91 research outputs found

    Using the Value Stream Mapping 4.0 Method to Identify Digitalization Opportunities

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    V této diplomové práci jsou popsány možnosti využití metody mapování hodnotového toku v kontextu průmyslu 4.0, jako nástroje pro identifikaci možností digitalizace výrobního podniku. Teoretická část je zaměřena na popis metodiky mapování hodnotového toku zejména jako nástroje pro podporu zavádění štíhlé výroby. V praktické části diplomové práce jsou vybrány některé procesy, na kterých je metoda aplikována v době, kdy v podniku probíhá rozsáhlá digitalizace. V rámci diplomové práce bylo provedeno celkové vyhodnocení možností digitalizace, a to pomocí metody mapování hodnotového toku.This diploma thesis describes the possibilities of using the value stream mapping in the context of Industry 4.0 as a tool for identifying opportunities for digitalization of a production companies. The theoretical part is focused on the description of the methodology of value stream mapping, especially as a tool to support the implementation of lean manufacturing. In the practical part of the thesis, some processes are selected on which the method is applied at a time when the company is undergoing digitalization. The thesis concludes with an overall evaluation of the possibilities of digitalization and the value stream mapping method identifies these possibilities.639 - Katedra managementu kvalityvýborn

    Design of hovercraft

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    V diplomové práci se věnuji návrhu designu vznášedla. Koncepce návrhu je malé vznášedlo pro osobní přepravu. Stylem vznášedlo zapadá mezi sportovní stroje. Interiér je navržen pro přepravu 4 osob a osobního nákladu. Hlavní náplní práce je exteriér vznášedla. Její součástí je ale i nástin řešení interiéru v základních rozměrech odpovídajícím antropometrickým rozměrům a jiným ergonomickým požadavkům.Výsledkem tedy je originální a osobité vznášedlo, které je vyřešeno z hlediska designu s ohledem na ergonomii a technologická omezení, která vznášedla přináší.The Diploma thesis is dedicated to design of a hovercraft. The concept of design is a small hovercraft for personal use. The hovercraft is styled into a sports category. The interior is designed for 4 persons and personal luggage. Main part of the work is the exterior of the hovercraft. But it contains also a basic vision of interior solution with basic dimensions according to antropometric measures and other ergonomical criteria. So the result is original hovercraft, which is solved in area of design with regards for ergonomics and technological limitations, which hovercraft brings.

    Possibilities of the Application of Poka-Yoke in Surface Treatment Operations

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    Tématem bakalářské práce je analýza možných uplatnění metod Poka-Yoke ve společnosti Lakum-Galma a.s. Tato firma se zaměřuje na výrobu povrchových úprav kovových součástí převážně z automobilového průmyslu. V teoretické části je popsána metoda Poka-Yoke, způsoby jejího zavedení a její přínosy. Pro praktickou část byly vybrány rozdílné metody s uvedeným důvodem jejich zavedení a princip, jak fungují. Závěrem je zhodnoceno, jakým způsobem lze uplatnit tyto metody pro další rozvoj společnosti.The topic of this bachelor thesis is the analysis of the possible application of Poka-Yoke methods in the company Lakum-Galma a.s. This company focuses on production of surface treatment of metal parts mainly from the automotive industry. The theoretical part describes the Poka-Yoke method, methods of its implementation and its benefits. Different methods have been chosen for the practical part with the stated reason for their introduction and the principle of how they work. In the conclusion is evaluated how these methods can be applied for further development of the company639 - Katedra managementu kvalityvýborn

