58 research outputs found

    Metoda wydłużania w wariancie zrównoleglonym

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    Pokazano, że technika obcięcia zastosowana w metodzie wydłużania istotnie przyspiesza obliczenia kwantowo-chemiczne w formaliźmie Hartreego-Focka (HF). Metoda ta sprawdza się wyjątkowo dobrze w obliczeniach przeprowadzanych na wielu procesorach. W pracy porównano zarówno całkowity czas obliczeń, jak i jego najbardziej czasochłonnych części, z tradycyjnym schematem obliczeniowym metody HF.It is demonstrated that the elongation cutoff technique (ECT) substantially speeds up the quantum-chemical calculation at Hartree-Fock (HF) level of theory and is especially well suited for parallel performance. A comparison of ECT timings for water chains with the reference HF calculations is given. The analysis includes the overall CPU (central processing unit) time and its most time consuming steps

    Chronic myeloid leukemia: where do we stand, where can we go?

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    The introduction of BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors to the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has significantly changed the long term therapy results. After an initial 12 months of therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), a 3-log reduction of the BCR-ABL copies number on an international scale is possible in 22–46% of patients, depending on the TKI used. In TKI-responsive patients, long-term TKI treatment results are even better, with the BCR-ABL transcript level decreasing over time, even to the point of becoming undetectable. Therefore, an operational cure can be diagnosed in CML patients with an optimal response to 1st-line TKI treatment, atherapy duration of longer than 5–8 years, and BCR-ABL transcript level below MR4.0–MR4.5 for a period of more than two years. The latter has been the basis of multiple concepts of permanent or periodic discontinuation of TKI treatment [treatment-free remission (TFR)]. Initial TKI discontinuation clinical trials resulted in satisfactory results, with a disease recurrence rate of c.40–60% after 2–3 years. The mechanism of disease recurrence was then studied , with detailed characterization of the CML stem cells (CML SCs) immunophenotype and the mechanisms of survival and self-renewal under TKI selective pressure. A better understanding of the biology of CML allowed the formulation of new therapy concepts of CML SCs eradication, and new criteria for successful TFR qualification


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    Micromechanical analysis of friction anisotropy in rough elastic contacts

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    AbstractComputational contact homogenization approach is applied to study friction anisotropy resulting from asperity interaction in elastic contacts. Contact of rough surfaces with anisotropic roughness is considered with asperity contact at the micro scale being governed by the isotropic Coulomb friction model. Application of a micro-to-macro scale transition scheme yields a macroscopic friction model with orientation- and pressure-dependent macroscopic friction coefficient. The macroscopic slip rule is found to exhibit a weak non-associativity in the tangential plane, although the slip rule at the microscale is associated in the tangential plane. Counterintuitive effects are observed for compressible materials, in particular, for auxetic materials


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    It is demonstrated that the elongation cutoff technique (ECT) substantially speeds up thequantum-chemical calculation at Hartree-Fock (HF) level of theory and is especially wellsuited for parallel performance. A comparison of ECT timings for water chains with thereference HF calculations is given. The analysis includes the overall CPU (central processingunit) time and its most time consuming steps

    What do we know about the connection between gut microbiota and pain?

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    Introduction and objective    The relationship between gut microbiota and pain is crucial. Several studies demonstrate the evidence that gut microbiota play a key role in visceral, neuropathic and inflammatory pain. The proper profile of microbiota is also important in patients after surgeries and injuries who suffer from postoperative pain. In the present review study we assessed a comprehensive range of relevant literature to present the role of gut microbiota as the key factor in maintaining the structural integrity of the intestinal mucosal barrier, pain perception and modulation of the immune system.    Review methods    We conducted a literature review in February, 2023 searching for terms “Gut microbiome and pain", “Probiotic supplementation”, “Fecal microbial transplantation in patients with pain”. This publication includes the analysis of several case reports, which describe patients who were successfully treated with modification of gut microbiota composition.    Brief description of the state of knowledge    The gut microbiota is a diversity of many different microorganisms. They inhabit our gut and are the key to many aspects of human health. To understand how important the gut microbiome is we have to be aware of a bidirectional connection between the gut and the brain. The gut microbiota has an impact on the nervous system via the microbiome-gut-brain axis and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.   Summary   We propose novel therapeutic methods like probiotics or prebiotics or fecal microbiota transplantation as the new strategy for the management of pain. To reach this goal we need more clinical evidence to implement our theoretical knowledge to clinical practice.

