7 research outputs found

    A widely distributed phosphate-insensitive phosphatase presents a route for rapid organophosphorus remineralization in the biosphere

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    The regeneration of bioavailable phosphate from immobilized organophosphorus represents a key process in the global phosphorus cycle and is facilitated by enzymes known as phosphatases. Most bacteria possess at least one of three phosphatases with broad substrate specificity, known as PhoA, PhoX, and PhoD, whose activity is optimal under alkaline conditions. The production and activity of these phosphatases is repressed by phosphate availability. Therefore, they are only fully functional when bacteria experience phosphorus-limiting growth conditions. Here, we reveal a previously overlooked phosphate-insensitive phosphatase, PafA, prevalent in Bacteroidetes, which is highly abundant in nature and represents a major route for the regeneration of environmental phosphate. Using the enzyme from Flavobacterium johnsoniae, we show that PafA is highly active toward phosphomonoesters, is fully functional in the presence of excess phosphate, and is essential for growth on phosphorylated carbohydrates as a sole carbon source. These distinct properties of PafA may expand the metabolic niche of Bacteroidetes by enabling the utilization of abundant organophosphorus substrates as C and P sources, providing a competitive advantage when inhabiting zones of high microbial activity and nutrient demand. PafA, which is constitutively synthesized by soil and marine flavobacteria, rapidly remineralizes phosphomonoesters releasing bioavailable phosphate that can be acquired by neighboring cells. The pafA gene is highly diverse in plant rhizospheres and is abundant in the global ocean, where it is expressed independently of phosphate availability. PafA therefore represents an important enzyme in the context of global biogeochemical cycling and has potential applications in sustainable agriculture

    Crop management shapes the diversity and activity of DNA and RNA viruses in the rhizosphere

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    Background The rhizosphere is a hotspot for microbial activity and contributes to ecosystem services including plant health and biogeochemical cycling. The activity of microbial viruses, and their influence on plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere, remains undetermined. Given the impact of viruses on the ecology and evolution of their host communities, determining how soil viruses influence microbiome dynamics is crucial to build a holistic understanding of rhizosphere functions. Results Here, we aimed to investigate the influence of crop management on the composition and activity of bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, and root viral communities. We combined viromics, metagenomics, and metatranscriptomics on soil samples collected from a 3-year crop rotation field trial of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). By recovering 1059 dsDNA viral populations and 16,541 ssRNA bacteriophage populations, we expanded the number of underexplored Leviviricetes genomes by > 5 times. Through detection of viral activity in metatranscriptomes, we uncovered evidence of “Kill-the-Winner” dynamics, implicating soil bacteriophages in driving bacterial community succession. Moreover, we found the activity of viruses increased with proximity to crop roots, and identified that soil viruses may influence plant-microbe interactions through the reprogramming of bacterial host metabolism. We have provided the first evidence of crop rotation-driven impacts on soil microbial communities extending to viruses. To this aim, we present the novel principal of “viral priming,” which describes how the consecutive growth of the same crop species primes viral activity in the rhizosphere through local adaptation. Conclusions Overall, we reveal unprecedented spatial and temporal diversity in viral community composition and activity across root, rhizosphere soil, and bulk soil compartments. Our work demonstrates that the roles of soil viruses need greater consideration to exploit the rhizosphere microbiome for food security, food safety, and environmental sustainability

    Deep-sea Bacteroidetes from the Mariana Trench specialize in hemicellulose and pectin degradation typically associated with terrestrial systems

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    Background Hadal trenches (>6000 m) are the deepest oceanic regions on Earth and depocenters for organic materials. However, how these enigmatic microbial ecosystems are fueled is largely unknown, particularly the proportional importance of complex polysaccharides introduced through deposition from the photic surface waters above. In surface waters, Bacteroidetes are keystone taxa for the cycling of various algal-derived polysaccharides and the flux of carbon through the photic zone. However, their role in the hadal microbial loop is almost unknown. Results Here, culture-dependent and culture-independent methods were used to study the potential of Bacteroidetes to catabolize diverse polysaccharides in Mariana Trench waters. Compared to surface waters, the bathypelagic (1000–4000 m) and hadal (6000–10,500 m) waters harbored distinct Bacteroidetes communities, with Mesoflavibacter being enriched at ≥ 4000 m and Bacteroides and Provotella being enriched at 10,400–10,500 m. Moreover, these deep-sea communities possessed distinct gene pools encoding for carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes), suggesting different polysaccharide sources are utilised in these two zones. Compared to surface counterparts, deep-sea Bacteroidetes showed significant enrichment of CAZyme genes frequently organized into polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) targeting algal/plant cell wall polysaccharides (i.e., hemicellulose and pectin), that were previously considered an ecological trait associated with terrestrial Bacteroidetes only. Using a hadal Mesoflavibacter isolate (MTRN7), functional validation of this unique genetic potential was demonstrated. MTRN7 could utilize pectic arabinans, typically associated with land plants and phototrophic algae, as the carbon source under simulated deep-sea conditions. Interestingly, a PUL we demonstrate is likely horizontally acquired from coastal/land Bacteroidetes was activated during growth on arabinan and experimentally shown to encode enzymes that hydrolyze arabinan at depth. Conclusions Our study implies that hadal Bacteroidetes exploit polysaccharides poorly utilized by surface populations via an expanded CAZyme gene pool. We propose that sinking cell wall debris produced in the photic zone can serve as an important carbon source for hadal heterotrophs and play a role in shaping their communities and metabolism

