1,027 research outputs found

    Predicting Police Failures

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    Comunicação, perdão e ajustamento diádico na conjugalidade

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    Orientação: Bárbara NazaréA conjugalidade é um dos acontecimentos mais estudados pelos especialistas, tendo estes encontrado, nos estudos, que a qualidade das relações conjugais é um importante indicador de bem-estar dos casais e que a baixa qualidade conjugal é um fator de risco significativo para a saúde mental. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a comunicação, o perdão e o ajustamento diádico no relacionamento conjugal, assim como comparar os homens e as mulheres em relação ao perdão, à comunicação e ao ajustamento diádico no relacionamento conjugal. Tratou-se de estudo transversal, utilizando uma metodologia correlacional e uma amostra de conveniência que incluiu 245 participantes. O protocolo de avaliação incluiu os seguintes questionários/escalas: questionário sociodemográfico, Escala de Perdão de Ofensas Específicas, Questionário de Padrões de comunicação e Escala de Ajustamento diádico-Revista. Verificaram-se associações entre as variáveis, sendo algumas destas negativas (e.g., exigência/afastamento e benevolência) e outras positivas (e.g., interação positiva e satisfação). Não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os homens e as mulheres nas variáveis do estudo.Conjugality is one of the most studied events by the experts, with studies finding that the quality of the conjugal relationship is an important indicator of wellbeing for couples and that a low conjugal relationship quality is a risk factor for mental health. The present study aimed to evaluate a relationship between communication, forgiveness and dyadic adjustment in the marital relationship and, also compare men and women regarding adjustment, communication and dyadic adjustment in the marital relationship. It was a cross-sectional study, using a correlational methodology and a convenience sample that included 245 participants. The evaluation protocol included the following questionnaires/scales: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Specific Offenses Forgiveness Scale, Communication Patterns Questionnaire and Dialogue-Revised Adjustment Scale. Variations are verified between variables, some of which are negative (e.g., changes / withdrawal and benevolence) and others positive (e.g., positive interaction and satisfaction). There are no significant differences between men and women in the study variables

    O lugar dos corpos no judaísmo rabínico da era talmúdica e as perspectivas à sua volta

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    Tese de mestrado, História e Cultura das Religiões, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2013RESUMO: Este trabalho pretende analisar qual era o lugar ocupado pelo corpo humano no entendimento rabínico nos primeiros séculos da era comum, comparativamente a outras perspectivas com as quais conviveu no mesmo período, de acordo com as diversas interpretações do texto bíblico. O judaísmo produziu um trabalho, o Talmude, que é um registo das discussões rabínicas, e é a partir desse documento que o assunto será tratado. Este trabalho aborda a questão da criação do homem, da diferença entre os géneros, da sexualidade e dos sentidos. O judaísmo desse período contrariou uma tendência ascética que foi absorvida de maneira mais intensa pelo cristianismo. O trabalho pretende reconhecer as diferenças nestes entendimentos e na conclusão apontar para reflexões sobre a importância destes no homem ocidental de hoje.ABSTRACT: The intente of this work is to analise the space occupied by the human body in the rabinic interpretation during the first centuries of the common era, in comparison to other points of views, shared within the same period, according to the various interpretations of biblical texts. Judaism has produced a document, the Talmud, which is a record of rabinic considerations, and this will be the main source of our discussion. This works encompasses the birth of men, the difference amongst genres, sexuality and the senses. The Judaism of this particular period has negated an asceptic notion which was taken in in a much more agressive manner by christianity. The work intends to recognize the diferences between the two ideologies and point into the direction of reflecting on the importance of such, in the role of the modern man

    The Nexus of Climate Change, COVID-19, and Environmental Justice on Children\u27s Health

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    Climate change poses a threat to children, who are increasingly vulnerable, depending on adults to protect them from the impacts of these changes including extreme weather events, poor air and water quality and risk to mental health. Children living in poverty carry additional burdens and risks, living in environments that consistently experience poor air and water quality from polluting industries, compounded by the effects of climate change. COVID-19 has placed additional challenges to children’s health and increases the complexity of addressing climate change and environmental justice. The intersection between climate change and COVID-19 exacerbates these existing disparities by impacting children\u27s physical and mental health that are a direct product of poverty and structural racism. This article examines the nexus of climate change, COVID-19, and environmental justice that impacts the mental and physical health of children including anxiety, stress, adverse childhood experiences, and depression; increases in violence and aggression; and the effects of air pollution. Public health professionals and health care providers must be aware of national strategies that protect children from environmental health risks and emerging infectious diseases, such as climate change and COVID-19, respectively

    Analysis of square shear web above buckling load

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    A solution of Von Karman's fundamental equations for plates with large deflections is presented for the case of a shear web divided into square panels by reinforcing struts. Numerical solutions are given for struts of infinite rigidity and for struts the weight of which is one-fourth the weight of the sheet. The results are compared with Wagner's diagonal tension theory as extended by Kuhn and by Langhaar. It is found that the diagonal tension theory as developed by Kuhn agrees best with the present paper in the practical range when r=1/4. Kuhn's theory is in especially good agreement for the force in the strut when r=1/4

    Biomonitoring for workplace exposure to copper and its compounds is currently not interpretable

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    This paper sets out to explore the requirements needed to recommend a useable and reliable biomonitoring system for occupational exposure to copper and its inorganic compounds. Whilst workplace environmental monitoring of copper is used to measure ambient air concentrations for comparison against occupational exposure limits, biological monitoring could provide complementary information about the internal dose of workers, taking into account intra-individual variability and exposure from all routes. For biomonitoring to be of reliable use for copper, a biomarker and the analytical ability to measure it with sufficient sensitivity must be identified and this is discussed in a range of matrices. In addition, there needs to be a clear understanding of the dose-response relationship of the biomarker with any health-effect (clinical or sub-clinical) or, between the level of external exposure (by any route) and the level of the copper biomarker in the biological matrix being sampled, together with a knowledge of the half-life in the body to determine accurate sampling times. For many biologically non-essential metals the requirements for reliable biomarkers can be met, however, for ‘essential’ metals such as copper that are under homeostatic control, the relationship between exposure (short- or long-term) and the level of any copper biomarker in the blood or urine is complex, which may limit the use and interpretation of measured levels. There are a number of types of biomarker guidance values currently in use which are discussed in this paper, but no values have yet been determined for copper (or its inorganic compounds) due to the complexity of its essential nature; the US The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has however indicated that it is considering the development of a biological exposure index for copper and its compounds. In light of this, we present a review of the reliability of current copper biomarkers and their potential use in the occupational context to evaluate whether there is value in carrying out human biomonitoring for copper exposure. Based on the available evidence we have concluded that the reliable use of biomonitoring of occupational exposure to copper and its application in risk assessment is not possible at the present time

    Ye Ink Stand

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    Letters from fans in Mythril #