202 research outputs found

    Associations Between Peer Pressure and Adolescents' Binge Behaviors: The Role of Basic Needs and Coping

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    Framed from a framework based on the integration of self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) and Endler and Parker’s (1990) conception of coping strategies, the authors analyzed the relationships between peer pressure and binge behaviors (binge eating and binge drinking) in adolescence. Moreover, the authors explored the mediating role of satisfaction/frustration of basic psychological needs and coping strategies in these associations. Participants were 570 high school students (M = 15.75 years, SD = 1.14 years) living in Italy. The study design was cross-sectional and adolescents were administered self-report questionnaires. Path analysis showed significant and positive direct associations of peer pressure with both binge eating and binge drinking. Moreover, findings show that there is an indirect path in which peer pressure is positively associated with need frustration that is related to the use of emotion-oriented coping strategies that, on their turn, are associated with binge eating. Differently, binge drinking seems to be only directly related to peer pressure. The authors put light to the complex nature of the relationships between peer pressure and binge behaviors in adolescence, taking into account the separate contribution of need satisfaction and need frustration, as well as of coping strategies. Finally, practical implications of the study are discussed

    Parental Monitoring and Youth's Binge Behaviors: The Role of Sensation Seeking and Life Satisfaction

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    Framed within an ecological perspective of the onset of adolescent problem behaviors, the current study explored the joint role of parent-adolescents’ relationships and youth's individual factors in binge eating and drinking. Firstly, in line with pieces of research highlighting the beneficial impact of effective parenting on youth development, the present paper sought to enhance the knowledge about the positive influence of parental monitoring on youth's binge drinking and eating. Moreover, since literature evidenced that the explanatory mechanisms of the association between parental monitoring and binge behaviors are not fully explored, the study focused on the potential intervening role of sensation seeking and life satisfaction as mediators. The study design was cross-sectional and self-report questionnaires were administered among a population of 944 high school students (M = 16.35, SD = 1.31) living in Palermo (Italy). Path analysis showed that parental monitoring was directly and negatively related to both binge eating and binge drinking. Moreover, sensation seeking negatively mediated the relationships between parental monitoring and both binge behaviors, whereas life satisfaction only mediated between parental monitoring and binge eating. The current study provided data useful to understand the complex interrelations between intrapersonal (life satisfaction and personality trait, i.e. sensation seeking) and contextual factors (parent–child relationships) that may discourage or cause eating and alcohol use disorders among youth. Finally, implications for parents and practitioners working with youngsters were discussed

    Antecedents and consequences of parental psychological control and autonomy support: the role of psychological basic needs

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    Research suggest that psychologically controlling and autonomy supportive parenting can be described within the SDT's framework. Two studies were conducted to examine: (a) the role of parental need frustration as a predictor of parental psychological control, (b) the role of parental need satisfaction as a predictor of parental autonomy support and (c) the role of parents' psychological control and autonomy support in the intergenerational transmission of satisfaction and frustration of the psychological basic needs. Study-1 provided evidence, in a sample of 203 Italian coupled parents, that needs frustration and needs satisfaction represent distinct antecedents of psychological control and autonomy support. Study-2, showed that in 135 families, the intergenerational association between parents' and adolescents' need frustration was partial mediated by psychological control and autonomy support. Results clearly showed that parents who experienced high level of psychological needs frustration are more likely to use psychological control and in turn to promote a feeling of need frustration in their adolescents; differently, parents who experienced high levels of psychological needs satisfaction tend to exert more autonomy support in their relationship with their children and in turn adolescents tend to perceive higher level of needs satisfaction. These findings are discussed in light of SDT and underline the importance of needs in the parenting context and have implications for interventions

    The Role of parental control and Coping Strategies on adolescents\u2019 problem behaviors

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    The current study was aimed at contributing to the understanding of the role of perceived parental monitoring, psychological control, and coping strategies on adolescents\u2019 problem behaviors, in terms of anxiety and drinking behavior. Participants were 541 high school students, 17 to 19-year old (M = 17.09, SD = 0.80) high school students in Sicily and Calabria (Italy). Participants completed self-report measures assessing parental monitoring, psychological control, coping strategies (i.e., TaskOriented, Emotion-Oriented, and Avoidance-Oriented). Results of the path analysis showed that coping strategies play a mediating role in the association between parental psychological control and both adolescents\u2019 anxiety and drinking behavior. Furthermore, a direct positive association was reported from parental psychological control and anxiety, while a negative direct association was reported from parental monitoring to drinking behavior. Results of this study provide a comprehensive model that showed that the different coping strategies could explain the psychological mechanisms that underline the associations between two different kinds of parental control (psychological control and monitoring) and both internalizing and externalizing adolescents\u2019 form of maladjustment (e.g. anxiety and drinking behaviors). Overall, coping strategies seem to be a fruitful target for the prevention programs for adolescents\u2019 anxiety and drinking behaviors

    How parental autonomy support prevent from adolescents’ depression and low self-esteem: a mediational model with trait Emotional Intelligence

