563 research outputs found

    Characterization of the high-temperature behavior of PBF-EB/M manufactured γ titanium aluminides

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    Due to their high specific strength and temperature resistance, γ-titanium aluminides (γ-TiAl) have a growing importance for automotive and aerospace applications. However, conventional processing is very challenging due to the inherent brittleness of the material. Therefore, new manufacturing techniques and methods have to be established. Additive manufacturing techniques such as electron powder bed fusion (PBF-EB/M) are favored, since they enable near net shape manufacturing of highly complex geometries. The high preheating temperatures, which typically occur during PBF-EB/M, can significantly improve the processability of TiAl and facilitate the fabrication of complex parts. In this study, a previously optimized material condition of the β-solidifying TNM alloy TNM-B1 (Ti-43.5Al-4Nb-1Mo-0.1B) was manufactured by PBF-EB/M. The resulting microstructure, defect distribution and morphology, and mechanical properties were characterized by means of characterization methods, e.g., CT, SEM, light microscopy, hardness measurements, and tensile tests. A special focus was on the mechanical high-temperature behavior. The pronounced sensitivity of the material to defects and internal notches, e.g., due to lack of fusion defects (misconnections) which were found in the as-built condition, was identified as a main cause for premature failure below the yield point due to the low ductility. This failure was analyzed and potential improvements were identified

    Benchmark creep tests for thermal barrier coatings

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    The topic of this paper involves a number of benchmark creep tests and reference solutions that give the possibility to verify the finite element analysis of stress redistribution in thermal barrier coatings related to commercial software packages. The numerical results have been compared in the benchmark tests with the results obtained by other methods and by other authors. The results of creep studies revealed the magnitudes of the local stresses that correlate with the residual stresses determined in the thermally grown oxide by the luminescence spectroscopy method. The creep properties of Ni-based superalloy substrate have strong influence on the stress state and subsequent failure of EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings. The obtained numerical results demonstrate that the future EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings should be developed simultaneously with the Ni-based superalloy substrate, because the effectiveness of coating is influenced by the composition and properties of the substrate.Тема цієї статті включає в себе ряд тестів на повзучість та еталонні рішення, які дають можливість перевірити аналіз методом скінченних елементів перерозподілу напружень в теплозахисних покриттях, пов'язаний з комерційними пакетами програмного забезпечення. Чисельні результати були порівняні у тестах з результатами, отриманими іншими методами та іншими авторами. Результати досліджень повзучості показали величини локальних напружень, які корелюють із залишковими напруженнями, визначеними в термічно вирощеному оксиді методом люмінесцентної спектроскопії. Повзучість нікелевих жароміцних сплавів підкладки має сильний вплив на напружений стан і подальше руйнування EB-PVD теплозахисних покриттів. Отримані чисельні результати показують, що майбутні EB-PVD теплозахисні покриття повинні бути розроблені одночасно з нікелевою підкладкою, оскільки ефективність покриття залежить від складу і властивостей підкладки

    Mechanical characterization of porous Ti base alloys produced by sintering space-holder method

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    [ES] La búsqueda de materiales adecuados para su uso como implante implica una mayor investigación sobre los biomateriales, como lo son el titanio y sus aleaciones. Respecto a sus propiedades mecánicas, se debe garantizar una resistencia mecánica suficiente como para soportar cargas en uso, al igual que su rigidez ha de ser parecida a la del hueso humano. En el presente trabajo se miden diferentes propiedades mecánicas de materiales porosos de titanio y de la aleación Ti6Al4V, producidos por vía pulvimetalúrgica mediante sinterización con espaciador. Los resultados muestran la relación entre la porosidad y las propiedades mecánicas, indicando los casos en los que se presenta un compromiso entre la rigidez y la resistencia mecánica.[EN] The search of suitable materials for use as an implant involves more research of biomaterials, like titanium and its alloys. Regarding their mechanical properties, it must be guaranteed mechanical strength to support loads in use, as well as its stiffness must be similar to the bone. In this paper it have been measured several mechanical properties of porous titanium and Ti6Al4V alloy, produced by sintering powder metallurgy with space-holder method. The results show the relationship between porosity and mechanical properties and it is indicated in which cases it is presented a compromise between the stiffness and mechanical strength.Los autores agradecen al área de Ciencia de Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica de la Universidad de Sevilla la ayuda prestada en el cálculo de la rigidez por ultrasonidos. Igualmente, los autores desean agradecer la financiación obtenida por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (proyecto PET2008_0158_02) y a la beca Grisolia /2009/040.Tojal Domenech, C.; Devaud, J.; Amigó, V.; Calero, JA. (2010). Caracterización mecánica de aleaciones porosas, base Ti, producidas mediante la técnica de sinterización con espaciador. Revista de Metalurgia. 46:27-32. https://doi.org/10.3989/revmetalmadrid.02.2XIIPMSS27324

    Teacher performance evaluation: conflict, uncertainties and the search for meaning(s)

