237 research outputs found

    Hyperthyroidism: What the generalist should know

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    Thyrotoxicosis is one of the more common endocrine disorders and most cases result from hyperactivity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) (Table I). Younger patients with thyrotoxicosis of any cause may present with palpitations, anxiety, easy fatigability, psychomotor activity, diarrhoea, excessive sweating, heat intolerance, preference for cold, amenorrhoea, and marked weight loss without appetite loss

    Amiodarone-induced thyroid dysfunction

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    Background. Little is known about the frequency of thyroid dysfunction (TD) associated with amiodarone therapy in southern Africa. Objectives. To determine the incidence of TD in a cohort of patients initiated on amiodarone therapy at a cardiac clinic in Cape Town, South Africa, believed to be an iodine-replete area. Patients. Pharmacy records were used to obtain the names of patients who received amiodarone between November 1999 and December 2002. Results. The sample size was 194, but data analysis was limited to the 163 patients for whom there were complete data. The mean age ± standard deviation (SD) was 59.0 ± 15.0 years (range 22 - 89 years). There were 67 female and 96 male patients. The indications for amiodarone therapy were supraventricular tachycardias (N = 102, 62.6%), ventricular tachycardia (N = 55, 33.7%), and prophylaxis against tachycardias (N = 3, 1.8%). The indication was uncertain in 3 patients (1.8%). The median duration of amiodarone treatment was 679.0 days (quartile deviation (QD) 1 172 days, range 3 - 6 425 days) in the whole cohort. The median duration of amiodarone therapy until new TD was 943 days (QD 1 185 days), significantly longer than in patients who remained euthyroid (547 days, QD 1 135 days) (P = 0.05). There were 45 new TD cases (27.6%): 11 patients (6.7%) were thyrotoxic, 1(0.6%) transient thyrotoxicosis, 1 (0.6%) subclinical hyperthyroidism, 13 (8.0%) had subclinical hypothyroidism, 12 (7.4%) hypothyroidism and 7 (4.3%) had minor changes in thyroid function. Conclusions. We found a high incidence of new-onset TD, similar to the highest rates reported internationally. Local factors responsible for this need to be investigated

    Excessive weight gain following therapy for hyperthyroidism - a major problem

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    One of the most characteristic presenting features of hyperthyroidism is weight loss, despite an increased appetite. This phenomenon is easily understandable, as hyperthyroidism is accompanied by a rise in metabolic rate, energy expenditure and thermogenesis which is clearly not matched by an increased appetite and caloric intake in the vast majority of patients. Consequently a decrease in adipose tissue and muscle results. (Curiously a small proportion of hyperthyroid patients, fewer than 10%, present with weight gain owing to an increased appetite that exceeds the rise in metabolic rate

    Measuring Positive Externalities from Unobservable Victim Precaution: An Empirical Analysis of Lojack

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    Private expenditures on crime reduction have potentially important externalities. Observable measures such as barbed-wire fences and deadbolt locks may shift crime to those who are unprotected, imposing a negative externality. Unobservable precautions, on the other hand, may provide positive externalities since criminals cannot determine a priori who is protected. Focusing on one specific form of victim precaution, Lojack, we provide the first thorough empirical analysis of the magnitude of such externalities. Because installing Lojack does not reduce the likelihood that an individual car will be stolen, any decrease in the aggregate crime rates due to Lojack is an externality from the perspective of the individual Lojack purchaser. We find that the presence of Lojack is associated with a sharp fall in auto theft in central cities and a more modest decline in the remainder of the state. Rates of other crimes do not change appreciably. Our estimates suggest that, at least historically, the marginal social benefit of an additional unit of Lojack has been as much as 15 times greater than the marginal social cost in high crime areas. Those who install Lojack in their cars, however, obtain less than ten percent of the total social benefits of Lojack, causing Lojack to be undersupplied by the free market. Current insurance subsidies for the installation of Lojack appear to be well below the socially optimal level.

    Anti-retroviral therapy increases the prevalence of dyslipidemia in South African HIV-infected patients

