century physical abuse of parents was still regarded as a serious crime. The turning point came in 1864 when parental abuse was excluded from the new penal code as an independent category of crime – a first step on the road to the modern veil of silence. The aim of this article is to analyse today’s silence and violent abuse in the light history. In the long run this was a history of changing attitudes and meanings. While the children of early modern families were obliged by both law and religion to respect their parents as the fundament of society, the rise of the modern bourgeoisie ideology implied that families should be united by bands of love and affection as a natural fact which didn’t need to be regulated by law. What was seen as sin and crime in early modern society was diagnosed as a psychological and social deviation in the emerging modern society

    "Du ljög som en tjuv och skÀlm" : OkvÀdande inför rÀtta i 1600- och 1700-talens södra och mellersta Norrland

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     ‘You are lying like a thief and rogue’. Verbal abuse cited before the courts in 17th and 18th centuries southern and middle parts of Northern Sweden The aim of this article is to investigate the frequencies and meanings of abusive words cited before the town courts of GĂ€vle and HĂ€rnösand, and the district courts of HĂ€lsingland and Ångermanland respectively, during the periods 1665–69 and 1745–49. The main questions at issue concern gendered meanings and to what extent the words honesty and dishonesty had different meanings than today. ‘Thief’ and ‘rogue’ were the most common abusive words directed against men, and ‘whore’ and ‘thief’ against women. ‘Whore’ was, however, also strongly associated with lying and deceiving whereas the expression ‘you hit me like a thief and rogue’ could be used to blame the violent attack of an antagonist as unfair and dishonest. Thus, the abusive triad ‘thief’, ‘rogue’ and ‘whore’ indicate a much broader yet fundamentally similar meaning of dishonesty as today

    "Du ljög som en tjuv och skÀlm" : OkvÀdande inför rÀtta i 1600- och 1700-talens södra och mellersta Norrland

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     ‘You are lying like a thief and rogue’. Verbal abuse cited before the courts in 17th and 18th centuries southern and middle parts of Northern Sweden The aim of this article is to investigate the frequencies and meanings of abusive words cited before the town courts of GĂ€vle and HĂ€rnösand, and the district courts of HĂ€lsingland and Ångermanland respectively, during the periods 1665–69 and 1745–49. The main questions at issue concern gendered meanings and to what extent the words honesty and dishonesty had different meanings than today. ‘Thief’ and ‘rogue’ were the most common abusive words directed against men, and ‘whore’ and ‘thief’ against women. ‘Whore’ was, however, also strongly associated with lying and deceiving whereas the expression ‘you hit me like a thief and rogue’ could be used to blame the violent attack of an antagonist as unfair and dishonest. Thus, the abusive triad ‘thief’, ‘rogue’ and ‘whore’ indicate a much broader yet fundamentally similar meaning of dishonesty as today

    Morsgrisar och kÀrlekspiltar i barockens krigs och duellretorik : en studie i (o)manlighet

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    Unga lĂ€ttkrĂ€nkta ynglingar och pojkar med vapen i hand Ă€r i dag ett högaktuellt Ă€mne. SĂ„ var fallet Ă€ven i 1600-talets patriarkala hederskultur. Misogyna skymford saknades inte i 1600-talets duelljargong, men till skillnad frĂ„n idag var anspelningar pĂ„ pojkaktighet minst lika gĂ„ngbara som skymford. Bland dessa intog morsgrisen en sĂ€rstĂ€llning. Men strider utkĂ€mpades ocksĂ„ pĂ„ andra slagfĂ€lt Ă€n det militĂ€ra under barocken. Ett sĂ„dant var kĂ€rleken, ofta skildrad som ett krig mellan könen. HĂ€r hĂ€rskade en liten naken pojke eller pilt under namn av omvĂ€xlande Cupid, Astrild och Amor som tyranniserade alla och envar med sin pil och bĂ„ge och sina eldbloss. Vilka förestĂ€llningar om manlighet och omanlighet Ă„terspeglades i dessa till synes motsĂ€gelsefulla pojkgestalter? Det Ă€r Ă€mnet för den hĂ€r artikeln. Images of young, easily offended youths and boys, with weapons in hand, are today rarely out of thenews cycle. Interestingly, this was also the case in the patriarchal honour culture during the 17thcentury. Misogynistic insults were not lacking in 17th-century duelling jargon, but unlike today, allusionsto boyishness were not solely pejorative. Among these, mama’s boy occupied a special position. Battleswere also fought in arena other than the military during the Baroque period. Love, was, for example,often depicted as a war between the sexes. Here ruled a little naked boy, referred to as Cupid, Astrildand Amor, tyrannizing everyone with his bow and arrow. The questions to be explored in this article arethe following: what notions of masculinity and unmanliness were reflected in these contradictory boyfigures? And what was it about the boy’s alleged character that actualized these contradictory rhetoricalfigures of the boy as submissive versus his tyrannical omnipotence

    The use of court records and petitions as historical sources : introduction

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    El 2018 marca el 20Âș aniversario de los Principios Rectores de los Desplazamientos Internos. Se ha logrado mucho en los Ășltimos 20 años, pero con mĂĄs de 40 millones de personas desplazadas internas como consecuencia de los conflictos y la violencia, y sin que haya indicios de que la cifra vaya a disminuir, debemos preguntarnos a nosotros mismos: ÂżHacia dĂłnde vamos a partir de aquĂ­