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    O texto que propomos parte de uma pesquisa longitudinal, realizada em Portugal entre 2008 e 2010, com professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Procura evidenciar os conflitos e incertezas que a avaliação do desempenho docente tem produzido e a busca de sentido(s) para esta avaliação e para o ‘ser professor/a’. A implementação de sistemas de avaliação do desempenho dos professores insere-se na procura de soluções para esta inquietação. Foi o que aconteceu em Portugal, em Janeiro de 2007, com a publicação em Diário da República do novo Estatuto da Carreira Docente e o Decreto que regulamentava a Avaliação do Desempenho Docente. As tensões emergiram entre docentes e Ministério da Educação, agudizaram-se com a tomada de consciência da problemática da avaliação do desempenho dos docentes com impacto na carreira profissional e provocaram incertezas e desmotivação face ao sentido do trabalho docente com impacto na identidade profissional dos professores.This article stems from a longitudinal research carried out with primary school teachers in Portugal between 2008 and 2010. The research sought to identify the conflicts and uncertainties, which have been caused by the evaluation of teacher performance, as well as to search for meaning(s) related to that evaluation and to ‘being a teacher’. The implementation of systems for the evaluation of teacher performance fits into the search for solutions to that concern. This is what happened in Portugal, in January 2007, when the new Statute of the Teaching Profession and the law to regulate Teacher Performance Assessment were published in Diário da República – the official government publication. Tensions arose between teachers and the Ministry of Education and they were aggravated by an awareness of how the problem of teacher performance evaluation would impact on the professional career of teachers and how it would cause uncertainties and demotivation concerning the vocation of teaching and its subsequent impact on the professional identity of teachers

    Ordering and the micromechanics of Ti-7Al

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    The evolution of intergranular lattice strain in the α titanium alloy Ti–7Al wt% was characterised using in situ time-of-flight (TOF) neutron diffraction during room temperature tensile loading. Samples were aged to promote ordering and the formation of nanometre-scale α2 (Ti3Al). On ageing, at 550°C and 625°C, dislocations were observed to travel in pairs, and in planar arrays, which has been attributed to the presence of ordering. A slight change in c/a was observed, from 1.6949 to 1.6945, and a slight increase in the macroscopic modulus. However, no changes were observed in the residual lattice strains, which are the grain-orientation average elastic strains produced by plasticity. Therefore it is inferred that the changes in deformation mechanisms caused by ordering that result in an enhanced vulnerability to dwell fatigue affect primarily the extent of slip localisation. The overall strain distributions between grains in different orientations are not changed

    Ti alloy with enhanced machinability in UAT turning

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    Metastable β-titanium alloys such as Ti 15V 3Al 3Cr 3Sn are of great technological interest thanks to their high fatigue strength-to-density ratio. However, their high hardness and poor machinability increase machining costs. Additionally, formation of undesirable long chips increases the machining time. To address those issues, a metastable β-titanium alloy (Ti 15V 3Al 3Cr 2Zr 0.9La) with enhanced machinability was developed to produce short chips even at low cutting speeds. A hybrid ultrasonically assisted machining technique, known to reduce cutting forces, was employed in this study. Cutting force components and surface quality of the finished work-pieces were analyzed for a range of cutting speeds in comparison with those for more traditional Ti 15V 3Al 3Cr 3Sn. The novel alloy demonstrated slightly improved machining characteristics at higher cutting speeds and is now ready for industrial applications

    Proteomics-Based Systems Biology Modeling of Bovine Germinal Vesicle Stage Oocyte and Cumulus Cell Interaction

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    BACKGROUND: Oocytes are the female gametes which establish the program of life after fertilization. Interactions between oocyte and the surrounding cumulus cells at germinal vesicle (GV) stage are considered essential for proper maturation or 'programming' of oocytes, which is crucial for normal fertilization and embryonic development. However, despite its importance, little is known about the molecular events and pathways involved in this bidirectional communication. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used differential detergent fractionation multidimensional protein identification technology (DDF-Mud PIT) on bovine GV oocyte and cumulus cells and identified 811 and 1247 proteins in GV oocyte and cumulus cells, respectively; 371 proteins were significantly differentially expressed between each cell type. Systems biology modeling, which included Gene Ontology (GO) and canonical genetic pathway analysis, showed that cumulus cells have higher expression of proteins involved in cell communication, generation of precursor metabolites and energy, as well as transport than GV oocytes. Our data also suggests a hypothesis that oocytes may depend on the presence of cumulus cells to generate specific cellular signals to coordinate their growth and maturation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Systems biology modeling of bovine oocytes and cumulus cells in the context of GO and protein interaction networks identified the signaling pathways associated with the proteins involved in cell-to-cell signaling biological process that may have implications in oocyte competence and maturation. This first comprehensive systems biology modeling of bovine oocytes and cumulus cell proteomes not only provides a foundation for signaling and cell physiology at the GV stage of oocyte development, but are also valuable for comparative studies of other stages of oocyte development at the molecular level