637 research outputs found

    Penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning berbantuan aplikasi quizizz untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas VI semester 1 SD Negeri 5 Sangsit

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    Pembelajaran Matematika di Kelas VI Semester I tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 mengalami masalah dalam belajar yang berakibat pada rendahnya prestasi belajar Matematika. Tujuan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar Matematika siswa Kelas VI Semester I SD Negeri 5 Sangsit Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa SD di Kelas VI SD Negeri 5 Sangsit, sedangkan objek penelitian ini hasil belajar siswa matematika. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan isntrumen tes prestasi belajar matematika. Metode analisis datanya adalah deskriptif kualitatif maupun untuk data kuantitatif. Kriteria keberhasilan yang ditetapkan adalah nilai rata-rata prestasi belajar matematika secara klasikal minimal sebesar KKM (76) mata pelajaran Matematika yang ditetapkan di sekolah dan ketuntasan secara klasiklal minimal 85%. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Data awal menunjukkan nilai rata-rata 61,00 dengan ketuntasan secara klasikal 45%. Pada siklus I mencapai nilai rata-rata 73,45 dengan ketuntasan 68% dan pada siklus II mencapai nilai rata-rata 83,97 dengan ketuntasan secara klasikal 94%. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning berbantuan aplikasi Quizizz dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar Matematika pada muatan Operasi Hitung Campuran pada siswa Kelas VI Semester I SD Negeri 5 Sangsit Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Learning Mathematics in Class VI Semester I for the 2020/2021 academic year experienced problems in learning which resulted in low Mathematics learning achievement. The purpose of this classroom action research is to improve the Mathematics learning achievement of Class VI students in Semester I SD Negeri 5 Sangsit for the 2020/2021 academic year. The subjects of this study were elementary school students in class VI of SD Negeri 5 Sangsit, while the object of this research was the learning outcomes of mathematics students. Methods of data collection using the instrument of mathematics learning achievement test. The data analysis method is descriptive qualitative as well as for quantitative data. The success criteria set are the average value of classical mathematics learning achievement of at least KKM (72) Mathematics subjects set at school and classical completeness of at least 85%. The results obtained from this study are as follows. Preliminary data shows an average value of 61.00 with classical completeness of 45%. In the first cycle it reached an average value of 73.45 with a completeness of 68% and in the second cycle it reached an average value of 83.97 with a classical completeness of 94%. The conclusion obtained from this research is that the application of the Problem Based Learning learning model assisted by the Quizizz application can improve learning achievement in Mathematics on the load of Mixed Counting Operations in Class VI Semester I SD Negeri 5 Sangsit Academic Year 2020/2021


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    A wearable computing device (e.g., a smart watch), referred herein as a β€œwearable device” or β€œdevice,” is described that utilizes contextual signals to predict when to toggle between a power savings mode (e.g., β€œSleep Mode”), where one or more lower power processors control functionality of the device, and a higher power mode, where one or more higher power processors control functionality of the device. The wearable device may predict, based on contextual signals, when the user may not require full functionality of the wearable device and switches to the power savings mode. For example, the user may not require full functionality of the wearable device when the user is asleep, exercising, or when the device is on β€œDo Not Disturb” mode. The wearable device may also predict, based on contextual signals, when the user may require full functionality and may switch from a lower power mode, such as the power savings mode, to a higher power mode in advance of the predicted time or may prevent the wearable device from switching into the power savings mode from the regular power mode. The contextual signals may include state of the user, movement patterns, and context information such as location, time, user behavior history, device configuration information, calendar events, or other relevant data

    Professional Reading: On Military Theory

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    Military Theor

    Origins and Development of West German Military Thought: Vol. I, 1949-1966

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    Modulation of Leukocyte Behavior by an Inflamed Extracellular Matrix

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    Inflammation is a response of the immune system to foreign insult or physical damage. Various cellular and humoral components of the immune system are recruited from the vascular system and are translocated through endothelium, and into extracellular matrix (ECM) compartments of inflamed tissues. This translocation is orchestrated by various types of accessory signals, in the form of soluble or complexed molecules, which evoke remarkable transitions in leukocyte activities. Recruited inflammatory cells give rise to mechanisms of migration, including the secretion of enzymes and other pro-inflammatory mediators and the alteration of their adhesive contacts with the ECM. Hence, migrating cells secrete enzymes, chemokines, and cytokines which interact with the ECM, and thereby, provide the cells with intrinsic signals for coordinating their responses. Resultant products of enzymatic modifications to the ECM microenvironment, such as cytokine- and ECM-derived molecules, may be also part of a cell-signaling mechanism that provides leukocytes with information about the nature of their inflammatory activity; such a mechanism may give the immune system data that can be cognitively interpreted for consequential activities. This article reviews the findings that support this notion and describe the dynamic interactions between participants of the inflammatory processes

    Differences in Inflammatory Parameters of Child-Pugh B and Child-Pugh C Scores of Liver Cirrhosis with Hepatorenal Syndrome

