56 research outputs found

    Téte-à-téte avec Hamlet ou Jules Laforgue et George Rodenbach suites sur les pas de William Shakespeare

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    The aim of the paper at hand is to find parallel elements between the following two texts: Jules Laforgue's Hamlet, ou les suites de la piété filiale (1886) and George Rodenbach's Bruges-la-Morte (1892), in relation to William Shakespeare's play. Our analysis is of a three-level character. Firstly, it is concerned with a comparison of biographies of the two 19th century authors. Secondly, it takes into its scope the plot events of both texts in question. Thirdly, it attempts to explain the linguistic transposition of poetry into prose. The final goal of this perusal is a demarcation of common points of reference between the three texts, which, in turn, is to prove Hamlet's intertextuality

    Effects of CP 55,940 — agonist of CB1 cannabinoid receptors on ghrelin and somatostatin producing cells in the rat pancreas

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    Cannabinoids participate in the modulation of numerous functions in the human organism, increasing the sense of hunger, affecting carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and controlling systemic energy balance mechanisms. Moreover, they influence the endocrine system functions, acting via two types of receptors, CB1 and CB2. The aim of the present study was to examine the number, distribution and activity of ghrelin and somatostatin producing endocrine cells in the pancreas of rats after a single administration of selective CP 55,940 agonist of CB1 receptor. The study was performed on 20 rats. Neuroendocrine cells were identified by immunohistochemical reactions, involving specific antibodies against ghrelin and somatostatin. The distribution and number of ghrelin- and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were separately studied in five pancreas islets of each section. A performed analysis showed a decreased number of somatostatin-immunoreactive cells and a weak immunoreactivity of ghrelin and somatostatin containing neuroendocrine cells in the pancreatic islets of experimental rats, compared to control animals. The obtained results suggest that a single administration of a selective CP 55,940 agonist of CB1 receptor influences the immunoreactivity of endocrine cells with ghrelin and somatostatin expression in the pancreas islets

    Leczenie żywieniowe u chorych na nowotwory piersi

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    In women, breast cancer is the most common malignancy whilst its morbidity rates are the second most frequent after lung cancer. Rearrangements of developmental changes in mammary gland tissue that occur many times throughout life (eg. during puberty, pregnancy), create a specific environment as demonstrated by an enhanced immune response but suppressed inflammatory status; these being most likely conducive to carcinogenesis. Contributing factors to breast cancer development include: endocrine disruption, genetic predisposition and environmental determinants such as overweight and low levels of physical activity. Hitherto, nutritional guidelines in cases of breast cancer remission are lacking, nevertheless specialists state that they should be based on primary prevention. The presence of cancer confers changes to dietary requirements, whilst the side effects of treatment are gastro-intestinal disorders and anorexia which lead to malnourishment. A modified diet may thus beneficially impact upon women’s quality of life during breast cancer remission, together with potentially improving their survival prognoses.Nowotwory piersi są najczęstszymi nowotworami w populacji kobiet oraz drugą po nowotworach płuc przyczyną zgonu spośród wszystkich chorób nowotworowych w tej grupie. Przebudowa tkanek gruczołu piersiowego, pojawiające się wielokrotne w ciągu życia — w okresie dojrzewania, pod¬czas ciąż — sprzyjają powstawaniu specyficznego środowiska, charakteryzującego się wzbudzoną reakcją immunologiczną oraz stłumionym stanem zapalnym, które prawdopodobnie ułatwia kan¬cerogenezę. Do czynników przyczyniających się do rozwoju nowotworów piersi należą zaburzenia równowagi hormonalnej, uwarunkowania genetyczne oraz czynniki środowiskowe (w tym nadwa¬ga i niska aktywność fizycznej). Do tej pory nie opracowano wytycznych żywienia w okresie remisji nowotworów piersi, jednak specjaliści wskazują, że ich podstawą powinny być zasady profilaktyki pierwotnej. Obecność choroby nowotworowej powoduje zmianę zapotrzebowania na składniki pokarmowe, ponadto konsekwencją leczenia są zaburzenia jelitowe oraz zmniejszenie apetytu, co w efekcie zwiększa ryzyko niedożywienia. Zmodyfikowany profil diety może pozytywnie wpływać na jakość życia kobiet z nowotworami piersi, wydolność ich organizmu, a także potencjalnie na poprawę rokowania

