256 research outputs found

    Molecular genetics of auxin signaling

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    The plant hormone auxin is a simple molecule similar to tryptophan, yet it elicits a diverse array of responses and is involved in the regulation of growth and development throughout the plant life cycle. The ability of auxin to bring about such diverse responses appears to result partly from the existence of several independent mechanisms for auxin perception. Furthermore, one prominent mechanism for auxin signal transduction involves the targeted degradation of members of a large family of transcriptional regulators that appear to participate in complex and competing dimerization networks to modulate the expression of a wide range of genes. These models for auxin signaling now offer a framework in which to test how each specific response to auxin is brought about

    AXR1 acts after lateral bud formation to inhibit lateral bud growth in Arabidopsis

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    The AXR1 gene of Arabidopsis is required for many auxin responses. The highly branched shoot phenotype of mature axr1 mutant plants has been taken as genetic evidence for a role of auxin in the control of shoot branching. We compared the development of lateral shoots in wild-type Columbia and axr1-12 plants. In the wild type, the pattern of lateral shoot development depends on the developmental stage of the plant. During prolonged vegetative growth, axillary shoots arise and develop in a basal-apical sequence. After floral transition, axillary shoots arise rapidly along the primary shoot axis and grow out to form lateral inflorescences in an apical-basal sequence. For both patterns, the axr1 mutation does not affect the timing of axillary meristem formation; however, subsequent lateral shoot development proceeds more rapidly in axr1 plants. The outgrowth of lateral inflorescences from excised cauline nodes of wild-type plants is inhibited by apical auxin. axr1-12 nodes are resistant to this inhibition. These results provide evidence for common control of axillary growth in both patterns, and suggest a role for auxin during the late stages of axillary shoot development following the formation of the axillary bud and several axillary leaf primordia

    AXR3 and SHY2 interact to regulate root hair development

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    Signal transduction of the plant hormone auxin centres on the regulation of the abundance of members of the Aux/IAA family of transcriptional regulators, of which there are 29 in Arabidopsis. Auxin can influence Aux/IAA abundance by promoting the transcription of Aux/IAA genes and by reducing the half-life of Aux/IAA proteins. Stabilising mutations, which render Aux/IAA proteins resistant to auxin-mediated degradation, confer a wide range of phenotypes consistent with disruptions in auxin response. Interestingly, similar mutations in different family members can confer opposite phenotypic effects. To understand the molecular basis for this functional specificity in the Aux/IAA family, we have studied a pair of Aux/IAAs, which have contrasting roles in root hair development. We have found that stabilising mutations in AXR3/IAA17 blocks root hair initiation and elongation, whereas similar mutations in SHY2/IAA3 result in early initiation of root hair development and prolonged hair elongation, giving longer root hairs. The phenotypes resulting from double mutant combinations, the transient induction of expression of the proteins, and the pattern of transcription of the cognate genes suggest that root hair initiation is controlled by the relative abundance of SHY2 and AXR3 in a cell. These results suggest a general model for auxin signalling in which the modulation of the relative abundance of different Aux/IAA proteins can determine which down-stream responses are induced

    MAX1and MAX2 control shoot lateral branching in Arabidopsis

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    Plant shoots elaborate their adult form by selective control over the growth of both their primary shoot apical meristem and their axillary shoot meristems. We describe recessive mutations at two loci in Arabidopsis, MAX1 and MAX2, that affect the selective repression of axillary shoots. All the first order (but not higher order) axillary shoots initiated by mutant plants remain active, resulting in bushier shoots than those of wild type. In vegetative plants where axillary shoots develop in a basal to apical sequence, the mutations do not clearly alter node distance, from the shoot apex, at which axillary shoot meristems initiate but shorten the distance at which the first axillary leaf primordium is produced by the axillary shoot meristem. A small number of mutant axillary shoot meristems is enlarged and, later in development, a low proportion of mutant lateral shoots is fasciated. Together, this suggests that MAX1 and MAX2 do not control the timing of axillary meristem initiation but repress primordia formation by the axillary meristem. In addition to shoot branching, mutations at both loci affect leaf shape. The mutations at MAX2 cause increased hypocotyl and petiole elongation in light-grown seedlings. Positional cloning identifies MAX2 as a member of the F-box leucine-rich repeat family of proteins. MAX2 is identical to ORE9, a proposed regulator of leaf senescence (Woo, H. R., Chung, K. M., Park, J.-H., Oh, S. A., Ahn, T., Hong, S. H., Jang, S. K. and Nam, H. G. (2001) Plant Cell 13, 1779-1790). Our results suggest that selective repression of axillary shoots involves ubiquitinmediated degradation of as yet unidentified proteins that activate axillary growth

