97 research outputs found

    Increased Competitive Advantage and Supply Chain Management Improve Company Performance (Case Study in Mild Steel Rollforming Companies in East Java)

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    This research aims to identify the impact of supply chain management to company performance and advantage of roll-forming light steel manufacture company in East Java. The data collection was done by submitting list of questions. The data was analyzed using path analysis. This research elaborates supply chain management variable (X1), company performance variable (Y1), and competitive advantage (Y2). Results of the path analysis show that there are 3 positive and significant hypotheses. The first hypothesis is that supply chain management brings significant impact to company performance. The second hypothesis is that supply chain management brings significant impact to competitive advantage, and the third hypothesis is that competitive advantage brings significant impact on company performance. VAF (Variance Accounted For) score for intermediary variable tends to be partial mediation. Keywords: supply chain management; company performance; competitive advantag

    Aplikas Activity Based Costing Dalam Cost Reduction Sebagai Alat Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Biaya Produksi Pada Divisi Knitting Dari PT. X Di Semarang

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    Di dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat ini Badan Usaha-Badan Usaha yang ada dituntut untuk dapat menciptakan strategi-strategi yang tepat untuk berkompetisi dan menuntut pula setiap Badan Usaha untuk dapat menghasilkan produk yang bervariasi, tersedia pula saat dibutuhkan (timeliness), produk harus sesuai dengan selera konsumen (customization dan convenience) dan yang lebih penting harga jual produk dapat ditetapkan serendah mungkin tanpa harus mengurangi kualitas dari produk tersebut. Harga jual dari suatu produk merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan Badan Usaha berkompetisi. Oleh karena itu untuk dapat menetapkan harga jual ini manajemen memerlukan tersedianya informasi yang lengkap, cepat dan akurat teru.tama mengenai costing. Untuk dapat mengalokasikan biaya-biayanya ke produk secara akurat digunakan metode Activity Jjased Costing. Metode ini mengalokas:ikan biaya-biaya ke produk berdasarkan jumlah aktivitas-aktivitas yang dikonsumsi oleh tiap-tiap produ.k tersebut. Berdasarkan Activity JJased Costing ini aktivitas-aktivitas yang d:ilakukan dalam proses produksi dapat digolongkan menjadi dua, yaitu value-added activities dan nonvalue-added activities. Nonvalue-added activities ini menyebabkan timbulnya nonvalue-added costs, yang bagi Badan Usaha merupakan pemborosan (waste). Oleh karena itu suatu 1angkah mendasar yang harus dilakukan oleh Badan Usaha adalah melakukan penghematan biaya (cost reduction) yaitu dengan berusaha mengeliminasi nonvalue-added costs yang terjadi, sehingga dengan. demikian biaya produksi yang terjadi di dalam Badan Usaha hanya tinggal value-added costs. Pengidentifikasian value-added costs .dan nonvalue-added costs diperoleh dengan melakukan penetapan standar costs. Standar costs ini merupakan value-added costs. Selisih antara actual cost dengan standar costs merupakan nonva/ue-added costs. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa metode konvension.al yang digunakan oleh Divisi Knitting untuk mengalokasikan biaya-biayanya ke produk ternyata kurang akurat bila dibandingkan dengan metode Activity .Based Costing. Hal ini dikarenakan pembebanan biaya dengan menggunakan metode konvensional menyebabkan timbulnya kesalingsubsidian biaya antara produk yang satu dengan produk yang lain, sehingga akan memberikan gambaran yang menyesatkan pada pola perilaku biaya atau pola hubungan sebab akibat antara aktivitas dan biaya. Hal ini menyebabkan keputusan keuangan yang diambil menjadi salah. Penetapan standar costs yang terjadi dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui besarnya jumlah nonvalue-added costs yang terjadi di dalam Divisi Knitting dan yang kemudian harus dieliminasi. Dari hasil analisis ini diharapkan Badan Usaha dapat memperoleh informasi finansial terutama mengenai biaya yang akurat dan lengkap untuk pengambilan keputusan dan Badan Usaha dapat meminimalkan biaya-biayanya tanpa harus mengurangi kualitas dari produk, sehingga tujuan dari Badan Usaha yaitu memperoleh laba yang maksimal dapat tercapai


