141 research outputs found

    Perceptions of teachers regarding diversity: a case study

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    Over the past few years we have witnessed the evolution undergone by the term diversity. We have moved from a segregationist and assimilating situation, in which diversity was considered as something that was lacking, to inclusive intercultural models, where the diversity is seen as more dynamic, open and enriching. This study presents qualitative-type research on teachers’ perceptions of diversity. It is a study of a specific school considered as a Special Educational Action Centre because 90% of the pupils educated there are gypsies. Using semi-structured interviews and subsequent content analysis, a representative model of professionals’ conceptions of diversity and the factors involved in its configured. Finally, some activities involving refection and conceptual clarification are proposed that will serve as a starting point for beginning a process of change and educational improvement in the school itself, with an intercultural, inclusive orientationEn los últimos años hemos sido testigos de la evolución que ha sufrido el término diversidad, pasando de supuestos segregacionistas y asimilacionistas que consideraban la debilidad como un déficit, a un modelo inclusivo intercultural con una concepción de la diversidad más dinámica, abierta y enriquecedora. Este estudio presenta una investigación de corte cualitativo sobre las percepciones del profesorado sobre la diversidad. Se trata del estudio de un centro concreto, considerado Centro de Acción Educativa Singular por escolarizar a un 90% de alumnado gitano. Mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas y su posterior análisis de contenido se configura un modelo representativo de las concepciones de los profesionales sobre la diversidad y de sus factores. Finalmente, se proponen algunas actividades de reflexión y clarificación conceptual que servirán como punto de partida para iniciar un proceso de cambio y mejora educativa en el propio centro, con una orientación intercultural e inclusiv

    COVID-19 Restrictions and Its Influence on Students’ Mathematics Achievement in Spain

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    COVID-19 restrictions in schools worldwide constitute an important limitation for peer support among students. The masks, the distance between tables or the established sitting order are new challenges that both students and teachers must face in Spain. The conventional strategies that took place among students prior to the COVID-19 pandemic have been altered. In this study, the mathematics achievement of high-school students prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and during the COVID-19 pandemic is examined. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. A total of 368 students from 9th grade (ages 14 to 15) participated in this research. Statistically significant differences were reported when comparing the mathematics achievement of pre-COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 students (t = 22.21, p < 0.01). An overall negative effect size of −2.32 was reported for those students with COVID-19 restrictions. Mathematics achievement scores were 9.90% lower for the group with restrictions. No statistically significant differences were reported when analyzing results by gender or repeating condition. The qualitative information supported the quantitative findings. Alterations in peer support was identified as one of the main factors that could explain this decrease. The main conclusion of this study is that current restrictions due to COVID-19 could be producing an important decrease in students’ mathematics achievements

    Principals' Attitudes, Knowledge, and Beliefs Regarding Active Learning Methodologies in Spain

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    The attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge of primary and secondary school principals in Spain regarding active learning methodologies were investigated. To this purpose, a questionnaire, which may be used by an international audience, was designed to measure these factors. Validation and reliability assessments and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out. Study participants included 24 experts from European universities and 408 principals from Spain. Results were analyzed according to the principals' years of experience, sex, region, school ownership (public vs. private), and school educational stage (primary vs. secondary). Study findings indicate that principals in Spain possess significant knowledge and positive attitudes and beliefs regarding active learning methodologies. Primary school principals, as well as principals with between four and eight years of experience, showed stronger beliefs and greater knowledge than their peers. The educational stage of the school and years of experience of the principal combined acted as moderators for beliefs and knowledge. A strong correlation was found between attitudes about and knowledge of active learning methodologies. It can be concluded that, although attitudes are strongly related to knowledge, beliefs are independent of both, and, as in other areas of the managerial function, they are rarely influenced by other factors. These factors do not depend on the sex of the principal who exercises the managerial function or on the region in which he/she works. However, the educational stage of students in the institution, the ownership of the school, and the years of experience may significantly influence principals' knowledge and attitudes

    Peer Tutoring Effects on Students’ Mathematics Anxiety: A Middle School Experience