    Unusual 1-3 peptidoglycan cross-links in Acetobacteraceae are made by L,D-transpeptidases with a catalytic domain distantly related to YkuD domains

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    Peptidoglycan is an essential component of the bacterial cell envelope that contains glycan chains substituted by short peptide stems. Peptide stems are polymerized by D,D-transpeptidases, which make bonds between the amino acid in position four of a donor stem and the third residue of an acceptor stem (4-3 cross-links). Some bacterial peptidoglycans also contain 3-3 cross-links that are formed by another class of enzymes called L,D-transpeptidases which contain a YkuD catalytic domain. In this work, we investigate the formation of unusual bacterial 1-3 peptidoglycan cross-links. We describe a version of the PGFinder software that can identify 1-3 cross-links and report the high-resolution peptidoglycan structure of Gluconobacter oxydans (a model organism within the Acetobacteraceae family). We reveal that G. oxydans peptidoglycan contains peptide stems made of a single alanine as well as several dipeptide stems with unusual amino acids at their C-terminus. Using a bioinformatics approach, we identified a G. oxydans mutant from a transposon library with a drastic reduction in 1-3 cross-links. Through complementation experiments in G. oxydans and recombinant protein production in a heterologous host, we identify an L,D-transpeptidase enzyme with a domain distantly related to the YkuD domain responsible for these non-canonical reactions. This work revisits the enzymatic capabilities of L,D-transpeptidases, a versatile family of enzymes that play a key role in bacterial peptidoglycan remodelling

    Ubiquitous occurrence of a dimethylsulfoniopropionate ABC transporter in abundant marine bacteria

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    Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is a ubiquitous organosulfur compound in marine environments with important functions in both microorganisms and global biogeochemical carbon and sulfur cycling. The SAR11 clade and marine Roseobacter group (MRG) represent two major groups of heterotrophic bacteria in Earth’s surface oceans, which can accumulate DMSP to high millimolar intracellular concentrations. However, few studies have investigated how SAR11 and MRG bacteria import DMSP. Here, through comparative genomics analyses, genetic manipulations, and biochemical analyses, we identified an ABC (ATP-binding cassette)-type DMSP-specific transporter, DmpXWV, in Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3, a model strain of the MRG. Mutagenesis suggested that DmpXWV is a key transporter responsible for DMSP uptake in strain DSS-3. DmpX, the substrate binding protein of DmpXWV, had high specificity and binding affinity towards DMSP. Furthermore, the DmpX DMSP-binding mechanism was elucidated from structural analysis. DmpX proteins are prevalent in the numerous cosmopolitan marine bacteria outside the SAR11 clade and the MRG, and dmpX transcription was consistently high across Earth’s entire global ocean. Therefore, DmpXWV likely enables pelagic marine bacteria to efficiently import DMSP from seawater. This study offers a new understanding of DMSP transport into marine bacteria and provides novel insights into the environmental adaption of marine bacteria

    Bacterial catabolism of membrane phospholipids links marine biogeochemical cycles

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    In marine systems, the availability of inorganic phosphate can limit primary production leading to bacterial and phytoplankton utilization of the plethora of organic forms available. Among these are phospholipids that form the lipid bilayer of all cells as well as released extracellular vesicles. However, information on phospholipid degradation is almost nonexistent despite their relevance for biogeochemical cycling. Here, we identify complete catabolic pathways for the degradation of the common phospholipid headgroups phosphocholine (PC) and phosphorylethanolamine (PE) in marine bacteria. Using Phaeobacter sp. MED193 as a model, we provide genetic and biochemical evidence that extracellular hydrolysis of phospholipids liberates the nitrogen-containing substrates ethanolamine and choline. Transporters for ethanolamine (EtoX) and choline (BetT) are ubiquitous and highly expressed in the global ocean throughout the water column, highlighting the importance of phospholipid and especially PE catabolism in situ. Thus, catabolic activation of the ethanolamine and choline degradation pathways, subsequent to phospholipid metabolism, specifically links, and hence unites, the phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon cycles

    Polysaccharide degradation by the Bacteroidetes: mechanisms and nomenclature

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    The Bacteroidetes phylum is renowned for its ability to degrade a wide range of complex carbohydrates, a trait that has enabled its dominance in many diverse environments. The best studied species inhabit the human gut microbiome and use polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs), discrete genetic structures that encode proteins involved in the sensing, binding, deconstruction, and import of target glycans. In many environmental species, polysaccharide degradation is tightly coupled to the phylum-exclusive type IX secretion system (T9SS), which is used for the secretion of certain enzymes and is linked to gliding motility. In addition, within specific species these two adaptive systems (PULs and T9SS) are intertwined, with PUL-encoded enzymes being secreted by the T9SS. Here, we discuss the most noteworthy PUL and non-PUL mechanisms that confer specific and rapid polysaccharide degradation capabilities to the Bacteroidetes in a range of environments. We also acknowledge that the literature showcasing examples of PULs is rapidly expanding and developing a set of assumptions that can be hard to track back to original findings. Therefore, we present a simple universal description of conserved PUL functions and how they are determined, while proposing a common nomenclature describing PULs and their components, to simplify discussion and understanding of PUL systems