8 research outputs found

    Reliability Analysis of Steel Columns with Encased Web in High Strength Concrete under Compression

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    Předložená práce se zabývá teoretickou analýzou mezního stavu únosnosti. Pro řešení byly využity výsledky experimentálního výzkumu, který probíhal na Ústavu kovových a dřevěných konstrukcí pod vedením doc. Karmazínové a prof. Melchera. Geometricky a fyzikálně nelineární řešení vycházející z Timošenkova řešení je verifikováno MKP modelem v programovém prostředí ANSYS. Při řešení je zohledněn náhodný vliv počátečních imperfekcí. Model MKP zahrnuje i vliv vlastních pnutí. V parametrické studii je sledován vliv vlastních pnutí na plastizaci průřezu, vliv na mezní únosnost je spolu s vlivem dalších imperfekcí předmětem stochastické analýzy metodou Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS). Studie dále prokazuje příznivý účinek betonové části průřezu (kombinace materiálů ocel-beton) na pokles mezní únosnosti prutu vlivem vlastních pnutí oceli. Vzhledem k důležitosti časově závislých jevů dotvarování na únosnost, jsou studie uvedené v disertační práci zaměřené i tímto směrem. Parametrické studie vlivu dotvarování poskytují jak srovnání mezních únosností při použití obyčejného a vysokopevnostního betonu, tak i variabilitu mezních únosností, přičemž bylo využito přístupů normy Eurokód 2. Ze srovnání výstupů statistické analýzy dle návrhových podmínek spolehlivosti normy EN1990 a přístupu Eurokódu 4 plyne, že lze doporučit použití Eurokódu 4 pro dimenzování tohoto typu prvku. Návrh podle Eurokódu 4 lze dle provedených studií hodnotit jako spolehlivý, pro stanovení hospodárnosti je nutný větší soubor experimentálních dat.The presented paper deals with a theoretical analysis of the ultimate limit state. The results of experimental research carried out at the Institute of Metal and Timber Structures headed by Assoc. Prof. Karmazinová and Professor Melcher were applied. The geometrically and materially nonlinear solution based on the Timošenko’s solution is verified by the FEM model in the computer programme system ANSYS. The random influence of initial imperfections is taken into consideration. The FEM model also includes the influence of residual stress. In the parametric study, the influence of residual stress on the cross-section plastification is researched into, its influence on the load carrying capacity limit is, together with the influence of other imperfections, the subject of the stochastic analysis, applying the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS). Further on, the study proves a direct effect of the concrete part of the cross-section (combination of materials steel-concrete) on the decrease of load carrying capacity limit of the beam caused by influence of the residual stress of steel. With regard to the importance of time dependent phenomena of the concrete creep for the load carrying capacity, the studies given in the Ph.D. thesis are oriented in this respect. The parametric studies of the influence of the concrete creep having applied the Standard Eurocode 2 provide both a comparison of load carrying capacity limits when using common and high-strength concrete types, and also the variability of load carrying capacities. It follows from the comparison of the statistical analysis outputs according to the design reliability conditions of the Standard EN1990 and of the approach of Eurocode 4 that the Eurocode 4 can be recommended for dimensioning of this member type. According to the studies which we carried out, the design in compliance with Eurocode 4 can be evaluated as the reliable one. A larger set of experimental data is necessary to determine the economy.