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    In this research the effects of reciprocal peer tutoring on students’ mathematics anxiety levels were examined. A pretest posttest with control group design was used at a public middle school in Spain. A total of 420 students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades participated in the study, of which 215 were female and 205 were male. Students were randomly assigned and equally distributed by course grade (140 in each course grade) and experimental condition (210 in the experimental group and 210 in the control group). Quantitative data were gathered using the Mathematics Anxiety Scale developed by Chiu and Henry (1990). Qualitative information was gathered during eight focus group sessions that were held with students. Two main factors were analyzed using the quantitative and qualitative information: mathematics learning anxiety and mathematics evaluation anxiety. Results were analyzed by gender and course grade. Statistically significant improvements were reported for both male and female students in the experimental group and for each course grade for both factors. No statistically significant differences were reported for students in the control group in any case. A moderate effect size was reported for mathematics evaluation anxiety (Hedge’s g = 0.42), and a large effect size was reported for mathematics learning anxiety (Hedge’s g = 0.84). Information obtained from the focus groups was consistent with the reported quantitative results. The main conclusion is that peer tutoring may be very beneficial for reducing middle school students’ mathematics anxiety, regardless of their gender or grade

    They advised me and almost forced me to be ‘normal’. Analysis of the barriers of exclusion from lesbian and bisexual women through life stories

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    El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar los resultados del análisis de 19 historias de vida de mujeres lesbianas y bisexuales para indagar sobre las barreras de exclusión que han estado presentes en su experiencia vital. El análisis de los relatos se ha realizado utilizando el modelo Encontrando Vidas (Francisco y Moliner, 2015). Los resultados evidencian cómo el sistema heteronormativo, entendido como eje central de opresión de cualquier identidad, rol, práctica u orientación que se salga de la norma, atraviesa las vivencias personales a todos los niveles, mostrando la necesidad de continuar trabajando para que todas las personas sean ciudadanas de pleno derecho.The aim of this article is to show the results obtained from the analysis of 19 life stories of lesbian and bisexual women to look into the exclusion barriers which has been present during his life experience. Analysis of the tales has been carried out using the Encontrando Vidas (Francisco and Moliner, 2015) model. Results show how the heteronormative system, understood as the focal point of oppression of any identity, role, practice or orientation that steps out of the line, goes through the personal experiences at any level, showing the need to keep on working so that every person are full citizens

    Porque la visibilidad importa: una propuesta para trabajar la diversidad sexual en la ESO a través de la educación en medios

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo educar en el respeto a la diversidad sexual a través de la educación en medios. Consideremos que los centros educativos deben caminar hacia un modelo inclusivo donde todos y todas estén representados sin discriminación por cuestión de etnia, sexo, género u orientación sexual. Por este motivo presentamos un material didáctico que puede ser una herramienta para que el profesorado aborde esta temática en sus aulas. Concretamente nuestra iniciativa se centra en la deconstrucción de los roles y estereotipos que los medios de comunicación promueven de las mujeres lesbianas y bisexuales.The aim of this article is to educate on respect for sexual diversity through media education. Consider that school should move towards an inclusive model where everybody will be represented without discrimination as a matter of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or gender. For this reason we present a didactic material can be a tool for teachers to adress this issue in their classrooms. Our initiative specifically focuses on the deconstruction of gender roles and stereotypes that the media promotes about lesbians and bisexuals

