14 research outputs found

    Method versatility in analysing human attitudes towards technology

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    Various research domains are facing new challenges brought about by growing volumes of data. To make optimal use of them, and to increase the reproducibility of research findings, method versatility is required. Method versatility is the ability to flexibly apply widely varying data analytic methods depending on the study goal and the dataset characteristics. Method versatility is an essential characteristic of data science, but in other areas of research, such as educational science or psychology, its importance is yet to be fully accepted. Versatile methods can enrich the repertoire of specialists who validate psychometric instruments, conduct data analysis of large-scale educational surveys, and communicate their findings to the academic community, which corresponds to three stages of the research cycle: measurement, research per se, and communication. In this thesis, studies related to these stages have a common theme of human attitudes towards technology, as this topic becomes vitally important in our age of ever-increasing digitization. The thesis is based on four studies, in which method versatility is introduced in four different ways: the consecutive use of methods, the toolbox choice, the simultaneous use, and the range extension. In the first study, different methods of psychometric analysis are used consecutively to reassess psychometric properties of a recently developed scale measuring affinity for technology interaction. In the second, the random forest algorithm and hierarchical linear modeling, as tools from machine learning and statistical toolboxes, are applied to data analysis of a large-scale educational survey related to students’ attitudes to information and communication technology. In the third, the challenge of selecting the number of clusters in model-based clustering is addressed by the simultaneous use of model fit, cluster separation, and the stability of partition criteria, so that generalizable separable clusters can be selected in the data related to teachers’ attitudes towards technology. The fourth reports the development and evaluation of a scholarly knowledge graph-powered dashboard aimed at extending the range of scholarly communication means. The findings of the thesis can be helpful for increasing method versatility in various research areas. They can also facilitate methodological advancement of academic training in data analysis and aid further development of scholarly communication in accordance with open science principles.Verschiedene Forschungsbereiche müssen sich durch steigende Datenmengen neuen Herausforderungen stellen. Der Umgang damit erfordert – auch in Hinblick auf die Reproduzierbarkeit von Forschungsergebnissen – Methodenvielfalt. Methodenvielfalt ist die Fähigkeit umfangreiche Analysemethoden unter Berücksichtigung von angestrebten Studienzielen und gegebenen Eigenschaften der Datensätze flexible anzuwenden. Methodenvielfalt ist ein essentieller Bestandteil der Datenwissenschaft, der aber in seinem Umfang in verschiedenen Forschungsbereichen wie z. B. den Bildungswissenschaften oder der Psychologie noch nicht erfasst wird. Methodenvielfalt erweitert die Fachkenntnisse von Wissenschaftlern, die psychometrische Instrumente validieren, Datenanalysen von groß angelegten Umfragen im Bildungsbereich durchführen und ihre Ergebnisse im akademischen Kontext präsentieren. Das entspricht den drei Phasen eines Forschungszyklus: Messung, Forschung per se und Kommunikation. In dieser Doktorarbeit werden Studien, die sich auf diese Phasen konzentrieren, durch das gemeinsame Thema der Einstellung zu Technologien verbunden. Dieses Thema ist im Zeitalter zunehmender Digitalisierung von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die Doktorarbeit basiert auf vier Studien, die Methodenvielfalt auf vier verschiedenen Arten vorstellt: die konsekutive Anwendung von Methoden, die Toolbox-Auswahl, die simultane Anwendung von Methoden sowie die Erweiterung der Bandbreite. In der ersten Studie werden verschiedene psychometrische Analysemethoden konsekutiv angewandt, um die psychometrischen Eigenschaften einer entwickelten Skala zur Messung der Affinität von Interaktion mit Technologien zu überprüfen. In der zweiten Studie werden der Random-Forest-Algorithmus und die hierarchische lineare Modellierung als Methoden des Machine Learnings und der Statistik zur Datenanalyse einer groß angelegten Umfrage über die Einstellung von Schülern zur Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie herangezogen. In der dritten Studie wird die Auswahl der Anzahl von Clustern im modellbasierten Clustering bei gleichzeitiger Verwendung von Kriterien für die Modellanpassung, der Clustertrennung und der Stabilität beleuchtet, so dass generalisierbare trennbare Cluster in den Daten zu den Einstellungen von Lehrern zu Technologien ausgewählt werden können. Die vierte Studie berichtet über die Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines wissenschaftlichen wissensgraphbasierten Dashboards, das die Bandbreite wissenschaftlicher Kommunikationsmittel erweitert. Die Ergebnisse der Doktorarbeit tragen dazu bei, die Anwendung von vielfältigen Methoden in verschiedenen Forschungsbereichen zu erhöhen. Außerdem fördern sie die methodische Ausbildung in der Datenanalyse und unterstützen die Weiterentwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation im Rahmen von Open Science