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    The purpose of this research is to test the factors that affect entrepreneurial intention on Universitas Ciputra and Petra Christian University students. Respondents in this research are 180 of 2017 IBM active students of Universitas Ciputra and Petra Christian University. Questionnaire collection is done through google form. In this research, it will use non probability sampling and data retrieval uses purposive sampling technique by using quantitative data type. The data that has been collected is processed by using multiple regression analysis technique. This research is based on three variables, that is, attitude towards behavioral, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. The results of this research state that subjective norm affect significant  on entrepreneurial intention and attitude towards behaviour, perceived behaviour does not affect significant on entrepreneurial intention. Keywords : entrepreneurial intention, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, attitude towards behaviour  &nbsp

    The Impact of Personal Selling, E-Wom and E-Referral Using Brand Image as Mediating Variable on Purchase Intention of Intune Productions

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    The need for sound and music in advertising is growing every year, especially when Covid-19 accelerates the need for brands to go digital. InTune Productions is a music production company based in Surabaya, Indonesia. Specializing in jingle, sound-logo, and background music, InTune Productions has worked with various companies to increase their brand awareness through sound and music. This research aims to analyze the impact of personal selling, e-WOM and e-referral using brand image as mediating variable on purchase intention of Intune Productions. This research is quantitative research where the data collected from questionnaires will be analyzed statistically using Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square in SmartPLS program. Population of this research is 256 members of JCI East Java. The researcher uses purposive sampling and found 98 samples. The result shows that personal selling, e-WOM and e-referral do not have a significant effect towards purchase intention. E-referral also does not have a significant effect towards brand image. However, brand image has a positive significant effect towards purchase intention, as well as acting as a mediating variable between personal selling and e-WOM towards purchase intention

    Aspek Digital Marketing Bagi Kemajuan Disc Jockey

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    This study aimed  to find out the Evaluation of Marketing Strategies for Shift Paradigm. The method used in this research was a qualitative method. Research subjects involved 7 consumers, Shift Paradigm members, expert marketing, and lecturers EP6. This study found Paradigma Shift’s marketing strategy was not  effective. Using digital marketing was recommended to maximize marketing strategies for Shift Paradigm. In addition to a digital marketing, involving event planner and promoter were also recommended to reach  the marketing targets of the shift paradigm. The results of this study are expected to serve as review materials for the Evaluation of Marketing Strategies for Shift Paradigm and other Disc Jockey Management


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    The food industry keeps on growing due to the needs of each individual for food to survive. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of aesthetics, serviceability, perceived quality and durability on the customer satisfaction of Le Fluffy Dessert. Population in this study is customers who already bought product of Le Fluffy Dessert. The number of the population is 53 people. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling. This research uses total of 53 Le Fluffy Dessert customers as the samples. The data are collected using questionnaire. The technique analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that aesthetics and serviceability have no significant effect on the customer satisfaction of Le Fluffy Dessert. The results also show that perceived quality and durability significantly affect the customer satisfaction of Le Fluffy Dessert

    Price And Product Quality To Nexfood’s Purchase Intention

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    The main purpose of this research is to measure the impact of price and product quality on purchase intention of Nexfood’s product. This research had distributed an online form purposive to be filled up by 97 participants from Surabaya. SPSS were used to analyzed data collected with multiple linear regression. To find the impact of independent variable to dependent variable simultaneously,  this research was using the coefficient of determination. The price and product quality influencing the purchase intention in the amount of 58,6 percentage and the rest is influenced by other variable that wasn’t mentioned in this research. Based on the F-test, price and product quality simultaneously have a significant impact on purchase intention. Next, based on t-test, price and product quality partially have a significant impact on purchase intention. The finding of this research was price and product quality have a significant impact on purchase intention of Nexfood’s product. Based on that result, means that if the perception of price is increased then the purchase intention will also increase. If the perception of product quality is increased then the purchase intention will also increase. The results of this study serve as a reference for Nexfood to pay more attention to the prices set so that they can be more competitive with competing products, while also maintaining the quality of the products produced. What Nexfood can do is maintain prices without reducing the quality and portions of Nexfood products; maintaining prices and looking for new suppliers at lower prices so that consumers feel that Nexfood products are suitable and can compete with competitors; determine the price of Nexfood products in accordance with the benefits obtained by consumers