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na průběh mé odborné praxe, kterou jsem vykonával ve firmě AstrumQ na pozici mobilního vývojáře iOS aplikací. Mou hlavní pracovní náplní zde bylo navrhnout a implementovat kompletní řešení pro správu uživatelů v aplikaci MojeOSŽ, vyvíjenou pro Odborové Sdružení Železničářů. V hlavní části práce nejprve stručně popíši technologie, se kterými jsem v průběhu praxe pracoval, a následně se budu podrobně věnovat popisu, návrhu a implementaci jednotlivých zadaných úkolů. V závěru shrnuji mé celkové dojmy a zkušenosti získané během praxe.This bachelor thesis is focused on my professional practice, which I did at AstrumQ as a mobile iOS application developer. My main job there was to design and implement a complete user management solution for the MyOSŽ app developed for the Railway Workers' Union. In the main part of the thesis, I will briefly describe the technologies I worked with during my internship, and then go into detail about the description, design, and implementation of each assigned task. Finally, I will summarize my overall impressions and experiences gained during the internship.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Hydrochemical Conditions for Aerobic/Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes—A Multi-Site Assessment

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    A stall of cis-1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride (VC) is frequently observed during bioremediation of groundwater chloroethenes via reductive dechlorination. These chloroethenes may be oxidised by aerobic methanotrophs or ethenotrophs co-metabolically and/or metabolically. We assessed the potential for such oxidation at 12 sites (49 groundwater samples) using hydrochemical and molecular biological tools. Both ethenotroph (etnC and etnE) and methanotroph (mmoX and pmoA) functional genes were identified in 90% of samples, while reductive dehalogenase functional genes (vcrA and bvcA) were identified in 82%. All functional genes were simultaneously detected in 78% of samples, in actively biostimulated sites in 88% of samples. Correlation analysis revealed that cis-1,2-DCE concentration was positively correlated with vcrA, etnC and etnE, while VC concentration was correlated with etnC, etnE, vcrA and bvcA. However, feature selection based on random forest classification indicated a significant relationship for the vcrA in relation to cis-1,2-DCE, and vcrA, bvcA and etnE for VC and no prove of relationship between cis-1,2-DCE or VC and the methanotroph functional genes. Analysis of hydrochemical parameters indicated that aerobic oxidation of chloroethenes by ethenotrophs may take place under a range of redox conditions of aquifers and coincide with high ethene and VC concentrations

    Šturma, P.: Mezinárodní a evropské kontrolní mechanismy v oblasti lidských práv

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    Recenze publikace - Šturma, P.: Mezinárodní a evropské kontrolní mechanismy v oblasti lidských právNakladatelství C. H. Beck, 2010, 3. vydání, 170 s

    The Analysis of Critical Situations in Basketball

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    ANOTATION OF THESES Title of the work: The analysis of critical situations in basketbal! Name: Lukáš Lhotský Department: Department of Kinanthropology and Humanities Subject of study: Sports Management Head of the work: PhDr. Vladimír Janák, Csc. Number of pages: 68 The year of the Oral defense: 2008 Key words: Critical situation, psychology of sports, motivation, concentration, selfconfidence, spotr games Summary: This theses sis focused on the analysis of the critical situations in basketbal!. The theses tries to show reactions of the players and types of plaers to these critical situations.

    Symbiosis as a model for a new biology

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    Contemporary biology belongs among the most diversified sciences; yet one of its most fundamental and controversial questions is surprisingly: "What is life?". The aim of this study is to point out that biology is special among other natural sciences because its need of the notion of meaning. Meaning takes the central position in the biological rea-soning. Compared to other sciences, biology has to reflect the dimension of information and its interpretation: language-like properties, communication and interpretation belong to the basic characteristics of life. In spite of the fact, most contemporary theories of evo-lution deny active participation of living beings on the very process - living being come out of its description as puppets or zombies controlled by external forces. As a remedy from such a situation, biology should start with a new model for living entities. A bene-ficial methapor seems to be that of natural languages, i.e. an analogy between a net of historical interactions and conventional ways of interpretation of meaning in (i) living entities and (ii) in system of natural languages. I consider as the most appropriate biolo-gical systems for modeling of such a network of symbiotic interactions, i. e. the pheno-menon of symbiosis and especially symbiogenesis. Keywords: life,..