42 research outputs found

    Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) method: Introduction and its potential use for social psychology research

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    Contrary to other non-probability sampling methods in which researchers actively recruit potential participants, respondent-driven sampling (RDS) relies on connection and trust within social networks to access hidden or hard-to-reach populations through a peer-to-peer recruitment process. These interdependency relations aligned with Indonesian communal culture. Personal network size calculation in the RDS method makes this innovative sampling method approximate random sampling methods, where findings from the sample could be generalized to the target population. Considering its superiority, the RDS method could be applied in social psychology research in Indonesia to explore current sensitive social issues among hidden or hard-to-reach Indonesian sub-populations, for instance, radical religious groups. The current article aimed to concisely describe the RDS method; discuss ethical considerations, strengths, and weaknesses of the RDS method; and outline the potential use of the RDS method in improving the contribution of social psychology research in Indonesia, for example, by advancing strategies for social intervention programs. It is followed by a brief step-by-step process to conduct a study using the RDS method


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    Makalah ini merangkum berbagai laporan penelitian empiris dari jurnal internasional terbaru (2010) bertema pengaruh ketergantungan nikotin dalam rokok terhadap aktivitas dan fungsi otak yang dilihat dengan fMRI. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) perilaku kecanduan merokok berkorelasi dengan area precuneus kiri, angular gyrus kanan, superior parietal/motor cortex kiri, dan occipital gyrus tengah. (2) Otak perokok memiliki aktifitas yang berbeda dengan non‐perokok di area ventral (rostral anterior cingulate cortex, insula, opercular, dan occipital gyrus), dorsal (dorsal medial/lateral prefrontal cortex dan dorsal anterior cingulate cortex), serta jaringan mesolimbic (anterior cingulate, hippocampus, dan medial orbital). (3) Gangguan pada otak juga terkait dengan gangguan psikologis seperti cemas, depresi/sedih, marah, gelisah, sulit berkonsentrasi, perilaku kompulsif. (4) Peningkatan gray matter di insula menimbulkan emosi tertentu dan sensasi pada tubuh, serta mendorong penurunan kemam‐puan memverbalisasi emosi. Sedangkan penurunan white matter (fractional anisotropy [FA]) di prefrontal cortex kiri berkorelasi dengan patologis otak. (5) Pengaruh lain nikotin adalah meningkatkan konsentrasi intrasypnaptic dopamine (DA) di ventral striatum/nucleus accum‐bens (VST/NAc) dan serotonim sebagai neurotrasnmiter penahan kantuk sehingga menimbul‐kan gangguan tidur. (6) Pecandu rokok memiliki resiko penurunan prospective memory yang diduga berada di area prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, dan thalamus. Selain pada otak dan aspek psikologis, kecanduan rokok juga berdampak pada fisiologis, yaitu mendorong vasocon‐striction dan atherosclerosis yang menyebabkan subclinical myocardial ischemia, serta karbon monoksida yang memperbesar resiko terjadinya hypoxemia dan myocardial hypoxia. Untuk mengatasi kecanduan tersebut, usaha psikofarmasi dapat dilakukan melalui psikoterapi Practi‐cal Group Counseling (PGC) dan pemberian Bupropion HCl Sustained Release (SR). Perilaku mengunyah permen karet, khususnya rasa vanila atau apel cardamon, terbukti efektif untuk menekan kecemasan dan ketegangan pada perokok yang mencoba berhenti merokok

    Influences of Mass Media, Family, and Friends Towards Adolescents’ Smoking in Yogyakarta

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    The number of youth who try smoking is increasing, and the onset is getting earlier. This study tries to answer "through theory of Triadic Influences (cultural environment, social situation, and biology / personality). Current studies have focused only on cultural environment (mass media) and social situation (family and friends) influence. The sampling was conducted through convenience sampling method to 390 adolescents from 12 junior high schools in Yogyakarta. The average age of the subjects is 14 years old, with male to female ratio 55.6%: 44.4%. The data were collected through anonymous questionnaires consisting of seven parts. Descriptive analysis was applied to the collected data by Chi Square test and logistic regression. The result shows that friends 'influence was the strongest between mass media and family to adolescents' smoking behavior. Among several sub-agents of mass media, it was not television but billboards that had stronger influence. Parents' influence was not significant compared with siblings and other family members. School friends' influence was not significant compared with friends from school and other friends. Based on the findings, the applicable proposed intervention, such as raising the tobacco price, limiting advertisement and promotion, also regulating tobacco sales

    Evaluation of Complementary-Alternative Medicine (CAM) questionnaire development for Indonesian clinical psychologists: a pilot study

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    This study aimed to evaluate questionnaire development to measure the knowledge of Complementary-Alternative Medicine (CAM), attitudes towards CAM, CAM experiences, and CAM educational needs of clinical psychologists in Indonesia. A 26-item questionnaire was developed through an extensive literature search. Data was obtained from provisional psychologists from the Master of Professional Clinical Psychology programs at two established public universities in urban areas of Indonesia. To validate the questionnaire, panel reviews by executive members of the Indonesian Clinical Psychology Association (ICPA), experts in health psychology, and experts in public health and CAM provided their professional judgements. The self-reporting questionnaire consisted of four scales including: knowledge of CAM (6 items), attitudes towards CAM (10 items), CAM experiences (4 items), and CAM educational needs (6 items). All scales, except CAM Experiences, were assessed on a 7-point Likert scale. Sixty provisional psychologists were eligible to complete the questionnaire with a response rate of 73% (N = 44). The results showed that the CAM questionnaire was reliable (Cronbach's coefficient alpha range = 0.62-0.96; item-total correlation range = 0.14-0.92) and demonstrated content validity. Following further psychometric evaluation, the CAM questionnaire may provide the evidence-based information to inform the education and practice of Indonesian clinical psychologists

