10 research outputs found

    Revolusi Decentralized Exchange (DEX): Tinjauan Competitive Advantage Melalui Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) View

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    Revolusi dunia kripto yang semakin cepat menimbulkan banyaknya inovasi baru salah satunya Decentralized Exchange (DEX). DEX diciptakan sebagai solusi pengganti pihak ketiga dalam dunia finansial untuk transaksi yang lebih cepat aman dan murah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis sistem revolusioner DEX serta analisis sumber keunggulan kompetitif bisnis DEX pada keunggulan kompetitif melalui sudut pandang Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) di antara pesaingnya yaitu Uniswap, Pancake Swap, dan Sushi Swap. Objek penelitian DEX yang digunakan yaitu Shiba Swap yang menerapkan lima aspek dalam keunggulan kompetitif berupa tingkat pengembalian, komunitas terdesentralisasi, keamanan, kapitalisasi pasar, dan biaya transaksi yang rendah. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigm post-postivisme dengan Simple Research Design (SRD). Pengujian data menggunakan deskripsi yang merupakan hasil observasi partisipasi sebagian. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa Shiba Swap memiliki keunggulan kompetitif yang lebih tinggi daripada Uniswap, Pancake Swap, dan Sushi Swa

    The Introduction of Growth Hormone in Murashige and Skoog Media Modifications to the Growth of Potato Plantlet (Solanum tuberosum L.) Using the Variety of Atlantic, Granola and Medians

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a horticulture plant that grow in the highland, which belong to the Solanaceae family, and is one of the world's main foodstuffs after rice, wheat, and corn, because of its advantages in supplying approximately 12 essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and iron. The demand of potato from year to year tends to increase with population growth. In this study, the addition of growth hormone in Murashige and Skoog media modification to plantlet potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Atlantic Variance, Granola and Medians was described. MS medium was used as a potato growing medium (Solanum tuberosum L.) by hormone addition method which helped multiply the roots and accelerate plantlet height. The introduction of hormone levels were BAP (Benzil Amino Purine) 3 mg, NAA (Napthalene Acetic Acid) 1 mg, GA3 (Gibberelin) 0.1 mg, respectively. By using ANOVA Factorial analysis, the result of research showed that the significant level was α 0,05. The results showed that (1) Atlantic seed has more roots compare with the other varieties. (2) The control group has more roots compare with the hormone induced groups (3) The interaction of potato varieties with hormones affected the number of roots with p = 0,000. (4) The different variety of potatoes give influence to the height of potato plantlets. (5) The control group has higher height of plantlets compare with the hormone induced group (6) The interaction of potato varieties with hormones affected the height of the plantlet with p = 0,000

    Financial revolution of payment methods toward energy efficiency growth: Which one is the most sustainable?

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    Environmental issues have been a crucial concern in every global sector. One sector that might cause environmental problems is the financial sector. Surrounding issues come from various factors such as the usage of fossil fuels that lead to global warming and climate change which slowly assassinate human beings. This article will focus on efficiency comparison between using paper money, plastic cards and cryptocurrency. The main goal is to prove which of the three financial payments is the most energy-efficient in the past, present, and future. The parameters used in this study are electricity usage and CO2 emissions. The whole analysis is based on a quantitative-descriptive method which provides in depth analysis of electricity usage and CO2 emissions level among financial equates from every generation. Even though plastic cards have the highest efficiency level initially, over time, cryptocurrency is going revolutionary, making them more efficient than paper money and plastic cards. This proves that cryptocurrency could be the most energy-efficient payment method in the future

    Kualitas Pelayanan Posyandu Dahlia VI

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    Selama ini, posyandu yang ada di Indonesia masih belum bagus pelayanannya. Disini kelompok kami membuat observasi terhadap salah satu posyandu yang ada di Surabaya yaitu Posyandu Dahlia VI yang ads di Jl. Rungkut Lor Gg. VI Surabaya. Dalam temuan ini saya akan menjelaskan mengenai kualitas, layanan kesehatan, dana dan penanganan pada anak-anak


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    Revolusi dunia kripto yang semakin cepat menimbulkan banyaknya inovasi baru salah satunya Decentralized Exchange (DEX). DEX diciptakan sebagai solusi pengganti pihak ketiga dalam dunia finansial untuk transaksi yang lebih cepat, aman dan murah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis sistem revolusioner DEX serta analisis sumber keunggulan kompetitif bisnis DEX pada keunggulan kompetitif melalui sudut pandang Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) di antara pesaingnya yaitu Uniswap, Pancake Swap, dan Sushi Swap. Objek penelitian DEX yang digunakan yaitu Shiba Swap yang menerapkan lima aspek dalam keunggulan kompetitif berupa tingkat pengembalian, komunitas terdesentralisasi, keamanan, kapitalisasi pasar, dan biaya transaksi yang rendah. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma post-postivisme dengan Simple Research Design (SRD). Pengujian data menggunakan deskripsi yang merupakan hasil observasi partisipasi sebagian. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa Shiba Swap memiliki keunggulan kompetitif yang lebih tinggi dari pada Uniswap, Pancake Swap, dan Sushi Swa

    Definition And Criteria Of MSME In Indonesia: Does It Have Ambiguous Interpretations?

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    The definition and criteria of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are essential and valuable in constructing statistics and observing economic aspects. Moreover, precise definition and criteria can provide arbitrary thresholds for imposing the regulations to determine qualification for particular forms of public support, especially empowerment of MSME. Therefore, it is necessary to get clear and unambiguous MSMEs' definitions by fulfilling good criteria provisions that are consistent, non-redundant, and complete. This paper aims to analyze if the definition and criteria of MSMEs in Law No. 20 of 2008 the Government of Indonesia on MSME have a clear and unambiguous interpretation. This paper only evaluates the law object by content analysis that uses conceptual thinking, primarily determined by cognitive mapping, to verify whether there is an ambiguous definition and criteria. The analysis method uses an in-depth interpretation of the definition and criteria of MSME as stated in Law No. 20 of 2008 through a descriptive approach using verificative-evaluative design and library research to provide the data from prior studies. The results of this paper discover that the criteria do not meet the requirements to be considered good criteria, which raises unclear and ambiguous interpretations in the classification of MSME into Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises. To resolve this, we suggest removing or changing one or more criteria. This topic could become the foundation for future research to explore more empirical work