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    Background: Child-Pugh score is used to predict the poor prognosis of liver cirrhosis patients. The study objectives analyzed differences in inflammatory parameters of Child-Pugh B and Child-Pugh C of liver cirrhosis with hepatorenal syndrome. Method: Desain's study is cross-sectional in liver cirrhosis patients with hepatorenal syndrome.Β  This research was approved by the Health Research Ethics Commission FK USU / RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan and meets the criteria of inclusion or exclusion. Diagnosis of Liver cirrhosis Child-Pugh B and Child-Pugh C score is done by clinical examination, laboratory, and ultrasound, CT scan, MRI. The hepatorenal syndrome was diagnosed using Criteria International Ascites Club, 2007. Results: The sample number of this study was 26 liver cirrhosis with hepatorenal syndrome patients consisting of Child-Pugh B patients 9 patients and Child-Pugh C patients 17Β  patients. The comparison between Child-Pugh B and Child-Pugh C has significant differences in leukocyte, Na, Cl, SGOT, and CTP. There is a significant correlation between CTP and leukocytes, platelets, Cl, creatinine, GFR, albumin, total bilirubin, and glued bilirubin. Conclusion: There is no clear difference in the inflammatory parameters of the Child-Pug B and Child-Pug C scores in liver cirrhosis with hepatorenal syndrome

    Analysis of hydrogenated zirconium alloys irradiated with gamma - rays

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    The paper represents the investigations concerning the geometrical size effect of hydrogenated zirconium alloys (Zr-1Ni-H) during gamma-ray irradiation on the amount of energy absorbed. The results have shown that the less the cross-sectional dimensions of the sample or product is, the less energy is absorbed. The paper provides theoretical calculations. The zirconium sample with a cross-section of 2.8Ρ…2.8 cm absorbs 30-35% of the energy of the incident gamma-ray flow. The increase in the cross-section of a product up to 28 cm leads to the increase in the absorbed energy by more than 2 times. At the same time, the thickness of the product is constant. This effect is explained by the multiple scattering of gamma-rays. It leads to the nonuniform distribution of defects which can accumulate hydrogen and should be considered when developing the analysis methods. These edge effects are confirmed by the measurement of the thermal electromotive force for the samples of zirconium alloys before hydrogenation and gamma-ray irradiation, and after irradiation

    Using Ball Milling for Modification of the Hydrogenation/Dehydrogenation Process in Magnesium-Based Hydrogen Storage Materials: An Overview

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    Magnesium-based hydrogen storage materials are considered to be one of the most promising solid-state hydrogen storage materials due to their large hydrogen storage capacity and low cost. However, slow hydrogen absorption/desorption rate and excessive hydrogen absorption/desorption temperature limit the application of magnesium-based hydrogen storage materials. The present paper reviews recent progress in improving the hydrogen storage properties by element substitution and additives. Ball milling is the promising technology for preparing magnesium-based hydrogen storage materials. The research and development of approaches for modifying magnesium-based hydrogen storage materials prepared by ball milling is systematically expounded. It is concluded that ball milling can significantly improve the kinetic and electrochemical properties of magnesium-based hydrogen storage materials and increase the hydrogen storage capacity. In the future, the research of magnesium-based hydrogen storage materials should be developed in terms of hydrogen storage mechanism, computer design of materials and development of a more optimized catalytic system

    Pressure and Temperature Effect on Hydrogen Sorption of Carbon Material

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    The paper presents the experimental results of saturation of the carbon material containing nanotubes with hydrogen from the gas. The dependences of hydrogen concentration from pressure (from 0 to 8 atmospheres), at the same temperature for adsorption (-30 degrees Celsius) and different temperatures for desorption were obtained. The temperature has an influence on sorption-desorption process and sorption properties of carbon material. The amount of residual hydrogen depends on saturation parameters

    Control of changes in the defect structure of titanium saturated with hydrogen

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    The hydrogenated samples of technical titanium were investigated using the EPA method and the measurements of the thermal electromotive force for these samples saturated with a different amount of hydrogen. The structure of the hydrogenated samples was studied by the X-ray diffraction method. The results have shown that the hydrogenated titanium structure starts changing at the same time, depending on the amount of added hydrogen. The intensity of the annihilation process increases with the increase in the hydrogen concentration in a-titanium up to the values of 4% wt and does not change up to the values of 5% wt ([alpha]+[beta]) - titanium. At the same time, the value of the thermal electromotive force decreases in this range of values. The annihilation intensity is stabilized for the values of 5% wt, and the value of the thermal electromotive force is increased. The inflection point for the thermal electromotive force versus the hydrogen concentration corresponds to the formation of [delta] - hydrides. The increase in the positron lifetime starts in the concentration range of 6-8% and moves to the stable level up to the concentrations of 21-22%. In this range, there is a transition from the wt ([alpha]+[beta]) to the wt ([alpha]+[delta) phase. The lifetime of positrons and the number of defects are increased, the value of the thermal electromotive force is reduced (up to the concentration of 24%), then there is a stabilization mode for all these parameters up to the values 32% wt
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