10 research outputs found

    GAtor: A First Principles Genetic Algorithm for Molecular Crystal Structure Prediction

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    We present the implementation of GAtor, a massively parallel, first principles genetic algorithm (GA) for molecular crystal structure prediction. GAtor is written in Python and currently interfaces with the FHI-aims code to perform local optimizations and energy evaluations using dispersion-inclusive density functional theory (DFT). GAtor offers a variety of fitness evaluation, selection, crossover, and mutation schemes. Breeding operators designed specifically for molecular crystals provide a balance between exploration and exploitation. Evolutionary niching is implemented in GAtor by using machine learning to cluster the dynamically updated population by structural similarity and then employing a cluster-based fitness function. Evolutionary niching promotes uniform sampling of the potential energy surface by evolving several sub-populations, which helps overcome initial pool biases and selection biases (genetic drift). The various settings offered by GAtor increase the likelihood of locating numerous low-energy minima, including those located in disconnected, hard to reach regions of the potential energy landscape. The best structures generated are re-relaxed and re-ranked using a hierarchy of increasingly accurate DFT functionals and dispersion methods. GAtor is applied to a chemically diverse set of four past blind test targets, characterized by different types of intermolecular interactions. The experimentally observed structures and other low-energy structures are found for all four targets. In particular, for Target II, 5-cyano-3-hydroxythiophene, the top ranked putative crystal structure is a Zâ€ČZ^\prime=2 structure with P1ˉ\bar{1} symmetry and a scaffold packing motif, which has not been reported previously

    Genarris: Random Generation of Molecular Crystal Structures and Fast Screening with a Harris Approximation

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    We present Genarris, a Python package that performs configuration space screening for molecular crystals of rigid molecules by random sampling with physical constraints. For fast energy evaluations Genarris employs a Harris approximation, whereby the total density of a molecular crystal is constructed via superposition of single molecule densities. Dispersion-inclusive density functional theory (DFT) is then used for the Harris density without performing a self-consistency cycle. Genarris uses machine learning for clustering, based on a relative coordinate descriptor (RCD) developed specifically for molecular crystals, which is shown to be robust in identifying packing motif similarity. In addition to random structure generation, Genarris offers three workflows based on different sequences of successive clustering and selection steps: the "Rigorous" workflow is an exhaustive exploration of the potential energy landscape, the "Energy" workflow produces a set of low energy structures, and the "Diverse" workflow produces a maximally diverse set of structures. The latter is recommended for generating initial populations for genetic algorithms. Here, the implementation of Genarris is reported and its application is demonstrated for three test cases

    Relationship Between Stressful Life Events and Sleep Quality: Rumination as a Mediator and Resilience as a Moderator

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between stressful life events and sleep quality and to probe the role of rumination and resilience in the relationship.Method: The Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Checklist, Ruminative Responses Scale, Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index were used among 1,065 college students. Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 20.0 and the SPSS macro Process, which were specifically developed for assessing complex models including both mediators and moderators, were used to analyze the data.Results: High scores of stressful life events predicted worse sleep quality. Rumination partially mediated the relations between stressful life events and sleep quality. Resilience moderated the direct and indirect paths leading from stressful life events to sleep quality.Conclusions: The results demonstrate that stressful life events can directly affect the sleep quality of college students and indirectly through rumination. Additionally, increasing psychological resilience could decrease both the direct effect and the indirect effect of stressful life events affecting sleep quality. The results of this study may contribute to a better understanding of the effects, as well as the paths and conditions, of stressful life events on sleep quality in college students. Moreover, these findings can provide constructive suggestions for improving college students’ sleep quality

    Report on the sixth blind test of organic crystal-structure prediction methods

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    The sixth blind test of organic crystal-structure prediction (CSP) methods has been held, with five target systems: a small nearly rigid molecule, a polymorphic former drug candidate, a chloride salt hydrate, a co-crystal, and a bulky flexible molecule. This blind test has seen substantial growth in the number of submissions, with the broad range of prediction methods giving a unique insight into the state of the art in the field. Significant progress has been seen in treating flexible molecules, usage of hierarchical approaches to ranking structures, the application of density-functional approximations, and the establishment of new workflows and "best practices" for performing CSP calculations. All of the targets, apart from a single potentially disordered Z` = 2 polymorph of the drug candidate, were predicted by at least one submission. Despite many remaining challenges, it is clear that CSP methods are becoming more applicable to a wider range of real systems, including salts, hydrates and larger flexible molecules. The results also highlight the potential for CSP calculations to complement and augment experimental studies of organic solid forms

