1,008 research outputs found

    Nongradient diffusion in premixed turbulent flames

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    Recent theoretical and experimental results demonstrating the interaction between force fields and density inhomogeneities as they arise in premixed turbulent flames are discussed. In such flames, the density fluctuates between two levels, the high density in reactants rho sub r and the low density in products rho sub p, with the ratio rho sub r/rho sub p on the order of five to ten in flows of applied interest. The force fields in such flames arise from the mean pressure drop across the flame or from the Reynolds shear stresses in tangential flames with constrained streamlines. The consequence of the interaction is nongradient turbulent transport, countergradient in the direction normal to the flame and nongradient in the tangential direction. The theoretical basis for these results, the presently available experimental support therefore and the implications for other variable density turbulent flows are discussed

    Strained premixed laminar flames with nonunity Lewis numbers

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    The method of activation energy asymptotics is used to study the effects of Lewis numbers different from unity on nonadiabatic flamelets in counterflowing streams of reactants and products. A sequence of analyses parallels those reported earlier for such flamelets having Lewis number unity. Thus initial results relate to nearly adiabatic flows with Lewis numbers close to unity. It is found that the effect of nonunity Lewis numbers is accentuated in flamelets subjected to low rates of strain and that Lewis numbers greater than unity tend to promote extinction. Thus abrupt extinction and ignition events can occur even under adiabatic conditions. Next fully nonadiabatic flamelets with Lewis numbers near unity are treated in order to consider cases involving relatively large degrees of product heating and cooling. These results relate to reaction zones as they arise under conditions of low-to-moderate rates of strain with the customary diffusive-reactive balance. We also treat flamelets subjected to such high rates of strain that the reaction zone is extended and located far into the product stream. In this case a diffusive-convective-reactive balance prevails. Realistic density variations are considered in the numerical examples and are shown to tend to retard extinction

    Numerical procedures for the calculation of the stresses in monocoques III : calculation of the bending moments in fuselage frames

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    This report deals with the calculation of the bending moments in and the distortions of fuselage rings upon which known concentrated and distributed loads are acting. In the procedure suggested, the ring is divided into a number of beams each having a constant radius of curvature. The forces and moments caused in the end sections of the beams by individual unit displacements of the end sections are listed in a table designated as the operations table in conformity with Southwell's nomenclature. The operations table and the external loads are equivalent to a set of linear equations. For their solution the following three procedures are presented: 1) Southwell's method of systematic relaxations. This is a step-by-step approximation procedure guided by the physical interpretation of the changes in the values of the unknown. 2) The growing unit procedure in which the individual beams are combined successively into beams of increasing length until finally the entire ring becomes a single beam. In each step of the procedure a set of not more than three simultaneous linear equations is solved. 3) Solution of the entire set of simultaneous equations by the methods of the matrix calculus. In order to demonstrate the manner in which the calculations may be carried out, the following numerical examples are worked out: 1) Curved beam with both its end sections rigidly fixed. The load is a concentrated force. 2) Egg-shape ring with symmetric concentrated loads. 3) Circular ring with antisymmetric concentrated loads and shear flow (torsion of the fuselage). 4) Same with V-braces incorporated in the ring. 5) Egg-shape ring with antisymmetric concentrated loads and shear flow (torsion of the fuselage). 6) Same with V-braces incorporated in the ring. The results of these calculations are checked, whenever possible, by calculations carried out according to known methods of analysis. The agreement is found to be good. The amount of work necessary for the solution of ring problems by the methods described in the present report is practically independent of the degree of redundancy of the structure. For this reason the methods are recommended for use particularly in problems of rings having one or more internal bracing elements

    THE OAK ORCHARD SOIL WATER ASSESSMENT TOOL A decision support system for watershed management Part 1: Calibration and Validation

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    A hydrologic model (SWAT) was developed and calibrated for the Oak Orchard watershed to evaluate sources and sinks of sediment and nutrients. The model included the most important anthropogenic features that impacted water flow and nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. These features included reservoirs at the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Waterport and Medina; point sources such as the Erie Canal, US Gypsum, Allen Canning, wastewater treatment plants at Medina, Oakfield and Elba, and tiledrains at the mucklands, an intensely farmed area that was drained to combat malaria in the 19th century. The model included point sources for every subbasin so that the effects of future point sources can be evaluated. The model was calibrated for waterflow and sediment using observed loading data collected by Makarewicz and Lewis (2000, 2009). To achieve the proper water balance observed at the watershed, seasonal inputs of water had to be added from the Erie Canal and the Onondaga escarpment. This water came from outside of the watershed. The resulting calibration had a Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) prediction efficiency of 0.81 for the calibration period (1997-1999). The total cumulative sediment loading was within 2%, of observed and the monthly sediment loads fell within the uncertainty of the observed data (NS=0.31). Cumulative total phosphorous loads were within 2% of observed and the NS prediction efficiency was 0.91. The model validated very poorly in the 2008 time period primarily because of inaccurate precipitation data and incorrect groundwater fluxes from the escarpment. Further research needs to evaluate the timing and amount of groundwater flow from the escarpment because it has a significant impact on monthly flows in this watershed. It is likely that other watersheds that are nestled against the Onondaga escarpment are impacted by spring flows from this geologic feature