12 research outputs found

    Sensitivitas Gender Guru Sekolah Dasar (Mewujudkan Pendidikan Adil Gender dan Profesionalitas Guru di Kota Surakarta)

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    Artikel ini membahas isu hubungan guru utama dari sensitivitas gender untuk pendidikan adil gender di Surakarta. Sejak ratifikasi Konvensi merupakan kewajiban Negara untuk memberikan perlindungan bagi warga negara Indonesia, termasuk perempuan dalam semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Peran guru sebagai pendidik yang lebih penting dalam perwujudan pendidikan yang adil gender yang dimulai di sekolah. Penelitian ini dianggap bahwa pemahaman tentang konsep jender informan sangat bervariasi, tapi semua perbedaan antara pria dan wanita yang basisnya hanyalah sebuah konsep biologis. Bahkan, konsep ini adalah untuk memperkuat stereotip jender. Tetapi mereka harus melaksanakan pendidikan adil gender di dalam kelas, dengan pengertian bahwa sebagai seorang guru tidak berhak untuk membedakan antara anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Karena pemahaman konsep gender tidak lengkap, aplikasi pendidikan yang adil gender terbatas hanya pada masalah perlakuan yang sama antara anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan


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    This study aims to determine the process of establishing family-based social services in Griya Bahagia PMI Surakarta and explain the form of implementation of family-based social services in Griya Bahagia seen from the performance of family functions in social services. This study uses the Social Construction Theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, where the formation process of Griya Bahagia with a family-based social service system is inseparable from the social construction process, which includes the working mechanism of externalization, objectivation, and internalization that are dialectical. This research is a type of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that; (1) The purpose of establishing Griya Bahagia PMI is to humanize the neglected elderly like family. Therefore, to support the process of establishing family-based social services, Griya Bahagia then runs several program activities that aim to facilitate administrators in providing family-based social services to the elderly, (2) Several forms of implementing family-based social services at Griya Bahagia are manifested in various states of activities where each activity implements family functions in it

    Children Right's Analysis of the Implementation of Child-Friendly Schools in Surakarta

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    Children’s participation in a child-friendly school is important for ensuring that children are involved, respected, and heard in school policies to fulfill their rights. This paper aims to describe the children’s participation in the implementation program. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used through interviews, observation at two schools, and questionnaires as data collection techniques. Data analyses were carried out interactively within the children’s rights analytical framework. The result shows that children’s participation is defined as involvement in various schools’ activities and not at the level of ideas. Keywords: Child-Friendly School, Children’s Right, Student’s Perception


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    Klitih/Nglitih comes from the Javanese language, which means looking for activities in your spare time. Meanwhile, "Klitih/Nglitih" in the context of juvenile delinquency means travelling around using a motorcycle that a group of students has carried out. This study aims to explain the background of the "Klitih" that often occurs in Yogyakarta and the pattern of interaction in the "Klitih" group. This qualitative research uses a case study in the "Klitih" group in Yogyakarta. Based on the research that has been done, it is found that revenge and showing off are the backgrounds for "Klitih", which often occurs in Yogyakarta. The recruitment process from members to former members becomes a pattern of interaction repeatedly appearing in the "Klitih" group


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    This study aims to determine the motives of women doing child marriage. This research was conducted in Saradan Village, Baturetno District, Wonogiri Regency. This study uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection comes from interviews, documentation, and observation. The primary interviews were conducted by women who had child marriages. The data collection technique used is purposive sampling. The data validity testing technique used is source triangulation. The results of the study show as follows: the motives of women marrying at the age of children can be divided into two, namely because of reasons and by motives. Because the motives are 1) Lack of parental attention and supervision, 2) The economic situation of the low-income family, 3) The psychological condition of teenagers, and 4) Low education. While To Motive is 1) Having a better economic life, 2) Having a happy family life, 3) Getting a person who can give attention, affection and responsibility to his life

    Challenges of implementing child-friendly school model in Surakarta, Indonesia

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    Indonesia adopted the UNICEF’s child-friendly school (CFS) model as the attempt protection and fulfillment of children’s rights in education. The top-down implementation of child-friendly schools and bureaucratic imperatives have made many schools not ready to implement the model so the child-friendly school program is still far from expectations and reality. Many interests in the implementation of child-friendly schools make students vulnerable to being the victims of education political policies. This article aims to explain school challenges in child-friendly school implementation. Qualitative method with case study approach used through observations, interviews, and focus group discussions at three senior high schools in Surakarta City, Indonesia. The results show that the challenges of implementing child-friendly schools lead to three things, namely mentoring and sustainability, technical implementation, and evaluation mechanism. The simultaneous CFS declarations have not been adapted to the readiness, willingness, and needs of each school. Fulfilling the challenges of implementation is able to make CFS not just a slogan but a school’s need to provide protection and fulfillment of children’s rights

    Konstruksi Sosial Orang Tua terhadap Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Zonasi dalam Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konstruksi sosial orang tua terhadap implementasi kebijakan sistem zonasi dalam Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) di SMP Negeri Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konstruksi sosial orang tua terbangun atas realitas sosial bahwa: 1). Orang tua siswa mendapatkan informasi kebijakan sistem zonasi melalui berbagai sarana; 2). Beberapa orang tua belum sepenuhnya memahami urgensi sistem zonasi; 3). Perpindahan domisili dilakukan orang tua sebagai upaya mengakomodir kebijakan sistem zonasi. Melalui ke tiga fase ini dapat diketahui realitas yang terkonstruksi bagi orang tua siswa dalam memandang implementasi kebijakan PPDB sistem zonasi. Simpulan penelitian kebijakan sistem zonasi dalam PPDB adalah terobosan baru dalam dunia pendidikan, menuai beragam respon dari banyak kalangan terutama orang tua siswa. Teori konstruksi sosial memandang realitas sosial terbentuk melalui proses dialektika, yang tampak bahwa orang tua siswa masih terkonstruksi pada mekanisme PPDB.   Kata Kunci: Konstruksi Sosial, PPDB, Sistem Zonasi &nbsp