    The Effect of Product, Price, Distribution, and Promotion on The Purchase Decision of Rice Seed Product in Jember

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    The background of this research is the increase of return on sales of rice seeds product and the failure to achieve the sales target in 2021 which occurred at CV Bunga Tani Sejahtera, a producer of rice and corn seeds. Based on complaint data throughout 2021 indicate that there are problems with product, price, distribution and promotions, so evaluation and improvement are necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product, price, distribution, and promotion on purchase decision of rice seed product in Jember. This study used 210 respondents that collected from four sub-districts in Jember, namely Balung, Gumukmas, Tanggul and Mayang. This research is quantitative research with multiple linear regression analysis method. The result showed that there is effect of product, price, and promotion on purchase decision of rice seed products in Jember. Meanwhile, distribution has no influence on purchase decision. Simultaneously, product, price, distribution, and promotion have an influence on the purchase decision of rice seed products in Jembe. The dominant influence on the purchase decision is product. The company is expected to improve product, evaluate price, and expand the promotion of rice seed products so the sales return can be reduced in the following years and market can develop

    Entrepreneurial Intention Ditinjau Dari Entrepreneurial Motivation Dan Education Mahasiswa Manajemen Universitas Ciputra

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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Entrepreneurial Motivation and  Entrepreneurship Education toward Entrepreneurial Intention on Faculty of Business Management, Ciputra University. The sample were used 93 students. This research used a quantitative research, random sampling and data was collect by questionnaire. The analysis technique used correlation pearson, cronbach alpha, multiple linear regression, t test, F test, and classical assumptions test. The result of multiple linear regression analysis is Ŷ = 0,750 + 0,585X1 + 0,240 X2, that means entrepreneurial intention influenced by entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurship education. Based on the results of study, it was found: 1) entrepreneurial motivation have positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial intention; based on multiple linear regression analysis (t test), is known tcount> ttable (5.331> 1.818) and the significance value <0.05(0,000). 2) entrepreneurship education have positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial intention; based on multiple linear regression analysis (t test), is known tcount> ttable (3,077 > 1,818) and the significance value <0.05 (0,003). 3) entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurship education together have a strong influence and direction of entrepreneurial intention (44.6%), while 54.4% are influenced by other variables not examined by researcher

    Application of Instagram Media for ‘No Club’ Business Growth

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    Instagram is one of the most popular social media right now. This is proven by millions of active users who use it. In order to optimize Instagram marketing, research is done on well-known brands in Surabaya that use Instagram as their marketing media. The aim of this research is to explore more about which marketing techniques are more effective than others among Instagram business owners, so that it can be used by researcher to determine Instagram marketing optimization efforts for No Club business growth. The method used in this research is qualitative research using descriptive analysis. The informants in this study were three people who were selected based on purposive sampling. Observation and interview were conducted on brands in Surabaya who use Instagram as their marketing media, namely Other Rag Enterprise, Cosmic, and Garlick. The results of this study indicate that Instagram is effectively used for marketing activities. There are several strategies that can be implicated by No Club related to features on Instagram such as cameras, hashtags, arrobas, geotagging, and comments also need to be considered to improve service quality. The most effective marketing on Instagram is by soft selling and up to date every day with at least 1 post a day and a simple but attractive caption. Promotion can be carried out with selebgram and those who are still relevant to the young and fashion target market. The focus of the promotion is on the Instagram feeds and Instagram story features
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