929 research outputs found

    Cuba: un desastre anunciado, 1868-1898

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    Ultimatum game: regret or fairness?

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    In the ultimatum game, the challenge is to explain why responders reject non-zero offers thereby defying classical rationality. Fairness and related notions have been the main explanations so far. We explain this rejection behavior via the following principle: if the responder regrets less about losing the offer than the proposer regrets not offering the best option, the offer is rejected. This principle qualifies as a rational punishing behavior and it replaces the experimentally falsified classical rationality (the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium) that leads to accepting any non-zero offer. The principle is implemented via the transitive regret theory for probabilistic lotteries. The expected utility implementation is a limiting case of this. We show that several experimental results normally prescribed to fairness and intent-recognition can be given an alternative explanation via rational punishment; e.g. the comparison between "fair" and "superfair", the behavior under raising the stakes etc. Hence we also propose experiments that can distinguish these two scenarios (fairness versus regret-based punishment). They assume different utilities for the proposer and responder. We focus on the mini-ultimatum version of the game and also show how it can emerge from a more general setup of the game.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Inmigración, etnicidad y xenofobia en la Argentina: la masacre de Tandil

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    Milenarism and xenophobia combined in the gaucho revolt of Tandil (Argentina), in 1872. At the origins of this movement lie the regional and provincial oposition against the centralism of Buenos Aires, the enclosure of lands which menaced the traditional gaucho itinerancy, the growth of agro-exporting capitalism at the expense of internal markets and commerce, and the decisive growth of European massive inmigration. Prompted by the social and provincial power-groups, the gauchos imagined the emergence of a millenarian utopia only in the Argentine Pampas only after the violent extermination of all foreigners, perceived as major cause for the collapse of their traditional society.El milenarismo y la xenofobia se aunaron en la revuelta gaucha en Tandil (Argentina), en 1872. En los orígenes de este movimiento están las páginas regionales y provinciales contra el centralismo de Buenos Aires, el cercamiento de tierras que amenazaban la ganadería itinerante tradicional, el crecimiento del capitalismo agroexportador a expensas de los mercados y comerciantes internos y el comienzo decidido de la inmigración europea masiva. Instigados por los grupos sociales y provinciales contrarios a estos desarrollos, el imaginario gaucho interpreta que sólo el exterminio de los extranjeros permitiría la realización de la utopía milenarista en las pampas argentinas

    Following an environmental carcinogen N2-dG adduct through replication: elucidating blockage and bypass in a high-fidelity DNA polymerase

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    We have investigated how a benzo[a]pyrene-derived N2-dG adduct, 10S(+)-trans-anti-[BP]-N2-dG ([BP]G*), is processed in a well-characterized Pol I family model replicative DNA polymerase, Bacillus fragment (BF). Experimental results are presented that reveal relatively facile nucleotide incorporation opposite the lesion, but very inefficient further extension. Computational studies follow the possible bypass of [BP]G* through the pre-insertion, insertion and post-insertion sites as BF alternates between open and closed conformations. With dG* in the normal B-DNA anti conformation, BP seriously disturbs the polymerase structure, positioning itself either deeply in the pre-insertion site or on the crowded evolving minor groove side of the modified template, consistent with a polymerase-blocking conformation. With dG* in the less prevalent syn conformation, BP causes less distortion: it is either out of the pre-insertion site or in the major groove open pocket of the polymerase. Thus, the syn conformation can account for the observed relatively easy incorporation of nucleotides, with mutagenic purines favored, opposite the [BP]G* adduct. However, with the lesion in the BF post-insertion site, more serious distortions caused by the adduct even in the syn conformation explain the very inefficient extension observed experimentally. In vivo, a switch to a potentially error-prone bypass polymerase likely dominates translesion bypass

    Characterization of seed nuclei in glucagon aggregation using light scattering methods and field-flow fractionation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glucagon is a peptide hormone with many uses as a therapeutic agent, including the emergency treatment of hypoglycemia. Physical instability of glucagon in solution leads to problems with the manufacture, formulation, and delivery of this pharmaceutical product. Glucagon has been shown to aggregate and form fibrils and gels <it>in vitro</it>. Small oligomeric precursors serve to initiate and nucleate the aggregation process. In this study, these initial aggregates, or seed nuclei, are characterized in bulk solution using light scattering methods and field-flow fractionation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High molecular weight aggregates of glucagon were detected in otherwise monomeric solutions using light scattering techniques. These aggregates were detected upon initial mixing of glucagon powder in dilute HCl and NaOH. In the pharmaceutically relevant case of acidic glucagon, the removal of aggregates by filtration significantly slowed the aggregation process. Field-flow fractionation was used to separate aggregates from monomeric glucagon and determine relative mass. The molar mass of the large aggregates was shown to grow appreciably over time as the glucagon solutions gelled.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study indicate that initial glucagon solutions are predominantly monomeric, but contain small quantities of large aggregates. These results suggest that the initial aggregates are seed nuclei, or intermediates which catalyze the aggregation process, even at low concentrations.</p

