1,064 research outputs found

    Child labour and poverty linkages: A micro analysis from rural Malawian data

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    This study assesses the impact of income and asset poverty on child work using the rural sub-sample of the 2004 Malawi Integrated Household Survey. Instrumenting consumption expenditure with a location dummy variable and interacting consumption expenditure with household land-holding size in probit models, the likelihood of child labour is found to relate negatively with household consumption. On the other hand child labour relates positively with household land-holding size for consumption poor households only and when labour markets are imperfect. These findings do not discourage asset accumulation policies as a remedy against child labour but support policies that aim at increasing returns on the assets.Child labour, Poverty, Assets, Malawi

    F-14 modeling study

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    Preliminary results in the application of a closed loop pilot/simulator model to the analysis of some simulator fidelity issues are discussed in the context of an air to air target tracking task. The closed loop model is described briefly. Then, problem simplifications that are employed to reduce computational costs are discussed. Finally, model results showing sensitivity of performance to various assumptions concerning the simulator and/or the pilot are presented

    An Oort cloud origin for the high-inclination, high-perihelion Centaurs

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    We analyse the origin of three Centaurs with perihelia in the range 15 AU to 30 AU, inclinations above 70 deg and semi-major axes shorter than 100 AU. Based on long-term numerical simulations we conclude that these objects most likely originate from the Oort cloud rather than the Kuiper Belt or Scattered Disc. We estimate that there are currently between 1 and 200 of these high-inclination, high-perihelion Centaurs with absolute magnitude H<8.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the Size-Dependence of the Inclination Distribution of the Main Kuiper Belt

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    We present a new analysis of the currently available orbital elements for the known Kuiper belt objects. In the non-resonant, main Kuiper belt we find a statistically significant relationship between an object's absolute magnitude (H) and its inclination (i). Objects with H~170 km for a 4% albedo) have higher inclinations than those with H>6.5 (radii >~ 170 km). We have shown that this relationship is not caused by any obvious observational bias. We argue that the main Kuiper belt consists of the superposition of two distinct distributions. One is dynamically hot with inclinations as large as \~35 deg and absolute magnitudes as bright as 4.5; the other is dynamically cold with i6.5. The dynamically cold population is most likely dynamically primordial. We speculate on the potential causes of this relationship.Comment: 14 pages, 6 postscript figure

    Discovery of a Binary Centaur

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    We have identified a binary companion to (42355) 2002 CR46 in our ongoing deep survey using the Hubble Space Telescope's High Resolution Camera. It is the first companion to be found around an object in a non-resonant orbit that crosses the orbits of giant planets. Objects in orbits of this kind, the Centaurs, have experienced repeated strong scattering with one or more giant planets and therefore the survival of binaries in this transient population has been in question. Monte Carlo simulations suggest, however, that binaries in (42355) 2002 CR46 -like heliocentric orbits have a high probability of survival for reasonable estimates of the binary's still-unknown system mass and separation. Because Centaurs are thought to be precursors to short period comets, the question of the existence of binary comets naturally arises; none has yet been definitively identified. The discovery of one binary in a sample of eight observed by HST suggests that binaries in this population may not be uncommon.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 1 table accepted for publication in Icaru

    Migration of Jupiter-family comets and resonant asteroids to near-Earth space

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    We estimated the rate of comet and asteroid collisions with the terrestrial planets by calculating the orbits of 13000 Jupiter-crossing objects (JCOs) and 1300 resonant asteroids and computing the probabilities of collisions based on random-phase approximations and the orbital elements sampled with a 500 yr step. The Bulirsh-Stoer and a symplectic orbit integrator gave similar results for orbital evolution, but sometimes give different collision probabilities with the Sun. A small fraction of former JCOs reached orbits with aphelia inside Jupiter's orbit, and some reached Apollo orbits with semi-major axes less than 2 AU, Aten orbits, and inner-Earth orbits (with aphelia less than 0.983 AU) and remained there for millions of years. Though less than 0.1% of the total, these objects were responsible for most of the collision probability of former JCOs with Earth and Venus. Some Jupiter-family comets can reach inclinations i>90 deg. We conclude that a significant fraction of near-Earth objects could be extinct comets that came from the trans-Neptunian region.Comment: Proc. of the international conference "New trends in astrodynamics and applications" (20-22 January 2003, University of Maryland, College Park