    Latent Class Cluster Analysis: Selecting the number of clusters

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    Latent Class Cluster Analysis (LCCA) is an advanced model-based clustering method, which is increasingly used in social, psychological, and educational research. Selecting the number of clusters in LCCA is a challenging task involving inevitable subjectivity of analytical choices. Researchers often rely excessively on fit indices, as model fit is the main selection criterion in model-based clustering; it was shown, however, that a wider spectrum of criteria needs to be taken into account. In this paper, we suggest an extended analytical strategy for selecting the number of clusters in LCCA based on model fit, cluster separation, and stability of partitions. The suggested procedure is illustrated on simulated data and a real world dataset from the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) 2018. For the latter, we provide an example of end-to-end LCCA including data preprocessing. The researcher can use our R script to conduct LCCA in a few easily reproducible steps, or implement the strategy with any other software suitable for clustering. We show that the extended strategy, in comparison to fit indices-based strategy, facilitates the selection of more stable and well-separated clusters in the data. • The suggested strategy aids researchers to select the number of clusters in LCCA • It is based on model fit, cluster separation, and stability of partitions • The strategy is useful for finding separable generalizable clusters in the data

    A Scholarly Knowledge Graph-Powered Dashboard: Implementation and User Evaluation

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    Scholarly knowledge graphs provide researchers with a novel modality of information retrieval, and their wider use in academia is beneficial for the digitalization of published works and the development of scholarly communication. To increase the acceptance of scholarly knowledge graphs, we present a dashboard, which visualizes the research contributions on an educational science topic in the frame of the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG). As dashboards are created at the intersection of computer science, graphic design, and human-technology interaction, we used these three perspectives to develop a multi-relational visualization tool aimed at improving the user experience. According to preliminary results of the user evaluation survey, the dashboard was perceived as more appealing than the baseline ORKG-powered interface. Our findings can be used for the development of scholarly knowledge graph-powered dashboards in different domains, thus facilitating acceptance of these novel instruments by research communities and increasing versatility in scholarly communication

    Novel robust biomarkers for human bladder cancer based on activation of intracellular signaling pathways

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    Sherpa Romeo blue journal. Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0) applies.We recently proposed a new bioinformatic algorithm called OncoFinder for quantifying the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. It was proved advantageous for minimizing errors of high-throughput gene expression analyses and showed strong potential for identifying new biomarkers. Here, for the first time, we applied OncoFinder for normal and cancerous tissues of the human bladder to identify biomarkers of bladder cancer. Using Illumina HT12v4 microarrays, we profiled gene expression in 17 cancer and seven non-cancerous bladder tissue samples. These experiments were done in two independent laboratories located in Russia and Canada. We calculated pathway activation strength values for the investigated transcriptomes and identified signaling pathways that were regulated differently in bladder cancer (BC) tissues compared with normal controls. We found, for both experimental datasets, 44 signaling pathways that serve as excellent new biomarkers of BC, supported by high area under the curve (AUC) values. We conclude that the OncoFinder approach is highly efficient in finding new biomarkers for cancer. These markers are mathematical functions involving multiple gene products, which distinguishes them from “traditional” expression biomarkers that only assess concentrations of single genes.Ye

    Table_1_Depression, anxiety, and burnout in academia: topic modeling of PubMed abstracts.docx

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    The problem of mental health in academia is increasingly discussed in literature, and to extract meaningful insights from the growing amount of scientific publications, text mining approaches are used. In this study, BERTopic, an advanced method of topic modeling, was applied to abstracts of 2,846 PubMed articles on depression, anxiety, and burnout in academia published in years 1975–2023. BERTopic is a modular technique comprising a text embedding method, a dimensionality reduction procedure, a clustering algorithm, and a weighing scheme for topic representation. A model was selected based on the proportion of outliers, the topic interpretability considerations, topic coherence and topic diversity metrics, and the inevitable subjectivity of the criteria was discussed. The selected model with 27 topics was explored and visualized. The topics evolved differently with time: research papers on students' pandemic-related anxiety and medical residents' burnout peaked in recent years, while publications on psychometric research or internet-related problems are yet to be presented more amply. The study demonstrates the use of BERTopic for analyzing literature on mental health in academia and sheds light on areas in the field to be addressed by further research.</p

    Personnel resistibility in lean manufacturing

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    One of the barriers of the lean manufacturing introduction in enterprises is staff resistibility to change. The article describes the impact of philosophy and the concept of lean manufacturing training on the level of staff readiness for change. The research object is an engineering enterprise. Using the ROC technique, the authors conduct observations before and after training. The analysis shows that the number of neutral and positively inclined personnel increased from 70% to 82% after the training. Global practice indicates that it is possible to state the absence of barriers to implementation when the threshold is 80% according to these indicators

    Evaluating the effectiveness of integrated marketing communications while implementing a CRM system in the agricultural industry

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    This article deals with the problem of insufficient objective characteristics for determining the productivity of integrated marketing communications in business and organizations of various fields of activity, including those involved in ecology, energy, etc. The relevance of the work is due to the massive distribution of various marketing communications tools, often customized and used today through CRM systems. The aim of the study is to determine the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of integrated marketing communications tools, reflected in CRM systems. The author uses methods of the structural and functional approach. The research is based on the descriptive and analytical method. The result of the work is a list of parameters reflected in the CRM system. They can help consider the degree of effectiveness of integrated marketing communications used in business and organizations of various fields of activity, including those involved in the field of ecology, energy, etc. Moreover, the list of criteria can be used to determine the degree of successful implementation of a CRM system and individual tools of integrated marketing communications