361 research outputs found

    Undressing of Waddlia chondrophila to enrich its outer membrane proteins to develop a new species-specific ELISA.

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    Waddlia chondrophila, an obligate intracellular bacterium of the Chlamydiales order, is considered as an agent of bovine abortion and a likely cause of miscarriage in humans. Its role in respiratory diseases was questioned after the detection of its DNA in clinical samples taken from patients suffering from pneumonia or bronchiolitis. To better define the role of Waddlia in both miscarriage and pneumonia, a tool allowing large-scale serological investigations of Waddlia seropositivity is needed. Therefore, enriched outer membrane proteins of W. chondrophila were used as antigens to develop a specific ELISA. After thorough analytical optimization, the ELISA was validated by comparison with micro-immunofluorescence and it showed a sensitivity above 85% with 100% specificity. The ELISA was subsequently applied to human sera to specify the role of W. chondrophila in pneumonia. Overall, 3.6% of children showed antibody reactivity against W. chondrophila but no significant difference was observed between children with and without pneumonia. Proteomic analyses were then performed using mass spectrometry, highlighting members of the outer membrane protein family as the dominant proteins. The major Waddlia putative immunogenic proteins were identified by immunoblot using positive and negative human sera. The new ELISA represents an efficient tool with high throughput applications. Although no association with pneumonia and Waddlia seropositivity was observed, this ELISA could be used to specify the role of W. chondrophila in miscarriage and in other diseases

    The value of source data verification in a cancer clinical trial

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    Background Source data verification (SDV) is a resource intensive method of quality assurance frequently used in clinical trials. There is no empirical evidence to suggest that SDV would impact on comparative treatment effect results from a clinical trial. Methods Data discrepancies and comparative treatment effects obtained following 100% SDV were compared to those based on data without SDV. Overall survival (OS) and Progression-free survival (PFS) were compared using Kaplan-Meier curves, log-rank tests and Cox models. Tumour response classifications and comparative treatment Odds Ratios (ORs) for the outcome objective response rate, and number of Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) were compared. OS estimates based on SDV data were compared against estimates obtained from centrally monitored data. Findings Data discrepancies were identified between different monitoring procedures for the majority of variables examined, with some variation in discrepancy rates. There were no systematic patterns to discrepancies and their impact was negligible on OS, the primary outcome of the trial (HR (95% CI): 1.18(0.99 to 1.41), p = 0.064 with 100% SDV; 1.18(0.99 to 1.42), p = 0.068 without SDV; 1.18(0.99 to 1.40), p = 0.073 with central monitoring). Results were similar for PFS. More extreme discrepancies were found for the subjective outcome overall objective response (OR (95% CI): 1.67(1.04 to 2.68), p = 0.03 with 100% SDV; 2.45(1.49 to 4.04), p = 0.0003 without any SDV) which was mostly due to differing CT scans. Interpretation Quality assurance methods used in clinical trials should be informed by empirical evidence. In this empirical comparison, SDV was expensive and identified random errors that made little impact on results and clinical conclusions of the trial. Central monitoring using an external data source was a more efficient approach for the primary outcome of OS. For the subjective outcome objective response, an independent blinded review committee and tracking system to monitor missing scan data could be more efficient than SDV

    Weak Interaction Studies with 6He

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    The 6He nucleus is an ideal candidate to study the weak interaction. To this end we have built a high-intensity source of 6He delivering ~10^10 atoms/s to experiments. Taking full advantage of that available intensity we have performed a high-precision measurement of the 6He half-life that directly probes the axial part of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Currently, we are preparing a measurement of the beta-neutrino angular correlation in 6He beta decay that will allow to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model in the form of tensor currents.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for the Eleventh Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2012

    Paul trapping of radioactive 6He+ions and direct observation of their beta-decay

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    We demonstrate that abundant quantities of short-lived beta unstable ions can be trapped in a novel transparent Paul trap and that their decay products can directly be detected in coincidence. Low energy 6He+ (807 ms half-life) ions were extracted from the SPIRAL source at GANIL, then decelerated, cooled and bunched by means of the buffer gas cooling technique. More than 10^8 ions have been stored over a measuring period of six days and about 10^5 decay coincidences between the beta particles and the 6Li^{++} recoiling ions have been recorded. The technique can be extended to other short-lived species, opening new possibilities for trap assisted decay experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Polysaccharide peptide from Coriolus versicolor induces interleukin 6-related extension of endotoxin fever in rats

