8 research outputs found

    Broadband parametric processes in χ^(2) nonlinear photonic crystals

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    International audienceWe develop a general model, based on a (2+1)D unidirectional pulse propagation equation, for describing broadband noncollinear parametric interactions in two-dimensional quadratic lattices. We apply it to the analysis of twin-beam optical parametric generation in hexagonally poled LiTaO 3 , gaining further insights into experimental observations

    Optical Parametric Devices in Periodically Poled LiTaO3

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    Optical parametric frequency conversion based on quasi phase matching (QPM) in nonlinear optical crystals is a powerful technique for generating coherent radiation in wavelength ranges spanning from the mid-infrared (mid-IR) to the blue, displaying low thermal load and high efficiency.This thesis shows how QPM in one- (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) lattices can be employed to engineer novel devices for parametric downconversion in the IR, af-fording freedom in designing both spectral and angular properties of the parametric output. Experimental demonstrations of parametric devices are supported by theoreti-cal modelling of the nonlinear conversion processes.In particular, broadband parametric downconversion has been investigated in 1D QPM lattices, through degenerate downconversion close to the point of zero group-velocity dispersion. Ultra-broadband optical parametric generation (OPG) of 185 THz bandwidth (at 10 dB), spanning more than one octave from 1.1 to 3.7 μm, has been achieved in periodically poled 1 mol% MgO-doped near-stoichiometric LiTaO3 (MgSLT) of 25 μm QPM period, pumped at 860 nm. Such broadband gain is of high interest for ultrashort optical pulse amplification, with applications in high harmonic generation, ultrafast spectroscopy and laser ablation. Furthermore, the det-rimental impact of parasitic upconversion, creating dips in the OPG spectrum, has been investigated. By altering the pump pulse duration, energy can be backconverted to create peaks at the involved OPG wavelengths, offering a possible tool to enhance broadband parametric gain spectra.The engineering of the angular properties of a parametric output benefits greatly from 2D QPM, which is investigated in this thesis by the specific example of hexagonally poled MgSLT. It is demonstrated how two OPG processes, supported by a single 2D QPM device, can exhibit angularly and spectrally degenerate signals (idlers). This degeneracy results in a coherent coupling between the two OPG pro-cesses and a spectrally degenerate twin-beam output in the mid-IR (near IR). 2D QPM devices exhibiting such coherently coupled downconversion processes can find applications as compact sources of entangled photon-pairs. This thesis further illus-trates the design freedom of 2D QPM through the demonstration of a device support-ing multiple parametric processes, thus generating multiple beams from the mid-IR to the blue spectral regions.QC 20131204</p

    Optical Parametric Devices in Periodically Poled LiTaO3

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    Optical parametric frequency conversion based on quasi phase matching (QPM) in nonlinear optical crystals is a powerful technique for generating coherent radiation in wavelength ranges spanning from the mid-infrared (mid-IR) to the blue, displaying low thermal load and high efficiency.This thesis shows how QPM in one- (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) lattices can be employed to engineer novel devices for parametric downconversion in the IR, af-fording freedom in designing both spectral and angular properties of the parametric output. Experimental demonstrations of parametric devices are supported by theoreti-cal modelling of the nonlinear conversion processes.In particular, broadband parametric downconversion has been investigated in 1D QPM lattices, through degenerate downconversion close to the point of zero group-velocity dispersion. Ultra-broadband optical parametric generation (OPG) of 185 THz bandwidth (at 10 dB), spanning more than one octave from 1.1 to 3.7 μm, has been achieved in periodically poled 1 mol% MgO-doped near-stoichiometric LiTaO3 (MgSLT) of 25 μm QPM period, pumped at 860 nm. Such broadband gain is of high interest for ultrashort optical pulse amplification, with applications in high harmonic generation, ultrafast spectroscopy and laser ablation. Furthermore, the det-rimental impact of parasitic upconversion, creating dips in the OPG spectrum, has been investigated. By altering the pump pulse duration, energy can be backconverted to create peaks at the involved OPG wavelengths, offering a possible tool to enhance broadband parametric gain spectra.The engineering of the angular properties of a parametric output benefits greatly from 2D QPM, which is investigated in this thesis by the specific example of hexagonally poled MgSLT. It is demonstrated how two OPG processes, supported by a single 2D QPM device, can exhibit angularly and spectrally degenerate signals (idlers). This degeneracy results in a coherent coupling between the two OPG pro-cesses and a spectrally degenerate twin-beam output in the mid-IR (near IR). 2D QPM devices exhibiting such coherently coupled downconversion processes can find applications as compact sources of entangled photon-pairs. This thesis further illus-trates the design freedom of 2D QPM through the demonstration of a device support-ing multiple parametric processes, thus generating multiple beams from the mid-IR to the blue spectral regions.QC 20131204</p