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    Objective: The main aim of this study was to deepen the literature about parental autonomy support, analysing the relation between its two dimensions, Promotion of Independence (PI) and Promotion of Volitional Functioning (PVF), and adaptive outcomes in adolescents. Specifically, it was hypothesized that both components would predict higher self-esteem and lower depression in adolescents, through the mediation of trait Emotional Intelligence (trait EI). Method: A total of 283 adolescents, aged between 14 and 17 years (M=15.53; SD=1.21), participated in this study. They completed the Center for Epidemiologic Studies- Depression Scale (CES-D), the Promotion of Independence (PI) and Promotion of Volitional Functioning (PVF), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem and Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire- Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue-ASF). Results: It was found that parental autonomy support predicted trait EI, which in turn fully mediated the relation between supportive practices and psychological outcomes in adolescents, with several interesting parent gender differences. Conclusions: This study highlights how autonomy-supportive practices are fundamental for healthy and adequate development of emotional intelligence in adolescents. It also contributes to the advancement of research on the contextual and individual mechanisms underlying the functional adaptation of offspring

    Sistem Otentikasi Untuk Squid Berbasis Web

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    Dalam sebuah jaringan komputer terdapat bermacam-macam tipe user dengan berbagi tingkatan yang berbeda yang juga dibutuhkan perlakuan yang berbeda pada tiap user yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dalam menggunakan akses web, baik berupa http, ftp, gopher, dan lain-lain. Dimana masing-masing user memiliki skala prioritas dalam penggunaan bandwidth, jumlah koneksi maksimum, waktu koneksi, ukuran file maksimum, situs yang tidak boleh diakses dan lain-lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah perangkat lunak yang dapat melakukan otentikasi user berdasarkan data konfigurasi yang disimpan dalam basisdata. Selain itu, perangkat lunak yang dibuat dapat memproses request dari client berdasarkan data konfigurasi dengan lebih cepat. Permasalahan yang mucul adalah bagaimana merancang dan membuat suatu perangkat lunak yang dapat melakukan otentikasi user berdasarkan data konfigurasi yang diambil dari basisdata, serta dapat memproses request dari client dengan lebih cepat berdasarkan hak akses yang dimilikinya.Dalam penelitian ini didesain dan diimplementasikan suatu sistem otentikasi user dengan mengambil data user yang tersimpan dalam basisdata MySQL. Disamping itu, dilakukan rekayasa pada beberapa rutin proses yang terdapat dalam squid proxy, supaya proses-proses dapat melakukan pengambilan data konfigurasi yang dialihkan dan disimpan dalam basisdata MySQL. Data konfigurasi ini didasarkan pada pembagian hak akses yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing grup user. Antarmuka berbasis web digunakan sebagai salah satu layanan bagi admin untuk mempermudah pengelolaan dan pengolahan data konfigurasi yang dibuat.Berdasarkan uji coba yang telah dilakukan, terbukti sistem yang dibuat dapat bekerja dengan baik dan tidak melenceng dari fungsi asli sebelum dilakukan Perubahan. Bahkan pada penanganan request client yang berukuran besar, kinerja squid mengalami peningkatan dalam hal kecepatan proses yang dibutuhkan. Sebagai contoh, request client pada file berukuran 602 KB dengan tipe file html (supaya dapat dieksekusi dan ditampilkan pada browser). Pada squid asli, waktu rata-rata (dari lima kali percobaan) yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan pengiriman data yang diminta adalah 85,921 detik. Sedangkan pada squid hasil rekayasa, waktu rata-rata (dari lima kali percobaan) yang dibutuhkan adalah 76,572 detik. Dengan demikian dapat diambil kesimpulan, dengan pembuatan rekayasa rutin proses yang tepat dapat meningkatkan kinerja squid

    Multiple Myeloma as the Underlying Cause of Thrombotic Microangiopathy Leading to Acute Kidney Injury: Revisiting a Very Rare Entity

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    Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) describes a pathological process of microvascular thrombosis, consumptive thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, leading to end-organ ischemia and infarction, affecting particularly the kidney and brain. TMA is a pathological feature of a number of clinical disorders including thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Rare but important, TMA may also occur in malignancy, connective tissue disease, malignant hypertension, and renal transplantation (rejection or drug toxicity). We present a very rare case where the patient developed acute kidney injury from TMA but found to have multiple myeloma as the possible underlying etiology

    Revision of the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) for Use with Italian Students

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    Background: This multistudy report was aimed at examining the psychometric properties in the Italian context of the Student Adaptation College Questionnaire (SACQ) that represents the most important self-report measure for assessing how students adjust to university. Methods: Three studies were conducted in order to revise and improve the instrument for being more efficient in measuring adjustment to university. Results: The final result was the SACQ-SF consisting in 12 item assessing three dimensions: a) student’s perception of one’s study skills (Studying); b) student’s sense of satisfaction with courses and programs (Satisfaction with curriculum); c) student’s evaluation of the degree to which he has social skills and is making new friends (Social adjustment). Conclusions: Convergent and construct validity may be considered also adequate. In sum, the SACQSF can be considered a promising valuable and efficient instrument in measuring adjustment to university in the Italian context, and probably in the European one too. Further, as a brief instrument, it can be easily administered and used as a quick screening tool

    Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in swine slaughtered in Sicily

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    Several studies showed that the consumption of raw or undercooked meat contaming Toxoplasma gondii tissue cysts from infected animals is one of the most important sources of human toxoplasmosis. Foods of animal origin most frequently contaminated are pork and small ruminants\u27 meat. In order to investigate the seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Sicilian pig farms, 1063 swine sera were collected dunng the slaughtering from locally born and bred ammals and 1312 from imported ones (from France and Spain). The local animals came from 154 farms distributed along Sicily, representing pigs of all ages: the others came from lairages
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