    Hormonal interactions in the control of Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation

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    The Arabidopsis hypocotyl, together with hormone mutants and chemical inhibitors, was used to study the role of auxin iri cell elongation and its possible interactions with ethylene and gibberellin. When wild-type Arabidopsis seedlings were grown on media containing a range of auxin concentrations, hypocotyl growth was inhibited. However, when axr1-12 and 35S-iaaL (which have reduced auxin response and levels, respectively) were grown in the same conditions, auxin was able to promote hypocotyl growth. In contrast, auxin does not promote hypocotyl growth of axr3-1, which has phenotypes that suggest an enhanced auxin response. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that auxin levels in the wild-type hypocotyl are optimal for elongation and that additional auxin is inhibitory. When ethylene responses were reduced using either the ethylene-resistant mutant etr1 or aminoethoxyvinylglycine, an inhibitor of ethylene synthesis, auxin responses were unchanged, indicating that auxin does not inhibit hypocotyl elongation through ethylene. To test for interactions between auxin and gibberellin, auxin mutants were grown on media containing gibberellin and gibberellin mutants were grown on media containing auxin. The responses were found to be the same as wild-type Arabidopsis seedlings in all cases. In addition, 1 muM of the auxin transport inhibitor 1-naphthylphthalmic acid does not alter the response of wild-type seedlings to gibberellin. Double mutants were made between gibberellin and auxin mutants and the phenotypes of these appear additive. These results indicate that auxin and gibberellin are acting independently in hypocotyl elongation. Thus auxin, ethylene, and gibberellin each regulate hypocotyl elongation independently

    Auxin regulates SCFTIR1-dependent degradation of AUX/IAA proteins

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    The plant hormone auxin is central in many aspects of plant development. Previous studies have implicated the ubiquitin-ligase SCFTIR1 and the AUX/IAA proteins in auxin response. Dominant mutations in several AUX/IAA genes confer pleiotropic auxin-related phenotypes, whereas recessive mutations affecting the function of SCFTIR1 decrease auxin response. Here we show that SCFTIR1 is required for AUX/IAA degradation. We demonstrate that SCFTIR1 interacts with AXR2/IAA7 and AXR3/IAA17, and that domain II of these proteins is necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Further, auxin stimulates binding of SCFTIR1 to the AUX/IAA proteins, and their degradation. Because domain II is conserved in nearly all AUX/IAA proteins in Arabidopsis, we propose that auxin promotes the degradation of this large family of transcriptional regulators, leading to diverse downstream effects

    pax1-1 partially suppresses gain-of-function mutations in Arabidopsis AXR3/IAA17

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    Background: The plant hormone auxin exerts many of its effects on growth and development by controlling transcription of downstream genes. The Arabidopsis gene AXR3/IAA17 encodes a member of the Aux/IAA family of auxin responsive transcriptional repressors. Semi-dominant mutations in AXR3 result in an increased amplitude of auxin responses due to hyperstabilisation of the encoded protein. The aim of this study was to identify novel genes involved in auxin signal transduction by screening for second site mutations that modify the axr3-1 gain-of-function phenotype. Results: We present the isolation of the partial suppressor of axr3-1 (pax1-1) mutant, which partially suppresses almost every aspect of the axr3-1 phenotype, and that of the weaker axr3-3 allele. axr3-1 protein turnover does not appear to be altered by pax1-1. However, expression of an AXR3:: GUS reporter is reduced in a pax1-1 background, suggesting that PAX1 positively regulates AXR3 transcription. The pax1-1 mutation also affects the phenotypes conferred by stabilising mutations in other Aux/IAA proteins; however, the interactions are more complex than with axr3-1. Conclusion: We propose that PAX1 influences auxin response via its effects on AXR3 expression and that it regulates other Aux/IAAs secondarily

