7,636 research outputs found

    A computationally efficient QRS detection algorithm for wearable ECG sensors

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    10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091365Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS5641-564

    An assessment of technology forecasting: Revisiting earlier analyses on dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs)

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    © 2018 Elsevier Inc. The increasingly uncertain dynamics of technological change pose special challenges to traditional technology forecasting tools, which facilitates future-oriented technology analysis (FTA) tools to support the policy processes in the fields of science, technology & innovation (ST&I) and the management of technology (MOT), rather than merely forecasting incremental advances via analyses of continuous trends. Dye-sensitized solar cells are a promising third-generation photovoltaic technology that can add functionality and lower costs to enhance the value proposition of solar power generation in the early years of the 21st century. Through a series of technological forecasting studies analyzing the R&D patterns and trends in Dye-sensitized solar cells technology over the past several years, we have come to realize that validating previous forecasts is useful for improving ST&I policy processes. Yet, rarely do we revisit forecasts or projections to ascertain how well they fared. Moreover, few studies pay much attention to assessing FTA techniques. In this paper, we compare recent technology activities with previous forecasts to reveal the influencing factors that led to differences between past predictions and actual performance. Beyond our main aim of checking accuracy, in this paper we also wish to gain some sense of how valid those studies were and whether they proved useful to others in some ways

    Molecular cloning of full-length coding sequences and characterization of α chains for donkey (Equus asinus) type I collagen

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    Donkey (Equus asinus) is a good donor for the collagen production. However, the information on mRNA and protein of donkey collagen has never been reported. In this work, the cDNA sequences coding proα1 and proα2 chains of donkey type I procollagen were determined from six and seven overlapping RT-PCR products, respectively. Further characterization of deduced amino acid sequences detailed the propeptides, telopeptides and triple-helical regions in donkey type I procollagen and collagen chains. Two proα chains of donkey type I procollagen share high similarities with corresponding sequences in mammalian species observed in this study. Considering the significance of lysine and proline in the structure and function of collagen, the distribution patterns of these two characteristic residues in α chains of donkey type I collagen were observed. The mRNA expression levels of type I collagen in donkey tissues were evaluated by quantitative real-time PCR.Keywords: Collagen, Col1a1, Col1a2, donkey, complementary DNAAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(27), pp. 4290-430

    Paracrine mechanisms of Mesenchymal Stem cell-based therapy: Current status and perspectives.

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    Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of Factors Impacting the Energy Consumption of Residential Buildings

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    Buildings have a close relationship with climate. There are a lot of important factors that influence building energy consumption such as building shape coefficient, insulation work of building envelope, covered area, and the area ratio of window to wall. The integrated influence result will be different when the building is in different climate zone. This paper studies the variation rule of some aggregative indicators and building energy efficiency rates by simulation and analysis of the same building in different climate zones by eQuest, in order to determine how building energy efficiency works in different climate zones


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) yang dilaksanakan di SMA N 1 Sleman, berlokasi di Jalan Magelang Km. 14 Medari, Caturharjo, Sleman ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi, bakat dan minat peserta didik guna menunjang proses belajar mengajar, membantu meningkatkan kondisi lingkungan sekolah yang mendukung proses belajar mengajar. Mahasiswa mulai aktif penuh di sekolah sebagai tanda pelaksanaan PPL, terhitung dari tanggal 10 Agustus- 12 September 2015. Pelaksanaan PPL diawali dengan kegiatan observasi sekolah, perencanaan program, konsultasi program ke pihak sekolah dan Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL PPL), serta kegiatan terakhir adalah penetapan program. Pada kegiatan PPL di SMA N 1 Sleman ini, mahasiswa mengajar di empat kelas yaitu kelas X MIA 3, X MIA 4, XI IIS 2, XI MIA 3 untuk materi Bola basket, Bola voli, dan Futsal. Untuk masing-masing kelas, mahasiswa mendapat kesempatan mengajar selama 6.45 jam setiap pekan. Selain praktik mengajar, mahasiswa juga belajar membuat perangkat pembelajaran yang memberikan banyak pengalaman dan manfaat sebagai calon guru penjasorkes. Selama pelaksanaan program PPL ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa target penggunaan jam selama pelaksanaan PPL telah tercapai dalam yaitu sebanyak 169.15 jam dan materi yang harus disampaikan telah mencapai target Kompetensi Dasar (KD) yang telah ditentukan. Namun begitu dalam pelaksanaannya tentu saja ada beberapa hambatan-hambatan yang ditemui sepanjang melaksanakan kegiatan PPL. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan komunikasi, dedikasi, dan loyalitas dalam pelaksanaan pengajaran sehingga guru dan peserta didik dapat terjadi proses transfer pengetahuan yang optimal. Dengan demikian diharapkan tujuan dari program-program yang dilaksanakan mampu bermanfaat bagi sekolah

    Multi-Objective Optimization of Transonic Compressor Blade Using Evolutionary Algorithm

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77106/1/AIAA-14667-294.pd

    Cloning and characterization of a putative transcription factor induced by abiotic stress in Zea mays

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    bZIP transcription factors have been reported to play important roles in plant responses to abiotic stresses. Here, we reported the cloning and characterization of a putative bZIP transcription factor (ZmbZIP17) from maize inbred line Han21, which is up-regulated by drought treatment. The open reading frame sequence of ZmbZIP17 was obtained by using 5’RACE and RT-PCR. Sequence analysis showed that ZmbZIP17 encodes a polypeptide of 563 amino acids with predicted molecular mass of59.8 kDa and pI of 5.6. Southern blot analysis showed that ZmbZIP17 exists as a single copy gene in maize genome. Subcellular localization of ZmbZIP17 was identified in nucleus. The results of real-time PCR analysis indicated that ZmbZIP17 was up-regulated by drought, heat, ABA and NaCl stressimmediately, which suggested that ZmbZIP17 is an early stage responsive gene to various abiotic stresses. The result also showed that ZmbZIP17 expressed much higher in leaves than in other organs in maize seedlings

    A wireless ECG plaster for real-time cardiac health monitoring in body sensor networks

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    10.1109/BioCAS.2011.61077632011 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, BioCAS 2011205-20