    Application of uncertainty analysis to stability problems of steel-concrete structural members

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    The paper deals with the fuzzy analysis of the ultimate limit state of a steel strut with an encased web in compression. The first part of the paper lists presumptions required for the determination of the theoretical load carrying capacity for the column. Stresses in the concrete and steel sections are determined according to the principles of elasticity. The ultimate limit state is given as the limit stress attained in the most stressed section of either the steel or concrete section. A general extended principle, which takes into account the epistemic uncertainty of input parameters, was utilized for the conducted analysis. Neapibrėžtumo analizės taikymas plienbetonio konstrukcinių elementų stabilumo uždaviniuose Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas plienbetonio konstrukcinių elementų stipris remiantis fuzzy analize. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje aprašomos prielaidos, reikalingos teoriniam kolonos laikomosios galios nustatymui. Itempiai plieniniuose ir betoniniuose skerspjūviuose nustatomi pagal tamprumo teorijos principus. Ribinis pavojingiausio pjūvio būvis pasiekiamas tada, kai įtempiai pasiekia ribinių įtempių reikšmes plieno apvalkale arba betono užpilde. Analizei buvo pasitelktas išplėstinis principas, kuris įvertina pradinių parametrų „epistematinį“ neapibrėžtuma. First Published Online: 16 May 2013 Reikšminiai žodžiai: plienas, betonas, konstrukcija, projektavimas, tvirtumas, fuzzy, yda

    Material and geometrical characteristics of structural steels based on statistical analysis of metallurgical products

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    The experimental research results of material and geometrical characteristics of Czech steel are given in the presented paper. Measurements are carried out for the yield strength of plates made of steel grade S355. The values measured are used to compute axial resistances which are compared with the resistance resulting from standard (nominal) values. In this paper, there was used a statistical information for evaluating the results of strength measurements on a series of plates and hot‐rolled profiles under tension to determine the adequate partial γM0 safety factor. Santrauka Straipsnyje pateikti Čekijos plienų mechaninių ir geometrinių charakteristikų eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai. Atlikti S355 klasės plieno plokštės takumo stiprio matavimai. Nustatytos reikšmės naudojamos ašiniam stipriui apskaičiuoti, o gauti rezultatai palyginti su standartinėmis (nominaliosiomis) vertėmis. Plieno plokščių ir karštai valcuotų profilių tempiamojo stiprio matavimo rezultatams įvertinti pasitelkta statistinė informacija. Įvertintas dalinio patikimumo koeficiento γM0 adekvatumas. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: medžiaga, plienas, takumo stipris, patikimumas, konstrukcija, projektavimas, atsitiktinis dydis

    Applicability of fuzzy logic to the definition of the buckling length of steel plane frames

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    This paper presents a fuzzy-logic-based approach to the definition of buckling length evoked by the uncertainty of joint stiffness and boundary conditions for the member support. The example demonstrates a lucid and specific application of fuzzy sets in modelling uncertainties in design. To carry out analysis, the extension principle in the form of α-cuts was used. Buckling lengths were analysed utilizing stability solution according to the second-order theory. The beam finite element method with the shape functions of sin and sinh was utilized in the analysis taking into account valuable information on the uncertainties of input data. Formaliosios logikos analizės pritaikymas plokščių rėmų skaičiuojamųjų ilgių nustatymui Santrauka Straipsnis pateikia siūlomą skaičiuojamojo ilgio nustatymo metodą, grįstą formaliąja logika, sukeltą esant nepastoviam jungčių standumui ir elemento atramų ribinėms sąlygoms. Pateiktas pavyzdys demonstruoja aiškų ir specifinį formaliosios aibės pritaikomumą modeliuojant nepastovumą projektavimo metu. Skaičiuojamasis ilgis buvo analizuojamas panaudojant stabilumo sprendinius taikant antros eilės teoriją. Sijos baigtinių elementų metodas su sinuso ir hiperbolinio sinuso formos funkcijomis buvo pritaikytas analizėje. Ivedamų duomenų nepastovumas taip pat buvo įvertintas analizėje. First Published Online: 16 May 2013 Reikšminiai žodžiai: plienas, betonas, konstrukcija, projektavimas, patikimumas, atsitiktinis, formalioji logika, trūkuma