    Golden Ratio Gain Enhancement in Coherently Coupled Parametric Processes

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    Nonlinear optical processes are an essential tool in modern optics, with a broad spectrum of applications, including signal processing, frequency conversion, spectroscopy and quantum optics. Ordinary parametric devices nevertheless still suffer from relatively low gains and wide spectral emission. Here we demonstrate a unique configuration for phase-matching multiple nonlinear processes in a monolithic 2D nonlinear photonic crystal, resulting in the coherent parametric emission of four signal and idler modes, featuring an exponential gain enhancement equal to the Golden Ratio. The results indicate a new route towards compact high-brightness and coherent sources for multi-photon generation, manipulation and entanglement, overcoming limitations of conventional parametric devices

    Multistep quadratic cascading in broadband optical parametric generation

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    We theoretically and experimentally investigate multistep parametric processes in broadband optical parametric generators (OPGs) based on periodically poled 1 mol. % MgO-doped stoichiometric LiTaO3. We demonstrate that parametric collateral processes may deplete or enhance spectral portions of the OPG output, depending on pump pulse duration.QC 20120618This paper was published in Optics Letters and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-37-10-1727 . Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.</p

    A keleti (mizrahi) zsidók letelepítése Izraelben. Egy társadalmi leszakadás eredete

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    A tanulmány célja kettős: egyfelől bemutatni az 1948 tavaszán függetlenséget nyert Izraeli Állam területére érkező zsidó menekülttömeg, köztük holokauszttúlélők és a muszlim országokat elhagyni kényszerülő tízezrek befogadásának, szociális, élelmezési és közegészségügyi ellátásának, oktatásának, valamint foglalkoztatásának nehézségeit, másfelől kidomborítani azokat a társadalmi és területi különbségeket, melyek a szervezett letelepítési programok, a tudatos társadalmi és gazdasági integrációs törekvések ellenére sem mérséklődtek, sőt stabilizálódtak. A dolgozat első része számszerűsíti azt a hatalmas bevándorlási hullámot, amelynek eredményeként Izrael népessége alig több mint három esztendő alatt tulajdonképpen megduplázódott, majd ezt követően bemutatja a menekültek befogadásával járó kihívásokat, érzékeltetve azon társadalmi törésvonalakat, amelyek a korábban, cionista elhivatottságból érkezettek, illetve az újonnan, hontalanná vált nincstelenként betelepedők között kialakultak. Noha az állami intézményrendszer még csak formálódóban volt, a fenti nehézségek kezelése egyértelműen központi tervezést és végrehajtást követelt, amely kezdetben gyakorta kaotikusságot mutatott; az ötvenes évek derekára azonban alapos szervezettség vált jellemzővé, átfogó szociális, területi-települési és gazdasági programalkotással. A tanulmány második fele ezen állami beavatkozássorozat következményeit tárja fel, hangsúlyozva a társadalmi és területi különbségek fennmaradásának eredendő okait, többek között a térbeli és szociális perifériára kerülés hatásait, az egyoldalú ipartelepítés problémáit, a delokalizáció kihívásait, továbbá a központosított településfejlesztés és politikai döntéshozatal hátrányait