3,096 research outputs found

    Experimental Heat Transfer Supporting Simulated Water Well Performance on Mars

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    Favorable indications of massive quantities of water on Mars have initiated studies of potential changes to human Mars missions. Using a technique known as a Rodriguez Well to melt the ice, store the resulting water in a subsurface ice cavity until needed, and then pump water to the surface for use is one potential means to effect these changes. A computer simulation of the Rodriguez Well in a terrestrial environment is one of the engineering tools being used to characterize the performance of this type of well on Mars. An experiment at the NASA Johnson Space Center is gathering data for convective heat transfer and evaporation rates at Mars surface conditions so that this computer simulation can be properly modified to predict performance on Mars. While quantitative results await processing, tests have indicated that a pool of water can be maintained at 1C to 2 C while at Mars surface temperatures and pressures

    Effects of rapid thermal annealing on device characteristics of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors

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    In this work, rapid thermal annealing was performed on InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) at different temperatures. The photoluminescence showed a blueshifted spectrum in comparison with the as-grown sample when the annealing temperature was higher than 700 °C, as a result of thermal interdiffusion of the quantum dots (QDs). Correspondingly, the spectral response from the annealed QDIP exhibited a redshift. At the higher annealing temperature of 800 °C, in addition to the largely redshifted photoresponse peak of 7.4 ”m (compared with the 6.1 ”m of the as-grown QDIP), a high energy peak at 5.6 ”m (220 meV) was also observed, leading to a broad spectrum linewidth of 40%. This is due to the large interdiffusion effect which could greatly vary the composition of the QDs and thus increase the relative optical absorption intensity at higher energy. The other important detector characteristics such as dark current, peak responsivity, and detectivity were also measured. It was found that the overall device performance was not affected by low annealing temperature, however, for high annealing temperature, some degradation in device detectivity (but not responsivity) was observed. This is a consequence of increased dark current due to defect formation and increased ground state energy. © 2006 American Institute of Physic

    Stepping through the orientation looking glass: A staged approach for postgraduate students

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    Postgraduate coursework is now delivered to a largely mature age study population, in what may be an unfamiliar mix of online and distance learning to many students. This paper reports on a novel approach to student orientation in this new environment. Orientation is conceptualised as a process of transition between the domain of everyday life and the domain of academic study over a period of time commencing prior to enrolment and continuing into formal studies. A schema addressing three dimensions (interpersonal, technical and reflective) was constructed and operationalised as a staged orientation plan (GettingOnTrack). Students are able to move through the three stages participating in activities which align with their needs before, during and after enrolment. This builds on critical concerns reported in earlier literature, highlighting the need for an extended time line and authentic learning tasks in a risk free environment

    Si/SiGe bound-to-continuum quantum cascade emitters

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    Si/SiGe bound-to-continuum quantum cascade emitters designed by self-consistent 6-band k.p modeling and grown by low energy plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition are presented demonstrating electroluminescence between 1.5 and 3 THz. The electroluminescence is Stark shifted by an electric field and demonstrates polarized emission consistent with the design. Transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction are also presented to characterize the thick heterolayer structure

    Five fundamental ways in which complex food webs may spiral out of control

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    Theory suggests that increasingly long, negative feedback loops of many interacting species may destabilize food webs as complexity increases. Less attention has, however, been paid to the specific ways in which these ‘delayed negative feedbacks’ may affect the response of complex ecosystems to global environmental change. Here, we describe five fundamental ways in which these feedbacks might pave the way for abrupt, large‐scale transitions and species losses. By combining topological and bioenergetic models, we then proceed by showing that the likelihood of such transitions increases with the number of interacting species and/or when the combined effects of stabilizing network patterns approach the minimum required for stable coexistence. Our findings thus shift the question from the classical question of what makes complex, unaltered ecosystems stable to whether the effects of, known and unknown, stabilizing food‐web patterns are sufficient to prevent abrupt, large‐scale transitions under global environmental change

    Theory and design of quantum cascade lasers in (111) n-type Si/SiGe

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    Although most work towards the realization of group IV quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) has focused on valence band transitions, there are many desirable properties associated with the conduction band. We show that the commonly cited shortcomings of n-type Si/SiGe heterostructures can be overcome by moving to the (111) growth direction. Specifically, a large band offset and low effective mass are achievable and subband degeneracy is preserved. We predict net gain up to lattice temperatures of 90 K in a bound-to-continuum QCL with a double-metal waveguide, and show that a Ge interdiffusion length of at least 8 Å across interfaces is tolerable

    A High-Resolution Combined Scanning Laser- and Widefield Polarizing Microscope for Imaging at Temperatures from 4 K to 300 K

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    Polarized light microscopy, as a contrast-enhancing technique for optically anisotropic materials, is a method well suited for the investigation of a wide variety of effects in solid-state physics, as for example birefringence in crystals or the magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). We present a microscopy setup that combines a widefield microscope and a confocal scanning laser microscope with polarization-sensitive detectors. By using a high numerical aperture objective, a spatial resolution of about 240 nm at a wavelength of 405 nm is achieved. The sample is mounted on a 4^4He continuous flow cryostat providing a temperature range between 4 K and 300 K, and electromagnets are used to apply magnetic fields of up to 800 mT with variable in-plane orientation and 20 mT with out-of-plane orientation. Typical applications of the polarizing microscope are the imaging of the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization via the longitudinal and polar MOKE, imaging of magnetic flux structures in superconductors covered with a magneto-optical indicator film via Faraday effect or imaging of structural features, such as twin-walls in tetragonal SrTiO3_3. The scanning laser microscope furthermore offers the possibility to gain local information on electric transport properties of a sample by detecting the beam-induced voltage change across a current-biased sample. This combination of magnetic, structural and electric imaging capabilities makes the microscope a viable tool for research in the fields of oxide electronics, spintronics, magnetism and superconductivity.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. The following article has been accepted by Review of Scientific Instruments. After it is published, it will be found at http://aip.scitation.org/journal/rs

    Autonomous FMCW Radar Survey of Antarctic Shear Zone

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    Radar survey of the Antarctic shear zone was conducted using an ultra-wideband (2-10 GHz) frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar. The radar was mounted on a sled and pulled by a robot that was specifically designed to operate in a harsh polar environment. Our FMCW radar had good penetration through Antarctic snow and we observed snow stratigraphy to a depth of 20 m. The radar images also revealed multiple crevasses in the shear zone. Our results demonstrate that autonomous survey using high frequency radar is feasible and safe approach for detecting hidden crevasses