    Mapping the stability region of the 3:2 Neptune-Pluto resonance

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    Pluto and Charon are most likely the remnants of a large number of objects that existed in the Uranus-Neptune region at early epochs of the solar system. Numerical integrations have shown that, in general, such objects were ejected from the planetary region on timescales of approximately 10(exp 7) years after Neptune and Uranus reached their current masses. It is thought that the Pluto-Charon system survived to current times without being dynamically removed in this way because it is trapped in a set of secular and mean motion resonances with Neptune. The best-known Pluto-Neptune orbit coupling is the 3:2 mean motion resonance discovered almost 30 years ago by C. Cohen and E. Hubbard. These workers showed that the resonance angle, delta is equivalent to 3(lambda(sub P)) - 2(lambda(sub N)) - omega-bar(sub P) where omega-bar(sub P) is the longitude of perihelion of the Pluto-Charon system, and lambda(sub N) and lambda(sub P) are the mean longitude of Neptune and Pluto-Charon respectively, librates about 180 deg with an amplitude, A(sub delta), of 76 deg. A numerical simulation project to map out the stability region of the 3:2 resonance is reported. The results of these simulations are important to understanding whether Pluto's long-term heliocentric stability requires only the 3:2 resonance, or whether it instead requires one or more of the other Pluto-Neptune resonances. Our study also has another important application. By investigating stability timescales as a function of orbital elements, we gain insight into the fraction of orbital phase space which the stable 3:2 resonance occupies. This fraction is directly related to the probability that the Pluto-Charon system (and possibly other small bodies) could have been captured into this resonance

    The Calibration of the HST Kuiper Belt Object Search: Setting the Record Straight

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    The limiting magnitude of the HST data set used by Cochran et al. (1995) to detect small objects in the Kuiper belt is reevaluated, and the methods used are described in detail. It is shown, by implanting artificial objects in the original HST images, and re-reducing the images using our original algorithm, that the limiting magnitude of our images (as defined by the 50% detectability limit) is V=28.4V=28.4. This value is statistically the same as the value found in the original analysis. We find that ∌50\sim50% of the moving Kuiper belt objects with V=27.9V=27.9 are detected when trailing losses are included. In the same data in which these faint objects are detected, we find that the number of false detections brighter than V=28.8V=28.8 is less than one per WFPC2 image. We show that, primarily due to a zero-point calibration error, but partly due to inadequacies in modeling the HST'S data noise characteristics and Cochran et al.'s reduction techniques, Brown et al. 1997 underestimate the SNR of objects in the HST dataset by over a factor of 2, and their conclusions are therefore invalid.Comment: Accepted to ApJ Letters; 10 pages plus 3 figures, LaTe

    Kids at risk: children’s employment in Hazardous occupations in Brazil

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    A literatura a respeito do trabalho infantil no Brasil Ă© vasta, porĂ©m mantĂ©m umalacuna no que se refere ao trabalho considerado perigoso e como se dĂĄ a entradadas crianças nesse tipo de ocupação. O objetivo deste trabalho Ă© investigar o trabalhoinfantil perigoso utilizando os dados da PNAD, complementando os estudosqualitativos jĂĄ existentes, por meio de anĂĄlises descritivas e um modelo multivariado. Os resultados mostram que, ao menos no Brasil, as crianças em ocupaçÔes de risco tĂȘmmenores chances de estudar e tendem a ter jornadas mais longas, inclusive quandocomparadas a outras crianças trabalhadoras. AlĂ©m disso, existem diferenças importantesentre meninas e meninos, e elas estĂŁo super-representadas nas ocupaçÔes de risco.While the literature on child labor in Brazil is large, it is not comprehensive:&nbsp; in particular, there are few studies on children’s work in risky occupations, and those that exist tend to be qualitative and based on limited samples.&nbsp; In this paper, we aim to paint a broader picture of children’s engagement in risky labor force work, based on quantitative evidence from PNAD data. We document associations between parental characteristics and children’s work, using both descriptive statistics and multivariate modeling to understand the determinants of child participation in risky labor force work.&nbsp;Brazilian children engaged in risky occupations are less likely than even other employed children to be enrolled in school, and more likely to work long hours and experience a variety of working conditions that may be unsafe.&nbsp; We also see that there are likely to be vast differences between girls and boys in their experience working in hazardous occupations, and that girls are over-represented in risky jobs in Brazil