    Nutrition therapy for patients with myeloid and lymphoid malignancies

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     Pacjenci chorzy na nowotwory, zwłaszcza poddawani wysokodawkowanej chemioterapii lub/i radioterapii w przebiegu nowotworów układów krwiotwórczego lub chłonnego, są szczególnie narażeni na niedożywienie i powikłania wynikającego z tego stanu. Wszystkie działania służące poprawie stanu odżywienia pacjentów mogą pozytywnie wpływać na ich stan kliniczny, jakość życia oraz czas przeżycia. Poza stwierdzeniem niedożywienia istotne jest zwrócenie uwagi na aspekty determinujące możliwości kompensacyjne organizmu i zapobiegające niekorzystnym zmianom związanym z rozwojem niedożywienia. Są nimi w szczególności stopień odżywienia przed, w trakcie oraz po terapii (w tym określenie niedoborów pokarmowych) oraz możliwość spożywania, trawienia i wchłaniania składników odżywczych. Celem poznania tych aspektów jest ustalenie szczegółowego i zindywidualizowanego postępowania żywieniowego wspomagającego podstawową terapię prze­ciwnowotworową.Patients being treated for myeloid and lymphoid malignancies, particularly those by high dose chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, are vulnerable to malnutrition and any complications so aris­ing. All efforts for ensuring normal nutrition in such patients can benefit their clinical status/outcomes, quality of life and life expectancy. Besides identifying any malnutrition, attention should also be focused on how the body’s mechanisms compensate and prevent adverse events from de­veloping as a result of this condition. The most important of these aspects are the extent of patient nutrition before, during and after treatment, (and in defining malnutrition whenever it occurs), together with how nutrients are consumed, digested and absorbed. Determining such factors make it thereby possible to formulate a detailed nutritional plan tailored to the patient needs and thus support their basic cancer treatment.

    Happiness In Active And Retired Athletes

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    Elite athletes lead exceedingly complicated lives. When living under conditions of high demand and allostatic load, happiness may be seriously endangered. Even though many athletes initially feel relief after finishing their athletic career, some of them still suffer depressed mood. The aim of the study was to assess the level of happiness and the differences in happiness profile between active and retired elite athletes. Also, the sport discipline and social support were taken into consideration as factors influencing athletes’ happiness – a construct that reflects people’s subjective and global evaluations of their lives. 110 active and retired elite athletes from Poland filled in three psychological questionnaires, which reflect subjective happiness: the Flourishing Scale (FS) to assess core aspects of social-psychological functioning, The Emotional Wellness Scale (EWS) to assess the affective component of happiness and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) to assess the judgmental component of subjective well-being. No significant differences were found neither between active and retired athletes, nor between individual and team sport. However, we found significant influence of social support on both retired and active athletes’ happiness. These findings have implications for how well athletes cope with stress which, in turn, could shed light on the development of factors that may provide a buffer against adversity and build resilience.Elite athletes lead exceptionally complicated lives. When living under conditions of high demand and allostatic load, happiness may be seriously endangered. Even though many athletes initially feel relief after finishing their athletic career, some of them still suffer from a depressed mood. The aim of the study was to assess the level of happiness and the differences in happiness profile between active and retired elite athletes. Also, the sport discipline and social support were taken into consideration as factors influencing athletes’ happiness – a construct that reflects people’s subjective and global evaluations of their lives. 110 active and retired elite athletes from Poland completed three psychological questionnaires, which reflected subjective happiness: the Flourishing Scale (FS) to assess core aspects of social-psychological functioning, The Emotional Wellness Scale (EWS) to assess the affective component of happiness and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) to assess the judgmental component of subjective well-being. No significant differences were found between active and retired athletes, nor between individual and team sport. However, we found a significant influence of social support on both retired and active athletes’ happiness. These findings have implications for how well athletes cope with stress which, in turn, could shed light on the development of factors that may provide a buffer against adversity and build resilience