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    Purpose Data on the prevalence of dyslipidaemia and associated risk factors in HIV-infected patients from sub-Saharan Africa is sparse. We performed a cross-sectional analysis in a cohort of HIV-infected South African adults. METHODS: We studied HIV-infected patients who were either antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naive or receiving non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-based or protease inhibitor (PI)-based ART. Evaluation included fasting lipograms, oral glucose tolerance tests and clinical anthropometry. Dyslipidemia was defined using the NCEP ATPIII guidelines. RESULTS: The median age of the participants was 34 years (range 19-68 years) and 78% were women. The prevalence of dyslipidemia in 406 ART-naive and 551 participants on ART was 90.0% and 85%, respectively. Low HDL-cholesterol (HDLC) was the most common abnormality [290/406 (71%) ART-naïve and 237/551 (43%) ART- participants]. Participants on ART had higher triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), LDL-cholesterol (LDLC) and HDLC than the ART-naïve group. Severe dyslipidaemia, (LDLC> 4.9 mmol/L or TG >5.0 mmol/L) was present in <5% of participants. In multivariate analyses there were complex associations between age, gender, type and duration of ART and body composition and LDLC, HDLC and TG, which differed between ART-naïve and ART-participants. CONCLUSION: Participants on ART had higher TG, TC, LDLC and HDLC than those who were ART-naïve but severe lipid abnormalities requiring evaluation and treatment were uncommon

    Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with Addison's disease: a comparative study of South African and Swedish patients

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with Addison's disease (AD) in Scandinavia have an increased risk for premature death due to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Serum lipids are important risk factors for CVD and vascular mortality. Replacement doses of hydrocortisone have historically been higher in Sweden than South Africa. The primary aim was to study the lipid profiles in a large group of patients with AD with the hypothesis that the lipid profile in patients in Sweden would be worse than in South Africa. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, 110 patients with AD (55 from South Africa, 55 from Sweden) matched for age, gender, ethnicity and BMI were studied. Anthropometric measures, blood pressure, lipids, highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and adiponectin were studied. RESULTS: All patients were Caucasian and the majority were women N = 36 (65.5%). Mean (standard deviation; SD) ages of the Swedish and South African patients were 52.9 (13.0) and 52.6 (14.4) years and BMI 25.3 (3.2) and 25.8 (4.1) kg/m 2 , respectively. The mean total daily hydrocortisone dose was greater in the Swedish patients than the South African patients, [33.0 (8.1) versus 24.3 (8.0) mg; p<0.0001]. South African patients had higher median (interquartilerange; IQR) triglycerides (TG) [1.59 (1.1-2.46) versus 0.96 (0.74-1.6) mmol/l; p<0.001], total cholesterol (TC) [6.02(1.50) versus 5.13 (0.87) mmol/l; p<0.001], LDL-C [4.43 (1.44) versus 2.75 (0.80) mmol/l; p<0.001] and median hs-CRP [2.15 (0.93-5.45) versus 0.99 (0.57-2.10) mg/L; p<0.003] and lower HDL-C [0.80 (0.40) versus 1.86 (0.46) mmol/l; p<0.001] than the Swedish patients. Approximately 20% of the patients in both cohorts had hypertension and diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSIONS: South African patients with AD have worse lipid profiles and higher hs-CRP compared to their matched Swedish patients, despite lower doses of hydrocortisone. It is uncertain at this time whether these are due to genetic or environmental factors

    Hyperthyroidism - an unusual feature of thyroid carcinoma

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    A 53-year-old woman presented with thyrotoxicosis, which is an unusual manifestation of thyroid carcinoma. Hyperthyroidism associated with malignancy usually occurs with well-differentiated follicular thyroid carcinoma. We show that extensive disease burden contributed to the development of hyperthyroidism, the occurrence of the Jod-Basedow phenomenon and the subsequent death of the patient. This diagnosis and treatment can be challenging

    a cultural tourism research agenda

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    The issues associated with accurately defining ‘art and cultural outputs’ as a ‘product’ is one that is familiar to both cultural tourism organisations and academics alike (Fillis, 2006). Those in cultural tourism organisations often reject the materialistic associations of ‘product’ when applied to their sector, as well as the notion of ‘consumer demand’, which does not accurately represent the primary driving force behind art/culture-based production nor does it the ‘relationship’ that exists between art/culture suppliers and art/culture consumers (Lehman & Wickham, 2014). Similarly, traditional marketing literature does not present a clear conceptualisation of how ‘art/cultural outputs’ comply with the traditional ‘product’ concept, and it rarely addresses the circumstances where product creation is not directly linked to customer needs/wants/demands (Kubacki & Croft, 2011). Despite this, effective art/cultural supply chain management (i.e. the production, marketing and consumption of art/cultural outputs) is increasingly recognised as an important driver of economic development, and essential to the development of sustainable art and cultural sectors (Evans, 2009 and Lehman and Wickham, 2014). Given these issues, this paper presents a research agenda for the reconceptualisation of the ‘product’ concept for the cultural tourism context. It will do so through the lens of Levitt’s (1980) Customer Value Hierarchy (see Fig. 1) - a framework that identifies a range of ‘product levels’ that serve to deliver ‘core benefits’ sought by different consumer segments across the art/cultural supply chain
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