    Stability problems of steel‐concrete members composed of high‐strength materials

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    The presented paper deals with the stochastic analysis of the ultimate limit states of steel‐concrete building members. The load carrying capacity of steel‐concrete columns, comprising of steel profiles encased in high strength concrete, in compression is analyzed. The first part of the paper lists assumptions for the determination of the theoretical load carrying capacity of the column. Principles of elasticity and plasticity are used to determine stresses in the concrete and steel sections. Statistical characteristics of input material and geometrical imperfections are listed. Results of the theoretical analysis are then compared with results of experimental research. Statistical characteristics of obtained results of the theoretical analysis were verified using statistical characteristics obtained from experimental research. Numerical simulation LHS and Monte Carlo methods, which take into account the influences of variability of input imperfections, were employed. The influence of the utilization of the plastic reserve in the determination of the load carrying capacity of the analysed strut is shown. The influence of the initial geometric imperfections of initial strut curvature on the load carrying capacity is also presented. Santrauka Straipsnyje pateikta plienbetonio pastatu elementu didžiausiu ribiniu būkliu stochastine analize, analizuojama plienbetonio kolonu, sudarytu iš plieniniu profiliuočiu, padengtu didelio stiprio betonu, laikomoji galia gniuždant. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje išvardytos kolonos teorines laikomosios galios nustatymo prielaidos. Tamprumo ir plastiškumo principai taikyti itempiams betono ir plieno skerspjūviuose nustatyti. Nustatytos medžiagu ir geometriniu defektu statistines charakteristikos, teorines analizes rezultatai palyginti su eksperimentiniu tyrimu rezultatais. Teorines analizes metu gautu rezultatu statistines charakteristikos patikrintos taikant iš eksperimentiniu tyrimu gautus statistinius rodiklius. Pritaikytas skaitinis modeliavimas LHS ir Monte Karlo metodais, kurie ivertina pradiniu defektu kintamumo itaka. Parodyta plastiškumo atsargos naudojimo itaka, nustatant analizuojamojo statramsčio laikomaja galia, pateikta pradinio statramsčio išlinkio pirminiu geometriniu defektu itaka laikomajai galiai. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: medžiagos, plienas, betonas, struktūra, defektai, susilpnejimas, patikimuma

    Stochastická analýza spolehlivosti nosníků z nerezové oceli namáhaných ohybem

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    The presented article studies the bending resistance of a stainless steel hot-rolled profile UPE 80, which is stressed by bending around the minor principal axis. Resistance is studied as the random output variable, which is a function of input material and geometric characteristics. The paper deals with the stochastic analysis of this static resistance. The computational model is created on the basis of the finite element method using geometric and materially nonlinear solution. The Ansys software with 4-node Shell 181 element is used. The input random variables of the stainless steel are taken from previous research aimed at identifying the material mechanical properties based on experimental research of austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steel 1.4307/AISI 304 L. Statistical analysis is performed using the Latin Hypercube Sampling method. The probability of achieving standard design resistance is estimated and compared with the reliability level in standard EN1990 given by the reliability factor beta 3.8. The article discusses the need for a larger number of samples for reliable estimates of design resistances and for the verification of partial reliability factors, which are a challenge for further research.Analýza mezních stavů nosných konstrukčních prvků z nerezové oceli vyžaduje zahrnutí nelinearity materiálu do výpočtů únosnosti a deformace. Analýza štíhlých sloupů pod tlakem vyžaduje zahrnutí materiálové i geometrické nelinearity, což zvyšuje nároky na numerickou analýzu a vědecké výpočty. Tento příspěvek se zaměřuje na některé aspekty numerické analýzy tlačených sloupů s počátečními imperfekcemi, které mohou mít významný vliv na výsledky analýzy bezpečnosti a použitelnosti nosných konstrukcí se štíhlými prvky. Zvýšená přesnost výsledků experimentálního výzkumu materiálových charakteristik nerezové oceli je diskutována v souvislosti s vlastnostmi uhlíkové oceli a aplikací numerické analýzy ve stochastických výpočetních modelech