    The toxicokinetic profile of Dex40-GTMAC3 : a novel polysaccharide candidate for reversal of unfractionated heparin

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    Though protamine sulfate is the only approved antidote of unfractionated heparin (UFH), yet may produce life threatening side effects such as systemic hypotension, catastrophic pulmonary vasoconstriction or allergic reactions. We have described 40 kDa dextrans (Dex40) substituted with glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride (GTMAC) as effective, immunogenically and hemodynamically neutral inhibitors of UFH. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in mice and rats toxicokinetic profile of the most promising polymer – Dex40-GTMAC3. Polymer was rapidly eliminated with a half-time of 12.5±3.0 min in Wistar rats, and was mainly distributed to the kidneys and liver in mice. The safety studies included the measurement of blood count and blood biochemistry, erythrocyte osmotic fragility and the evaluation of the histological alterations in kidneys, liver and lungs of mice and rats in acute and chronic experiments. We found that Dex40-GTMAC3 is not only effective but also very well tolerated. Additionally, we found that protamine may cause overt hemolysis with appearance of permanent changes in the liver and kidneys. In summary, fast renal clearance behavior and generally low tissue accumulation of Dex40-GTMAC3 is likely to contribute to its superior to protamine biocompatibility. Intravenous administration of therapeutic doses to living animals does not result in the immunogenic, hemodynamic, blood and organ toxicity. Dex40-GTMAC3 seems to be a promising effective and safe candidate for further clinical development as new UFH reversal agent

    Otyłość u chorego na hemofilię — opis przypadku

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    Hemophilia is a congenital bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of a blood coagulation factor; factor VIII in hemophilia A and factor IX in hemophilia B. Hemophilia manifests with spontaneous bleeding into joints and major bleeding following injury and surgery. Hemophilia patients require comprehensive care and team management to maintain satisfactory physical condition and control over dietary recommendations, particularly in the presence of coexisting disorders. Such management aims at maintenance of the patient’s physical fitness, with specialemphasis on healthy diet.Our patient was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with high morning blood glucose levels [115–130 mg/dl (N 80–99)]. The disease occurs mostly in the fourth decade of life or later. It is accompanied by lipid disorders which become more intense if dietary advice is disregarded and nutrition errors are made (excessive consumption of animal fats, dietary deficiency of antioxidants, smoking, improper food preparation). This is said to have strong atherogenic impact and may lead to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, as well as higher risk of diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy.Hemofilia jest wrodzoną skazą krwotoczną, spowodowaną niedoborem jednego z czynników krzepnięcia krwi — w przypadku hemofilii A jest to niedobór czynnika VIII, a w przypadku hemofilii B — czynnika IX. Choroba objawia się samoistnymi krwawieniami śródstawowymi oraz wydłużonym i nadmiernym krwawieniem po urazach i zabiegach. Pacjent chory na hemofilię wymaga kompleksowej opieki (szczególnie w warunkach występowania chorób współistniejących) obejmującej działania zmierzające do utrzymania dobrego stanu fizycznego, w tym przestrzegania właściwej diety.W opisanym przypadku u pacjenta rozpoznano cukrzycę typu 2 ze stwierdzanym porannym wzrostem wartości glikemii [115–130 mg/dl (N 80–99)]. Jest to choroba, która pojawia się najczęściej w czwartej dekadzie życia lub później, a towarzyszą jej zaburzenia lipidowe, które nasilają się/występują, gdy chory nie stosuje się do zasad prawidłowego sposobu odżywiania i popełnia błędy żywieniowe (nadmiar tłuszczów zwierzęcych, deficyt składników antyoksydacyjnych, palenie tytoniu, niewłaściwa obróbka kulinarna potraw). Czynniki te mają silne działania aterogenne i prowadzą do powstawania zmian miażdżycowych w naczyniach krwionośnych, a w konsekwencji do choroby niedokrwiennej serca i chorób układu krążenia. Zwiększa się również ryzyko nefropatii cukrzycowej, retinopatii i neuropatii