    Nitrate and phosphate availability and distribution have different effects on root system architecture of Arabidopsis

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    Plant root systems can respond to nutrient availability and distribution by changing the three-dimensional deployment of their roots: their root system architecture (RSA). We have compared RSA in homogeneous and heterogeneous nitrate and phosphate supply in Arabidopsis. Changes in nitrate and phosphate availability were found to have contrasting effects on primary root length and lateral root density, but similar effects on lateral root length. Relative to shoot dry weight (DW), primary root length decreased with increasing nitrate availability, while it increased with increasing phosphate supply. Lateral root density remained constant across a range of nitrate supplies, but decreased with increasing phosphate supply. In contrast, lateral root elongation was suppressed both by high nitrate and high phosphate supplies. Local supplies of high nitrate or phosphate in a patch also had different effects. Primary root growth was not affected by a high nitrate patch, but growth through a high phosphate patch reduced primary root growth after the root left the patch. A high nitrate patch induced an increase in lateral root density in the patch, whereas lateral root density was unaffected by a high phosphate patch. However, both phosphate- and nitrate-rich patches induced lateral root elongation in the patch and suppressed it outside the patch. This co-ordinated response of lateral roots also occurs in soil-grown plants exposed to a nutrient-rich patch. The auxin-resistant mutants axr1, axr4 and aux1 all showed the wild-type lateral root elongation responses to a nitrate-rich patch, suggesting that auxin is not required for this response

    Phosphate availability regulates root system architecture in Arabidopsis

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    Plant root systems are highly plastic in their development and can adapt their architecture in response to the prevailing environmental conditions. One important parameter is the availability of phosphate, which is highly immobile in soil such that the arrangement of roots within the soil will profoundly affect the ability of the plant to acquire this essential nutrient. Consistent with this, the availability of phosphate was found to have a marked effect on the root system architecture of Arabidopsis. Low phosphate availability favored lateral root growth over primary root growth, through increased lateral root density and length, and reduced primary root growth mediated by reduced cell elongation. The ability of the root system to respond to phosphate availability was found to be independent of sucrose supply and auxin signaling. In contrast, shoot phosphate status was found to influence the root system architecture response to phosphate availability

    Auxin-induced SCFTIR1-Aux/IAA interaction involves stable modification of the SCFTIR1 complex

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    The plant hormone auxin can regulate gene expression by destabilizing members of the Aux/IAA family of transcriptional repressors. Auxin-induced Aux/IAA degradation requires the protein-ubiquitin ligase SCFTIR1, with auxin acting to enhance the interaction between the Aux/IAAs and SCIFTIR1. SKP1, Cullin, and an F-box-containing protein (SCF)-mediated degradation is an important component of many eukaryotic signaling pathways. In all known cases to date, the interaction between the targets and their cognate SCFs is regulated by signal-induced modification of the target. The mechanism by which auxin promotes the interaction between SCFTIR1 and Aux/IAAs is not understood, but current hypotheses propose auxin-induced phosphorylation, hydroxylation, or proline isomerization of the Aux/IAAs. We found no evidence to support these hypotheses or indeed that auxin induces any stable modification of Aux/IAAs to increase their affinity for SCFTIR1. Instead, we present data suggesting that auxin promotes the SCIFTIR1-Aux/IAA interaction by affecting the SCIF component, TIR1, or proteins tightly associated with it
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