    High-frequency rTMS over the left DLPFC improves the response inhibition control of young healthy participants: an ERP combined 1H-MRS study

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    IntroductionUnlike the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in treating neuropsychiatric diseases, little is known about how personal factors might account for the disparity of results from studies of cognition and rTMS. In this study, we investigated the effects of high-frequency rTMS on response inhibition control and explored the time course changes in cognitive processing and brain metabolic mechanisms after rTMS using event-related potentials (ERPs) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS).MethodsParticipants were all right-handed and were naive to rTMS and the Go/NoGo task. Twenty-five healthy young participants underwent one 10 Hz rTMS session per day in which stimulation was applied over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and a homogeneous participant group of 25 individuals received a sham rTMS treatment for 1  week. A Go/NoGo task was performed, an electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded, and 1H-MRS was performed.ResultsThe results revealed that there was a strong trend of decreasing commission errors of NoGo stimuli by high frequency rTMS over the left DLPFC, whereas there was no significant difference between before and after rTMS treatment with respect to these parameters in the sham rTMS group. High-frequency rTMS significantly increased the amplitude of NoGo-N2 but not Go-N2, Go-P3, or NoGo-P3. The myo-inositol /creatine complex (MI/Cr) ratio, indexing cerebral metabolism, in the left DLPFC was decreased in the rTMS treated group.DiscussionThis observation supports the view that high-frequency rTMS over the left DLPFC has the strong tendency of reducing commission errors behaviorally, increase the amplitude of NoGo-N2 and improve the response inhibition control of healthy young participants. The results are consistent with the excitatory properties of high frequency rTMS. We suggest that the increase in the NoGo-N2 amplitude may be related to the increased excitability of the DLPFC-anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) neural loop. Metabolic changes in the DLPFC may be a possible mechanism for the improvement of the response inhibition control of rTMS

    The Relationship between Insecure Attachment to Depression: Mediating Role of Sleep and Cognitive Reappraisal

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    Previously, we have shown that neuromodulators are important factors in stress-induced emotional disorders, such as depression, for example, serotonin is the major substance for depression. Many psychological studies have proved that depression is due to insecure attachment. In addition, sleep is a major symptom of depression. Furthermore, serotonin is the substrate for both sleep and depression. To explore the role of sleep in the relationships between insecure attachment and depression, we investigated 755 college students with Close Relationship Inventory, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Self-rated Depression Scale, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The results showed that (1) insecure attachment positively predicted poor sleep quality; (2) sleep quality partially affected depression, possibly due the same stress neuromodulators such as norepinephrine and cortisol; and (3) cognitive reappraisal moderated the mediating path leading from attachment anxiety to poor sleep quality. These findings highlight the moderating role of cognitive reappraisal in the effects of attachment anxiety on sleep quality and finally on depression. In conclusion, sleep quality links attachment anxiety and emotional disorders

    GAtor: A First-Principles Genetic Algorithm for Molecular Crystal Structure Prediction

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    We present the implementation of GAtor, a massively parallel, first-principles genetic algorithm (GA) for molecular crystal structure prediction. GAtor is written in Python and currently interfaces with the FHI-aims code to perform local optimizations and energy evaluations using dispersion-inclusive density functional theory (DFT). GAtor offers a variety of fitness evaluation, selection, crossover, and mutation schemes. Breeding operators designed specifically for molecular crystals provide a balance between exploration and exploitation. Evolutionary niching is implemented in GAtor by using machine learning to cluster the dynamically updated population by structural similarity and then employing a cluster-based fitness function. Evolutionary niching promotes uniform sampling of the potential energy surface by evolving several subpopulations, which helps overcome initial pool biases and selection biases (genetic drift). The various settings offered by GAtor increase the likelihood of locating numerous low-energy minima, including those located in disconnected, hard to reach regions of the potential energy landscape. The best structures generated are re-relaxed and re-ranked using a hierarchy of increasingly accurate DFT functionals and dispersion methods. GAtor is applied to a chemically diverse set of four past blind test targets, characterized by different types of intermolecular interactions. The experimentally observed structures and other low-energy structures are found for all four targets. In particular, for Target II, 5-cyano-3-hydroxythiophene, the top ranked putative crystal structure is a <i>Z</i>â€Č = 2 structure with <i>P</i>1̅ symmetry and a scaffold packing motif, which has not been reported previously