47 research outputs found

    Economic Geology Models 1. Geochemical Exploration and Metallogenic Studies, Northern Chile

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    Research was initiated in 1998 on geo-chemical methods of exploration for copper porphyry deposits buried under thick, lithified piedmont gravel cover in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Early data suggest that mineralized, saline groundwater has been episodically forced up through fracture zones to the surface during earthquakes, creating geochemical anomalies above ore deposits. Follow-up research supported by the Canadian Mining Industry Research Organization (CAMIRO) examined the composition of both groundwater and surface anomalies, confirming a link between the two. Further work suggests that the geo-chemical anomalies are the surface expression of a process common to the metallogenic evolution of many deposits. Porphyry intrusion and hypo-gene mineralization are controlled by faults, and are followed by supergene enrichment in a semi-arid climate. After burial by Miocene gravels, the climate changed to hyper-arid; estimates of the onset of hyperaridity vary from mid-Miocene (11–14 Ma) to Pliocene (~3–5 Ma). Since then, saline dewatering of the basement along long-lived faults has converted the original super-gene copper oxide assemblage, formed in equilibrium with meteoric water and lacking atacamite, to one containing atacamite [Cu2Cl(OH)3], the copper mineral especially associated with northern Chile. This interpretation is supported by studies showing that the salinity of fluid inclusions in atacamite is similar to that of local groundwater and that atacamite is considerably younger than the co-existing supergene alteration. SOMMAIRE La recherche décrite ici et initiée en 1998 visait à mettre au point des méth-odes d'exploration de gisements de porphyres cuprifères enfouis sous d'épaisses couches lithifiées de graviers dans le désert d'Atacama au Chili. Des données préliminaires indiquent que des eaux souterraines salines minéralisées ont été poussées épisodiquement jusqu'à la surface, à travers des zones de fractures, à l'occasion de séismes, créant ainsi des anomalies au-dessus de gisements minéraux. Une recherche subséquente appuyée par la Canadian Mining Industry Research Organization (CAMIRO) qui a porté sur la composition de l'eau souterraine et des anomalies de surface, a permis de confirmer l'existence d'un lien entre les deux. Les résultats de travaux subséquents permettent de croire que ces anomalies géochimiques sont l'expression en surface d'un processus commun à l'évolution métallogénique de nombreux gisements. L'intrusion porphyrique et la minéralisation hypogène sont tributaires de failles, auxquelles s'est ensuite ajouté un enrichissement supergène sous climat semi-aride. Après l'enfouissement au Miocène par des graviers, le climat est devenu hyper-aride; selon les estimations le climat serait devenu hyperaride entre le Miocène moyen (11-14 Ma) et le Pliocène (~3-5 Ma). Depuis, l'assèchement des eaux salines du socle le long de failles persistantes a entraîné une conversion de l'assemblage original d'oxydes de cuivre supergène - lequel s'était formé en état d'équilibre en milieu d'eau météorique et qui était dépourvu d'atacamite - en un assemblage contenant de l'atacamite [Cu2Cl(OH)3], ce minéral de cuivre typique du Chili du nord. Cette interprétation est corroboré par des études montrant que la salinité des inclusions fluides dans l'atacamite est semblable à celle de l'eau souterraine locale et que l'atacamite est significativement plus jeune que l'altération supergène coexistante

    Spatiotemporal and multi-isotope assessment of metal sedimentation in the Great Lakes.

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    This study investigates spatiotemporal dynamics in metal sedimentation in the North American Great Lakes and their underlying biogeochemical controls. Bulk geochemical and isotope analyses of n=72 surface and core sediment samples show that metal (Cu, Zn, Pb) concentrations and their isotopic compositions vary spatially across oligotrophic to mesotrophic settings, with intra-lake heterogeneity being similar or higher than inter-lake (basin-scale) variability. Concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Pb in sediments from Lake Huron and Lake Erie vary from 5 to 73 mg/kg, 18 to 580 mg/kg, and 5 to 168 mg/kg, respectively, but metal enrichment factors were small (<2) across the surface- and core sediments. The isotopic signatures of surface sediment Cu (δ65Cu between -1.19‰ and +0.96‰), Zn (δ66Zn between -0.09‰ and +0.41‰) and Pb (206/207Pb from 1.200 to 1.263) indicate predominantly lithogenic metal sourcing. In addition, temporal trends in sediment cores from Lake Huron and Lake Erie show uniform metal concentrations, minor enrichment, and Zn and Pb isotopic signatures suggestive of negligible in-lake biogeochemical fractionation. In contrast, Cu isotopic signatures and correlation to chlorophyll and macronutrient levels suggest more differentiation from source variability and/or redox-dependent fractionation, likely related to biological scavenging. Our results are used to derive baseline metal sedimentation fluxes and will help optimize water quality management and strategies for reducing metal loads and enrichment in the Great Lakes and beyond

