5,425 research outputs found

    Spatial connectedness imposes local‐ and metapopulation‐level selection on life history through feedbacks on demography

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    Dispersal evolution impacts the fluxes of individuals and hence, connectivity in metapopulations. Connectivity is therefore decoupled from the structural connectedness of the patches within the spatial network. Because of demographic feedbacks, local selection also drives the evolution of other life history traits. We investigated how different levels of connectedness affect trait evolution in experimental metapopulations of the two-spotted spider mite. We separated local- and metapopulation-level selection and linked trait divergence to population dynamics. With lower connectedness, an increased starvation resistance and delayed dispersal evolved. Reproductive performance evolved locally by transgenerational plasticity or epigenetic processes. Costs of dispersal, but also changes in local densities and temporal fluctuations herein are found to be putative drivers. In addition to dispersal, demographic traits are able to evolve in response to metapopulation connectedness at both the local and metapopulation level by genetic and/or non-genetic inheritance. These trait changes impact the persistence of spatially structured populations

    Interacting Three Fluid System and Thermodynamics of the Universe Bounded by the Event Horizon

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    The work deals with the thermodynamics of the universe bounded by the event horizon. The matter in the universe has three constituents namely dark energy, dark matter and radiation in nature and interaction between then is assumed. The variation of entropy of the surface of the horizon is obtained from unified first law while matter entropy variation is calculated from the Gibbss' law. Finally, validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics is examined and conclusions are written point wise.Comment: 7 page

    QCD Green functions in a gluon field

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    We formulate a dressed perturbative expansion of QCD, where the standard diagrams are evaluated in the presence of a constant external gluon field whose magnitude is gaussian distributed. The approach is Poincar{\'e} and gauge invariant, and modifies the usual results for hard processes only by power suppressed contributions. Long distance propagation of quarks and gluons turns out to be inhibited due to a branch point singularity instead of a pole at p2=0p^2=0 in the quark and gluon propagators. The dressing keeps the (massless) quarks in q qbar fluctuations of the photon at a finite distance from each other.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. Minor modifications in text. Version to be published in JHE

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for Computing k Disjoint Paths Subject to Two Constraints

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    For a given graph GG with positive integral cost and delay on edges, distinct vertices ss and tt, cost bound CZ+C\in Z^{+} and delay bound DZ+D\in Z^{+}, the kk bi-constraint path (kkBCP) problem is to compute kk disjoint stst-paths subject to CC and DD. This problem is known NP-hard, even when k=1k=1 \cite{garey1979computers}. This paper first gives a simple approximation algorithm with factor-(2,2)(2,2), i.e. the algorithm computes a solution with delay and cost bounded by 2D2*D and 2C2*C respectively. Later, a novel improved approximation algorithm with ratio (1+β,max{2,1+ln1β})(1+\beta,\,\max\{2,\,1+\ln\frac{1}{\beta}\}) is developed by constructing interesting auxiliary graphs and employing the cycle cancellation method. As a consequence, we can obtain a factor-(1.369,2)(1.369,\,2) approximation algorithm by setting 1+ln1β=21+\ln\frac{1}{\beta}=2 and a factor-(1.567,1.567)(1.567,\,1.567) algorithm by setting 1+β=1+ln1β1+\beta=1+\ln\frac{1}{\beta}. Besides, by setting β=0\beta=0, an approximation algorithm with ratio (1,O(lnn))(1,\, O(\ln n)), i.e. an algorithm with only a single factor ratio O(lnn)O(\ln n) on cost, can be immediately obtained. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first non-trivial approximation algorithm for the kkBCP problem that strictly obeys the delay constraint.Comment: 12 page

    Holographic dark energy with time varying c2c^2 parameter

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    We consider the holographic dark energy model in which the model parameter c2c^2 evolves slowly with time. First we calculate the evolution of EoS parameter as well as the deceleration parameter in this generalized version of holographic dark energy (GHDE). Depending on the parameter c2c^2, the phantom regime can be achieved earlier or later compare with original version of holographic dark energy. The evolution of energy density of GHDE model is investigated in terms of parameter c2c^2. We also show that the time-dependency of c2c^2 can effect on the transition epoch from decelerated phase to accelerated expansion. Finally, we perform the statefinder diagnostic for GHDE model and show that the evolutionary trajectories of the model in srs-r plane are strongly depend on the parameter c2c^2.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astrophys Space Sc

    Dark energy from conformal symmetry breaking

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    The breakdown of conformal symmetry in a conformally invariant scalar-tensor gravitational model is revisited in the cosmological context. Although the old scenario of conformal symmetry breaking in cosmology containing scalar field has already been used in many earlier works, it seems that no special attention has been paid for the investigation on the possible connection between the breakdown of conformal symmetry and the existence of dark energy. In this paper, it is shown that the old scenario of conformal symmetry breaking in cosmology, if properly interpreted, not only has a potential ability to describe the origin of dark energy as a symmetry breaking effect, but also may resolve the coincidence problem.Comment: 11 pages, minor revision, published online in EPJ

    Apolipoprotein AIV gene variant S347 is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and lower plasma apolipoprotein AIV levels

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    The impact of common variants in the apolipoprotein gene cluster (APOC3-A4-A5) on prospective coronary heart disease (CHD) risk was examined in healthy UK men. Of the 2808 men followed over 9 years, 187 had a clinically defined CHD event. Examination of 9 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in this group revealed that homozygotes for APOA4 S347 had significantly increased risk of CHD [hazard ratio (HR) of 2.07 (95%CI 1.04 to 4.12)], whereas men homozygous for APOC3 1100T were protected [HR 0.28 (95%CI 0.09 to 0.87)]. In stepwise multiple regression analysis, after entering all the variants and adjusting for established risk factors APOA4 T347S alone remained in the model. Using all nine SNPs, the highest risk-estimate haplotypes carried APOA4 S347 and rare alleles of the two flanking intergenic markers. The protective effect of APOC3 1100T could be explained by negative linkage disequilibrium with these alleles. To determine the association of APOA4 T347S with apoAIV levels, the relationship was examined in 1600 healthy young European men and women. S347 homozygotes had significantly lower apoAIV plasma levels (13.64±0.59 mg/dL) compared with carriers of the T347 allele (14.90±0.12 mg/dL) (P=0.035). These results demonstrate that genetic variation in and around APOA4, independent of the effects of triglyceride, is associated with risk of CHD and apoAIV levels, supporting an antiatherogenic role for apoAIV