    (B. Sosial) Strategi Penanganan Berbasis Masyarakat bagi Anak yang Berhadapan dengan Hukum di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahun. Tahun pertama bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi: (1) persoalan ABH di tingkatan masyarakat, (2) strategi penanganan yang dilakukan oleh Negara, (3) potensi local masyarakat yang bisa dikembangkan untuk penanganan ABH. Semua identifikasi tersebut bermuara untuk menemukan strategi (model) penanganan ABH berbasis masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode research and development (R&D). Di tahun pertama pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk melakukan identifikasi dan analisis kebutuhan yang berkaitan dengan penyusunan strategi penanganan berbasis masyarakat bagi ABH. Sumber data primer digali melalui FGD dan wawancara mendalam sementara sumber data sekunder digali melalui studi dokumentasi. Informan penelitian ditetapkan secara purposive. Validitas data dilakukan dengan menggunakan trianggulasi sumber sementara metode analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif. Lokasi penelitian dipilih di empat Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yaitu Kota Salatiga, Kota Surakarta, Kabupaten Klaten dan Kabupaten Kebumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) fenomena ABH semakin lama semakin besar. Di setiap lokasi penelitian terdapat ABH dengan karakteristik mayoritas adalah anak laki-laki, berusia 15 – 18 tahun, kasus yang didakwakan adalah pencurian, persetubuhan, pengeroyokan dan pelecehan seksual serta hampir semua ABH yang ditemukan sedang menjalani masa tahanan di rutan masing-masing Kab/kota. (2) Penanganan yang dilakukan oleh Negara (penegak hukum) dimulai dari adanya pelaporan, penyidikan, penuntutan, persidangan dan menjalani masa hukuman. Berbagai kelemahan yang muncul dari penanganan ABH oleh Negara adalah bahwa penjara tidak merupakan solusi untuk memecahkan persoalan kriminal yang dilakukan oleh anak, penanganan oleh Negara mengkerdilkan peran masyarakat dalam persoalan anak sehingga masyarakat selalu lepas tangan ketika ada persoalan ABH, penegak hukum selalu terbentur dengan juklak dan juknis yang ada di masing-masing lembaga sehingga penerapan restorative justice belum bisa dilakukan, sementara itu belum terbangunnya perspektif hak anak yang komprehensif dalam lembaga penegak hukum dan masyarakat membuat prinsip restorative justice menjadi hal yang tidak lazim dilakukan. (3) Potensi local masyarakat diantaranya adalah adanya kelompok local yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan penanganan ABH berbasis masyarakat yang disinergiskan dengan LSM dan Dinas setempat. Sementara itu strategi penanganan berbasis masyarakat yang diusulkan dalam penelitian ini memuat empat tahap yakni tahap pencegahan, tahap pengurangan resiko, tahap penanganan kasus dan tahap penanganan pasca kasus

    The Policy of Public, Private and Community Partnership in The Tourism Development (Pilot Model Development Partnership Policy and Promotion of Tourism Education Tourism)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of testing activities in the field of tourism promotion partners and education and to determine the effectiveness of tourism Web site of tourism development in Malang The results of this study are expected to contribute in terms of the partnership relating to the promotion of tourism in Malang in Indonesia in particular and research umumnya.Jenis used was qualitative research. Data was collected by interview, focus group discussions, questionnaires and documentation. Technical analysis is the primary research is an interactive analysis because the data obtained is a narrative. Checking the validity of data on research findings of this trial is based on the criteria for validity of qualitative research developed by Lincoln and Guba (1985), namely: the degree of confidence (credibility), keteralihan (transferability), dependence (dependability) and certainty (confirmability ) The basis of the experimental activities to be conducted in the second year of this research is Lidenberg M De A and Bill Bramwell (2002), examines the Partnership and regional tourism development in Brazil. This study examines the partnership in the field of regional planning in tourism development in northern Brazil, in particular. The results of this trial activity showed that cooperation in the field of tourism in the form of partnerships in Malang area since the beginning had been pioneered by the perpetrators of tourism in the three regions of Malang, Malang and Batu. It is seen from the high enthusiasm of tourism stakeholders in the three regions are now carried out tests of partnership activities. Cooperation among the actors of tourism in these three regions had been established long ago as a consequence of the condition of the three geographical areas directly adjacent. It's just that in its implementation can not be sustained and took various parties involved in tourism. Not to mention the three local government areas have not been able to defeat the ego of each. In general the experiments performed was quite good and attract and foster awareness of tourism in the three regions. This is evident from the enthusiasm of tourism actors to follow the activities of tested process. Message from the perpetrator of tourism to the experimental activities of this partnership is very good and they always support if it is done again with similar activities because of their concern for all parties to tourism in Malang is a very big support for tourism development yanga they would do. Websites that have been made using data obtained from various parties is one of the media campaign that is very reliable in today's already high-tech