    Overview of 3D printing techniques used in prototyping and planning of city areas

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    Druk 3D jest znany jako "produkcja addytywna", tj. technologia polegająca na tworzeniu trójwymiarowych obiektów poprzez nakładanie na siebie warstw materiału. Obecnie znajduje zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach, w tym: produkcji prototypów, medycynie, lotnictwie i kosmonautyce. W prototypowaniu druk 3D pozwala znacznie przyspieszyć proces projektowania i obniżyć koszty dzięki możliwości wczesnego testowania różnych wersji prototypu. W planowaniu infrastruktury miejskiej druk 3D pozwala na produkcję realistycznych modeli całych miast lub poszczególnych elementów, takich jak mosty, drogi czy osiedla mieszkaniowe. Daje to możliwość późniejszej szybkiej modyfikacji projektów i dostosowania ich do zmieniających się potrzeb miasta. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przykłady  wykorzystania wybranych technologii druku (FDM i CJP) w prototypowaniu i planowaniu przestrzennym.3D printing is known as \u27additive manufacturing\u27 i.e. a technology that involves creating three-dimensional objects by adding layers of material on top of each other. Currently, it is used in many areas, including: prototype production, medicine, aviation and cosmonautics. In prototyping, 3D printing allows to significantly speed up the design process and reduce costs thanks to the possibility of early testing of different versions of the prototype. In planning urban infrastructure, 3D printing allows on production of realistic models of entire cities or individual elements, such as bridges, roads or housing estates. This makes a possibility to quickly modify projects later and adapt them to the changing needs of the city. This work presents examples of the use of selected printing technologies (FDM and CJP) in prototyping and spatial planning

    Influence of ketogenic diet on athletes’ performance and other aspects of body function – review of literature

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    Introduction and aim. The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carbohydrate dietary regimen that induces a state of ketosis, shifting the body’s fuel source from glucose to ketone bodies produced from fatty acids. The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of the KD on athletes’ performance, body composition and other aspects of body function. Materials and methods. A comprehensive literature search has been conducted through PubMed database using keywords such as “ketogenic diet sport” and “ketogenic diet athletes”, “ketogenic diet body”. Analysis of literature. Some studies suggest that a KD can be a viable method for reducing body fat without negatively affecting strength, power, or muscle mass in athletes. It has been found that KD can increase fat oxidation. However, KD may not be optimal for improving performance in high-intensity endurance events or activities that require quick bursts of energy fueled by carbohydrates. Additionally, KD may not have a significant effect on factors such as VO2max, HRmax, time to exhaustion, and perceived exertion in some athletes. Conclusion. More research is required to understand the effects of the ketogenic diet on athletes’ performance. It may aid in weight loss and fat oxidation, but questions remain regarding adaptation time, sport-specific benefits, and impact on various body parameters

    The influence of phytoestrogens on alleviating symptoms associated with menopause

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    Introduction and purpose. Menopause causes complaints such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep problems and vaginal dryness. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective treatment option for women with moderate to severe symptoms. In women who are unable to undergo HRT, plant-based preparations containing phytoestrogens can be used as an alternative. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the effectiveness of phytoestrogen supplementation. State of knowledge. Phytoestrogens are natural compounds structurally similar to estrogens, such as estradiol. They are divided into different classes, including isoflavones and lignans. Isoflavones, including genistein, found in soy products, cause a significant reduction in the severity of hot flashes, as well as improvements in vaginal dryness and sexual function. Lignans, found in flaxseed, sesame seeds and whole grains, have effects similar to endogenous estrogens, but studies to date have not shown significant efficacy of this group of substances in reducing menopausal symptoms. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring compound found in grapes and berries, has a weak estrogenic effect, whereby several clinical trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of resveratrol supplementation in alleviating menopausal symptoms. Conclusions. Phytoestrogens have been shown to alleviate some symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and night sweats, and may also have positive effects on bone density and cognitive abilities. Effects may vary depending on the source, dose and duration of treatment. There are also potential risks associated with their use, for which reason more research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness and safety

    Impact of blue light exposition to alertness of shift workers, patients with sleep deprivation, Alzheimer’s disease, or post-traumatic stress disorder

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    Introduction and purpose:   In certain professions it is necessary to work at night and to maintain alertness and concentration at that time. Additionally in some conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and post-traumatic stress disorder sleep deprivation is both a symptom and an aggravating factor. A non-pharmacological method is needed to impact the maintenance of concentration and to help the workers adapt to shift work as well as improve their sleep quality. The purpose of this paper is to present recent scientific findings on the effects of blue light on improving concentration and attentiveness in shift workers and people suffering from sleep disorders, Alzheimer's disease, or post-traumatic stress disorder.     A brief description of the state of knowledge: Circadian rhythm is a mechanism, which regulates daily functioning of humans and a variety of other species. Light exposure, especially to blue light, is the most crucial factor disrupting circadian consistency. The relationship between the time maladjustment, biological rhythms and factors from the outside world is called phase angle of entrainment. Summary:   Studies conducted on various groups have shown the effectiveness of modified light interventions on concentration and focus during shift work at night. Exposure to blue light appears to be a safe method that can improve work quality, concentration and focus in people who work at night. Exposure to light brings hope for improving the quality of life of people with Alzheimer's disease and maintaining their independence longer, which can ease the burden on their caregivers. Establishing some routine in the form of blue light exposure in people with post-traumatic stress disorder also appears to be an easy and accessible method for reducing the severity of PTSD symptoms, especially sleep disturbances