    Will I finish the syllabus? Concerns of novice teachers

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    El término profesorado novel es un tópico que puede ser abordado desde dos perspectivas diferentes, aquellas que tienen en cuenta los años de experiencia docente y las que hacen hincapié en los rasgos que caracterizan a estos profesionales. Dados los cambios que se han sucedido en la educación del siglo XXI es necesario conocer los principales problemas a los que se enfrenta este tipo de profesorado. En este trabajo, se presenta una investigación cuantitativa basada en el método descriptivo de tipo encuesta llevada a cabo con un total de 50 profesores/as (noveles y experimentados) de dos Comunidades Autónomas, la Comunidad Valenciana y Cataluña en el año 2014. El objetivo es doble, por una parte, conocer las preocupaciones del profesorado novel, y por otra, averiguar si existen diferencias entre las percepciones aportadas por los docentes con experiencia y aquellos más noveles. Para ello, se ha utilizado como instrumento el Inventario de Problemas de la Enseñanza, realizándose un análisis de frecuencias relativas de los datos obtenidos para responder al primer objetivo y la t de Student para llevar a cabo el análisis comparativo de los tres grupos estudiados. Los resultados indican que los problemas a los que se enfrenta el profesorado novel de esta investigación tienen que ver con cuestiones relacionadas con las dimensiones académicas y organizativas, además de encontrar que, a mayor experiencia docente, menos problemáticas se perciben en las situaciones presentadas. Se sugieren algunas iniciativas de trabajo colaborativo y de aprendizaje entre iguales para poder mitigar el “choque” del profesorado novel con su nueva realidad como docente.The term novice teacher is a topic that can be approached from two different perspectives, those that take into account the years of teaching experience and the ones that emphasize the traits that characterize these professionals. Given the changes that have occurred in education in the 21st century it is necessary to know the main problems that these teachers face. In this work, we show a quantitative research based on the descriptive method type survey carried out with a total of 50 teachers (novice and experienced) of two autonomous regions, Valencia and Catalonia in the year 2014. The aim is double, on the one hand, to know the concerns of novice teachers, and on the other, to find out whether there are differences between the perceptions provided by experienced and inexperienced teachers. In order to do this, the Problems of Teaching Inventory has been used as an instrument, performing an analysis of relative frequencies of the data obtained to respond to the first objective and the Student ‘t’ to carry out the comparative analysis of the three groups. The results indicate that novice teachers participating in this research face problems that have to do with issues related to academic and organization dimensions, apart from finding out that more teaching experience leads to less problematic situations perceived in the situations to which they were exposed. Some initiatives of collaborative work and peer learning are suggested in order to mitigate the "clash" of novice teachers with their new reality as teachers

    Toma tu barrio. Mapa social de Ruzafa antes, durante y después de la llegada del 15M

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    En el presente artículo vamos a exponer los resultados de una investigación que busca construir una mirada del barrio de Ruzafa (Valencia) antes, durante y después de la llegada del movimiento del 15M. Queríamos analizar, junto con actores de los movimientos sociales del barrio, si el 15M había producido cambios significativos en la participación y compromiso ciudadano. Para ello, utilizamos las herramientas del mapa social participativo y de la línea del tiempo como mecanismos que permiten repensar colectivamente las transformaciones recientes de Ruzafa y la influencia del 15M en las mismas. Entre las principales conclusiones, el estudio mostró que la llegada del 15M, aunque no supuso un cambio profundo en los niveles de participación y las agendas de los movimientos del barrio, produjo una reactivación de los discursos de esperanza, ilusión y compromiso cívico.This article presents the results of research that seeks to reconstruct a view of Ruzafa (Valencia, Spain) before, during and after the arrival of the 15M movement. We wanted to find out, along with the actors of neighborhood social movements, whether 15M had made any significant changes in participation and citizen engagement. We used the Participatory Social Map and Timeline tools as mechanisms to collectively rethink recent transformations in Ruzafa and the influence of the 15M movement on them. Among the key findings, the study showed that even though there was no profound change in participation levels and agendas of the movements in the district with the arrival of 15M, there was a revival of discourses of hope, enthusiasm and civic engagement

    Service learning at university: a strategy in training critical citizens

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    Service Learning (SL) is a proposal which emerges from the volunteer service to the community and from skills acquisition, combining them in a single articulated project. The goal of this article is to discuss an SL innovation experience which took place in the academic year 2009–2010 at the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló de la Plana (Spain). This initiative was implemented by an interdisciplinary teaching team formed by the academic staff in the Teaching Education, Psychopedagogy and Audiovisual Communication degrees. It aims to awaken critical awareness and promote citizen participation among all university membersEl Aprendizaje Servicio (APS) es una propuesta que parte del servicio voluntario a la comunidad y de la adquisición de aprendizajes y los combina en un solo proyecto. El presente artículo tiene como finalidad difundir la experiencia de innovación educativa de APS que se ha desarrollado durante el curso 2009/2010 en la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón de a Plana (España). La iniciativa, que se ha llevado a cabo por un equipo docente interdisciplinar formado por profesorado de Magisterio, Psicopedagogía y Comunicación Audiovisual, buscaba despertar la conciencia crítica y la participación ciudadana entre los miembros de la comunidad universitari