    Acceptance and commitment therapy for symptom interference in metastatic breast cancer patients: a pilot randomized trial

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    PURPOSE: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality in women worldwide. With medical advances, metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients often live for years with many symptoms that interfere with activities. However, there is a paucity of efficacious interventions to address symptom-related suffering and functional interference. Thus, this study examined the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of telephone-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for symptom interference with functioning in MBC patients. METHODS: Symptomatic MBC patients (N = 47) were randomly assigned to six telephone sessions of ACT or six telephone sessions of education/support. Patients completed measures of symptom interference and measures assessing the severity of pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, depressive symptoms, and anxiety. RESULTS: The eligibility screening rate (64%) and high retention (83% at 8 weeks post-baseline) demonstrated feasibility. When examining within-group change, ACT participants showed decreases in symptom interference (i.e., fatigue interference and sleep-related impairment; Cohen's d range = - 0.23 to - 0.31) at 8 and 12 weeks post-baseline, whereas education/support participants showed minimal change in these outcomes (d range = - 0.03 to 0.07). Additionally, at 12 weeks post-baseline, ACT participants showed moderate decreases in fatigue and sleep disturbance (both ds = - 0.43), whereas education/support participants showed small decreases in these outcomes (ds = - 0.24 and - 0.18 for fatigue and sleep disturbance, respectively). Both the ACT and education/support groups showed reductions in depressive symptoms (ds = - 0.27 and - 0.28) at 12 weeks post-baseline. Group differences in all outcomes were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: ACT shows feasibility and promise in improving fatigue and sleep-related outcomes in MBC patients and warrants further investigation

    Problems and prospects of management accounting improvement for innovation and investment activities in agricultural enterprises

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    The modern Russian agro-industrial facility, including its key manufacturing industry - agriculture, is characterized by a steady transition from a reproductive type of development to an innovative one aimed at labor productivity increase, an effective implementation of import substitution and exports increase state policy in respect of agro-industrial products. The competitive development of agricultural production, the need to solve a complex set of tasks immediately concerning a multiple increase of domestic agricultural product manufacture, primarily through the use of new biological assets, presupposes an exclusively innovative development of agriculture.It is clear that this situation is associated with the need to find new sources of investment, and to intensify the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises. In these conditions, it is extremely important to consider investment and innovation as a single, integral system, the success of which depends on the level of agricultural production competitiveness and sustainability. Of course, the organization of research work in this aspect requires an adequate understanding of innovations and innovative product content and role, the mechanism of innovation use during their creation

    Adaptation and factorization of Decision Making and Active Procrastination Scales in University Students

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    [Resumen] Este artículo describe la adaptación y factorización de la New Active Procrastination Scale (NAPS) y el Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ). En el estudio participaron 515 estudiantes de edades comprendidas entre 18 y 42 años (M = 20.35 años, DT = 3.08), siendo el 79.4 % mujeres y el 20.6 % varones. Para la obtención de la estructura factorial se empleó la técnica del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales exploratorio (MESE), y se utilizó el mínimo cuadrado ponderado ajustado a la media y varianza (WLSMW) como método de estimación. Los resultados muestran en cada escala un modelo de cuatro factores como factorización óptima del constructo analizado. Los factores obtenidos en la Escala de Procrastinación Activa (EPA) son: Satisfacción por los resultados, Preferencia por la presión, Decisión intencionada de posponer la tarea y Habilidad para cumplir los plazos. Los factores obtenidos en la Escala de Toma de Decisiones (ETD) son: Estrés e Insatisfacción, Vigilancia, Evitación y Postergación de la tarea. Los coeficientes de fiabilidad de la EPA y la ETD son superiores a .80. Ambas escalas capturan las dimensiones hipotetizadas del constructo de procrastinación. Tanto la EPA como la ETD presentan unas propiedades psicométricas adecuadas que las hacen útiles para la evaluación de los perfiles de procrastinación del alumnado universitario.[Abstract] This article describes the adaptation and factorization of the New Active Procrastination Scale (NAPS) and the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ. The study involved 515 students aged 18-42 years (M = 20.35 years, SD = 3.08), 79.4 % women. The factor structure was obtained by Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling (ESEM) and the weighted least squares mean- and variance-adjusted estimator (WLSMV). The results show that a four-factor structure is the optimal model in both cases. The factors obtained for the Active Procrastination Scale (APS) are: Satisfaction with results, Preference for pressure, Intentional decision, and Ability to meet deadlines. The factors obtained for the Decision Making Scale (DMS) are: Stress and dissatisfaction, Vigilance, Avoidance, and Deferral of task. The reliability coefficients of the scales are greater than .80. Both scales capture the hypothesized dimensions of the procrastination construct and have adequate psychometric properties that make them useful for the assessment of students’ procrastination profiles