    Ocena stanu odżywienia pacjentów z nowotworami układów krwiotwórczego i chłonnego za pomocą skali PG-SGA

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    A dynamic course of hematologic neoplasms as well as intensive chemotherapy are related with development of malnutrition symptoms in a short time. For this reason, it is necessary to perform not only screening procedure but also detailed assessment of nutritional status. The purpose of this research was the assessment of nutritional status and nutritional intervention needs in patients with hematologic neoplasms by PG-SGA score. Most of people (45%) were assigned to category: well malnourished. Next, 43% people were moderately nourished and 11% were severely malnourished. Nutritional intervention was recommended to 83% people, among who 44% indicates a critical need for intervention. The PG-SGA score allows to fully assess actual nutritional status and estimate further changes, what may help to decide on initiation of nutritional therapy.Dynamiczny przebieg chorób nowotworowych układów krwiotwórczego i chłonnego oraz intensywne leczenie chemioterapeutyczne sprzyjają w krótkim czasie rozwinięciu objawów niedożywienia. Z tego powodu, poza oceną przesiewową stanu odżywienia, niezbędne jest przeprowadzenie także oceny pogłębionej. Celem badania była ocena stanu odżywienia oraz potrzeby interwencji żywieniowej wśród pacjentów z nowotworami układów krwiotwórczego i chłonnego za pomocą kwestionariusza PG-SGA. U największej osób (45%) stan odżywienia był prawidłowy, w grupie z podejrzeniem niedożywienia/niedożywieniem średniego stopnia znalazło się 43% osób, a 13% wykazywało cechy znacznego niedożywienia. Większości osób (83%) zalecono interwencję żywieniową, w tym 44% wymagało interwencji nagłej. Kwestionariusz PG-SGA pozwala na szczegółową ocenę aktualnego stanu odżywienia oraz prognozowanie kierunku jego zmian, dzięki czemu może wspomóc zespół żywieniowy w podejmowaniu decyzji o rozpoczęciu leczenia żywieniowego

    Methods for the assessment of microcirculation in patients with hypertension

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    Background: Skin microcirculation is considered an easily accessible vascular bed, which can potentially be representative and helpful in evaluating, understanding the mechanisms of microvascular function and detection of its dysfunction. Many studies claim that functional changes in cutaneous circulation precede the development of arterial hypertension (HT). Identifying them at an early stage can enhance patients’ prognosis. There are methods which can be applied for these purposes. We aimed to describe available methods of skin microcirculation assessment, in the context of HT. Material and methods: The PubMed database was searched till March 2022. Research articles used in the systematic review were experimental articles, reviews and abstracts from conference materials that reported the methods of the microcirculation assessment. From 1131 records, 47 articles were included in the final review. Results: This review identified that the microcirculation examined with various methods was dysfunctional in HT patients. Standard HT treatment usually helped to achieve a partial reversal of those changes. Even though some of the methods described are non-invasive and relatively affordable, still, none of them is the standard for HT diagnosis. Conclusion: Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Photoplethysmography appears to be promising. The method is non-invasive, cheap, does not require experience, and might be synchronized with mobile devices. It is possible that the simplification of the device calibration process and the development of a method allowing for the correct interpretation of the result, regardless of e.g., the patient's skin color, could influence its wider use in the group of HT patients