    The Dementia Health Literacy Intervention For Informal Caregivers: A Systematic Review Protocol

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    This review will systematically examine the effectiveness of educational interventions on dementia health literacy (DHL) among informal caregivers (ICs) in 42 Asia Pacific countries/territories. Methods: A systematic literature search will be performed in nine databases. No date nor language restriction will be applied. The quality of studies will be assessed using existing appraisal tools (i.e. Joanna Briggs Institute’s Checklists) and an inductive narrative synthesis technique will be used to analyse the extracted data. Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) and non-RCT interventions will be full-reviewed but only RCT studies will be pooled in a meta-analysis. Heterogeneity, publication bias, and sensitivity will also be assessed. Results: The results will be reported following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 statement. The standardized procedure and reporting will ensure the review’s quality and could be used by the stakeholders in the region for planning DHL-related programs and significantly contribute to dementia caregiving and caregiver literature and programs. Conclusion: This protocol of the planned systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of educational interventions on DHL for ICs in the Asia Pacific countries/territories will set the foundation for its further progress.   Keywords: Aging, Alzheimer’s, Caregiving, Gerontology, Global Sout

    A digital mental health intervention to reduce depressive symptoms among overseas Filipino workers: Protocol for a pilot hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The current pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) protocol will comprehensively describe the implementation of a culturally adapted Filipino version of the World Health Organization Step-by-Step (SbS-F) program, unguided online psychological intervention for people with depression based on behavioral activation, among overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Macao (Special Administrative Region). The main objective of this pilot study is to explore the preliminary effectiveness of the SbS-F program to decrease participant-reported depressive symptoms compared to enhanced care as usual (ECAU); and the secondary objectives are to explore the preliminary effectiveness of the SbS-F to decrease participant-reported anxiety symptoms and improve wellbeing, and to evaluate the potential for SbS-F implementation in real-world settings. Methods: This trial will follow an effectiveness-implementation hybrid type 1 trial design and utilize the Reach, Efficacy/Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework to accelerate the translation of clinical research into more effective implementation strategies and policies. Participants will be randomized 1:1 to control and treatment groups. Control group participants will receive ECAU that consists of brief depression psychoeducation and referral to local community partners. Treatment group participants will receive a 5-session of digital intervention through a mobile phone application. The primary outcome (depression) and psychological secondary outcomes (anxiety symptoms and wellbeing) will be measured using validated instruments. To evaluate study implementation, an embedded mixed-methods design will be used to collect data from various stakeholders. Data then will be analyzed using intention to treat principle and reported following the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guideline

    Exploring stressful live events on Indonesian adolescents

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    Meningkatkan Kompetensi Perpajakan Bagi Guru-Guru Akuntansi SMK Di Wilayah Jakarta Timur

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    Taxation as an indispensable science in society, taxation is the biggest revenue in Indonesia. The need for workers who understand taxation continues to increase both at the level of administrative and policy technicians. One of the main competencies in accounting is taxation, because taxation is inseparable from accounting. Accounting teachers must have good competence to be able to transfer their knowledge to students in their schools in an effort to produce graduates that are needed by industry. The tax training that can be delivered this time is about the corporate income tax and fiscal reconciliation report. Community Service Activities (PKM) are carried out by a number of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business of Trisakti University in collaboration with the Development of East Jakarta Education and Vocational Workforce Competency Development (P2KPTK2), held for 2 (two) days on 18-19 July 2019, with participants were accounting teachers with a total of 40 people. Activities in the form of lectures and training.The results and findings of this training activity are known that this activity is very helpful for the teacher management to better understand the calculation of corporate income tax and reporting of fiscal reconciliation reports.

    A comparison of attitudes towards complementary and alternative medicine between psychologists in Australia and Indonesia: a short report

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    The growth of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has been increasing, including amongst psychological clients. Therefore, it is important to investigate psychologists' attitudes towards CAM. Negative attitudes towards CAM among psychologists could be a barrier to CAM integration into psychological services and may prevent clients to trust psychologists. This study aims to compare Indonesian and Australian psychologists' attitudes towards CAM using the previously published study on Psychologists' Attitudes Towards Complementary and Alternative Therapies (PATCAT) scale validation.The PATCAT scale was adapted from an Australian study to an Indonesian version using backward-and-forward translation. This scale was used to investigate attitudes towards: (1) CAM knowledge; (2) CAM integration; and (3) the risks associated with CAM. An online survey was sent to all Indonesian psychologists and completed by 247 participants. Afterward, the data were compared with the published data from 115 Australian psychologists.In general, psychologists in Indonesia and Australia showed relatively similar ambivalent attitudes towards CAM. This uncertainty may stem from the same Western psychology education, which is a basis for the medical models in both nations. They also considered it somewhat important to have an understanding of CAM. Participants in both nations displayed positive attitude towards CAM integration into psychological services. However, they felt that CAM usage for mental health holds some risks.Australian and Indonesian psychologists reported ambivalent attitudes towards CAM that might be reduced with clear regulation of CAM integration into psychological services from the government and professional organizations

    BERSILATURAHIM Seminar September 2023

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