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    Purpose: Polysaccharide peptide (PSP) extracted from the Coriolus versicolor mushroom is frequently suggested as an adjunct to the chemo- or radiotherapy in cancer patients. In a previous study we showed that PSP induced a tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a)-dependent anapyrexia-like response in rats. Thus, PSP appears to be a factor which modifies a number of pathophysiological responses. Because of this, PSP is suggested as a potential adjuvant for cancer therapy during which cancer patients frequently contract microbial infections accompanied by fever. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether or not PSP can modulate the course of the fever in response to an antigen such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Materials and methods: Body temperature (Tb) of male Wistar rats was measured by biotelemetry. PSP was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) at a dose of 100mgkg 1, 2 h before LPS administration (50 mgkg 1, i.p.). The levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and TNF-a in the plasma of rats were estimated 3 h and 14 h post-injection of PSP using a standard sandwich ELISA kit. Results: We report that i.p. pre-injection of PSP 2 h before LPS administration expanded the duration of endotoxin fever in rats. This phenomenon was accompanied by a significant elevation of the blood IL-6 level of rats both 3 h and 14 h post-injection of PSP. Pre-treatment i.p. of the rats with anti-IL-6 antibody (30 mg/rat) prevented the PSP-induced prolongation of endotoxin fever. Conclusions: Based on these data, we conclude that PSP modifies the LPS-induced fever in IL-6-related fashion

    Sequential administration of temozolomide and fotemustine: depletion of O6-alkyl guanine-DNA transferase in blood lymphocytes and in tumours

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    BACKGROUND: The DNA repair protein O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyl transferase (AT) mediates resistance to chloroethylnitrosoureas. Agents depleting AT such as DTIC and its new analogue temozolomide (TMZ) can reverse resistance to chloroethylnitrosoureas. We report the results of a dose finding study of TMZ in association with fotemustine. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-four patients with metastatic melanoma or recurrent glioma were treated with escalating dose of oral or intravenous TMZ ranging from 300 to 700 mg/m2, divided over two days. Fotemustine 100 mg/m2 was given intravenously on day 2, 4 hours after TMZ. AT depletion was measured in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and in selected cases in melanoma metastases and was compared to TMZ pharmacokinetics. RESULTS: The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of TMZ was 400 mg/m2 (200 mg/m2/d) when associated with fotemustine the 2nd day with myelosuppression as dose limiting toxicity. The decrease of AT level in PBMCs was progressive and reached 34% of pretreatment values on day 2. There was however wide interindividual variability. AT reduction was neither dose nor route dependent and did not appear to be related to TMZ systemic exposure (AUC). In the same patients, AT depletion in tumour did not correlate with the decrease of AT observed in PBMCs. CONCLUSIONS: PBMCs may not be used as a surrogate of tumour for AT depletion. Further study should concentrate on the pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic relationship in tumour to provide the basis for individually tailored therapy

    Sex pheromone evolution is associated with differential regulation of the same desaturase gene in two genera of leafroller moths.

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    peer reviewedChemical signals are prevalent in sexual communication systems. Mate recognition has been extensively studied within the Lepidoptera, where the production and recognition of species-specific sex pheromone signals are typically the defining character. While the specific blend of compounds that makes up the sex pheromones of many species has been characterized, the molecular mechanisms underpinning the evolution of pheromone-based mate recognition systems remain largely unknown. We have focused on two sets of sibling species within the leafroller moth genera Ctenopseustis and Planotortrix that have rapidly evolved the use of distinct sex pheromone blends. The compounds within these blends differ almost exclusively in the relative position of double bonds that are introduced by desaturase enzymes. Of the six desaturase orthologs isolated from all four species, functional analyses in yeast and gene expression in pheromone glands implicate three in pheromone biosynthesis, two Δ9-desaturases, and a Δ10-desaturase, while the remaining three desaturases include a Δ6-desaturase, a terminal desaturase, and a non-functional desaturase. Comparative quantitative real-time PCR reveals that the Δ10-desaturase is differentially expressed in the pheromone glands of the two sets of sibling species, consistent with differences in the pheromone blend in both species pairs. In the pheromone glands of species that utilize (Z)-8-tetradecenyl acetate as sex pheromone component (Ctenopseustis obliquana and Planotortrix octo), the expression levels of the Δ10-desaturase are significantly higher than in the pheromone glands of their respective sibling species (C. herana and P. excessana). Our results demonstrate that interspecific sex pheromone differences are associated with differential regulation of the same desaturase gene in two genera of moths. We suggest that differential gene regulation among members of a multigene family may be an important mechanism of molecular innovation in sex pheromone evolution and speciation