    Atud Gabbro-Diorite Complex: Glimpse of the Cryogenian Mixing, Assimilation, Storage, and Homogenization Zone beneath the Eastern Desert of Egypt

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    We analysed gabbroic and dioritic rocks from the Atud igneous complex in the Eastern Desert of Egypt to understand better the formation of juvenile continental crust of the Arabian–Nubian Shield. Our results show that the rocks are the same age (U–Pb zircon ages of 694.5 ± 2.1 Ma for two diorites and 695.3 ± 3.4 Ma for one gabbronorite). These are partial melts of the mantle and related fractionates (εNd₆₉₀ = +4.2 to +7.3, ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr_i = 0.70246–0.70268, zircon δ¹⁸O ∼ +5‰). Trace element patterns indicate that Atud magmas formed above a subduction zone as part of a large and long-lived (c. 60 myr) convergent margin. Atud complex igneous rocks belong to a larger metagabbro–epidiorite–diorite complex that formed as a deep crustal mush into which new pulses of mafic magma were periodically emplaced, incorporated and evolved. The petrological evolution can be explained by fractional crystallization of mafic magma plus variable plagioclase accumulation in a mid- to lower crustal MASH zone. The Atud igneous complex shows that mantle partial melting and fractional crystallization and plagioclase accumulation were important for Cryogenian crust formation in this part of the Arabian–Nubian Shield

    Louisville seamount subduction and its implication on mantle flow beneath the central Tonga–Kermadec arc

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    Subduction of intraplate seamounts beneath a geochemically depleted mantle wedge provides a seldom opportunity to trace element recycling and mantle flow in subduction zones. Here we present trace element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of lavas from the central Tonga–Kermadec arc, west of the contemporary Louisville–Tonga trench intersection, to provide new insights into the effects of Louisville seamount subduction. Elevated 206Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb, 86Sr/87Sr in lavas from the central Tonga–Kermadec arc front are consistent with localized input of subducted alkaline Louisville material (lavas and volcaniclastics) into sub-arc partial melts. Furthermore, absolute Pacific Plate motion models indicate an anticlockwise rotation in the subducted Louisville seamount chain that, combined with estimates of the timing of fluid release from the subducting slab, suggests primarily trench-normal mantle flow beneath the central Tonga–Kermadec arc system

    Pleistocene recycling of copper at a porphyry system, Atacama Desert, Chile: Cu isotope evidence

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    International audienceWe present Cu isotope data of hypogene and supergene minerals from the Late Paleocene Spence Cu-Mo porphyry in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Chalcopyrite displays a restricted range of δ65Cu values within the values reported for primary porphyry Cu sulfides (+ 0.28‰ to + 0.34‰, n = 6). Supergene chalcocite samples show heavier and remarkably homogeneous δ65Cu values, between + 3.91‰ and + 3.95‰ (n = 6), consistent with previous models of Cu leaching and enrichment in porphyry systems. Secondary Cu minerals from the oxide zone show a wider range of composition, varying from + 1.28‰ and + 1.37‰ for chrysocolla (n = 6) to very light Cu isotope signatures reported for atacamite between -5.72‰ to -6.77‰ (n = 17). These data suggest redox cycling of Cu during supergene enrichment of the Spence Cu deposit, characterized by a first stage of supergene chalcocite formation from acidic, isotopically-heavy leach fluids of meteoric origin down-flowing in a semi-arid climate (44 to ~ 15-9 Ma). Reworking of the initial supergene copper assemblage, during the Pleistocene, by rising neutral and chlorine-rich deep formation waters under well-established hyper-arid climate conditions lead to the formation of atacamite with extremely fractionated Cu compositions. Essentially coeval chrysocolla formed by dissolution of atacamite during short episodes of wetter climatic conditions occurring in the latest Pleistocene